Description: Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was only twelve years old when she was paralyzed from injuries sustained during an attack on her home by South African security forces. The Fund for a Free South Africa has helped Mabuza and her family settle in Boston. Vaillancourt's report includes footage recorded in January, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid on her home by security forces. Mabuza talks about the importance of Mandela's struggle; she adds that she is happy about his release. She had first heard about Mandela when she was a child. Mabuza says that she hopes to return to South Africa one day. Interview with Nthabiseng's mother, Anna Mabuza, about Mandela's release. Anna Mabuza says that she is afraid to return to South Africa because she fears reprisals from the government. Following the edited story is additional silent b-roll footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza and Anna Mabuza in their home. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Laval Wilson
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of a color photo of Nthabiseng Mabuza (Cambridge resident) as a young girl in Africa. Audio of shots being fired. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza was only twelve years old when South African Security Forces raided her home; that the Security Forces wounded her uncle and killed her aunt. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza was paralyzed from shots fired during the raid. V: Footage from January 18, 1990 of Mabuza talking about the raid. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family was targeted because of their connection to the African National Congress (ANC); that Mabuza's father was a member of the ANC; that the ANC was banned in South African until last month. V: Shot of Mabuza getting into her wheelchair and wheeling herself through her house. Shot of a black and white photo of Mabuza's father. Vaillancourt notes that Mabuza's father had already died before the raid took place. V: Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Mabuza says that she had heard of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) and the other leaders jailed in Robbin Island when she was a young child. Mabuza says that she now understands the importance of Mandela and his struggle. Shot of a poster reading "Free Nelson Mandela." Vaillancourt reports that Mabuza's father had worked with Mandela; that the Mabuza family is watching the changes in South Africa with interest. V: Shot of Mandela in South Africa. Mandela walks with a raised fist. Shots of black South Africans cheering for Mandela; of a young child at a rally for Mandela; of Mandela speaking to supporters. Shots of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) waving to supporters. Audio of Mabuza saying that she watched Mandela's release on television; that she is happy about his release from prison. Vaillancourt asks if she misses South Africa. Mabuza says that she does miss South Africa. Mabuza talks about Mandela's commitment to his struggle. Footage of Mabuza saying that she was shot because of that same struggle. Footage of Anna Mabuza (mother of Nthabiseng Mabuza) saying that she is happy about Mandela's release from prison. Vaillancourt reports that the Mabuza family has moved to Cambridge; that the Fund for a Free South Africa (charity organization) helped to find housing and medical assistance for Nthabiseng Mabuza. Vaillancourt notes that Nthabiseng Mabuza will start high school next month. V: Shots of Nthabiseng Mabuza in her bedroom. She maneuvers herself from her wheelchair to the floor. Nthabiseng Mabuza turns on the television. Anna Mabuza joins Nthabiseng Mabuza in front of the television. Shot of the younger sister of Nthabiseng Mabuza playing with a doll. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that she will talk to other students about the situation in South Africa; that she will continue to support the struggle. Audio of Vaillancourt asking Anna Mabuza if the family will ever return to South Africa. Anna Mabuza says that she is still afraid of reprisals from the South African government. Footage of Nthabiseng Mabuza saying that it might be a long time before exiles are allowed to return to South Africa. Nthabiseng Mabuza says that she hopes to return home one day.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990
Description: Many camera moves on Hancock tower. Pan from top of older Hancock building to newer one. Close-up on sheer plane of windows. Glass monolith isolated against sky. At street level, Trinity Church and Copley Square concrete park.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 10/23/1975
Description: Home heating oil delivery by Gibbs truck. Driver pulls hose from truck, connects to intake pipe on house. Meter in truck reads 146 gallons. Hose retracts and rewinds. Delivery slip is generated from meter, placed in mailbox. Truck drives away. Exteriors of houses and apartment buildings.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/24/1979
Description: Oil tankers and cargo ships in Boston harbor. Sunlight reflects off of oil tanker. Snow on pier. Woman reports that approximately a week prior, the Grand Zenith, a 642 foot tanker disappeared, or perhaps sunk.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/05/1977
Description: Grand facade of Boston's Old City Hall (now housing Maison Robert restaurant). Marker for Freedom Trail and information booth on edge of Boston Common. People walk through the park, gather around information booth. Sign for Freedom Trail. Boston Common environs. People getting off Peter Pan bus.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/05/1976
Description: Christy George reports on efforts by the National Conference of Black Lawyers and women's groups to fight the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. Bork believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, while African American and women's groups believe that the Constitution needs to be interpreted according to the changes in society since the 18th century. Julie Walker (professor, University of Illinois at Urbana) and Adjoa Aiyetoro (Co-chair, National Conference of Black Lawyers) address a meeting of the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Cambridge. Women's groups held an anti-Bork demonstration on City Hall Plaza. Interviews with Gerald Horne (attorney and professor at Sarah Lawrence College), Margaret Burnham (attorney and retired judge) and Barbara Arnwine (Director, Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights) about their opposition to Bork. George's report uses supporting shots of racist literature from the 19th and 20th centuries.
1:00:15: Visual: Footage of Julie Walker (professor, University of Illinois at Urbana) saying that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not strong enough to secure the protection of women and African Americans. Shots of a historical advertisement for a slave auction; of a historical pamphlet titled, "Why I am a clansman"; of a racist photo of an African American girl on the cover of the Pictorial Review; of a sign reading, "No dogs, negroes, Mexicans; of a signs for separate white and "colored" facilities. Christy George notes that the civil rights movement has struggled for equal rights ever since the abolition of slavery; that the Supreme Court has played a crucial role in some of their victories. George reports that the National Conference of Black Lawyers met in Cambridge today; that the Conference opposes the nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court. V: Shots of the meeting of the National Conference of Black Lawyers in Cambridge; of Bork standing beside Ronald Reagan (US President). Footage of Adjoa Aiyetoro (Co-chair, National Coference of Black Lawyers) at the conference, talking about a recent Supreme Court decision. Aiyetoro says that the recent decision allows African Americans to be put to death at higher rates than whites. Aiyetoro says that Bork's appointment to the Supreme Court would strengthen the conservative bent of the Court. Footage of woman at a table set up in City Hall Plaza. A sign on the table indicates that the campaigners are against Bork's nomination. The woman at the table talks to passersby. George reports that women are against Bork's nomination; that Bork has said that women have no Constitutional protection against discrimination. George notes that women campaigned againse Bork on City Hall Plaza yesterday. V: Shots of a woman handing out anti-Bork flyers. Footage of a woman addressing a crowd at City Hall Plaza. She stands in front of a group of women holding anti-Bork signs. She speaks from a podium. A sign hanging on the podium reads, "Reject Bork." The woman says that Bork is a "right-wing ideologue"; that Bork will not support the struggle for equal rights for women. Shots of women at the rally at City Hall Plaza. George reports that Bork believes that the Supreme Court should not overturn legislation unless it is clearly contradict the Constitution. George notes that African Americans and women believe that the Constitution needs to be interpreted according to the changes in society. V: Shot of a young infant wearing an anti-Bork pin. Footage of a woman addressing the crowd on City Hall Plaza. The woman says that the Supreme Court has validated social changes over the past thirty years. George reports that Bork believes in a strict interpretation of the Constitution; that Bork points out that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law. V: Footage of Gerald Horne (attorney and professor at Sarah Lawrence College) saying that the Constitution should not be interpreted by 18th century standards. Footage of Margaret Burnham (attorney and retired judge) saying that Bork's interpretation of the Constitution will not protect women and minorities from many acts of discrimination. Footage of Barbara Arnwine (Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights) saying that Bork opposed the public accomodations provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; that those provisions allowed the desegregation of public transportation. V: Shots of women at the rally at City Hall Plaza. George notes that Bork's critics do not dispute his legal skills. V: Footage of a woman at the rally talking about Bork firing Archibald Cox (Special Prosecutor). She admits that Bork has a good legal record. Shots of women at the rally holding anti-Bork signs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/11/1987
Description: Christopher Lydon reports on the demise of the elevated tracks along the MBTA orange line. The elevated train stations were designed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow (nephew of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) and were once considered the architectural pride of the city's mass transit system. Interview with Margaret Floyd of Tufts University and State Rep. Byron Rushing about the elevated line. Floyd discusses the architecture of the stations. Rushing talks about the architectural and historical significance of the elevated line, and its importance to the community. Interviews with people on the street who give their opinions on the elevated line. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of the elevated line and orange line trains.
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of Dover Station on the elevated tracks of the orange line of the MBTA. Shots of Dover, Northampton, Dudley, and Eggleston Stations on the elevated orange line. Shots of the elevated tracks. Christopher Lydon reports that the elevated tracks of the orange line run through Roxbury and the South End; that trains will not longer pass through the stations after this evening. V: Shots of a tunnel leading to one of the orange line stations. Graffiti covers the walls. Shots of the decrepit exteriors of stations along the elevated tracks of the orange line. Lydon says that the elevated stations were once the "architectural pride" of the city's mass transportation; that the stations were designed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow (architect and nephew of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) for a turn-of-the-century competition. V: Shots of architectural drawings and plans of the elevated stations. Footage of Margaret Floyd (Tufts University) talking about the modular design of the elevated stations of the orange line. Floyd talks about the ornate ironwork and other details which do not appear in contemporary architecture. Shots of the elevated stations; of the iron railings of a walkway leading to a station. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative from Roxbury) saying that he is surprised that historic preservationists have not protested the demolition of the elevated stations. Rushing says that the orange line was the first elevated line in the country to be designed for electric trains. Shot of a person looking from one of the windows of an elevated station. Shots of an orange line train traveling along the elevated tracks. Lydon reports that Dudley Square is dominated by the elevated train station. V: Shots of the elevated tracks in Dudley Square from below. Footage of Rushing saying that the physical structure of the elevated tracks has been an important characteristic of the neighborhood for a long time. Rushing adds that people talk about Dudley Station in unflattering terms. Footage of a white man saying that Dudley station is "unsightly"; that the station is falling apart and is beyond repair. Footage of Rushing saying that there is a place for "funkiness"; that the tracks cannot be put back up once they are torn down. Rushing adds that one can never predict what will happen to the neighborhood when the tracks are taken down. Footage of an African American man saying that Dudley station only needs some renovation and a paint job; of a young African American man saying that he would like the area around Dudley station renovated to resemble Lafayette Place when the tracks are taken down. Footage of a young African American boy saying that the area should be turned into "everything." Shots of Dudley Station. Footage of Rushing saying that the city should pave the road where the tracks once were; that a bike path should be constructed along the route of the tracks. Byron talks about being able to ride from Franklin Park to downtown Boston. Rushing calls the elevated tracks a "fantastic piece of sculpture." Rushing says that the tracks are "the Eiffel Tower on its side." Shots of the train tracks from a moving train; of the tracks from beneath. Rushing talks about how the elevated tracks connect several neighborhoods; that the elevated tracks do not belong to any one community. Rushing speculates that an artist in the future will be commissioned to come up with a way to connect the neighborhoods, while making an artistic statement at the same time. Rushing says that the artist will come up with a design similar to the elevated tracks. Rushing says that he does not know why the city is so eager to dismantle the tracks. Shot of an orange line train moving down the tracks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/30/1987
Description: Bruins retire Bobby Orr's number 4 in center ice ceremony at Boston Garden. Raise number to rafters. Crowd cheers relentlessly. Johnny Bucyk helps make presentation. Bobby dons jersey and makes a thank-you and farewell speech.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/09/1979
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson defeated Michael Dukakis in the Michigan caucuses. Jackson's performance exceeded the expectations of political analysts and has led them to consider the possibility of Jackson winning the Democratic nomination. Some analysts are questioning the state of the Dukakis campaign. Interviews with Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) and Leslie Dach (Dukakis campaign). Kuttner says that Jackson appeals to working class voters. Dach defends the Dukakis campaign and adds that Dukakis has a strong base of support. Vaillancourt notes that the Democratic establishment would be shaken by a Jackson victory. Interview with Jeffrey Garin (Democratic Party pollster). Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Charlene Drew Jarvis (delegate to the Democratic convention) on the MacNeil Lehrer Newshour and footage of Jackson and Dukakis campaigning.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (Democratic US Presidential candidate) campaigning in Connecticut. Supporters chant, "Win, Jesse, Win." Shot of Jackson holding a young white girl. Jackson gives the thumbs-up sign to supporters. Shots of Jackson supporters; of Jackson addressing supporters at a campaign rally. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson did well in the Michigan primary election; that Jackson won the African American vote; that Jackson won 20% of the white vote. V: Footage of Robert Kuttner (author of The Life of the Party) saying that none of the white candidates have "touched a nerve." Kuttner says that Jackson appeals to voters because he represents the average working man and woman. Vaillancourt reports that Michael Dukakis (Democratic US Presidential candidate) did not do as well as Jackson in Michigan. Vaillancourt notes that Dukakis does not appeal to working class people. V: Shots of Dukakis at a campaign rally. Footage of Kuttner saying that Jackson's message is appeals to working class voters more than the messages of other Democratic candidates. Footage of Leslie Dach (Dukakis campaign) being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Dach says that Dukakis has a strong base of support. Shots of Dukakis; of Jackson with supporters and press. Vaillancourt reports that one news network predicts that Jackson and Dukakis are in a tie for delegates; that the Democratic Party must face the possibility of a Jackson victory. V: Footage of Jeffrey Garin (Democratic Party Pollster) saying that the Democratic Party will have a hard time facing a Dukakis defeat. Footage of Kuttner being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Kuttner says that the Democratic establishment is afraid of a Jackson victory. Shots of Jackson with supporters at a campaign rally. Footage of Kuttner saying that the economic self-interest of many voters is stronger than racism. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson must convince voters that he can run a government; that Dukakis must convince voters that he has enough passion. V: Footage of Dach saying that the voters will choose the candidate who can deliver on his promises. Shot of Jackson at a campaign rally. Vaillancourt reports that there are questions about the loyalty of some Dukakis supporters. V: Shot of Dukakis campaigning. Footage from The MacNeil Lehrer Newshour of Charlene Drew Jarvis (delegate to the Democratic convention) saying that she will not reveal how she will vote at the convention. Vaillancourt reports that Dukakis's loss in Michigan raises questions about his campaign; that Jackson's success leads analysts to wonder if he could win in a general election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/28/1988
Description: Outside South Boston High School. Buses arrive. Mostly black students exit school and board buses. Police cruisers and motorcycles stationed in front of school. Interview with headmaster Jerome Wynegar who says despite some trouble and a severe lack of students, classes will go on, and faculty will try to keep up morale. He says “…kids come here to learn, believe it or not.” Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/18/1979