Description: South Boston High exterior on first day of school. Press photographers stand around outside waiting for something to happen. Three upperclassmen say it is quieter inside since desegregation furor has died down, and learning can take place. They discuss news programs in the school. Several takes of reporter standup. Graffiti “stop forced busing” still visible on street. School bus arrives, lets off two black girls. Interview in front of School Committee headquarters with woman from Citywide Education Coalition who appraises current state of Boston schools: parents are involved and important to educational improvement; vocational education is woefully lacking; must upgrade reading and basic skills. “City can someday have an attractive and credible public school system.” She cautions that just because it is quiet now compared to the first years of busing, people should not assume the school system is okay; it still needs criticism and community input. Editor's note: Content given off the record was edited out of this footage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/06/1978
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) is trying to get a voluntary school uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. Jones notes that some schools have found that voluntary dress codes have led to better grades and behavior. He adds that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. Jones interviews Robinson about school uniforms. Jones reports that Robinson believes that students are more concerned about their clothes and possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from a Boston Herald newspaper article about a nine-year old drug runner who impresses his friends with his clothes. Jones also interviews John Grady (Boston School Committee), Elizabeth Foley (Boston parent), and a Boston school child about school uniforms. Jones reviews some of the benefits to school uniforms.
1:00:02: Visual: Footage of white elementary students in school uniforms rising to greet their teacher at the St. Columbkille School in Brighton. Shots of students in the classroom. Marcus Jones reports that uniforms are a long-standing tradition in private and parochial schools. Jones notes that supporters of school uniforms believe that uniforms help inspire discipline. Jones notes that opponents of school uniforms believe that they stifle creativity. V: Shots of white uniformed students in classrooms. Shots of African American uniformed students in an elementary school in Washigton DC. Jones reports that an elementary school in Washington DC and five elementary schools in Baltimore have instituted a voluntary dress code; that the schools have found that the dress code has led to better grades and behavior. V: Footage of Jack E. Robinson (President, National Association of Black Americans) being interviewed by Jones. Robinson says that school uniforms lead to a decrease in disciplinary problems. Jones notes that Robinson is trying to get a voluntary uniform program started in the Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Robinson saying that adults wear uniforms; that business people wear suits; that people in all professions wear uniforms all over the world. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper article with a headline reading, "He's the littlest pusher." Jones reports that Robinson says that children are more concerned about clothes and stylish possessions than they are about their studies. Jones quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article; the newspaper article says that a nine-year-old drug runner impresses his friends with his clothes. V: On-screen text quotes from the Boston Herald newspaper article. Footage of John Grady (Boston School Committee) saying that he will support uniforms if they contribute to a good learning environment in the schools. Footage of Jennifer Foley (Boston public school student) saying that she would not want to wear the same colors all year long. Footage of Elizabeth Foley (parent) saying that students are entitled to their own identities. Jones reports that there are some good reasons to institute a school uniform program. Jones notes that parents can save money on clothing bills; that students have one less peer pressure to worry them; that teachers have one less distraction in the classroom. Johnson adds that Robinson has suggested that the community can profit by having the uniforms manufactured in the neighborhoods.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/09/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a sculpture by John Wilson will be installed on the lawn of the National Center of Afro-American Artists in Roxbury. Wilson created seven-feet high sculpture name Eternal Presence to mark the 350th anniversary of the black presence in Boston. Interview with Wilson and Elma Lewis (Artistic Director, National Center of Afro-American Artists) about the sculpture. Wilson says that the sculpture is evocative and confrontational. He adds that he is interested in hearing feedback about the sculpture. Jones notes that Wilson grew up in Roxbury. Shots of the sculpture and footage of Lewis addressing spectators in a gallery of the Center. Exteriors of the National Center of Afro-American Artists.
0:59:57: Visual: Footage of John Wilson (sculptor) saying that he has always expressed himself through art. Marcus Jones reports that Wilson grew up in Roxbury, not far from the National Center of Afro-American Artists (NCAAA). V: Shot of the exterior of the National Center of Afro-American Artists. Part of the yard is cordoned off. Jones notes that a collection of his work is being featured at the Center. V: Shot of Jones and Wilson walking through the Center. Shot of the foundation for Wilson's sculpture, outside of the Center. The area is cordoned off. Jones notes that Wilson has created a sculpture called Eternal Presence; that the sculpture will stand outside of the Center. V: Shots of the sculpture. Audio of Wilson describing it as a seven-foot high head of a black person. Footage of Wilson talking about the sculpture. Wilson says that he wants the sculpture to be evocative and confrontational. Footage of Elma Lewis (Artistic Director, NCAAA) saying that a man's culture must be understood by himself and others. Footage of Lewis addressing spectators in the gallery featuring Wilson's work. Lewis says that the sculpture will be installed on the lawn of the museum on October 4, 1987. Lewis tells a story about how she told a neighborhood boy that the museum was putting a sculpture of a boy like him on the lawn of the museum. Shots of the sculpture. Footage of Wilson saying that he is happy with the sculpture; that he will be interested in the response to the sculpture. Shot of Jones and Wilson talking. Wilson stands on one side of the sculpture. Jones stands on the other. Jones examines the sculpture.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/01/1987
Description: Mix of sound and silent footage. Preparations for the Clamshell Alliance Seabrook Occupation, a protest of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Man reads list of rules for peaceful occupation. Closeups of license plates and bumper stickers. Cathy Wolff holds press conference on international support for the demonstration, the nonviolence civil disobedience training received by the protesters, and direct action that might take place after the occupation. Man speaks at press conference on the need to protect the salt marsh area being bulldozed by construction. Silent footage of crowds at occupation. Helicopter flies overhead. Silent footage of the salt marshes and wildlife. Protest march towards Seabrook site, singing and chanting. Interviews with protesters. Police officer directs protesters. Occupation site and activities. Interview with occupation organizer. Protesters talk publicly with police officers about the arrest procedure that is likely occur. Police announce over megaphone that protesters who don't vacate will be arrested and charged with trespassing. Protesters are peacefully arrested. Interviews with protesters on getting arrested. School buses drive away loaded with arrested protesters. Crowds applaud arrested protesters as bus drives by.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/1977
Description: Interiors of airplane on runway. Passing airplanes on runway; taking off, landing. Aerial view of Suffolk Downs, Revere Beach, Nahant, Seabrook, New Hampshire. Ocean, houses near beach, serpentine inlets, rough terrain, dense treetops, construction site.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/13/1977
Description: Large crowd of people at a demonstration against Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant. Arlo Guthrie addresses the crowd, talks about the Clamshell Alliance, and then sings a song. Protest banners held by crowd. Shots of the Seabrook plant construction site. Helicopter flies overhead. Slow pans across the demonstration site. Solar panel and diagrams for solar power plan. Solar power skit by men in costumes. Closeups on groups of people in the crowd and at campsites. Group of people play music at campsite. Line of Porta Potties. Police stand by jeep behind No Trespassing sign on Seabrook site. Interview with man on the size on the demonstration.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/25/1978
Description: Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant is working to license their plant through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, while Rep. Ed Markey and other Massachusetts politicians, especially Governor Dukakis, argue against it. Seabrook requests evacuation zone be reduced from 10 miles to 1 mile, which will cut Massachusetts out of the discussion.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1986
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney reads excerpts from “Sweeney Astray," in Grolier Book Shop. No audio at the very end.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/28/1984
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney readings his poems at Grolier Book Shop, with introductions to each poem, and banter before and in between readings. The poems read are, "Digging" "Follower" "What ever you say, say nothing" "Oysters" and "The Guttural Muse".
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/18/1982
Description: Poet Seamus Heaney reads his work outside. Heaney and Christopher Lydon discuss which poems to read and how to film the reading. Heaney gives context to each poem before reading it. He reads 5 poems in memory of his mother, 1 poem in memory of the poet Robert Fitzgerald, and "A Peacock's Feather" written for his niece on her christening. He also reads "The Face of the Horse" by Nikolay Zabolotsky, translated by Danny Weisbord. reel 1 of 2.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/29/1986