Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over the affirmative action program in the Boston Fire Department. A 1976 court ruling required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorities. Interview with Kathleen Allen, of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, about the affirmative action program in the Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports on the percentages of non-white firefighters in the department. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters consider the affirmative action program to be unfair, while many non-white firefighters support the program. Interview with David Coritella from the Mayor's Policy Office about the affirmative action program and the civil service exam. Cortiella says that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group are hired. Vaillancourt reviews statistics concerning the rank and salaries of non-white firefighters. There are few minorities in positions of authority within the department. White firefighters Philip Malone and Paul Malone were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. City and state officials fully support the affirmative action program. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of white and minority firefighters on the job and in a fire station. Vaillancourt's report also features clips from Nova. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the affirmative action program at the Bank of Boston
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter sitting in a fire station. Shots of the two firefighters sliding down a pole and putting on gear. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a station with its siren blaring. Footage from Nova of flames and burning buildings. Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Meg Vaillancourt reports that a 1976 court ruling found discriminatory practices in the Boston Fire Department; that a consent order required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorites. V: Shot of a siren; of a white firefighter putting on gear and climbing into a fire truck. Footage of Kathleen Allen (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) saying that firefighters used to be hired only if they knew someone on the force; that firefighters were not hired according to their qualifications before 1976. Shot of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter working with equipment in the fire station. On-screen visuals and text detail the racial breakdown of employees in the Boston Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports that there were nineteen non-white firefighters in 1976; that minority firefighters made up less than one percent of the department in 1976. Vaillancourt reports that there are 373 non-white firefighters in 1989; that minority firefighters make up 23% of the department in 1989. V: Vaillancourt stands in a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that Boston firefighters did not want to talk about affirmative action on camera because it is a touchy subject. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters said that the consent decree was unfair. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters say that the consent decree allows minorities to be hired before whites who scored higher on the civil service exam. Vaillancourt reports that some African American firefighters said that the consent decree allowed them an equal opportunity to be hired. Vaillancourt notes that David Cortiella (Mayor's Policy Office) is the former director of the city of Boston's affirmative action program. V: Footage of Cortiella being interviewed by Vaillancourt at a fire station. Cortiella says that the consent decree does not force the Fire Department to hire minorities. Vaillancourt asks if the consent decree would allow a white applicant to be passed over in favor of a minority applicant who scored lower on the civil service exam. Cortiella says that such a scenario is possible. Cortiella adds that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group will be hired. Vaillancourt reports that white firefighters in Alabama have won the right to sue for reverse discrimination. Vaillancourt notes that the white Alabama firefighters have not yet proven their case. V: Shots of a white firefighter; of an African American firefighter; of a firefighting ladder extended toward a tall building. Shots of an African American firefighter in uniform; of a white firefighter standing on a firefighting ladder. Vaillancourt reports that it is hard to argue that affirmative action has decreased opportunities for white firefighters. Vaillancourt notes that few minorities are in positions of authority within the Boston Fire Department. V: On-screen text and visuals details statistics about the rank and salaries of minority firefighters. Vaillancourt reports that there was one African American lieutenant in the Fire Department in 1976; that there are seven African American lieutenants or captains in 1989. Vaillancourt notes that 158 firefighters earn salaries of $43,000 or more; that only one of those 158 firefighters is a minority. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters in Boston believe that affirmative action puts them at a disadvantage. Vaillancourt notes that two white firefighters were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. Vaillancourt adds that the two firefighters are fighting their dismissal; that the two firefighters claim that their grandmother was African American. V: Shot of a white firefighter climbing into the driver's seat of a fire truck. Shots of black and white photos from WNEV of Philip Malone (former firefighter) and Paul Malone (former firefighter). Vaillancourt reports that two other firefighters are under review for having claimed to be Latino. V: Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Footage of Cortiello saying that he will not comment on the cases of the two firefighters who claimed to be Latino. Shots of firefighters sliding down a pole in a fire station. The firefighters climb onto a fire truck. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that city and state officials say that they will not retreat from their affirmative action program.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over a new student assignment plan for the Boston Public Schools, which minority members of the Boston School Committee spoke out against at a breakfast commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.. School Committee members John O'Bryant, Juanita Wade, Jean McGuire, and Gerald Anderson speak to the media. They do not believe that the plan will provide equitable education for all. The plan was proposed by mayor Ray Flynn. It will allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend. Interview with Flynn, who defends the proposal, saying that it's supported by parents. He adds that School Committee members have been asked for input on the plan. Vaillancourt also reports that Flynn has proposed the decentralization of the Boston School Department and selling off the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt reports that minority members of the School Committee may rescind their support for superintendent Laval Wilson if he supports Flynn's school choice proposal. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Elma Lewis in Marsh Chapel at Boston University on Martin Luther King Day and Carmen Fields interviews Robert Nemiroff about the playwright Lorraine Hansberry
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of city and state leaders including Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), Bernard Cardinal Law (Archidiocese of Boston), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) singing together at celebration in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Meg Vaillancourt reports that local leaders gathered over breakfast today to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Vaillancourt notes that there was controversy at the breakfast over a new assignment plan for students in Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee) speaking to the media. School Committee members John O'Bryant and Jean McGuire sit beside Wade. Wade calls the new plan "segregation redux." Wade says that the Boston Public Schools need to provide choice, equity, and a quality education right now. Footage of Flynn speaking to the media. Flynn says that the plan has the support of the citizens of Boston; that parents are looking for this kind of reform. Vaillancourt reports that the new plan would allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend; that parents have not been able to choose schools since school desegregation began in 1974. V: Shots of buses pulling up to the front of South Boston High School in 1974; of South Boston residents jeering at the buses. Shots of buses parked in front of South Boston High School; of African American students walking among the buses. Vaillancourt notes that the population of white students in Boston Public Schools has declined since 1974; that non-white students make up 70% of the student population in Boston Public Schools. Vaillancourt adds that the School System has been criticized for not providing students with a quality education. V: Shots of non-white students in a classroom; of an African American male student sitting in a classroom. Shot of Flynn. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn and two consultants have proposed a plan to improve the schools and to increase parental choice. V: Footage of School Committee members O'Bryant, Wade, McGuire, and Gerald Anderson sitting on a couch. African American community leaders, including Charles Yancey (Boston City Council), Eugene Rivers (African Peoples Pentecostal Church) and Louis Elisa (Boston chapter of the NAACP), stand behind them. Anderson addresses the media. Anderson says that the Boston School System needs to provide a quality education to all before it can claim to be equitable. Anderson says that the mayor needs to provide more funding to the schools. Shots of O'Bryant and other community leaders. Footage of Flynn being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Flynn if he is surprised by the attitude of the African American community leaders. Flynn says that he has been working on the proposal for several months; that community leaders have had many opportunities to review and give input on the proposal. Footage of Anderson saying that he is offended by Flynn's attitude. Anderson notes that Flynn has said that the statements of the African American leaders are "bogus." Anderson says that the community leaders are standing up for their constituents; that Flynn's statements are "bogus." Footage of Flynn saying that the members of the School Committee have had input on the proposal; that the members of the School Committee voted twelve-to-one in favor of the plan. Flynn says that the School Committee members were told that they would have further opportunities to give input on the proposal. Footage of McGuire saying that Flynn's proposal will cost more money. McGuire says that the School Committee has not been given additional money to fund Flynn's proposal. Vaillancourt reports that the Boston Public School System spends more money per student than any other public school system in the nation. V: Shot of an African American teacher and student at the front of a classroom; of a white male student seated in a classroom; of an African American female student seated in a classroom. Vaillancourt notes that Flynn has come up with another controversial proposal to fund neighborhood schools; that Flynn has suggested the decentralization of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt adds that the proposal would sell off the downtown headquarters of the Boston School Department on Court Street. V: Shots of the exterior of the Boston School Department headquarters. Footage of Flynn saying that the downtown headquarters of the School Department should be sold; that the money should be put into neighborhood schools. Footage of O'Bryant saying that the School System is going to end up back in court if it does not receive support from the city. Vaillancourt reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has supported Flynn's school choice plan; that Wilson's contract ends in June. V: Shots of a meeting in the chambers of the Boston School Committee; of Wilson speaking at a School Committee meeting. Vaillancourt reports that the African American members have voted to extend Wilson's contract in the past. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson's future support among the Committee's African American members may depend on his position on Flynn's school choice plan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/16/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Federal Reserve Bank has released a study finding that banks in Boston are guilty of redlining. Vaillancourt notes that three times as many mortgages are approved in Boston's white neighborhoods as in African American neighborhoods. Vaillancourt reviews the findings of the study. Vaillancourt interviews African Americans on the street. They talk about their experiences in applying for mortgages. Vaillancourt reports that African Americans earn less than whites on average. She adds that these economic factors do not explain the gap in mortgage lending practices. Vaillancourt interviews Joseph Kennedy (US Congressman). Kennedy condemns redlining practices. He adds that banks should not practice discrimination, noting that many banks receive federal funds. Vaillancourt reports that Boston banks have agreed to change their lending practices. She adds that meetings between community activists and banks are scheduled for next month. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of employees and customers in banks and shots of residential homes.
1:00:14: Visual: Shots of residential homes in suburban areas. Meg Vaillancourt reports that home prices are on the rise. Vaillancourt notes that race can also be obstacle to home ownership. V: Footage of an African American man being interviewed at Downtown Crossing in Boston. The man says that he is turned down every time he applies for a mortgage. Footage of an African American woman being interviewed at Downtown Crossing. The woman says that she has had to submit a great deal of paperwork when applying for a mortgage; that she has been examined more carefully than her income would merit. Footage of Joseph Kennedy (US Congressman) saying that redlining is practiced across the nation; that many officials try to deny it. Vaillancourt reports that the Federal Reserve Bank has released a study which finds that three times as many mortgages are approved in Boston's white neighborhoods as in Boston's African American neighborhoods. V: Shot of an African American woman looking out of the window of an apartment building. On-screen visuals and text detail the findings of the study. Footage of an African American man being interviewed at Downtown Crossing. The man says that banks seem to believe that African Americans do not have money. Footage of another man being interviewed. The man says that there should be no discrimination in lending practices. Shots of homes in a residential neighborhood; of two white women and a child standing in front of one of the homes. Vaillancourt reports that some blamed economic factors instead of race for redlining practices. Vaillancourt quotes statistics which show that African Americans earn less than whites on average; that homes in African American neighborhoods cost less; that there is less development in African American neighborhoods. V: Shots of residential homes in a variety of neighborhoods. Vaillancourt notes that economic factors do not explain the gap in mortgage lending practices. Vaillancourt quotes the study as finding that a 24% difference in mortgages between white and African American neighborhoods is found even when economic factors are taken into account. Vaillancourt reports that the study found that economic factors do not explain the gap in lending practices. V: On-screen text and visuals detail the study findings. Footage of Kennedy saying that poor people are receiving credit; that people of color are being denied access to credit. Vaillancourt reports that the banking industry is in crisis after the savings and loan scandal; that many banks have been forced to close. Vaillancourt notes that taxpayers are bailing out some banks; that banks are having a hard time collecting on bad loans. V: Shots of employees and customers in the lobby of a bank; of a client filling out a loan application; of bank employees sitting at their desks while helping customers. Shot of an African American bank employee helping a white customer with a loan application. Footage of Kennedy saying that banks have access to federal funds; that banks receiving federal funds should not practice discrimination. Shot of two triple-decker houses in a residential neighborhood. One of the houses is dilapidated. Vaillancourt reports that Boston banks have agreed to change their lending practices; that meetings between community activists and banks are scheduled for next month. V: Footage of the first African American man at Downtown Crossing. The man says that he has been forced to look elsewhere for loans; that the banks' lending practices will not stop him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/31/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee is deeply divided over whether to renew the contract of superintendent Laval Wilson. Committee members discuss Wilson's contract renewal at a School Committee meeting. Committee member John O'Bryant says that he refuses to watch Wilson be lynched by members of the Committee who do not respect his professionalism. Vaillancourt reviews Wilson's record as superintendent. She speculates on how each member of the Committee will vote and quotes Committee member John Nucci as saying that Wilson's prospects look "gloomy." Vaillancourt reports accusations that Mayor Ray Flynn has been lobbying against Wilson. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the debate over the terms "black" and "African American"
1:00:18: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) addressing members of the Boston School Committee at a meeting of the School Committee. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Wilson is fighting for his job. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson told the School Committee at last night's meeting that the debate over his contract should be postponed. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson said that he did not have proper legal counsel with him at last night's meeting. Vaillancourt adds that there are deep divisions among School Committee members over the renewal of Wilson's contract. V: Footage from Say Brother of School Committee members John O'Bryant, Juanita Wade and Rita Walsh Tomasini at a School Committee meeting. Footage of Abigail Browne (Boston School Committee) saying that the School Committee must decide whether it will negotiate a new contract with Wilson. Browne says that Wilson does not need legal counsel if the School Committee decides not to negotiate a contract. Footage of Peggy Davis-Mullen (Boston School Committee) saying that she would like the School Committee to decide if it should renew Wilson's contract. Footage of John Nucci (Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson has made a respectful request not to negotiate this evening. Nucci says that he would not blame Wilson if he got up and left the meeting. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson and his supporters were prepared to walk out of the meeting; that they did not walk out of the meeting. V: Footage of O'Bryant speaking to a few School Committee members during a break in the meeting. O'Bryant says that he refuses to watch Wilson "be lynched" by Committee members who have no respect for his professionalism. Vaillancourt reports that the meeting was postponed until next week. V: Shots of audience members at the School Committee meeting; of Wilson standing alone at the meeting as he sips a beverage. Vaillancourt reports that some School Committee members are angry about Wilson's handling of a new student assignment plan; that some members fault Wilson for stalled contract talks with the teachers' union. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson is credited with an increase in student test scores; that Wilson is blamed for the School Department's $3 milllion deficit. V: Shots of a group of School Committee members conferring, including Davis-Mullen, Daniel Burke, Robert Cappucci, and Walsh-Tomasini; of Wilson conferring with another group of School Committee members, including Nucci, O'Bryant, and John Grady. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson asked for a raise and a housing allowance; that the School Committee voted in the fall to begin negotiations with Wilson. Vaillancourt notes that some members do not want to renew his contract. V: Shots of Davis-Mullen, Wilson and Thomas O'Reilly (President, Boston School Committee) at a School Committee Meeting. Footage of Robert Cappucci saying that he will give no support to Wilson. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson needs seven votes in order to extend his contract. Vaillancourt notes that Committee members Walsh Tomasini, Cappucci, Davis-Mullen, Burke, Kitty Bowman, and Browne are opposed to renewing Wilson's contract; that Committee members O'Bryant, Jean McGuire, Wade, Gerald Anderson and Grady support Wilson; that Committee members Nucci and O'Reilly are undecided. V: On-screen text details the breakdown of the potential votes of School Committee members. Vaillancourt reports that O'Reilly has said that he is open to negotiating with Wilson; that O'Reilly has not said how he will vote. Vaillancourt reports that Nucci wants to discuss Wilson's plans to deal with the School Department deficit before casting his vote. Vaillancourt notes that Nucci has characterized Wilson's chances as "gloomy." V: Shots of O'Reilly; of Nucci. Vaillancourt reports that O'Bryant has accused Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) of lobbying against Wilson. Vaillancourt reports that a spokesman for Flynn said that "there is no basis for that charge. The mayor has worked cooperatively with the Superintendent and the School Committee." V: Shots of O'Bryant; of Flynn. A quote from a Flynn spokesman appears written on the screen. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn would like to have more influence over the school system; that Flynn has suggested doing away with the Boston School Committee. Vaillancourt wonders if Flynn would also like to choose a superintendent more to his liking.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989