Description: merchant, grove hall trade 12/17/69, trade board 12/17/69, police protection for shoppers, cuts, last item on reel
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 12/17/1969
Description: residents of Roxbury assemble and march to white stadium for ML KIng observance. item 2 in this reel of cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1969
Description: The unveiling of a Black businessman's , cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/21/1970
Description: Unviling of the Black Businessmans directory sof 1:24 sil 10 ft
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/21/1970
Description: Students that were arrested during B.U. melee are arraigned in Roxbury District Court, cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/26/1969
Description: Disturbance
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/10/1970
Description: new & old sil cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/26/1971
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/26/1971
Description: vandalism and trouble at this welfare office, sof Mr. Bonabita sil of papers strewn around
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/11/1968
Description: disturbance cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/10/1970