Description: Story about drug use in professional Baseball. Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth speaking at a luncheon, footage from the previous years drug trial in Pittsburgh, Red Sox training in Winter Haven, and drug abuse in football and basketball. Interviews with Mike Easler, Baltimore Oriole Scott McGregor, and Dr. Paul McHugh of John Hopkins about drug testing. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/20/1986
Description: Overview of the history of the Red Sox, the tradition of baseball in Boston, and the current overall feelings Red Sox Fans. Historical footage of the Red Sox, interviews with a variety of people about their feelings about the Red Sox, and fans watching and coming into games. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/25/1986
Description: Story on the history of the Berlin Wall and how it affected the current political situation in 1986. Old footage and stills of Nikita Khrushchev, John Kennedy, Soviet parades, missles, refugees crossing from east to west Berlin, and the building of the wall. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 08/06/1986
Description: Story on Harvard's 350th anniversary. Footage of the college campus and interviews with professor Henry Wyzanski and Doris Kearns Goodwin. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/02/1986
Description: Overview of the Contras in Nicaragua and the question over whether the United State should get involved. Contras training in Nicaragua, different politicians (including TIp O'Neil and Ronald Reagan) comment on support for the Contras, Pro-Contra TV commercials, reporter standup, interview with historian Hugh Ryan about previous United States military involvement in Nicaragua, and footage of people in Nicaragua. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/19/1986
Description: Contents listed on tape: Synod - Advent & Layity, 12/2; Synod Report, 12/5; Archbishop Law-Logan, Synod 12/9; Memorial Service, 12/15; International year ender, 12/20; Veeck Obit, 1/2/86; Sullivan Tease, 1/10; Patriots and Drugs; Shuttle Perspective, 1/31; Phillipine Election, 2/6; Scharansky, 2/10
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/02/1985, 12/05/1985, 12/09/1985, 12/15/1985, 12/20/1985, 01/02/1986, 01/10/1986, 01/31/1986, 02/06/1986, 02/10/1986
Description: Contents listed on tape: Marcos, 3/31; Days Sale, 4/9; 75th Fenway Park, 4/14; Libya Attack, 4/14; Libya - update, 4/23; Duchess of Windsor, 4/24; WIde World of Sports, 4/25; Caldicott Meltdown, 4/28; Waldhern - Austria, 5/2; Teddie White Obit, 5/16; Deerfield - House Series, 5/21; Newport - House Series, 5/21; Card Law, 6/10; Roger Clemens - Natural, 6/27
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/31/1986, 04/09/1986, 04/14/1986, 04/23/1986, 04/24/1986, 04/25/1986, 04/28/1986, 05/02/1986, 05/16/1986, 05/21/1986, 06/10/1986, 06/27/1986
Description: Contents listed on tape: House Series pt 3, 5/22; Larry Bue, 5/28; Celtics - Houston '81, 6/14; World Cup Soccer, 6/17; Rickover, 7/7; Red Sox Crazy Wins, 7/11; All Star Game, 7/15; Caroline Kennedy, 7/18; Goodwill Games, 7/21; Royal Wedding, 7/22; Tennis, 7/28
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 05/22/1986, 05/28/1986, 06/14/1986, 06/17/1986, 07/07/1986, 07/11/1986, 07/15/1986, 07/18/1986, 07/21/1986, 07/22/1986, 07/28/1986
Description: Contents listed on tape: Hagler Quits, 7/3; Cape Cod Day, 7/16; Start of American Heritage Series
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/03/1986, 07/16/1986
Description: Contents listed on tape: California Angels Focus #1, 10/1; California Angels #2, 10/2; Red Sox, 10/14; Red Sox/ Angels mood, 10/15; Red Sox California, 10/16; Game 2 profile, 10/20; 1918 World Series, 10/21; Boyd Game 3, Mets Win, 10/22; Game 4 - Mets win, 10/23; Game 5 - Sox win, 10/24; Game 7, 10/28; Ballot Questions, 11/3
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 10/01/1986, 10/02/1986, 10/14/1986, 10/15/1986, 10/16/1986, 10/20/1986, 10/21/1986, 10/22/1986, 10/23/1986, 10/24/1986, 10/28, 1986, 11/03/1986