Description: Waltham - tractor trailer [Date on original card listed as "6/71"]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/1971
Description: Car and train in Waltham
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 07/02/1971
Description: Graduation cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/13/1971
Description: Commencement and appointment of new president 50' sound on film 15' silent
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/13/1971
Description: at Brandeis
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/26/1971
Description: Waltham
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 12/29/1971
Description: Waltham, Mass
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/30/1971
Description: Waltham, Mass.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/30/1971
Description: Woburn & Waltham fatals
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/11/1971
Description: 5/24/71 Art auction for JKF Library 30' sof 10' sil
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/24/1971