Description: Video starts with them talking over the color bars. End of an interview with Elma Lewis about the endurance of the African American community. She talks about the relationship between young and older African Americans, and the problems the older people suffered through to provide better opportunities for the younger generation. They talk informally while they shoot cutaways. Sound cuts out in the middle of cutaways. B-roll of the dancers rehearsing at the Elma Lewis School. Closeups on young boys drumming and dance instructor. Signs for the National Center of Afro-American Artists and the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts. Closeups on pieces of African American art. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1980
Description: Charles Street jail interiors. Four tiers of cell blocks seen through chain link fence. Zoom into guards on ground level. Guard patrols upper walkway. Cell behind bars with toilet and cot. Interview with Suffolk County Sheriff Robert Rufo about delay in transferring inmates to state prisons after sentencing. Charles Street is supposed to serve only as pretrial detention center but prison system is so overcrowded that inmates stay there much longer than intended in inappropriate incarceration, without rehabilitation support and furlough programs. They shoot cutaways. Howard Husock does several takes of reporter standup in front of the jail.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/03/1980
Description: Interview with vice president of Society for Commercial Archeology, Arthur Krim, on significance of Citgo sign in Kenmore Square. Its neon display was shut off by the state as an energy conservation measure. Close-up of the sign. They shoot cutaways. Several takes of reporter standup. Kenmore Square environs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1980
Description: Computer show at Hynes Auditorium. Children converse with robots. Man types on keyboard producing synthesized voice. Music synthesizer. Pen plotter printer. Photograph printer.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1980