Description: Environs shots for story on Steaming Kettle coffee shop closing. Downtown environs, Summer Street at Winter Street. People, traffic, buildings around Downtown Crossing. Jordan Marsh Company sign.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/27/1990
Description: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools). Fahey talks about the assignment of bus monitors and school aides for the coming school year. Fahey explains the roles of transitional aides, security aides and instructional aides. She says that there will also be more special needs aides and bilingual aides in the schools. Fahey comments on the need for all students to attend school in order to learn basic skills. She says that parents should be confident in the educational programs at the Boston public schools. Tape 2 of 2.
0:00:13: Visual: Pam Bullard interviews Marion Fahey (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) in her office. Fahey sits behind her desk. Fahey says that bus monitors will ride the buses with students again this year; that parents have made it clear that they want bus monitors on the buses with their children. Fahey says that there will be just as many aides this year as in previous years; that there will be fewer transitional aides in the school buildings; that transitional aides will perform duties assigned to them by the headmasters of the schools. Fahey says that the transitional aides will be supplemented by security aides from the Safety and Security Department; that the security aides have additional training in dealing with crises. Fahey says that there will be many instructional aides in the classrooms; that instructional aides will be funded under Title I of the Emergency School Assistance Act; that instructional aides will work with elementary and middle school students in reading and math. Fahey says that there will be bilingual aides as well as aides for the special needs programs in the schools. Bullard asks Fahey what she would tell parents who are skeptical about the quality of the Boston Public Schools. Fahey says that it is important for parents to send their children to school; that parents who keep their children out of school are condemning their children to an unproductive future. Fahey says that the Boston Public Schools have strong educational programs; that school faculty and staff are always working to improve school programs; that students in the Boston Public Schools receive good instruction in basic skills like reading, math and communication. Bullard closes the interview. 0:04:53: V: Bullard and Fahey speak informally. Fahey says that Boston schools are no longer in the "numbers game." Fahey notes that the focus is no longer on desegregation; that her staff is focusing on assessing the performance of students and teachers; that the tension caused by school desegregation hindered classroom learning. Shot of a spreadsheet on Fahey's desk. The spreadsheet gives the racial breakdown of students in each grade level.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1976
Description: B-roll of bulldozer clearing debris from Symphony Road fire. Exteriors of buildings with broken and boarded up windows and smoke stains. Interview with David Scondras of Symphony Tenants Organizing Project. He talks about why the rash of 29 fires in three years is suspected as arson: absentee landlords, high vacancy rate, poor condition of structures, lodging houses, lapsed mortgages. He adds that there is nothing the city can do about the problem and explains why. He hopes that State legislators will back his organization's bill which removes the financial motivation for landlords to burn down houses in poor condition. He discusses the number of people affected while they shoot cutaways. Reporter reasks question for editing purposes. Exteriors of a Red Cross Disaster Service Center. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/23/1977
Description: First day of school in Boston, Phase IIB of court ordered desegregation. 1) Superintendent Marion Fahey is proud of faculty and students. Associate superintendent Charles Leftwich reports van and three buses were stoned. Mayor Kevin White says unlawful conduct will not be tolerated. 2) Gary Griffith reports on opening commotion at Charlestown High. One-third of enrolled students show up. Federal marshals and police outside. One arrest for disorderly conduct. Neighborhood crowd gathers in street. 3) Pamela Bullard at South Boston High. Black students get off bus to less tension than last year. Police are present but not in riot gear. 4) Art Cohen at Mackey Middle School where teacher student ratio is 1:18. Principal Lloyd Leake. 5) Bullard on magnet program encompassing 21 schools. Exterior, interior of English High. Gregory Anrig, state commissioner of education. Headmaster William Peterkin. 6) Karin Giger on bilingual program at Grover Cleveland Middle School. 7) Bullard talks to boycotting (white) Cormiers of Charlestown. Mother keeps son out of Timilty School where he was assigned to be bused; he has part-time tutoring. 8) Steve Curwood talks to participating (black) Price family from Roxbury, whose children are bused to white neighborhoods. 9) 5 Hyde Park High students, 3 minority, 2 white, discuss racial separation inside school. They expect conflict to be less than last year. 10) Steve Nevas was almost thwarted from covering a Kevin White press conference because mayor felt Nevas could not be objective. (He had investigated fundraising in White campaign.) White attempts to disassemble Channel 2 microphone and asserts he can exclude any reporter from access. Ed Baumeister says this raises First Amendment issue.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Reporter Christopher Lydon talks about presidential campaign. Reporter Gail Harris reports on President Ronald Reagan's press conference about an environmental report; footage of Lieutenant Governor John Kerry, David Bartley, and Congressman James Shannon (all candidates for US Senate) commenting on acid rain. Bartley says Kerry and Shannon are not doing enough about acid rain. Harris reports on new seat belt and air bag regulations. Lydon presents mobster Raymond Patriarca obituary, compares Patriarca to "The Godfather." Harris reports on new technology for detecting cancer. Footage of South Norfolk Council for Children representative Cathy Wheeler telling story of "Angie." Reporter Meg Vaillancourt gives stats for residential programs for youth with mental health issues. Footage of New Bedford Council for Children representative Jean Peterson talking about budget. Philip Johnston, human services secretary talks about state of children's mental healthcare. Dr. Eli Newberger (of Children's Hospital) testifies on state funding of mental health support services for children. Dr. Michael Jellinek (Chief of Child Psychology at Mass. General Hospital) talks about budget. Vaillancourt talks about growing difficulty of mental health over time. Charles Fried (Harvard Law School) and Anthony Lewis (New York Times) studio interview on Supreme Court at term's end: apparently conservative trend and states' rights inclination in recent decisions. Broadcast ends with international news: OPEC; Libyan bombing; dock worker strike in Great Britain; correspondent in England talks about economic situation of British Pound Sterling.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/11/1984
Description: Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Anchors Christopher Lydon and Gail Harris. David Williams reports on gubernatorial political campaigns of Michael Dukakis and Greg Hyatt. Marcus Jones reports on Healthy Start program providing better maternal health services to poorer women. Interviews with Dr. Juliette Tuakli-Williams, Sen. Jack Backman, Joan Tighe, Rep. Patricia Fiero, and Kathy O'Donnell. "Today on Wall Street" segment. Gail Harris reports on 1987 federal budget and tax reform bills. Christopher Lydon reports on Reagan Administration and Tip O'Neill's views on US aid to Nicaraguan Contras. On-set interview with Noam Chomsky and John Silber on contra aid. Silber argues for and Chomsky argues against US aid to the Contras. The two guests interrupt each other and talk over each other. Gail Harris reports on employee strikes in several business. Christy George reports on the development of Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge through history. Interview with Charles Sullivan, Director of the Cambridge Historical Commission. Interview with Kevin Crane, attorney for a developer, on the development plans along Mass Ave. Interview with Kate Mattes, local business owner of Kate's Mystery Books. Interview with author Robert Parker. Interview with Betty Desrosiers on the effect of the Red Line extention on Mass. Ave development plans. Interview with Cambridge resident Joel Bard. Interview with developer Peter Wasserman. Weather and Sports reports. Lydon reports on Chilean human rights violations and South African funerals. Harris reports on a Soviet launch of a manned space craft and Haley's Comet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/13/1986
Description: Interview with two members of Boston Police Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), explaining their tactics in making arrests, use of force, countering resistance.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/11/1975
Description: Mayor Kevin White exchanges banter with journalist, and goes on to deliver statement on increasing Boston property tax (one-time levy at $16.40) to finance the $27.5 million deficit caused by court ordered desegregation, at Judge Arthur Garrity's request. City treasurer Jim Young elaborates on choosing assessment method over borrowing. Mayor White takes questions from reporters. White accuses school committee of mismanagement in busing effort. He also comments that the teachers will have to work knowing they are in a debt situation.
0:00:30: Visual: Members of the press wait for Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston) to arrive at press conference at City Hall. Walt Sanders (WBZ) and Gary Griffith (WGBH) are among the reporters. White arrives, begins reading his statement and is interrupted by a knock on the door. He jokes lightheartedly about the interruption. 0:01:53: V: White reads a statement about the school deficit caused by desegregation and school mismanagement. He says that an additional $16.40 will be added to property taxes this year; that Boston's property tax is already the highest in the nation; that Judge Garrity has ordered the city to find new revenue sources to fund the court-ordered desegregation. White says that he is submitting three pieces of legislation to the city council: an appropriation order for $10 million to cover the costs of police overtime; an appropriation order for $17.5 million to keep the schools operating for the remainder of the term; legislation to raise new revenue through the property tax. White says that he is faced with an unpleasant task; that this tax levy is the most efficient way to raise funds; that the tax will be levied only once. White says that he hopes Garrity acts to overhaul the city's school system, personnel, and management; that mismanagement of the school system has caused the deficit. 0:06:50: V: James Young (Treasurer, City of Boston) explains that the taxpayers must pay for the expenditures of the city government; that a tax levy is the most prudent and cost-effective way to raise revenues. Young says that borrowing money to cover the deficit is not a financially sound course of action; that the appropriation orders will allow the city to continue paying for the police and schools; that the tax levy will cover the appropriations; that the tax levy is related to a home rule petition to be brought before the state legislature. 0:08:26: V: White takes questions from reporters. White says that he does not know how quickly the city council will respond; that the tax levy is the most responsible way to cover the deficit. A reporter asks if a lengthy review of the legislation by the city council will allow enough time for the money to be raised. White says that he does not know how long the city council will take to make a decision on the legislation; that he did his best to respond expeditiously to the request by Judge Garrity. A reporter brings up other suggestions of ways to fund the deficit. White says that there are only a few rational and responsible ways to raise the funds; that the tax levy is the easiest, fairest, and cheapest way to cover the deficit. White says that extra police overtime is directly related to the desegregation order and should be covered along with the school deficit; that the taxes will be levied only to cover expenses resulting from the court order; that the deficit does not reflect any of the busing costs from the previous year. 0:12:19: V: A reporter asks about a rumored $8 million surplus in the budget. Young refutes those numbers and says there is no surplus. White says that money needs to be allocated in order to cover the next School Department payroll on June 1; that presently there is no more money to cover School Department payroll; that payroll will be owed to employees if the hours are worked. Young admits that there will be short-term borrowing to cover the deficit until the tax is levied; that he does not know how much will be borrowed; that $5.5 million is needed to cover payroll in 2 weeks. White says that he will not comment on speculation that some city residents will not pay the tax. A reporter accuses White of waiting until the last possible moment to raise the funds. White says that he notified all parties of the shortfall six months ago; that Judge Garrity did not consider the shortfall to be an emergency situation; that he warned the School Committee to make cuts; that neither the court nor the School Committee responded to his warnings. White accuses the School Committee of "total mismanagement" of the desegregation process. White says that some people have profited from school desegregation; that the city absorbed the costs of desegregation without comment last year; that the school deficit must be brought to the attention of the taxpayers. 0:19:03: V: White says that he does not want to close the city schools; that he refuses to borrow money to cover the costs of mismanagement of the school system. White admits that school teachers are going to work with the knowledge that there is no money for payroll; that the management of the schools must be overhauled next year. White says that he is responding to a request from the court to cover the deficit.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1976
Description: Rebecca Rollins reports that the murder rate in the city is rising. She notes that an overwhelming number of teenagers are involved in these homicides. Rollins interviews teenagers Grantley Payne, Michael Duval, and Pinto Triplett about why teenagers carry guns. Payne says that guns provide protection and grant status to teenagers. Payne and another teenager play basketball on an outdoor court. Rollins interviews Franklin Tucker (counselor) about teenagers and guns. Tucker talks about how teenagers obtain firearms. Tucker talks about the lack of programs aimed at preventing violence. He adds that many teenagers involved in violence come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Rollins' report is accompanied by footage of an African American teenager being treated by paramedics. This tape includes additional footage of Payne and another teenager playing basketball on an outdoor court.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a body on a stretcher being wheeled by medics to an ambulance; of an African American police officer speaking to an African American male suspect. Shots of Grantley Payne (age 18) and another teenager playing basketball on an outdoor court. Rebecca Rollins reports that the death toll in the city is rising at record pace; that the number of homicides may total 150 by the end of the year. Rollins notes that an overwhelming number of teenagers are involved in the homicides as victims or suspects. V: Shot of medics lifting the body of an African American teenager onto a stretcher. Shots of guns and weapons laid out on a table. Footage of Payne being interviewed. Payne says that guns provide protection and grant status to teenagers. Footage of Franklin Tucker (Barron) being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that teenagers are importing their own guns; that teenagers are ordering them by mail from states with lenient gun laws. Barron says that guns are being brought in by bus and car. Tucker says that teenagers are carrying new guns and serious firearms. Rollins reports that Tucker is an expert on the subject of kids, guns, and schools; that Tucker directs counseling services for kids caught with weapons on or near school property. V: Footage of Tucker being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that many teenagers carry guns for protection. Footage of Michael Duval (age 16) being interviewed by Rollins. Duval says that fighting and violence have progressed from hands to knives to guns. Duval says that a lot of movies have violence. Duval mentions the 1988 film Colors. Rollins asks why kids carry guns. Pinto Triplett (age 18) says that it is difficult to be a teenager in the projects; that teenagers who carry guns live in rough neighborhoods. Triplett says that many of these teenagers do not come from good backgrounds; that many teenagers cannot get jobs. Triplett says that some of these teenagers are the victims of racial discrimination. Footage of Tucker being interviewed by Rollins. Tucker says that there are no programs focusing on prevention; that society is trying to put these kids in jail. Tucker says that prisons are already overcrowded. Rollins stands in front of a basketball court. A group of teenagers play basketball on the court. Rollins says that the Boston Police Department and City Hall will officials will meet to discuss the problem of guns and violence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/19/1990
Description: David Boeri profiles Teko Manong, a South African exile, author and playwright, who has been living in the US for thirty years. Boeri notes that Manong was jailed in South Africa for anti-apartheid activities. Manong escaped from prison and fled to Ghana and then to the US. Interview with Manong, who talks about apartheid in South Africa and his participation in the defiance campaign and the potato boycott in South Africa in the 1950s. Manong talks about Nelson Mandela. Manong tells Boeri that his plays have received little critical recognition or success in the US. He says that his time in exile has been wasted. Manong says that he does not want to return to South Africa because he does not trust white South Africans. Boeri reports that black playwrights like Manong have found little success with US audiences. He notes that Manong has been supporting himself by working in the kitchen of a local restaurant. Boeri adds that Manong represents the thwarted hopes of many black South Africans. Boeri's report includes footage of Manong working in the kitchen of a restaurant.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage of Teko Manong (South African exile) walking across a parking lot and entering a building. Footage of Manong working in the kitchen of a restaurant. Boeri reports that Manong is one of the thousands of South Africans who are exiled from their homeland. Boeri reports that Manong has been in the US for thirty years; that Manong grew up in Soweto. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Manong as a boy in Soweto. He stands with two other boys. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong joined the defiance campaign and the potato boycott in South Africa in the 1950s. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that white South African potato farmers would bury the bodies of murdered black South Africans in their fields. Manong says that the potato farmers would brag about the size of their crops and the effectiveness of their "fertilizer." Close-up shot of Manong flipping through his South African passbook. Boeri reports that black South Africans were forced to carry their passbooks at all times. Boeri notes that Manong organized a pass burning campaign in the 1960s; that the campaign resulted in mass arrests. Boeri reports that Manong was jailed without trial; that his promising career as playwright and composer was brought to an end. V: Footage of Manong in the restaurant kitchen. Manong breaks eggs into a large metal pan. Manong pours the eggs into a large pot. Shot of Manong leaving a building and walking across a parking lot. Boeri reports that Manong escaped from prison and journied to Ghana. Boeri notes that Manong worked for the South African resistance movement while in Ghana; that Manong met Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). V: Shot of a framed drawing of Mandela. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that Mandela was a great leader; that Mandela helped him personally. Manong says that Mandela would often defend people without money when he was a lawyer; that Mandela was a remarkable man. Shot of Manong's US documents identifying him as a refugee. Boeri reports that Mandela helped Manong get to England; that Manong had hoped to pursue his career in England. Boeri reports that Manong has been politically silenced in South Africa; that Manong has been commercially silenced in the US. V: Shot of a poster for the South African play Survival. Boeri reports that white South African playwrights have found producers and audiences in the US; that Manong has had little success because he is black and foreign. V: Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that his time in exile has been wasted. Boeri asks about the plays he has written while in exile. Manong says that he never should have escaped from prison; that he should have served time in jail for the cause like Mandela did. Boeri reports that Manong has not seen his wife or daughter for thirty years; that he was unable to return to South Africa for the funeral of his mother. V: Shot of a photo of a young black South African woman; of a black and white photo of Manong's parents; of a black and white photo of a gathering of black South Africans. Footage of Manong being interviewed by Boeri. Manong says that he does not want to return to South Africa; that he does not trust white people in South Africa. Footage of Manong working in the restaurant kitchen. Boeri reports that Manong has written a play titled Excuse Me While I Disappear. Boeri notes that Manong represents the blighted hopes of many talented South Africans.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1990