Description: Christy George reports on efforts by the National Conference of Black Lawyers and women's groups to fight the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. Bork believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, while African American and women's groups believe that the Constitution needs to be interpreted according to the changes in society since the 18th century. Julie Walker (professor, University of Illinois at Urbana) and Adjoa Aiyetoro (Co-chair, National Conference of Black Lawyers) address a meeting of the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Cambridge. Women's groups held an anti-Bork demonstration on City Hall Plaza. Interviews with Gerald Horne (attorney and professor at Sarah Lawrence College), Margaret Burnham (attorney and retired judge) and Barbara Arnwine (Director, Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights) about their opposition to Bork. George's report uses supporting shots of racist literature from the 19th and 20th centuries.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Julie Walker (professor, University of Illinois at Urbana) saying that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not strong enough to secure the protection of women and African Americans. Shots of a historical advertisement for a slave auction; of a historical pamphlet titled, "Why I am a clansman"; of a racist photo of an African American girl on the cover of the Pictorial Review; of a sign reading, "No dogs, negroes, Mexicans; of a signs for separate white and "colored" facilities. Christy George notes that the civil rights movement has struggled for equal rights ever since the abolition of slavery; that the Supreme Court has played a crucial role in some of their victories. George reports that the National Conference of Black Lawyers met in Cambridge today; that the Conference opposes the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. V: Shots of the meeting of the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Cambridge; of Bork standing beside Ronald Reagan (US President). Footage of Adjoa Aiyetoro (Co-chair, National Coference of Black Lawyers) at the conference, talking about a recent Supreme Court decision. Aiyetoro says that the recent decision allows African Americans to be put to death at higher rates than whites. Aiyetoro says that Bork's appointment to the Supreme Court would strengthen the conservative bent of the Court. Footage of woman at a table set up in City Hall Plaza. A sign on the table indicates that the campaigners are against Bork's nomination. The woman at the table talks to passersby. George reports that women are against Bork's nomination; that Bork has said that women have no Constitutional protection against discrimination. George notes that women campaigned againse Bork on City Hall Plaza yesterday. V: Shots of a woman handing out anti-Bork flyers. Footage of a woman addressing a crowd at City Hall Plaza. She stands in front of a group of women holding anti-Bork signs. She speaks from a podium. A sign hanging on the podium reads, "Reject Bork." The woman says that Bork is a "right-wing ideologue"; that Bork will not support the struggle for equal rights for women. Shots of women at the rally at City Hall Plaza. George reports that Bork believes that the Supreme Court should not overturn legislation unless it is clearly contradict the Constitution. George notes that African Americans and women believe that the Constitution needs to be interpreted according to the changes in society. V: Shot of a young infant wearing an anti-Bork pin. Footage of a woman addressing the crowd on City Hall Plaza. The woman says that the Supreme Court has validated social changes over the past thirty years. George reports that Bork believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution; that Bork points out that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. V: Footage of Gerald Horne (attorney and professor at Sarah Lawrence College) saying that the Constitution should not be interpreted by 18th century standards. Footage of Margaret Burnham (attorney and retired judge) saying that Bork's interpretation of the Constitution will not protect women and minorities from many acts of discrimination. Footage of Barbara Arnwine (Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights) saying that Bork opposed the public accomodations provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; that those provisions allowed the desegregation of public transportation. V: Shots of women at the rally at City Hall Plaza. George notes that Bork's critics do not dispute his legal skills. V: Footage of a woman at the rally talking about Bork firing Archibald Cox (Special Prosecutor). She admits that Bork has a good legal record. Shots of women at the rally holding anti-Bork signs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/11/1987
Description: Christy George reports that the city of Lowell has chosen a central enrollment plan to accomplish school desegregation in its public schools. George notes that central enrollment plans are implemented through magnet schools; she adds that students choose schools according to the programs they offer instead of by location. George interviews Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell). Kennedy says that the Lowell School Committee opted for a central enrollment plan in order to avoid court-ordered desegregation of the schools. George reports that the city of Cambridge uses a central enrollment plan and has become a national model for school desegregation. George interviews Peter Colleary (Director of Student Assignments, Cambridge Public Schools) about central enrollment in Cambridge Public Schools. George's report includes footage of a meeting between Colleary and school officials from Rochester, NY. The officials from Rochester ask questions about central enrollment in Cambridge. George notes that opponents to school desegregation in Lowell believe that central enrollment is a form of mandatory desegregation. George interviews George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) about his opposition to the central enrollment plan. George notes that Cambridge had a successful school system even before the adoption of the central enrollment plan. She adds that the Cambridge model may not work in every city. George's report includes footage of buses in front of schools in Lowell, footage of a girls' soccer game in Cambridge, footage of school children in classrooms, and footage of buses arriving at South Boston High School in 1976. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on tension over school desegregation in Lynn
1:00:05: Visual: Shots from a moving vehicle of students in front of South Boston High School in 1976; of buses with police escort travelling up G Street to South Boston High School; of African American students exiting buses in front of South Boston High School. Christy George reports that the city of Lowell wants to avoid court-ordered school desegregation and forced busing. George reports that Lowell is opting for a voluntary school enrollment plan; that students choose three schools which they would like to attend; that students will be bused to one of those schools. V: Shots of elementary school students in a school cafeteria; of a bus pulling up to an elementary school. Footage of Robert Kennedy (Mayor of Lowell) saying that the Lowell School Committee acted responsibly; that the School Committee wanted to avoid court intervention in Lowell schools. Shots of a white teacher teaching in a racially integrated elementary school classroom in Lowell. Shots of students in the classroom. George reports that the central enrollment plan is implemented through magnet schools; that the magnet schools offer diverse programs; that students can choose the school which offers programs which appeal to them. George notes that racial balance can result from the magnet school system; that the system has worked well in the city of Cambridge. V: Footage of Peter Colleary (Director of Student Assignments, Cambridge Public Schools) saying that school choice has been successful for Cambridge Public Schools. George notes that Colleary matches Cambridge students with their schools; that some schools have increased minority enrollment from 9% in 1981 to 43% in 1987; that students are willing to choose schools outside of their neighborhoods. V: Shots of the Cambridge High School girls' soccer team playing a soccer game. Footage of Colleary saying that 65% of Cambridge Public School students do not attend schools in their districts. Shots of the exterior of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. George notes that the city of Cambridge owns many of its own buses; that half of the bus drivers work for the city. dShots of a school bus; of the exterior of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. George notes that the Cambridge Public School System has become a national model for desegregation. V: Shots of Colleary talking to a delegation from the public school system of Rochester, NY. Members of the delegation ask Colleary questions about the Cambridge Public School System. George notes that critics in Lowell see the Cambridge model as another form of mandatory desegregation. V: Shot of a school bus pulling away from an elementary school in Lowell. Footage of George Kouloheras (Lowell School Committee) saying that central enrollment plans "are a euphemism for forced busing." Kouloheras says that central enrollment does not improve the education in the schools. Footage of Colleary saying that 35% of Cambridge students are bused; that the students have chosen to attend schools outside of their districts. Colleary calls it "busing by choice." George stands in front of a school at dusk. George reports that Cambridge was providing good education in its schools before the implementation of the voluntary desegregation plan. George notes that the Cambridge model may not work in every city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/26/1987