Description: Marcus Jones reports on the affirmative action program at the Bank of Boston. Twenty percent of the employees at the bank are minorities. Interview with Charles Gifford from the Bank of Boston, who says that a diverse workforce makes sense. Gifford says that the bank will hire any qualified candidate, regardless of race. Gifford adds that he would like to hire more minorities in top bank positions. Jones reports that bank managers have set affirmative action goals that exceed federal requirements because they believe that an integrated workforce is good for business. Interview with Rosa Hunter, the Director of Affirmative Action Planning for the Bank of Boston. Hunter talks about the bank's commitment to diversity. Jones reviews statistics concerning minority professionals and minority managers at the Bank of Boston. He notes that most minority employees are hired for entry-level and mid-level positions. The edited story is followed by additional b-roll footage of Bank of Boston employees in the offices and cafeteria. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Meg Vaillancourt reports on affirmative action in the Boston Fire Department
1:00:10: Visual: Shots of Bank of Boston employees riding on an escalator in a Bank of Boston building; of a sign for the Bank of Boston. Shots of tellers helping customers in a Bank of Boston office. Marcus Jones reports that the Bank of Boston employs almost 20,000 people; that 20 percent of the employees are minorities. Shots of an African American bank teller; of employees eating lunch in a cafeteria. Jones reports that the bank has doubled its number of minority employees in the past ten years; that bank executives see room for more minorities among their employees. V: Footage of Charles Gifford (Bank of Boston) being interviewed by Jones in his office. Gifford says that a diverse work force makes sense regardless of affirmative action guidelines. Shots of the interior of the Bank of Boston; of customers and tellers inside of the bank. Jones reports that the Bank of Boston receives federal funding; that the Bank of Boston is obligated to comply with federal affirmative action guidelines. Jones notes that the bank management has often set goals which exceed federal requirements. Jones reports that the bank managers believe that an integrated workforce is good for business. V: Shots of employees in a Bank of Boston office. Footage of Gifford saying that the Bank of Boston is growing; that they need more employees. Gifford says that the bank will be at an advantage if it is known as an employer who is open to all. Gifford says that he wants the bank to hire people according to qualifications and performance. Jones reports that Rosa Hunter (Director of Affirmative Action Planning for the Bank of Boston) has worked at the Bank of Boston for 21 years; that Hunter has directed the Bank of Boston's affirmative action effort for two years. V: Footage of Hunter being interviewed by Jones. Hunter says that the Bank of Boston is committed to diversity; that the Bank of Boston will continue its diversity efforts regardless of court rulings against affirmative action programs. Shot of an African American employee at the Bank of Boston. Jones reports that the number of minority managers at the Bank of Boston increased from 4.3% to 9.7% between 1978 and 1988. Jones notes that the number of minority professionals at the Bank of Boston increased from 6.6% to 12.4% from 1978 to 1988. V: On-screen text and visuals detail statistics on the percentage of minority managers and the percentage of minority professionals at the Bank of Boston. Shots of employees eating at a cafeteria. Jones reports that minority employees are being hired for entry-level and mid-level postions; that few minority employees are being appointed to top-level management positions. V: Footage of Gifford saying that the bank is not satisfied with the low number of minority and female employees among its top positions. Gifford says that he expects those numbers to improve because the bank is open to promoting qualified employees to top positions regardless of race or gender. Shot of an African American female bank employee in a Bank of Boston office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1989
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over the affirmative action program in the Boston Fire Department. A 1976 court ruling required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorities. Interview with Kathleen Allen, of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, about the affirmative action program in the Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports on the percentages of non-white firefighters in the department. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters consider the affirmative action program to be unfair, while many non-white firefighters support the program. Interview with David Coritella from the Mayor's Policy Office about the affirmative action program and the civil service exam. Cortiella says that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group are hired. Vaillancourt reviews statistics concerning the rank and salaries of non-white firefighters. There are few minorities in positions of authority within the department. White firefighters Philip Malone and Paul Malone were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. City and state officials fully support the affirmative action program. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of white and minority firefighters on the job and in a fire station. Vaillancourt's report also features clips from Nova. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the affirmative action program at the Bank of Boston
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter sitting in a fire station. Shots of the two firefighters sliding down a pole and putting on gear. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a station with its siren blaring. Footage from Nova of flames and burning buildings. Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Meg Vaillancourt reports that a 1976 court ruling found discriminatory practices in the Boston Fire Department; that a consent order required the Boston Fire Department to offer equal opportunities to minorites. V: Shot of a siren; of a white firefighter putting on gear and climbing into a fire truck. Footage of Kathleen Allen (Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination) saying that firefighters used to be hired only if they knew someone on the force; that firefighters were not hired according to their qualifications before 1976. Shot of an African American firefighter and a white firefighter working with equipment in the fire station. On-screen visuals and text detail the racial breakdown of employees in the Boston Fire Department. Vaillancourt reports that there were nineteen non-white firefighters in 1976; that minority firefighters made up less than one percent of the department in 1976. Vaillancourt reports that there are 373 non-white firefighters in 1989; that minority firefighters make up 23% of the department in 1989. V: Vaillancourt stands in a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that Boston firefighters did not want to talk about affirmative action on camera because it is a touchy subject. Vaillancourt notes that some white firefighters said that the consent decree was unfair. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters say that the consent decree allows minorities to be hired before whites who scored higher on the civil service exam. Vaillancourt reports that some African American firefighters said that the consent decree allowed them an equal opportunity to be hired. Vaillancourt notes that David Cortiella (Mayor's Policy Office) is the former director of the city of Boston's affirmative action program. V: Footage of Cortiella being interviewed by Vaillancourt at a fire station. Cortiella says that the consent decree does not force the Fire Department to hire minorities. Vaillancourt asks if the consent decree would allow a white applicant to be passed over in favor of a minority applicant who scored lower on the civil service exam. Cortiella says that such a scenario is possible. Cortiella adds that the highest-scoring applicants in each racial group will be hired. Vaillancourt reports that white firefighters in Alabama have won the right to sue for reverse discrimination. Vaillancourt notes that the white Alabama firefighters have not yet proven their case. V: Shots of a white firefighter; of an African American firefighter; of a firefighting ladder extended toward a tall building. Shots of an African American firefighter in uniform; of a white firefighter standing on a firefighting ladder. Vaillancourt reports that it is hard to argue that affirmative action has decreased opportunities for white firefighters. Vaillancourt notes that few minorities are in positions of authority within the Boston Fire Department. V: On-screen text and visuals details statistics about the rank and salaries of minority firefighters. Vaillancourt reports that there was one African American lieutenant in the Fire Department in 1976; that there are seven African American lieutenants or captains in 1989. Vaillancourt notes that 158 firefighters earn salaries of $43,000 or more; that only one of those 158 firefighters is a minority. Vaillancourt reports that some white firefighters in Boston believe that affirmative action puts them at a disadvantage. Vaillancourt notes that two white firefighters were recently fired for having claimed to be African American on their job applications. Vaillancourt adds that the two firefighters are fighting their dismissal; that the two firefighters claim that their grandmother was African American. V: Shot of a white firefighter climbing into the driver's seat of a fire truck. Shots of black and white photos from WNEV of Philip Malone (former firefighter) and Paul Malone (former firefighter). Vaillancourt reports that two other firefighters are under review for having claimed to be Latino. V: Shots of firefighters fighting fires. Footage of Cortiello saying that he will not comment on the cases of the two firefighters who claimed to be Latino. Shots of firefighters sliding down a pole in a fire station. The firefighters climb onto a fire truck. Shot of a fire truck pulling out of a fire station. Vaillancourt reports that city and state officials say that they will not retreat from their affirmative action program.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1989