Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on controversy over a new student assignment plan for the Boston Public Schools, which minority members of the Boston School Committee spoke out against at a breakfast commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.. School Committee members John O'Bryant, Juanita Wade, Jean McGuire, and Gerald Anderson speak to the media. They do not believe that the plan will provide equitable education for all. The plan was proposed by mayor Ray Flynn. It will allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend. Interview with Flynn, who defends the proposal, saying that it's supported by parents. He adds that School Committee members have been asked for input on the plan. Vaillancourt also reports that Flynn has proposed the decentralization of the Boston School Department and selling off the headquarters of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt reports that minority members of the School Committee may rescind their support for superintendent Laval Wilson if he supports Flynn's school choice proposal. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Elma Lewis in Marsh Chapel at Boston University on Martin Luther King Day and Carmen Fields interviews Robert Nemiroff about the playwright Lorraine Hansberry
1:00:26: Visual: Footage of city and state leaders including Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Charles Stith (Union United Methodist Church), Bernard Cardinal Law (Archidiocese of Boston), and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) singing together at celebration in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Meg Vaillancourt reports that local leaders gathered over breakfast today to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Vaillancourt notes that there was controversy at the breakfast over a new assignment plan for students in Boston Public Schools. V: Footage of Juanita Wade (Boston School Committee) speaking to the media. School Committee members John O'Bryant and Jean McGuire sit beside Wade. Wade calls the new plan "segregation redux." Wade says that the Boston Public Schools need to provide choice, equity, and a quality education right now. Footage of Flynn speaking to the media. Flynn says that the plan has the support of the citizens of Boston; that parents are looking for this kind of reform. Vaillancourt reports that the new plan would allow parents to choose which schools their children will attend; that parents have not been able to choose schools since school desegregation began in 1974. V: Shots of buses pulling up to the front of South Boston High School in 1974; of South Boston residents jeering at the buses. Shots of buses parked in front of South Boston High School; of African American students walking among the buses. Vaillancourt notes that the population of white students in Boston Public Schools has declined since 1974; that non-white students make up 70% of the student population in Boston Public Schools. Vaillancourt adds that the School System has been criticized for not providing students with a quality education. V: Shots of non-white students in a classroom; of an African American male student sitting in a classroom. Shot of Flynn. Vaillancourt reports that Flynn and two consultants have proposed a plan to improve the schools and to increase parental choice. V: Footage of School Committee members O'Bryant, Wade, McGuire, and Gerald Anderson sitting on a couch. African American community leaders, including Charles Yancey (Boston City Council), Eugene Rivers (African Peoples Pentecostal Church) and Louis Elisa (Boston chapter of the NAACP), stand behind them. Anderson addresses the media. Anderson says that the Boston School System needs to provide a quality education to all before it can claim to be equitable. Anderson says that the mayor needs to provide more funding to the schools. Shots of O'Bryant and other community leaders. Footage of Flynn being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Vaillancourt asks Flynn if he is surprised by the attitude of the African American community leaders. Flynn says that he has been working on the proposal for several months; that community leaders have had many opportunities to review and give input on the proposal. Footage of Anderson saying that he is offended by Flynn's attitude. Anderson notes that Flynn has said that the statements of the African American leaders are "bogus." Anderson says that the community leaders are standing up for their constituents; that Flynn's statements are "bogus." Footage of Flynn saying that the members of the School Committee have had input on the proposal; that the members of the School Committee voted twelve-to-one in favor of the plan. Flynn says that the School Committee members were told that they would have further opportunities to give input on the proposal. Footage of McGuire saying that Flynn's proposal will cost more money. McGuire says that the School Committee has not been given additional money to fund Flynn's proposal. Vaillancourt reports that the Boston Public School System spends more money per student than any other public school system in the nation. V: Shot of an African American teacher and student at the front of a classroom; of a white male student seated in a classroom; of an African American female student seated in a classroom. Vaillancourt notes that Flynn has come up with another controversial proposal to fund neighborhood schools; that Flynn has suggested the decentralization of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt adds that the proposal would sell off the downtown headquarters of the Boston School Department on Court Street. V: Shots of the exterior of the Boston School Department headquarters. Footage of Flynn saying that the downtown headquarters of the School Department should be sold; that the money should be put into neighborhood schools. Footage of O'Bryant saying that the School System is going to end up back in court if it does not receive support from the city. Vaillancourt reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has supported Flynn's school choice plan; that Wilson's contract ends in June. V: Shots of a meeting in the chambers of the Boston School Committee; of Wilson speaking at a School Committee meeting. Vaillancourt reports that the African American members have voted to extend Wilson's contract in the past. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson's future support among the Committee's African American members may depend on his position on Flynn's school choice plan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/16/1989
Description: US Army base at Fort Devens in Ayer. Soldier setting up machine gun on tripod. Soldier digging ditch. Entrance sign with tank displayed next to it. Several takes of reporter standup. Video dropout in the middle of the video. Military police (MP) at guard booth. Jeeps and trucks filled with helmeted soldiers pass.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1977
Description: Exteriors of Charlestown High School. Stop sign, with "Forced Busing" written under the "Stop." Pam Bullard interviews Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) about preparations for school desegregation and the coming school year. Power says that his first priority is the safety of students. Power says that flexible campus options will be cut back for safety reasons. Power says that many Charlestown students have transferred to parochial schools and schools outside of Boston to avoid busing. Power discusses about the inadequate facilities at current Charlestown High School building, and is hopeful about the potential of the newly planned building. Powers says that the physical education program at the Charlestown Boys Club will be cut due to safety concerns. While shooting cutaways, Power and Bullard informally discuss his frustrations with the limitations of the school's facilities. Students will eat lunch at their desks because there is no lunchroom at the high school. Bullard does several takes of reporter standup to the Charlestown busing story.
0:00:20: Visual: Shots of the exterior of Charlestown High School school; closeup of stop sign with graffiti reads "STOP forced busing." 0:02:12: V: Pam Bullard interviews Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) outside of the school in Monument Square. Power says that he is concerned about safety at Charlestown High School; that safety concerns will force a cut back on the flexible campus program; that the school is ready to open; that he will not speculate on the reaction of Charlestown residents to busing; that students have transferred out of Charlestown to schools outside of the city to avoid busing; that there are plans for a new high school in Charlestown; that programs like physical education at the Charlestown Boys Club will be cut due to safety concerns; that he has worked in integrated schools before; that there are security plans in place for the opening of school. Powers and Bullard talk informally about cutting physical education at the Boys' Club for safety reasons; about lack of space at Charlestown High School; about cutting out the flexible lunch option for safety reasons; about the lack of lunchroom at Charlestown High School. 0:09:28: V: Shot of Charlestown High School exterior. Bullard does a few takes of her introduction to the story on busing at Charlestown High School. Bullard introduces story: Charlestown is expected to have 236 African American students and 524 white students; Charlestown residents are angry about busing; police fear that resistance to busing will be strong. 0:13:04: V: A car circles Monument Square with a loudspeaker blaring an anti-busing message. Bullard does several more takes of the introduction to the story.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 08/19/1975
Description: Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) holds a press conference at foot of Bunker Hill Monument. Power answers questions about opening day preparations, school attendance, and programs at Charlestown High School. He will not comment on any racial tension or incidents. Power insists that the opening day was "routine" and that he has no knowledge of any happenings outside of the building. Power compliments his staff on their performance. Power says that projected enrollment statistics are high; that he will contact students who did not attend school today. A large mass of police officers gather in front of Charlestown High School. Paul deGive interviews Power alone. Power says that he did not turn away students who were late if they had a note from their parents. Power says that he may reinstate the flexible campus program eventually. DeGive shoots cutaways. DeGive interviews parents Peggy King and Gertrude Harris in front of a building in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. King and Harris resent the police presence in Charlestown. King talks about sending her four children to schools outside of Boston in order to avoid busing assignments. Hayes says that young children should not be bused; that she will try to enroll her children in public schools in Somerville. King predicts that the situation in Charlestown will grow worse if busing continues.
0:53:59: Visual: Media crews surround Frank Power (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) as he responds to questions at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument, across the street from Charlestown High School. On the defensive, Power insists that the opening day was routine and refuses to comment on the police presence. He reports that 315 students out of 873 attended school. He insists that the school and the teachers were ready for opening day; that he didn't feel any tension in the building. Powers reports that the school will contact all students who were not present and request that they attend school. Shot of an MDC police officer on horseback outside of Charlestown High School. Power insists again that the opening was routine. Power responds in a hostile manner to a reporter asking about relations between African American and white students; he says that he did not spend the day in the classrooms with the students. 0:56:36: V: Power insists that he was inside the school all day and was not aware of happenings outside of the building. He reports that seven buses brought students to the school; that some white students are bused in from Forest Hills; that the projected enrollment figure is high and includes students who may have finished school over the summer. On the defensive, Power responds that he does not know how many Charlestown students boycotted school; that he will count the number of Charlestown students attending school only if it is required of him. Power notes that he has been headmaster for eight years. Shot of police officers lined up outside of Charlestown High School. 0:58:42: V: Power asks the reporters why they don't ask more good questions. He happily responds to a "good" question about how he prepared the teachers for opening day. He says that the teachers at the school performed magnificently; that he would like to thank them through the media. Power responds that he has suspended the flexible campus program due to safety concerns; that there is no lunchroom at the school; that the students eat lunch in their homerooms. He insists again that the opening was routine, but with fewer students. Shot of three men tending to broken fence on Monument Square. Power reminds the media that the Public Information Center has attendance statistics; that he estimates racial breakdown to be 235 white students, 66 African Americans and 14 other minorities; that he will work to bring attendance numbers up. Power explains again why the projected enrollment figure is high. 1:02:07: V: Shot of a large crowd of helmeted police officers outside of Charlestown High School. Paul deGive interviews Power. Power responds to complaints that he turned away students by explaining the school's late policy. He insists that he did not turn away students who arrived late if they had a note from their parents; that parents could call and alert him that their students were arriving late. Power says that the opening day was routine and insists that he noticed no tension; that the flexible campus program would be suspended for safety reasons; that the flexible campus program and other programs might be reinstated eventually; that the racial breakdown was 235 white students, 66 African Americans and 14 other minorities; that the projected enrollment figure was high; that he will try to bring attendance numbers up by contacting absentee students. Power refuses to make guesses as to whether more whites or more African Americans stayed out of school. DeGive thanks Power and ends interview. 1:06:54: V: DeGive and Power speak to one another informally. Power speaks to other reporters. The crew does extra takes of deGive. 1:09:11: V: DeGive prepares to interview Peggy King and Gertrude Hayes (residents, Bunker Hill Housing Project) as they sit with some children outside of a building in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. King does not want her children bused out of Charlestown because a new school has been built there. Both women resent the police presence. They do not believe that the police should be allowed inside the housing project. King has four children who were to be bused; she sent them to schools in Wakefield, Lynn and Dorchester to avoid busing. The crew does several takes of this exchange. King says that she cannot afford parochial schools, but knows they are an option. She believes the situation in Charlestown will get worse. Hayes does not believe that younger children should be bused at all. The children become noisy; the crew tells them to quiet down. King thinks that more families will send their students out of Boston. Hayes has three children who were to be bused; she is going to try to send them to school in Somerville. The women agree that the busing plan primarily affects poor families from the housing project; that the plan discriminates against them. The crew does extra takes of deGive interviewing the women. Hayes talks about her efforts to enroll her students in Somerville schools; King talks about fighting the court order.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Interview with Frank Sargent, former governor of Massachusetts. Sargent speaks about family, privacy, administration, and the future. He discusses what makes a good campaigner versus what makes a good person in office.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/01/1978
Description: Barney Frank and Margaret Heckler, both incumbents, debate in Newton, part of a newly shaped district, in electoral race for Congress. The debate is hosted by The Tab. Cuts of Heckler and Frank's answers and rebuttals. Journalists asks questions. Newton residents sit in audience and applaud for some answers. They specifically talk about national defense and their previous Congressional records.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/10/1982
Description: State Senator Jack Backman opens a press conference in support of Mel King (Boston mayoral candidate) in front of the State House. Other participants include Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury), and Barney Frank (US Congressman). Frank voices his support for King's candidacy and discusses the reasons for his endorsement, specifically, Frank talks about King's views on economic development and about his leadership abilities. Frank says that King is a creative leader who will bring "enlightened policy" to the city. Various reporters point out that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (candidate for mayor of Boston) in the primary elections. King arrives, shakes hands with Frank, thanks endorsers, and asserts that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
1:00:10: Visual: Shot of a Mel King campaign sign. Jack Backman (State Senator) opens a press conference in front of the State House. He notes that Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) has not yet arrived. He voices his support for King. He introduces Byron Rushing (State Representative from the South End), Mary Jane Gibson (State Representative from Belmont), Susan Schur (State Representative from Newton), Mary Goode (former State Representative from Roxbury). Bachman lists off some state representatives who are due to arrive shortly at the press conference. Shots of Schur; of Rushing. Bachman introduces Barney Frank (US Congressman). 1:02:33: V: Frank says that he will support King for mayor of Boston; that he served with King for eight years in the legislature. Frank says that King is an advocate for enlightened policy for the city of Boston. Frank talks about King's ideas for economic development programs; about the Community Development Corporation. Frank says that King's ideas for development are in tune with the needs of city residents; that King is sensitive to the problems of displacement and the needs of area residents. Frank says that King can speak effectively on behalf of a diverse group of people; that King was an effective and respected legislator. Frank says that King will make an excellent mayor. A reporter asks Frank about his previous endorsements for mayor. Frank says that he is not always good at picking the winning candidate; that he speaks out on behalf of candidates who have good ideas and programs. A reporter notes that Frank endorsed Dennis Kearney (State Representative) in the primary election. He asks Frank how Kearney would have been a better mayor than King. Frank says that he endorsed Kearney in the primary because he thought Kearney was a good candidate with a good chance of winning. Frank says that Kearney and King take similar positions on the issues. Shot of King supporters standing behind Frank. Shot of Christy George (WGBH reporter). Audio is muffled. 1:07:45: V: Frank says that the many of the candidates in the race had similar positions on the issues; that King has helped shape the debate on the issues; that King was one of the first people to talk about the adverse effects of development on the elderly and the poor. Frank says that King is responsible for focusing the attention of the city on the management of economic development in a compassionate and effective manner. Frank says that he respects Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston); that King is more creative, thoughtful and consistent candidate; that King has proven himself to be an effective leader. Frank refuses to speculate on who he would have endorsed if King were not in the race. Frank says that he is endorsing a candidate because he is an elected official with an opinion; that he does not know what effect his endorsement has on a candidate's chances. A reporter asks Frank about the differences between King and Flynn. Frank says that the differences between the candidates stem from their past records; that King has proven himself to be a consistent and effective leader on economic issues for many years; that King has the capacity to stay with these issues. Frank notes that he does not agree with King on a mayor's role in foreign policy. A reporter asks Frank if King needs to highlight the issues on which he differs from Flynn. Frank says that King has stuck with the same issues for ten years; that his leadership has brought attention to these issues. Frank says that this has been a good mayoral campaign; that it has focused on issues. 1:13:15: V: Frank jokes with the reporters about his endorsement bringing in the voters from Brookline and Newton. A reporter asks Frank how King can get white liberal voters to support him instead of Flynn. Frank says that King can win voter support by focusing on the issues; that his positions on economic development may win over voters from traditionally "conservative" neighborhoods. A reporter asks Frank about his campaign advice for King. Frank says that King is doing the right thing by focusing on the issues; that King has proven his ability to be a leader on the issues. 1:16:32: V: King's supporters clap as he arrives at the State House. King and Frank shake hands. King thanks Frank and the assembled state representatives for their endorsements and support. King says that his administration will make the city open and accessible; that his administration will focus on employment, education, and the youth of the city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/21/1983
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the Franklin Park Zoo's programs in celebration of Black History Month. The zoo's Black Arts Festival celebrates the roots of contemporary African American culture. There are various performances, including rapping, dancing, and storytelling. Interview with spokesperson Barbara Levitoff, who talks about the important link between the zoo and the community. Following the edited story is b-roll of animals at the zoo, including antelope, wildebeests, and zebras.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of a young African American man rapping into a microphone. Another young African American man breakdances behind him. Footage of a breakdancer performing for an audience of schoolchildren. Footage of an African American woman telling a story to a class of elementary school students. Most of the students are African American or minority. Marcus Jones reports that the Franklin Park Zoo celebrates Black History Month with programs including singing, dancing, and storytelling. V: Footage of Barbara Levitoff (Franklin Park Zoo spokesperson) saying that the Franklin Park Zoo is a "community zoo"; that the Franklin Park Zoo is using its community resource room for Black History Month programs. Jones reports that the Black Arts Festival at the Franklin Park Zoo celebrates the roots of contemporary African American culture; that the program focuses on the African wildlife at the zoo. V: Shots of the storyteller; a breakdancer spinning on his head; of a zebra. Footage of white woman telling a story to a room of schoolchildren; of white and African American rappers and breakdancers performing for an audience of schoolchildren. Jones reports that the program features folklore, poetry, and rap music; that the rap music has a "pro-achievement and anti-drug" message. Jones says that the programs provide a positive boost for a public resource which is struggling to improve its image and facilities. V: Shots of gnus at the zoo. Footage of Levitoff saying that cities need zoos; that the public likes zoos. Marcus Jones stands on the snowy grounds of the Franklin Park Zoo. Jones reports that renovations at the zoo are scheduled to be completed in 1989; that the zoo will have an African theme. Jones notes that the Black History Month programs are a way for the zoo to strengthen its links with the community; that the zoo is a resource for people of all cultures and backgrounds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1987
Description: Franklin Park Zoo. Dromedary camel, eating, with a close-up of chewing. Various non-native hoofed animals in cages and fenced pens. Group of children walking through the zoo and looking at animal habitats. Close-up on zebra stripes through chain link fence. Zebra grazing dried leaves.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/25/1977
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on the tight race between candidates Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; she adds that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates to win the nomination outright. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections and has registered voters to vote in the Democratic primaries. Vaillancourt reports that some Democrats would like to see Jackson as Dukakis's running mate. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from an interview with Dukakis. Dukakis says that he must win the nomination before deciding on a running mate. Vaillancourt interviews Jack Beatty (Atlantic Monthly), Paul Tsongas (former US Senator), Byron Rushing (State Representative) and Robert Kuttner (author, "The Life of the Party) about Jackson's role in the Democratic Party and his role in a Dukakis administration. They discuss Jackson as a potential running mate or cabinet member. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a candidate by offering to be his running mate. Vaillancourt reports that both candidates are focused on campaigning. She notes that the Democratic convention is three months away. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Jackson campaigning and by footage of Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) saying that the "whole situation is getting kind of serious." Shot of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) at a campaign rally. Shot of Al Gore (Democratic US Presidential candidate). Meg Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis is ahead of Jackson by 50 delegates; that Gore might spoil Dukakis's chances of winning the New York primary. Vaillancourt notes that Gore will probably pull out of the race if Dukakis wins New York. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that his campaign will work hard to win like they did in Wisconsin. Footage of Jackson shaking hands with supporters. His supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Shot of Dukakis in a hard hat, shaking hands with workers. Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has won almost as many raw votes as Dukakis. Vaillancourt speculates as to whether Dukakis should ask Jackson to be his running mate. V: Footage of Dukakis saying that he has to win the nomination before he can decide on a running mate. Shot of Dukakis shaking hands with a supporter seated at a table. Vaillancourt reports that one poll shows that a Dukakis/Jackson ticket could beat George Bush (Republican US Presidential candidate). V: Footage of Jack Beatty (The Atlantic Monthly) saying that some studies have shown that more than half of the electorate have a negative image of Jackson. Footage of Paul Tsongas (former US Senator) chuckling at the prospect of a Dukakis/Jackson ticket. Tsongas says that Dukakis and Jackson would enjoy "fascinating plane rides" as they campaigned together. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that Dukakis would probably treat a vice president in the same way he has treated lieutenant governors; that Jackson would not want to be in that position. Footage of Beatty saying that Jackson has a "peculiar burden." Beatty says that the Democratic Party needs to do well with white ethnic voters and white southern voters; that the Democratic Party already does well with African American voters. Footage of Jackson at a campaign rally. Jackson raises linked arms with supporters. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson has done well in the primary elections; that Jackson has registered voters to vote; that Jackson has raised the profile of the race for the Democratic nomination. Vaillancourt says that the Democratic Party does not know what to do about Jackson. V: Footage of Rushing saying that Jackson should be able to suggest candidates for cabinet positions. Footage of Beatty being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Beatty says that Jackson would make an excellent cabinet member if appointed to the right position; that a good performance by Jackson in the cabinet would strengthen his next campaign for the presidency. Beatty says that it would not be condescending to appoint Jackson as the drug czar. Footage of Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) saying that the position of drug czar is the most difficult position in the cabinet; that the Democratic Party would be setting up Jackson for a defeat if he were appointed drug czar. Footage of Tsongas saying that Jackson needs to move to the center in order to attract voters and delegates. Shot of Jackson campaigning. Footage of Dukakis saying that the Democratic nominee needs to unite the party. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is still campaigning for the nomination; that Dukakis needs to win 70% of the remaining delegates in order to win the nomination outright. V: Shot of Jackson giving a thumbs-up sign to the press. Footage of Kuttner saying that Dukakis must beat Jackson decisively in the remaining primary elections. Kuttner suggests that Jackson could try to recruit Mario Cuomo (Governor of New York) as a potential nominee by offering to be his running mate. Shot of Cuomo speaking. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis has not yet received Cuomo's endorsement. V: Footage of Dukakis telling a reporter that he spoke to Jackson on Wednesday morning. Vaillancourt reports that the Democratic convention is three months away; that neither Jackson or Dukakis will make any private deals yet. Vaillancourt reports that the Dukakis campaign is concentrating on winning the primary elections.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/07/1988