Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: Mel King speaks at a press conference held on behalf of the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition and the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee. Committee members stand behind King as he reads an open letter from Jesse Jackson. Jackson's letter criticizes Ronald Reagan and urges voters to support Walter Mondale in the upcoming election. Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader) speaks at the press conference. Bozzotto denounces Reagan and says that the labor movement must support Mondale. May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) speaks at the press conference. Louie calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to support Mondale, even if they are not entirely comfortable with his candidacy. King answers questions from reporters. King talks about efforts by both committees to register new voters. Louie and King talk about the committees' efforts to win over voters in Massachusetts. King says that the Rainbow Coalition can work more successfully with Democratic leaders than with Reagan. King talks about the dissatisfaction of Jackson voters with the Democratic Party. King says that the Democratic Party has ignored Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King says that the Democratic Party needs "serious transformation." King says that the committees are struggling for the minds of the people. He adds that it is "immoral" not to vote against Reagan in the upcoming election. Several takes of reporter standup.
1:00:00: Visual: Mel King (political activist) sits at a table at a press conference. Other leaders of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee sit at the table with King. Supporters stand behind the table, in front of a banner for the Rainbow Coalition. King tells the media that he is speaking on behalf of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee and the Massachusetts Rainbow Coalition. King expresses his support for Jackson. King reads an open letter from Jackson about the importance of getting out the vote against Ronald Reagan (US President). Jackson's letter urges people to support Walter Mondale (candidate for US President) against Reagan. The letter denounces Reagan's record as president. Jackson's letter predicts that Reagan can be beat if "the victims of Reaganism" come out to vote for Mondale. Jackson writes that the people can effect change in society through political means. Jackson's letter urges people to help him build the Democratic Party into a Rainbow Coalition. King finishes reading the letter. The supporters applaud. 1:05:10: V: King hands the microphone to Domenic Bozzotto (labor leader). Bozzotto says that the Rainbow Coalition's purpose is to defeat Reagan and Reaganism. Bozzotto denounces Reaganism and its effect on working people and labor unions. Bozzotto says that the labor movement must join the Rainbow Coalition in order to support Mondale and to defeat Reagan. 1:06:12: V: May Louie (Rainbow Coalition leader) calls on all members of the Rainbow Coalition to fight Reagan and Reaganism. Louie admits that some members of the Coalition may not be entirely comfortable with Mondale's candidacy; that it is important to support Mondale in order to defeat Reagan. 1:06:53: V: King invites the reporters to ask questions. Shots of supporters standing behind King. A reporter asks how many votes Jackson received in the Massachusetts primary. Another reporter answers that Jackson received 33,000 votes. A reporter asks how many citizens the group would like to register to vote during its voter registration drive. King says that he does not have a specific numerical goal; that it is "immoral" for people not to vote when faced with the "danger" represented by Reagan's policies. King notes that many people have responded to the group's message by registering to vote. King adds that more than 1,000 people have been registered to vote in the South End during the past month. A reporter asks if King expects Jackson to visit Massachusetts. King says that the group is working to bring Jackson to Massachusetts; that Jackson is campaigning for Mondale in the South. 1:09:08: V: A reporter asks if the Rainbow Coalition expects to win over the voters who supported Gary Hart (US Senator) in the Democratic primary election. King says that the goal of the Coalition is to defeat Reagan; that the members of the Coalition can work with Democratic leaders more successfully than they can work with Reagan. Louie adds that the Massachusetts delegation to the Democratic Convention voted with Jackson supporters on some platform issues; that Massachusetts voters are receptive to the issues put forth by the Coalition. A reporter asks why this announcement was not made immediately after the Democratic convention. King says that the group is working for Jackson; that Jackson wrote the letter recently; that the group is following Jackson's instructions. King notes that the group is working hard to register voters; that the group will work to get out the vote in support of Mondale. King adds that the group will use the media and other strategies to publicize its message. 1:11:28: V: A reporter asks King how they will motivate voters to get to the polls on election day. Shots of the media and the audience. King says that the movement to defeat Reagan is the first of many steps in building up the Rainbow Coalition; that the Coalition will be more successful if Reagan is out of office. Shots of members of the Massachusetts Jesse Jackson Committee; of a sign reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." A reporter asks King about the committee's slogan about the committee's slogan, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." King says that Jackson's goal is to "remake" the Democratic Party into a "rainbow" party of "peace, jobs and justice." King notes that the labor movement has seen the importance of joining with Jackson to defeat Reagan; that Reagan's policies are anti-union. A reporter comments that the slogan expresses a sense of "dissatisfaction" with the Democratic Party. King says that the reporter is right. The committee members applaud. King notes that the Rainbow Coalition is "critical" of Mondale and the Democratic Party; that the Democratic Party has failed to consider Jackson's efforts to push for a more inclusive platform. King adds that he is an independent. King says that Jackson's leadership is important; that Jackson is trying to push the Democratic Party to represent the needs of a broader cross section of people. King says that the Democratic Party "needs serious transformation." King adds that people who have been "locked out" of the Democratic Party need to support Jackson in order to transform the Party. Bozzotto says that Jackson has laid out a blueprint for a Democratic victory in November. Bozzotto adds that Jackson has brought voters back to the Democratic Party. 1:16:13: V: King says that the Jackson Committee is "struggling for people's minds." Jackson says that people in the US and across the world are "dying daily" as a result of Reagan's policies; that it is "immoral" for citizens of the US not to come out to vote against Reagan. King says that the "soul" of the nation is at stake. King talks about the responsibility of citizens to vote in November in order to rid the world of the "menace" posed by the Reagan administration. King closes the press conference. The Jackson Committee members applaud. King and the Committee members rise from their seats. 1:18:06: V: Meg Vaillancourt stands under the banner reading, "For 50 years, we've belonged to the Democratic Party. Now it's time that the Democratic Party belonged to us." Vaillancourt reports that the Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus is trying to convince some Republicans to vote Democratic this year; that some Democrats are talking about their plans to reform the Party from within. Vaillancourt does several takes of her comments for the news story.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1984
Description: A Ten O'Clock News special features an interview with Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President). Christopher Lydon (WGBH), Dennis Farney (Wall Street Journal), and Ken Bode (NBC News) interview Jackson. Lydon notes that the goal of the interview is to discover how Jackson's character would shape his presidency. Jackson jokes about the psychoanalytic nature of the interview. Jackson talks about growing up in a segregated society and participating in the civil rights movement. He answers questions about his childhood. He talks about his campaign and the support he has received so far. Jackson talks about the challenges faced by young African Americans, and says that young African Americans must work twice as hard as whites in order to succeed. Jackson says that some conservative African Americans may not support his candidacy; he adds that people of all races are finding common ground in his candidacy. Jackson reviews the accomplishments of his political organization and talks about his experiences in shaping political policy during the 1960s and the 1970s. He names the politicians whom he admires. He talks about his relationship to the Democratic Party leadership and about his efforts to open up the Democratic Party to minority voters. Jackson says that he would like to establish better relations between the African American community and the Jewish community. He names the people to whom he turns for advice. Jackson says that he regrets the splintering of the civil rights movement in the 1970s. He talks about the Rainbow Coalition as a means to reunite those groups. Tape 1 of 2.
1:00:37: Visual: WGBH logo. Christopher Lydon introduces an "extended conversation" with Jesse Jackson (candidate for US President). Lydon notes that the half hour show was planned in cooperation with the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Lydon adds that the goal of the interview is to discover how Jackson's character would shape his presidency. Lydon introduces in-studio guests Dennis Farney (Wall Street Journal) and Ken Bode (NBC News). Lydon reviews biographical facts about Jackson including date of birth, education, and his career in the civil rights movement. Lydon asks Jackson which actor he would choose to portray Jesse Jackson in a movie about his life, and what Jackson would tell the actor about his character. Jackson jokes about the psychoanalytic nature of this interview. Jackson talks about growing up in a segregated society. Jackson says that he is sensitive to the needs of the poor and the disenfranchised; that he participated in the civil rights movement and has seen great changes. Jackson says that he has not grown bitter about US society because he has seen such great changes. 1:04:28: V: Farney asks Jackson about his childhood and whether he felt rejected by his father. Jackson talks about feeling a sense of rejection as a child; that he was called a "bastard." Jackson says that his athletic and academic success were his way of fighting back against those who rejected him or laughed at him. Jackson says that he has grown accustomed to adversity and to the "double standard" which exists in society. Bode asks Jackson if the US is ready for an African American president. Bode mentions that Bill Lucy (African American union leader) has said that the US is not ready. Jackson notes that he has been received warmly in New Hampshire. Jackson says that no one will know if the US is ready for an African American president until the nation is given the chance to elect one. Jackson says that an African American candidate may get support from women, Hispanics and American Indians; that many groups in society can identify with his candidacy. Jackson mentions the Rainbow Coalition. Jackson notes that he is running second or third out of eight candidates in New Hampshire. Lydon asks Jackson about his success in life and about his belief in self-reliance. Jackson says that the "triangle" of family, church, and school allowed him to grow up with a sense of confidence; that he was insulated from some of the ill effects of segregation. Jackson mentions the closeness of his family to a particular white family, despite living in a segregated society. 1:11:19: V: Lydon asks Jackson how to foster good support networks for young African Americans growing up today. Jackson says that young African Americans need to work harder than whites to succeed; that their hard work will pay off in the end; that those who work hard to succeed develop an inner strength and character. Bode notes that the Alabama Democratic Conference endorsed Walter Mondale's candidacy for US President. Bode adds that Jackson's political organization said that their endorsement of Mondale was the equivalent of "putting another bullet into the body of Martin Luther King." Jackson denies characterizing the endorsement in that manner. Jackson talks about the reluctance of the African American community to upset the status quo. Jackson says that some of the resistance to the civil rights movement came from conservative African Americans. Bode asks Jackson what percentage of the vote he expects to receive in the Alabama primary. Jackson says that he will not speculate on percentages. Jackson talks about the endorsements and support he has received. Jackson says that he has received support from white voters in the south; that whites, African Americans, and other minorities are finding common ground in his candidacy. 1:15:38: V: Farney asks why Jackson sometimes refers to himself as a "prophet" instead of a "politician." Jackson explains that his role is prophetic in that he tries to change the structure of society. Farney notes that Jackson has been criticized for a lack of administrative experience. Jackson reviews the accomplishments of his political organization. Jackson notes the limited budget under which his campaign operates. Farney asks about Jackson's political legacy. Jackson says that his candidacy has forced the Democratic Party to open up; that his candidacy has forced both political parties to understand the importance of minority voters. Lydon asks about Jackson's spiritual life. Jackson says that he tries to seek common ground between people of different religions; that certain values are held in common by all religions. Jackson says that he is committed to the poor, the elderly and the young. Lydon asks Jackson why Ralph Abernathy (African American leader) said that Jackson could be his president but not his pastor. Jackson says that he does not know why Abernathy said that. Bode comments that Jackson has not held political office, but that he has had a lot of contact with politicians. Jackson notes that he was the first African American delegate to the Democratic Party in 1962. Jackson reviews his leadership experience and his role in shaping public policy in the 1960s and 1970s. 1:20:55: V: Bode asks Jackson which politicians he admires, aside from Martin Luther King. Jackson talks about Hubert Humphrey (US Senator), Ron Dellums (US Representative), and Adam Powell (US Representative). Bode notes that Jackson has criticized Tip O'Neill (Speaker, US House of Representatives) and Lane Kirkland (President, AFL-CIO). Bode asks how Jackson will deal with the Democratic leadership. Jackson says that he will conduct business with these leaders on the basis of "mutual respect." Jackson says that the Democratic Party needs a more articulate spokesman than O'Neill; that he respects O'Neill. Jackson notes that the labor movement needs to commit itself to providing equal access to jobs for African Americans, Hispanics, and women. Lydon asks Jackson about how his candidacy is viewed by American Jews. Jackson says that he would like to establish better relations between African American and Jewish leaders. Jackson says that he regrets the conflicts between African Americans and Jews in the past; that he supports the right of Israel to exist; that he also supports the rights of Palestinians. Jackson talks about his view of the Middle Eastern conflict. Farney notes that Jimmy Carter (former US President) was elected as an "outsider." Farney asks if Jackson would be more successful than Carter in operating in politics as an "outsider." Jackson says that Carter remained on the "outside" as president; that Carter did not use the power of the presidency to its full extent. Jackson says that he disagrees with the critics who call the Carter administration a "failure." Jackson criticizes the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan (US President). 1:26:29: V: Bode asks Jackson about his advisors. Jackson says that he consults with his wife and his children. Jackson names a list of people with whom he consults including Dellums, Marion Barry (mayor of Washington D.C.), Walter Fauntroy (US Congressman), Edward Bennett Williams (attorney), Dr. Al Pitcher (University of Chicago), and Dr. Jack Mendelsohn (minister). Lydon asks Jackson to disclose any major failures or flaws in his character. Jackson says that he does not dwell on his failures, but that he has learned a lot from them. Jackson says that he regrets how the civil rights movement broke up in the 1970s; that he is trying to bring back together the groups involved in the civil rights movement through his coalition. Jackson says that he is concerned with the conflict between African Americans and American Jews. Jackson talks about the importance of communication in resolving conflict. Lydon thanks Jackson, Farney and Bode. End credits roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/03/1984
Description: State Senator Jack Backman opens a press conference in support of Mel King (Boston mayoral candidate) in front of the State House. Other participants include Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury), and Barney Frank (US Congressman). Frank voices his support for King's candidacy and discusses the reasons for his endorsement, specifically, Frank talks about King's views on economic development and about his leadership abilities. Frank says that King is a creative leader who will bring "enlightened policy" to the city. Various reporters point out that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (candidate for mayor of Boston) in the primary elections. King arrives, shakes hands with Frank, thanks endorsers, and asserts that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
1:00:10: Visual: Shot of a Mel King campaign sign. Jack Backman (State Senator) opens a press conference in front of the State House. He notes that Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) has not yet arrived. He voices his support for King. He introduces Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury). Bachman lists off some state representatives who are due to arrive shortly at the press conference. Shots of Schur; of Rushing. Bachman introduces Barney Frank (US Congressman). 1:02:33: V: Frank says that he will support King for mayor of Boston; that he served with King for eight years in the legislature. Frank says that King is an advocate for enlightened policy for the city of Boston. Frank talks about King's ideas for economic development programs; about the Community Development Corporation. Frank says that King's ideas for development are in tune with the needs of city residents; that King is sensitive to the problems of displacement and the needs of area residents. Frank says that King can speak effectively on behalf of a diverse group of people; that King was an effective and respected legislator. Frank says that King will make an excellent mayor. A reporter asks Frank about his previous endorsements for mayor. Frank says that he is not always good at picking the winning candidate; that he speaks out on behalf of candidates who have good ideas and programs. A reporter notes that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (State Representative) in the primary election. He asks Frank how Kearney would have been a better mayor than King. Frank says that he endorsed Kearney in the primary because he thought Kearney was a good candidate with a good chance of winning. Frank says that Kearney and King take similar positions on the issues. Shot of King supporters standing behind Frank. Shot of Christy George (WGBH reporter). Audio is muffled. 1:07:45: V: Frank says that the many of the candidates in the race had similar positions on the issues; that King has helped shape the debate on the issues; that King was one of the first people to talk about the adverse effects of development on the elderly and the poor. Frank says that King is responsible for focusing the attention of the city on the management of economic development in a compassionate and effective manner. Frank says that he respects Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston); that King is more creative, thoughtful and consistent candidate; that King has proven himself to be an effective leader. Frank refuses to speculate on who he would have endorsed if King were not in the race. Frank says that he is endorsing a candidate because he is an elected official with an opinion; that he does not know what effect his endorsement has on a candidate's chances. A reporter asks Frank about the differences between King and Flynn. Frank says that the differences between the candidates stem from their past records; that King has proven himself to be a consistent and effective leader on economic issues for many years; that King has the capacity to stay with these issues. Frank notes that he does not agree with King on a mayor's role in foreign policy. A reporter asks Frank if King needs to highlight the issues on which he differs from Flynn. Frank says that King has stuck with the same issues for ten years; that his leadership has brought attention to these issues. Frank says that this has been a good mayoral campaign; that it has focused on issues. 1:13:15: V: Frank jokes with the reporters about his endorsement bringing in the voters from Brookline and Newton. A reporter asks Frank how King can get white liberal voters to support him instead of Flynn. Frank says that King can win voter support by focusing on the issues; that his positions on economic development may win over voters from traditionally "conservative" neighborhoods. A reporter asks Frank about his campaign advice for King. Frank says that King is doing the right thing by focusing on the issues; that King has proven his ability to be a leader on the issues. 1:16:32: V: King's supporters clap as he arrives at the State House. King and Frank shake hands. King thanks Frank and the assembled state representatives for their endorsements and support. King says that his administration will make the city open and accessible; that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1983
Description: Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) holds a press conference to discuss his victory the previous day in the mayoral election. White discusses his potential role as a national spokesman on urban issues. White says that he has no plans to assume a national role. White predicts great success in his next term; rejects Boston's reputation as a racist city; guarantees the safety of all citizens in the city; discusses the city's affirmative action program as it relates to his administration; and says his administration will not tolerate racial violence. White notes the community's responsibility to speak out against racial violence; discusses the recent shooting of Darryl Williams (African American Jamaica Plain student). White talks about former city employee James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) and the need to be sensitive in making appointments to city jobs. White discusses the city's poor racial climate, and assesses the extent to which he is responsible for it, and his belief that other cities are more racist than Boston. White talks about his support base in the mayoral election and about his opponent, Joseph Timilty. He discusses the US Senate race and notes that he has not been asked to endorse Edward Kennedy (US Senator) or any other candidates. White expresses confidence in the vitality of the city and talks about his priorities for the next term, including tax reform and the development of the North Station area. White is very relaxed and has a good rapport with the media.
0:00:11: Visual: Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) walks into a small room where a press conference will be held. He greets the members of the media informally, saying "Hi everybody." He jokes with the media about having forgotten his tie. White sits down on a couch. Microphones are set up on the coffee table in front of him. White says that he is pleased about his victory. A reporter asks White if he and Henry Maier (Mayor of Milwaukee) will join Dick Hatcher (Mayor of Gary, Indiana) as national spokesmen for urban issues. White says that he will speak out on urban issues as he always has; that he has no plans to assume a national role. White adds that there are mayors in other cities who will become influential and make themselves heard. He mentions Bill Green (Mayor of Philadelphia) and Don Frasier (Mayor of Minneapolis). Another reporter asks White if he will be eclipsed by these new urban mayors. White makes a joke, "the old gray mare, he is what he used to be." White says that he will speak out on national issues which affect Boston. A reporter asks what the next four years will bring to Boston. White says that the next term will be the greatest of his terms as mayor. He mentions that Bob Ryan (Director, Boston Redevelopment Authority) is optimistic about new building projects. A reporter comments on Boston's reputation as the most racist city in the nation. White says that Boston's reputation as a racist city is not correct. He notes that he cannot rid the city of racism and hypocrisy. White guarantees that people of all colors and nationalities will be able to walk the streets safely by the end of his term. A reporter asks White if he will hire more African Americans to key positions in the city administration. White says that there is a good affirmative action program in place; that the African American community supported him in the election. White says that racial violence will not be tolerated in the city. He says that the residents of Charlestown helped to apprehend the youth involved in the shooting of Darryl Williams (Jamaica Plain student); that the residents of Charlestown did not want to be seen as harboring racist criminals. White says that his administration will not tolerate racial violence. 0:06:24: V: White notes that the Charlestown Business Association held a press conference within hours of the Williams shooting; that they condemned racial violence in the press conference; that people in the community need to speak out against racist violence. White says that he will enlist his supporters in the neighborhoods to speak out. A reporter asks White if he will be more sensitive about whom he puts on the city payroll after the "Jimmy Kelly affair." White says that he is always sensitive about whom he puts on the city payroll; that the media will always disagree with his hiring decisions. White notes that James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) resigned from his city job; that he was not fired. The reporter asks if it is a good idea to have Kelly representing the city by holding a city job. White says that he was not willing to fire Kelly in order to court African American voters during the campaign. White says that he wanted to be elected on his record, not for his ability to play upon the emotions of voters. White adds that Kelly was qualified to do the job for which he was hired; that hiring Kelly was not a mistake. White says that he does not want to fire city workers because of their beliefs, even if their beliefs are unpalatable. 0:09:32: V: A reporter asks White if he feels responsible for the poor racial climate in the city. White says that he cannot change it all by himself; that he has never ducked a crisis. White adds that the city will not come together until more people become active; that the voters need to elect good people to the Boston School Committee and the Boston City Council. A reporter asks White how Boston got its reputation as a racist city. White says that racism is a national problem; that problems in Boston get more media coverage than problems in other cities. White mentions that there are severe racial problems in Detroit and other cities; that many affluent communities are very racist. White says that Boston has lived through busing and has learned from it; that there are racial problems in Boston; that he does not think of Boston as the most racist city in the US. A reporter asks White about low voter turnout in the election. Jump cut on videotape. 0:13:14: V: White says that he expanded his political base in this election; that he did not lose support in areas where he has always been popular. He expresses confidence in the vitality of the city. White says that he has not been approached for an endorsement of Edward Kennedy (US Senator) or any other candidates for US Senate. White jokes with reporters about not needing to talk to the media now that he has been reelected. A reporter asks White about his priorities for the next term. White talks about tax reform and the development of the area around North Station. A reporter asks White why he did not attend Kennedy's announcement at Faneuil Hall this morning. Jump cut on videotape. 0:15:16: V: White talks further about the race for the US Senate. A reporter asks White to analyze the campaign strategy of Joseph Timilty (former mayoral candidate). White says that he does not like to pick apart the strategy of an opponent. White says that both he and Timilty knew that Timilty had a good chance to win the election. A photographer focuses on White and takes his photo. A reporter asks if he will lay off workers from the city payroll. White deflects the question with a joke. He has a good rapport with the reporters. White closes the press conference. He commends the reporters on their professionalism, saying that they treated both him and Timilty fairly. White and the reporters prepare to leave the room. White speaks informally to Sharon Stevens (WGBH reporter) and others.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1979
Description: Compilation of Christopher Lydon stories. Christopher Lydon interviews Bill Lee (pitcher, Montreal Expos) at Fenway Park. Lee discusses the possibility of a baseball strike. Lee talks about unions and his feelings about baseball. Lee says that he is no longer "addicted" to baseball. Three essays by Robert J. Lurtsema about the coming of summer, the coming of fall and barnacles. Lydon reports on the upcoming preliminary elections for the Boston City Council. Lydon analyzes voting patterns in various districts and the political networks of some candidates. Lydon notes that there has been little voter interest in the campaign. The report includes interviews with and profiles of candidates Maureen Craven Slade, Craig Lankhorst, and Stephen Michaels. Lydon reports from the Boston Celtics' practice court in Brookline. Lydon interviews Ernie DiGregorio (basketball player) and Nate "Tiny" Archibald for the report. Lydon's second report on the upcoming preliminary elections for Boston City Council includes footage from interviews with several candidates including Maura Hennigan, James Kelly, David Scondras, Charles Yancey, Ed McNamara, and Michael McCormack. The candidates talk about voter anger and apathy, the city's fiscal crisis, the need for better city services and the policies of Kevin White (Mayor of Boston). Lydon interviews Donald Woods (South African journalist) about South Africa. Woods criticizes the US veto of the United Nations condemnation of the South African invasion of Angola. Woods says that the white minority in South Africa must negotiate with the black majority in order to avoid a civil war. Woods compares the political situations in South Africa to that of Northern Ireland.
1:00:04: Christopher Lydon interviews Bill Lee (pitcher, Montreal Expos) at Fenway Park. Lee says that he is happy to come back to Fenway Park to play a game. V: Shots of Montreal Expos practicing at Fenway Park. Lee says that he is disappointed to see changes at Fenway Park. He criticizes the disappearance of the bleacher seats, the installation of plastic seats and the increase in advertising at the park. Lydon asks Lee about the baseball strike. Lee says that the players had to strike to maintain the status quo; that unions in the US are being pushed out of existance by a "conservative" government; that he fears the advent of an Orwellian future in this country. Lee says that the issue of uncompensated free agency was not important to him; that he does not believe in free agency. Lee talks about the concept of free agency. He says that the baseball system is destined to fail because it is based on a "false foundation." Lee digresses, talking about the fact that Fenway Park is built on a landfill. Lee says that he is no longer "addicted" to baseball; that he does not need to play at the professional level; that he is playing professional baseball because his "old lady" wants him to. Lee says that the season has been exciting so far. He digresses again, talking about raising fish on an Indian reservation in Bellingham. Lee says that the US needs to give land back to Native Americans. Lydon and Lee shake hands as the interview ends. 1:04:27: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on beach plums and the coming of summer. Segment is accompanied by shots of beach plums; of trees; of a deserted dirt road lined with bushes and trees. 1:06:59: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on the coming of fall and the need to adapt a slower tempo as the year draws to a close. Segment is accompanied by shots of trees and the landscape in a small park. 1:09:51: Robert J. Lurtsema's essay on barnacles, which cover the rocks along the coast. Segment is accompanied by shots of barnacles-covered rocks along the ocean shore; of a marsh at sunset. 1:13:02: Christopher Lydon stands outside of Boston City Hall. Lydon reports that the preliminary elections for City Council seats are ignored by voters in non-mayoral election years; that six out of seven residents did not vote in the preliminary City Council elections four years ago. Lydon reports that City Council candidates represent areas of the city with a politically active electorate. V: Shot of a map of Boston. South Boston, Dorchester, and West Roxbury are highlighted in red. Lydon reports that some sections of South Boston, Dorchester, and West Roxbury had voter turnouts as high as 30% four years ago. V: Shot of the same map of Boston. Areas around South Boston, Dorchester, Hyde Park, and West Roxbury are highlighted in yellow. Lydon reports that neighborhoods with high percentages of white families and homeowners have higher voter turnouts; that these voters have often supported candidates like Louise Day Hicks (former Boston City Councilwoman) and Joseph Timilty (former mayoral candidate). Lydon reports that East Boston, the Back Bay, Allston/Brighton, the South End, Mattapan, and Roxbury usually have low voter turnouts. Lydon reports that City Councillors Rosemarie Sansone, John Sears, and Lawrence DiCara will not seek reelection this year; that the three councillors are popular with younger, progressive voters. Lydon reports that the young, progressive voters tend to live along the waterfront and in the West End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill and the Back Bay. V: Shots of DiCara, Sansone and Sears. Shot of the highlighted map of Boston with the waterfront, the West End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, and a few other neighborhoods highlighted in green. Lydon says that progressive voters like a polished candidate. Lydon reports that there has been little interest in the campaign; that there have been few advertisements and little media attention. Lydon says that a good political organization is crucial to the candidates. V: Shots of candidates meeting with voters. Lydon says that "house party politics" is at the heart of the campaign; that Kevin White (mayor, City of Boston) has the best organized political network in the city; that his support will help the "Kevin seven" candidates. Lydon reports that police officers have a network which may help Ed McNamara (City Council candidate); that fire fighters may organize to help Joe Maher (City Council candidate). Lydon says that roots in a politically active neighborhood, a good political network, a polished image, and a recognized name are all assets in the race for a City Council seat. V: Shot of signs for City Council candidates Brian Hickey, Frederick Langone, and Ray Flynn. Lydon reports that Maureen Craven Slade (candidate, Boston City Council) was not endorsed by The Boston Globe or by White; that she has a very well-connected family. Lydon reports that Craven Slade uses her maiden name. Lydon reviews the political careers of her father, mother, brother and cousin. Lydon notes that her mother was a legendary City Councilwoman in the 1960s. V: Footage of Lydon interviewing Craven Slade. Craven Slade says that she has 60 first cousins in her political organization. Footage of Craven Slade saying that many voters remember her mother; that many of her mother's former supporters have formed a political network promoting her candidacy. Lydon reports that Craig Lankhorst (candidate, Boston City Council) is a progressive candidate who has been endorsed by the Boston Globe; that his support is strong in "non-voting" neighborhoods. V: Footage of Lankhorst saying that he is campaigning city-wide; that he has connections in Brighton and in African American neighborhoods. Lankhorst says that he is also concentrating on Ward 16 and West Roxbury; that he needs all of his supporters in the "non-voting" neighborhoods to get out to the polls. Lydon reports that Stephen Michaels (candidate, Boston City Council) has roots in West Roxbury, a polished image and support from White. V: Footage of Lydon interviewing Michaels. Michaels says that he was a community activist in West Roxbury; that he has family and friends in Dorchester and South Boston; that he has an endorsement in the Beacon Hill District. Michaels says that it is impossible to campaign city-wide in the primary. Lydon reports that Michaels's surname has been shortened from a longer Polish name; that the Polish clubs all know about his Polish background. 1:20:41: Lydon reports on Press Day at the Boston Celtics' practice court in Brookline. V: Shots of Celtics' players shooting baskets while the press stands around the court; of Robert Parish (player, Boston Celtics). Footage of Ernie DiGregorio (basketball player) talking to Lydon about Channel 2. Shot of Larry Bird (player, Boston Celtics) talking to a reporter. Lydon reports that DiGregorio was a star at Providence College; that DiGregorio is trying out for a spot on the Celtics' team. V: Footage of DiGregorio saying that he will make the team if he is good enough; that he feels no pressure. Footage of Nate "Tiny" Archibald (player, Boston Celtics) saying that DiGregorio will have to learn how to run the plays out on the court. Lydon reports that DiGregorio will have to compete with Archibald for playing time. Lydon jokes about being taller than Archibald. He humorously speculates about his potential for a career in basketball. 1:22:28: Lydon reports that eighteen candidates are running for nine seats on the Boston City Council; that the candidates have been campaigning across the city. V: Shots of Raymond Flynn (candidate, Boston City Council) walking to church with his family; of Lydon interviewing Maura Hennigan (candidate, Boston City Council) in front of the Park Plaza Hotel; of a campaign sign for Charles Yancey; of Lydon interviewing James Kelly (candidate, Boston City Council) in South Boston. Lydon says that the candidates have reported apathy and anger among the voters. V: Footage of Craig Lankhorst (Boston City Council candidate) saying that city residents who have been affected by cuts in the city budget and city services are upset; that residents who have been unaffected by cuts seem to be cynical and apathetic. Footage of Hennigan saying that voters talk about wanting change, but vote for the same candidates over and over. Footage of Kelly saying that voters feel like the City Council has no influence; that Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) holds all of the power. Footage of David Scondras (Boston City Council candidate) saying that voters are frustrated; that they do not understand where the city's money is going. Lydon says that the City Council elections have been overshadowed by controversy between the White and the state over the Tregor Bill. V: Footage of Charles Yancey (Boston City Council candidate) with campaign signs; of a Boston Fire Department station. Lydon says that City Council candidates have ignored the mayor's warning of a money crisis; that the candidates are campaigning for better services to city residents. V: Footage of Scondras saying that the city has not collected $60 million in back taxes; that the Tregor Bill exists to pay off a few wealthy interests who can be put off; that the city has not been managed efficiently. Scondras says that emergency money marked for city services must be used for those services. Footage of Kelly saying that White has a history of hiding the true financial figures; that he is not sure if there is a fiscal crisis. Footage of Hennigan saying that the voters have confused the Tregor Bill and Proposition 2 1/2; that the city is facing a fiscal crisis. Footage of Yancey saying that the city is facing a budget crunch due to Proposition 2 1/2; that some of the cuts in services were not necessary; that there is excess spending elsewhere in the administration. Lydon reports that Ed McNamara (candidate, Boston City Council) is a former FBI employee and former police commissioner. V: Footage of McNamara campaigning outside of a Roche Brothers' supermarket. He says that the city is faced by a cash shortage; that the city is not faced with a fiscal crisis. Lydon reports that none of the six incumbent City Councillors support White; that City Council resistance to White's policies will continue no matter who is elected. V: Shots of City Council members in the City Council chambers. Footage of McNamara saying that the voters' mandate is "anti-administration." Footage of Hennigan saying that voters want police officers and fire fighters back on the street; that voters want the City Council to make Proposition 2 1/2 work; that voters want the council to stand up to the mayor on issues instead of politics. Footage of Michael McCormack (candidate, Boston City Council) saying that voters want city services restored; that voters want the council to control the mayor's spending. Footage of Kelly saying that voters want the City Council to work with the mayor when he is right and oppose the mayor when he is wrong. Kelly notes that the mayor is rarely right. 1:27:25: Christopher Lydon interviews Donald Woods (South African anti-apartheid activist). Woods talks about the US veto of the United Nations condemnation the South African invasion of Angola. Woods says that the US veto encourages the white minority to believe that the US condones their actions; that the US veto allows the Soviet Union to pose as a friend of the black South Africans. Woods says that it is possible to avoid a civil war in South Africa only if western governments put pressure on the white minority. Woods says that the white minority must negotiate with black South Africans to allow the drafting of a democratic constitution. Lydon asks Woods about parallels between South Africa and Northern Ireland. Woods says that Northern Ireland and South Africa are similar in the tactics used by the minority to control the majority. Woods says that there will be no peace in Ireland until the British pull out of the country. Lydon comments that the minority in both countries are well armed and resistant to pressure. Woods says that there are "myths" surrounding the minorities in both countries; that Ian Paisley (leader of the Democratic Unionist Party of Ireland) may be full of "hot air;" that the Protestants in Northern Ireland must realize that they are Irish and must learn to live in Ireland; that South African whites must realize that they live on a black continent.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/01/1981
Description: Christy George reports on a controversy within the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. She notes that Democratic candidate for governor John Silber compared the party's "15-percent rule" to the rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the South. Party delegates reacted strongly to Silber's comments. Democratic State Committee members Margaret Xifaris, James Roosevelt, Raymond Jordan, Virginia Lee, and Alex Rodriguez respond at a press conference, and defend the committee. George reports that the rule in question requires a candidate to have the support of 15% of the delegates in order to be listed on the ballot for the primary election. George notes that Silber has the support of only 8% of the delegates. George's report includes footage of Silber and candidate Evelyn Murphy appearing on WBZ-TV. Silber insists that he did not call the state party racist. Murphy condemns Silber's comments. Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, Chester Atkins, and Chairman of the National Democratic Party, Ron Brown, issued a statement in which they called Silber's comment "outrageous." George speculates that Silber's comment may alienate delegates but may also result in an increase in voter support.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Margaret Xifaris (Democratic State Committee) speaking at a press conference. Members of the Democratic State Committee stand behind her. Xifaris says that John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) has "blown it." Shot of an African American female member of the Committee. Christy George reports that some members of the Massachusetts Democratic Party "went ballistic" today. George reports that Silber criticized the party in The Boston Herald newpaper today; that Silber compared the party's "15 percent rule" to rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the south. V: Shots of James Roosevelt (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt holds up a copy of The Boston Herald with a headline reading, "Silber: Dem rules a sham." Shots of members of the Democratic Party at the press conference, including Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee). George reports that Silber says that he was criticizing the rule; that members of the Committee have responded as if they had been called racist. V: Footage of Representative Raymond Jordan (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Jordan says that a number of members of the Committee have been working hard to improve the process. Jordan says that Silber's comments are "outrageous." George reports that Silber repeated his criticism during an interview on WBZ this evening. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) being interviewed. Silber says that he did not call the Democratic State Committee racist. Silber says that the Democratic State Committee wants to be inclusionary. Silber says that there should be a parallel between what the Democratic voters want and what the Democratic delegates want. Murphy tells Silber that he has suggested that the Massachusetts Democratic Party is racist. Murphy tells Silber that he should apologize to the party. Silber says that Murphy's comments are "trivial and absurd." Silber says that the Massachusetts Democratic Party has instituted a rule which was once used by racists to be exclusionary. George reports that polls show Silber with the support of 8% of the delegates to the state convention; that Silber needs the support of 15% of delegates to get on the ballot for the primary elections. George reports that the Democratic State Committee believes that their rules make the party more open to all. V: Footage of Roosevelt speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt says that the party's rules force candidates to communicate with delegates and voters. Roosevelt says that the party's rules discourage candidates from channeling all of their energy toward fundraisers and advertising. Footage of Virginia Lee (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Lee says that immigrants and new citizens have no trouble understanding how the caucuses work; that Silber should be able to understand how they work. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Murphy being interviewed. Silber says that Democratic State Party should make changes; that the voters should be able to speak at the state convention. George reports that Chester Atkins (Chairman, Massachusetts Democratic Party) has agreed that Silber should be on the ballot. George reports that Atkins had offered to help Silber win the support of 15% of the delegates. George notes that Atkins and Ron Brown (Chairman, National Democratic Party) have issued a statement which calls Silber's comments "outrageous." George quotes a statement from Brown and Atkins: "It is to be expected that some candidates who are ahead or behind in delegate polls will try to "spin" the preconvention story their way. . . but this is going too far." V: The quote from Brown and Atkins appears written in text on-screen. The quote is accompanied by photos of Atkins and Brown. Footage of Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Rodriguez says that Silber's comments are "unconscionable." Rodriguez says that Silber needs to receive the support of 15% of the delegates. George reports that Silber is either very clever or "self-destructive." George reports that Silber's comments have alienated the delegates who may have supported him. George notes that Silber's outrageous comments often result in an increase in voter support in polls. George adds that Silber claims that his poll numbers will help him win the support of 15% of the delegates.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson has released position papers detailing his stance on domestic issues. Vaillancourt reviews Jackson's positions on the economy, trade, employment, social programs, defense spending, and taxes. Interview with labor union leader Domenic Bozzotto and Harvard professor Roger Porter about Jackson's positions on the issues. Bozzotto defends Jackson's platform while Porter criticizes it. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson would support his social programs through cuts in defense spending and increased taxes on wealthy Americans. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson's position as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination challenges other candidates to defend their positions on the issues. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: James Farmer speaks at a ceremony in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:07: Visual: C-Span footage of Jesse Jackson (US Democratic Presidential Candidate) addressing the Democratic Convention in 1984. The audience cheers for Jackson. Footage of Jackson quoting poetry to a reporter. On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on the economy. On-screen text reads, "Invest pensions in America." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has a stack of position papers on economic issues. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson advocates the investment of pension funds in federally-guaranteed securities; that Jackson would use the capital to fund public housing, roads, and other public works projects; that the investment of 10% of US pensions would yield $60 billion for projects. V: Shot of Jackson talking about his positions at a forum; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Domenic Bozzotto (President, Hotel Workers Union) that he likes Jackson' s idea of putting pension money to work for social good; that Jackson's plan also gives a fair return on the investment. Footage of Roger Porter (Harvard University) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Porter says that Jackson's plan calls for government guarantees on pension investments; that the government could end up paying the difference on a poor investment. Vaillancourt says that trade issues are another important issue in the election. V: On-screen visuals list details about Jackson's position on trade issues. On-screen text reads, "Adopt 'corporate code of conduct'." Footage of Jackson saying that General Electric is the number one exporter from Taiwan. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that cheap overseas labor is the main cause of the US trade deficit. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would abolish tax incentives for US companies abroad; that Jackson would insist that America's trading partners pay the same wages as those earned by US workers. V: Shots of Jackson marching with union workers. Footage of Bozzotto saying that "slave wages" paid to workers abroad will undercut organized labor in the US. Footage of Porter saying that the US cannot impose these policies on its trading partners. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is a populist on employment issues. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on employment. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports an increase in the minimum wage; that Jackson supports the passage of a worker bill of rights; that Jackson supports the plant closing law; that Jackson supports comparable pay for jobs of comparable worth. V: Footage of Jackson addressing supporters. On-screen visuals detail Jackson's positions on social programs. Vaillancourt talks about Jackson's position on social programs. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson supports universal day care and national health care; that Jackson would double spending on education; that Jackson would focus on combatting drugs. V: Footage of Porter saying that the government cannot support the increase in spending required by Jackson's social programs. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson's programs would get the average person involved in the economy. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson believes that social programs can be paid for through cuts in the defense budget. V: On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on defense issues. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would eliminate the MX, the Midgetman and the Trident missiles; that Jackson would eliminate the F-15 fighter plane, the stealth bomber, and the Strategic Defense Initiative. V: Footage of Bozzotto saying that there is "fat" to be cut out of the defense budget. Footage of Porter saying that Jackson is misguided in thinking that cuts in the defense budget will yield great savings. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is the only current Democratic candidate who has talked about taxes. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "Reaganomics" exempted some people from paying taxes. On-screen visuals and text detail Jackson's position on taxes. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson would increase the corporate tax rate to 46%; that Jackson would raise the tax rate to 38.5% for residents with incomes above $100,000; that Jackson would impose an oil import fee. V: Footage of Porter saying that Jackson's tax policy would rob the private sector of money for productive investment. Footage of Bozzotto saying that Jackson is not afraid of the American people; that Jackson is not afraid to advocate change. Vaillancourt reports that the media and the public are now paying attention to Jackson's positions on the issues; that Jackson's position as a frontrunner challenges other candidates to defend their own positions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Before news broadcast: Ted O'Brien advertises WGBH membership; advertisement for "Vietnam: Present Tense" program with Seth Rolbein; James Earl Jones advertises "Long Ago and Far Away" program; 1)Carmen fields reports on revelations on Sen. William Bulger's questionable investment in American Cablesystems Midwest with Harold Brown and Thomas Finnerty. 2) David Boeri debriefing on set on Bulger. 3) Sludge processing at Deer Island treatment plant turns sewage into compost and pelletized fertilizer; Paul Levy of MWRA and Michael Deland of EPA; incinerator in Lynn. 4) History of Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor, now landfill repository. Anchors Lydon and Fields. 5) Report on President George Bush Sr.'s tax campaign and Congressional leaders meeting about budget. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recommends budget restrictions, rather than taxes. 6) New childcare package is political olive branch between political parties. 7) National Urban League report on poverty and income conditions among black people. 8) Execution of serial murderer Ted Bundy in Florida. 9) Pennsylvania native Barbara Harris chosen as first woman bishop in Anglican Communion, ordained by Boston Archdiocese.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1989
Description: Callie Crossley interviews Boyce Slayman (Rainbow Coalition) about African American perceptions of US President, Ronald Reagan. Slayman criticizes Reagan's policies and talks about racism in the campaign. Slayman says that the Democratic Party needs to address civil rights issues and other issues important to the African American community. Slayman adds that African Americans will become more politically active at the local level; he says that Reagan cannot afford to ignore the minority population. The tape includes footage of African American and white voters lining up at a polling station to vote. Voters enter and exit voting booths. Slayman and other campaign workers hold campaign signs in front of a polling station; the workers approach voters as they enter the polling station. Crossley interviews an African American man outside of the polling station. The man talks about why he voted for Walter Mondale and Reagan's proposed cutbacks. The man says that Reagan does not care about issues affecting the African American community. Crossley interviews a white woman and a white man. The woman says that she voted for Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro because she is a democrat and a supporter of women's issues. The man says that he voted for Mondale and that Ferraro's presence on the ticket did not affect his decision.
1:00:11: Visual: Callie Crossley interviews Boyce Slayman (Rainbow Coalition) near Washington Street. Crossley asks Slayman about African American perceptions of Ronald Reagan (US President). Slayman says that African Americans have suffered under the Reagan administration; that Reagan has cut programs in education, healthcare, and nutrition programs; that Reagan has rolled back affirmative action programs. Crossley asks Slayman about racism in the campaign. Crossley notes that most African Americans are supporting Mondale; that the majority of white voters are supporting Reagan. Slayman says that racism is a factor in the election. Slayman says that Jesse Jackson (candidate for US President) was treated poorly by the media during the primary elections. Slayman says that the Democratic Party is not speaking to the issues of African American voters; that the Democratic Party needs to address civil rights issues. Crossley asks what African Americans can expect if Reagan wins the election. Slayman says that African Americans can only hope that Reagan will change his policies. Slayman lists the policies that need to be changed under the Reagan administration. Slayman says that the nation will see declines in the areas of employment, civil rights and housing if Reagan does not change his policies. Crossley asks if a continuation of Reagan's policies will lead to unrest or riots. Slayman says that he would not expect riots; that riots would ensue if Jackson were assassinated. Slayman says that people of color will become more politically active at the local level; that African Americans are ignored at the national level of politics; that African Americans cannot be ignored if they take control of their immediate environment. Slayman says that African Americans will not support growth at their expense. Slayman says that an increase in African American political activity grew from African American opposition to Reagan's policies. Slayman says that Reagan cannot afford to ignore minority populations; that these populations need to benefit from the nation's growth and economic recovery. 1:07:23: V: The camera crew takes cutaway shots of Crossley and Slayman. Crossley and Slayman speak informally. Crossley and Slayman discuss whether the Democrats will retain control of Congress. Slayman talks about voting patterns in the South. 1:08:26: V: African American and white voters are lined up to vote in a hallway outside of a polling station. Poll workers sit behind a table. The poll workers flip through voter lists as they check in the voters. Shots of voters entering and exiting voting booths. An African American woman directs voters to the voting booths. Shots of the voting booths with curtains closed; of poll workers checking in voters. Shot of a voting machine with levers inside of a voting booth. 1:12:41: V: An African American man hands out flyers outside of a polling station. Slayman campaigns for a candidate outside of the polling station. Slayman and other African American campaign workers approach voters outside of the polling station. Shots of campaign signs for John Kerry (candidate for US Senate) and Walter Mondale (candidate for US President). The campaign workers continue to campaign outside of the polling station. A pick-up truck passes by, playing music from a loudspeaker. A sign on the truck reads, "Jesse yes. Walter no. Independent is the way to go." Shots of campaign signs. 1:14:51: V: Crossley interviews an African American man and an African American woman. The man says that he voted for Mondale because he is the best candidate. Crossley asks if Reagan has any understanding or caring for the needs of African Americans. The man says that Reagan does not; that Reagan's past performance shows that he does not care. The man fears that Reagan will make more cutbacks if reelected. Crossley asks if the man was influenced by Mondale's choice of Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate. The man says that Mondale sent a positive message by choosing Ferraro; that the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) is a good thing. Crossley asks the woman about her vote. The woman says that she voted for Mondale. The woman says that she does not want to be interviewed. 1:16:33: V: Crossley interviews a white woman and a white man. The woman says that she voted for the Mondale/Ferraro ticket because she is a Democrat and supports women's issues. The woman says that she would have voted Democratic even if Ferraro had not been on the ticket. The woman says that the ERA must be passed. Crossley asks the man about his vote. The man says that he voted for the Mondale/Ferraro ticket because he is embarrassed to have Reagan as the leader of the country. The man says that he was more influenced by issues than he was by the presence of Ferraro on the ticket.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/06/1984