Description: Exterior footage of adult bookstores in Boston's Combat Zone, with close ups on the signs in the windows and ending with a shot of two magazines, Chic and Hustler. Interview with assistant DA for Suffolk County, Tim O'Neill. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Court Decision [regarding] combat zone bookstore [rules in their favor] - plus interview with Larry (hustler) Flynt, and assistant DA for Suffolk County, Tim O'Neill."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/14/1977
Description: Interview with Larry Flynt about pornography. Closing reporter standup. Additional description from the Original WCVB Rundown for this story reads: "Court Decision [regarding] combat zone bookstore [rules in their favor] - plus interview with Larry (hustler) Flynt, and assistant DA for Suffolk County, Tim O'Neill."
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/14/1977
Description: A woman, Miss Tuttle, at a podium speaking about the loss of protection for schools, libraries, and book sellers with the new Obscenity bill. A man at a podium discussing the negativity of new obscenity legislation and how it should be dealt with. Another man, Quentin de Streel, speaking at the podium about the new Obscenity bill and it's affect on schools and libraries, followed by him answering a reporter's question. Cut to Miss Tuttle speaking again and answering reporter questions. Shot of a man in the street dancing. Silent b-roll of the press conference. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/30/1974
Description: A woman leading a dance class, camera pulls out to show people dancing. Shots of people dancing. Interview with a woman who says that they are holding dance classes with various artists and senior citizens in preparation for the upcoming Artists Ball. Reporter dancing with the class and delivers standup. Sound and wild sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 03/07/1977
Description: Overview of past conventions mistake and triumphs, and how Walter Mondale is hoping for an uneventful convention. Footage of older conventions, stills of politicians, John Kennedy at the 1960 Convention, Senator Abraham Ribicoff speaking at the 1968 Democratic Convention, 1972 Democratic convention, shots of Mondale and Geralidine Ferro. Reporter voice-over throughout. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 07/16/1984
Description: Overview of Pope John Paul's recent tour in Canada. Footage of the Pope in parades, surrounded by people, speaking in churches and outside, during ceremonies, on a boat, and in a stadium. Reporter voice over about the tour and the subjects that the Pope addressed throughout reel. Sound.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 09/1984
Description: Black screen with reporter voiceover with an overview of the story. A resident, Arthur Greenberg, was at a public hearing regarding neighbor complaints about his dog kennels when he said that he would sell his home to "undesirables." Councilor Frank Saraceno then responded by asking who an undesirable might be and used a racial slur. Sound footage of Peabody policeman Harry Gardner at the NAACP press conference calling for Saranceno's resignation. Silent b-roll of reporter Joe Day talking to Saranceno. Back to Gardner saying that he does not accept Saranceno's explanation. B-roll of the people speaking at and attending the NAACP press conference. Mix of sound and silent. This is 2 of 2 reels.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 12/03/1976
Description: History of the Philippines and how Ferdinand Marcos ruined early hopes for democracy in the country. Footage of elections and the USA ceding sovereignty after WWII, Ronald Reagan speaking, rally for Corazon Aquino the Philippines, people praying, Clark Air Base and US military in the Philippines, and a statue of Marcos. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/24/1986
Description: Story about the fall of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, how the United States is dealing with the transition, and an overview of the history of the United States propping up dictators in countries like Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, and Nicaragua. Footage of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, US official speaking about Marcos, Ronald Reagan, historical images of Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and Haiti, and Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. Reporter voice-over through reel. Sound
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 02/25/1986
Description: Silent footage of Picasso paintings, sketches, and other art at "Picasso: Selections from Suite 347" art exhibit. Interviews with two curators about their memories of Picasso and his impact on the art world, followed by more b-roll of art and interview cutaways. Mix of sound and silent.
Collection: WCVB Collection
Date Created: 04/08/1973