Description: Headquarters building and planes [Date listed as "'67"]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967
Description: At 1964 convention
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1964
Description: 1971 [Written slated at top of card] 506 Beacon 4/26 Beacon Street 3/2 Brookline 6/8 BU Cambridge 4/28 Dudley Fatal 4/71 Dorchester 6/6 2/16 East Boston 2/1 Harvard 5/7 Lexington 2/12 Lwell 4/25 Malden 4/2 M.B.T.A 5/4 Medford 5/27 Pleas. Ilse 4/71 North Reading Revere South Boston 5/71 Standish 5/14 Stonehamn Wakefield 4/71 Worchester 3/15 1800 fire
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/26/1971, 03/02/1971, 06/08/1971, 04/28/1971, 04/1971, 06/06/1971, 02/16/1971, 02/01/1971, 05/07/1971, 02/12/1071, 04/25/1971, 04/02/1971, 05/04/1971, 05/27/1971, 04/1971, 05/1971, 05/14/1971, 04/1971, 03/15/1971
Description: Flight - tour of MA [date listed as jan 70]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/1970
Description: Flies over MA
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/29/1970