Description: Christy George reports that Jesse Jackson spoke about leadership in a speech at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. George reports that Jackson is very active in this non-election year. George's report includes footage of Jackson walking a picket line with striking Eastern Airline employees and footage of Jackson visiting an Armenian earthquake zone. George talks about Jackson's activities since the 1988 election. George's report also features footage from Jackson's speech at Harvard. Jackson talks about voter cynicism in the 1988 election and the qualities of a good leader. Jackson says that the US must invest in itself in order to flourish. He explains a metaphorical term: "honeybee sense." George's report also includes footage from Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Lee Atwater visits Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) as he enters an auditorium at the John F. Kennedy School of Goverment at Harvard University. The audience applauds for Jackson. Shot of a man in the crowd. Footage of Jackson addressing the audience. Jackson jokes about his speech being televised on C-Span. Jackson waves to his mother. Christy George reports that Jackson talked about the scarcity of good leaders in American politics during his speech at the Kennedy School of Government. V: Footage of Jackson delivering his speech. Jackson says that public cynicism won more voters than Bush did in the 1988 campaign. Jackson notes that 50% of the eligible voters did not vote; that 70% of voters expressed a desire for a different choice. Jackson says that Bush's campaign won while the country lost. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally in New Hampshire on February 16, 1988. The crowd chants, "Win, Jesse, Win." George notes that Jackson travels the country regularly in non-election years. V: Shots of Jackson doing a television interview; of Jackson picketing with striking Eastern Airline employees. George reports that Jackson has walked with striking Eastern Airline employees across the nation; that Jackson turned a tour of an Armenian earthquake zone into a Soviet-American people's summit. V: Shot of a Soviet news anchor reading the news; of Jackson kissing a baby in Armenia. Footage of Jackson looking out of a window while riding on a bus in Armenia. Jackson speaks to the media, saying that human beings must care for one another. Footage of Jackson at a 1988 campaign rally. George calls Jackson a "perpetual candidate" and a "peripatetic preacher." V: Footage of Jackson speaking at the Kennedy School. Jackson says that he is a "liberal" who fights for change. Jackson says that pollsters and pundits are looking for a manufactured candidate. Jackson says that great leaders do not follow opinion polls; that great leaders mold public opinion. Jackson says that John F. Kennedy (former US President) was not following opinion polls when he reached out to Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jackson says that Kennedy's actions were based on courage and principles. Jackson says that the US needs bold leadership to deal with the nation's "structural crisis." Jackson talks about "honeybee sense." Jackson says that honeybees know to drop pollen when they pick up nectar; that honeybees know the importance of keeping the flowers alive. Jackson says that the US needs to invest in itself in order to stay alive and flourish. The crowd rises to its feet and applauds for Jackson.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Lee Atwater, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, visited Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater is optimistic about the Massachusetts Republican Party and has been making efforts to recruit minorities to the Republican Party. Students at Howard University protest Atwater's trusteeship at Howard University. Critics accuse the Republican Party of racist politics. David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan wizard, at a press conference. Vaillancourt notes that Atwater denies exploiting racial issues in 1988 presidential campaign advertisements. Vaillancourt's report features footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater predicts that the next governor of Massachusetts will be a Republican. Atwater defends the Willie Horton campaign advertisements and condemns David Duke. Atwater shakes hands with Herman Wheeler, the President of the MBTA Police Officers Association, who recently switched his allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson addresses students at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Lee Atwater (Chairman, Republican National Committee) speaking at a Republican fundraiser in Watertown, Massachusetts. Atwater says that Massachusetts will see no real progress until the state elects a Republican governor. Shots of audience members listening to Atwater. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Atwater visited Massachusetts for a fundraiser; that he was not afraid to attack former rival Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the press conference. Atwater says that he can "smell" a Republican victory in the Massachusetts air. Shot of Atwater shaking hands with attendees of the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has had a few setbacks recently. Vaillancourt reports that one of Atwater's goals is to increase minority membership in the Republican Party; that Atwater was recently forced to resign from the Board of Trustees of Howard University when African American students staged a three-day protest. V: Footage of student protests at Howard University on February 8, 1989. Vaillancourt reports that students were angry over the Republican Party's exploitation of race in the presidential campaign. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Willie Horton (furloughed convict). Vaillancourt reports that Atwater denies that the Republican Party exploited race in the Willie Horton campaign advertisements. V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater says that the Republican Party was opposed to Dukakis's criminal furlough program. Vaillancourt reports that critics say that racist politics resulted in the election of David Duke (former wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) as the Republican candidate for governor of Lousiana. V: Footage of Duke at a press conference; of a Duke campaign sticker. Footage of Atwater at the fundraiser. Atwater says that Duke is a racist "charlatan"; that Duke has no place in the Republican Party. Atwater says that the Democrats should focus on Reverend Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam leader). Shots of attendees at the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater highlighted the efforts of the Massachusetts Republican Party to attract African American voters; that Atwater welcomed a president of an MBTA patrolmen's union. Vaillancourt notes that the president of the patrolmen's union has switched parties. V: Footage of Atwater shaking the hand of Herman Wheeler (President, MBTA Police Officers Association). Atwater tells Wheeler that it takes courage to switch parties; that the Republican Party needs courageous members. Shot of audience members, including Ron Kaufman (Republican National Committee). Vaillancourt reports from the Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt says that Atwater's speech to the Massachusetts Republican Party was optimistic. Vaillancourt notes that the Republican Party has recently lost two special Congressional elections; that there is another special Congressional election in Wyoming tomorrow. Vaillancourt reports that some are wondering why Atwater is not in Wyoming today. V: Footage of Atwater saying that he would risk being called an "outsider" if he went to Wyoming to campaign. Atwater says that he hopes the Party will win the election in Wyoming; that "all is not lost" if the Party loses the election. Atwater says that special elections do not portend the results of the next election cycle. Shots of attendees at the fundraiser; of Atwater greeting attendees. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has a lot of work ahead of him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989