Description: Compilation of footage on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School. Press conference with Mr. Rollins and other people concerned about racist education at the King School, talking about the first day of school, the Boston School Committee's actions, and appropriate learning resources for the students at the King School. Another press conference about Operation Exodus, which is setting up learning centers for students who are assigned to attend the King School. They criticize the racist education of the current curriculum in Boston Schools. Cutaways of reporter asking questions. Press conference with John Bradley, new principal of the King School, answering questions about school problems and his proposed solutions. Interview with Louis Vangel, executive director of the Boston Teachers Union, on the teachers position at the King School. Interview with another man about the School Committee meeting to occur next Monday on the fate of the teachers and reopening of the King School. Interview with Louise Day Hicks on her proposed repeal of the 1965 Racial Imbalance law. Reporter asks her about soon to be Massachusetts Commissioner of Education Neil Sullivan and his busing programs. People walking into a building. Another interview with Mr. Vangel on the BTU's demands for the closing of the King School. Interview with man from the Boston School Committee on relationship between the School Committee and the King-Timility Advisory Council on resolving the problems at the King School. Silent footage of a hearing. Cutaways from Louise Day Hicks interview.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/1968...12/1968
Description: in Boston 10/28/1967 2:00 sof 10/20/1967 air piece 04/04/1668 air piece 10/20/1967 sof cuts B&W Silent - no date - looks like visit to Roxbury B&W Vietnam summer press conference cuts 700' [card reads 1967-1968 films]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967...1968
Description: Interview with Boston School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan. He speaks about the failings of the current busing system, especially concerning elementary school children. He talks about busing on a voluntary basis, but says that he would rather fund other School Committe projects things over any form of busing. He mentions a current bill which proposes amending the racial imbalance law where it concerns elementary school children.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1969
Description: Interview with Boston School Committee Chairman John Kerrigan. Kerrigan expresses his views against busing. He discusses the states racial imbalance law. He comments on the public conflict between Commissioner Sullivan and Secretary Finch, over their views on busing.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/12/1969
Description: Representative of the Boston Museum of Science interviewed about an incident the day before. The museum decided to postpone a planetarium show in order to broadcast the lunar landing. A few of the museum guest got angry. Reporter standup about the museums new exhibits related to the lunar landing.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/21/1969
Description: Silent footage of men hanging a banner that reads "Well Done, Apollo II," and children at a science exhibit on Apollo 11 and the lunar landing. Air piece on Bostonians watching the lunar landing on television. Reporter standup. Shots of people watching the lunar landing and first moon walk. Reporter standup.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/21/1969
Description: Edgartown story after the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne. Silent footage of District Attorney Edmund Dinis addressing reporters. Bill Zimmerman interviews Edgartown police chief Dominic Arena about the effect of the drowning and subsequent trial on his notoriety. They joke around while shooting cutaways. Exterior shots of the town offices and Edgartown streets scenes. A take of Zimmerman's reporter standup in front of Chief Arena directing traffic. Logan Airport runway environs. Senator Ted Kennedy and Joan Kennedy deboard plane and walk through airport to their car. Exterior shots of the County of Dukes County Courthouse. D.A. Dinis and others involved in the trial enter the court house. Interior shots of the Edgartown police station. Chief Arena jokes around while shooting environs.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/08/1969
Description: Sidney Farber press conference at Anthony's Pier. Silent footage of Farber is talking. Farber shaking hands with folks. Farber at the podium taking questions about funding for cancer research and talks about great progress in the past 20 year and about progress in chemotherapy and molecular biology. He says the country has never been in this good of a position before in terms of labs to do research. Another man talks at the podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Interview with John Kerrigan, chairman of the Boston School Committee. He discusses the recent distribution of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) literature at the girls Latin and English high schools.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Close up shots of Students for a Democratic Society newspaper front pages, as part of a story on SDS members distributing their literature at Boston high schools.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969