Description: Interview with artist Conger Metcalf on his early life and artistic career. A sampling of his muted paintings of pensive subjects.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/30/1990
Description: Interview with Boston artist Conger Metcalf. Meltcalf teaches a master drawing class at the Boston Athenaeum. Discussion of his individual works, his life, his career, his influences, and his techniques. Tour of his apartment: living room, studio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/03/1990
Description: In studio, Bob Colt introduces Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II. He states that Congress should be more directly involved in the decision to get involved in the Persian Gulf. He describes the magnitude of the upcoming conflict. He concedes Iraq’s aggressive actions, but states that direct action in Iraq will result in many casualties. He states that the sanctions should be given time to work and that the United States is overreacting. He criticizes President George H.W. Bush’s stated goals for the war. He discusses Kuwait’s past behavior in exporting oil and the misguided push for aggression to resolve the situation. He discusses the suit against President Bush relating to his decision to go to war without consulting Congress. He suggests changes to Middle East policy.
Collection: CCTV
Description: Red line T construction. Harvard Square stop, tunnel, tracks. Western Avenue, Cambridge. Interview with a man from the Department of Public Works (DPW) about the roads and bridges in Massachusetts - spending approximately $500 million per year - $100 million in paving, $150 million in bridges, $250 million in safety and new roads. He states that there are about 14,000 miles of road in Massachusetts and about 1/3 of those roads need serious work. He approximates that out of the 5,000 bridges in Massachusetts, 2,200 are in substandard shape, 900 in critical condition. DPW infrastructure includes roads, bridges, transit, airports, sewer and water. He explains the need for the federal government's assistance. He states that these projects will create jobs - approximately 90 jobs per million dollars spent.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/08/1982
Description: Construction site generics. Pile driver makes repeated loud pounding noise. Backhoe with giant swiveling armature scoops dirt and releases it into dump truck. Equipment from J.F. White contracting company. Striped safety barrier with amber flashing light. Hard hat workers on scaffolding. Project is Blodgett pool building at athletic center across from Harvard Business School. Port-O-San outhouse. 'Hazardous Area' and 'Restricted Access: Hard Hats Required' signs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/21/1977
Description: Christopher Lydon reports on a controversy over the distribution of contraception in schools. Lydon notes that the Adolescent Issues Task Force of the Boston School Department has recommended that birth control be distributed to students as part of a comprehensive adolescent health program in the city's middle schools and high schools. Lydon's report includes footage of an NAACP press conference with Jack E. Robinson (President, Boston chapter of the NAACP), Joseph Casper (member, Boston School Committee), and Grace Romero (NAACP board member). Robinson and Casper condemn the proposal as racist. Robinson says that the initiative targets African American students. Lydon's report includes footage from interviews with Hubie Jones (member, Adolescent Issues Task Force), Dr. Howard Spivak (member Adolescent Issues Task Force) and Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith (Chairwoman, Adolescent Issues Task Force). Jones, Spivak and Prothrow-Stith defend the proposal. Spivak and Prothrow-Stith discuss statistics relating to teen pregnancy. Lydon's report also features interviews with students about teen pregnancy and footage of students in schools.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of an African American woman saying that she knows "what is going on" with teenagers from listening to them talk. Christopher Lydon reports that teenagers are starting to have sex at an early age. V: Footage of Dr. Howard Spivak (member, Adolescent Issues Task Force) saying that he is alarmed at the numbers of teenagers who are having sex. Spivack says that 25% of teenage girls are sexually active before the age of 15. Footage of Dr. Deborah Prothow-Stith (Chairwoman, Adolescent Issues Task Force) saying that one million girls under the age of nineteen become pregnant each year; that 600,000 of those girls give birth. Prothow-Stith says that teenage pregnancy has become an epidemic. Footage of Spivak quoting a statistic which predicts that 40% of fourteen-year olds will become pregnant before their twentieth birthday. Shot of teenage girls descending a staircase at a school. Lydon reports that the Boston School Department's Adolescent Issues Task Force is recommending the distribution of birth control as part of a comprehensive adolescent health program at Boston's middle schools and high schools. V: Shot of a collection of diaphragms in a health clinic. Shot of a clinic worker and a teenage girl at a school health clinic. Lydon reports that the proposal has been heavily criticized. V: Shot of the street outside of the Boston NAACP office. Footage of Jack E. Robinson (President, Boston chapter of the NAACP) at a press conference. Robinson says that the NAACP is opposed to the distribution of birth control in school health clinics. Joseph Casper (member, Boston School Committee) and Grace Romero (former member, Boston School Committee and NAACP board member) stand beside Robinson at the press conference. Lydon points out that Casper and Romero are unlikely allies for Robinson. V: Footage of Robinson saying that the plan introduces sexual devices into the schools under the guise of a health initiative. Robinson says that African American schools and school districts are the targets of these plans; that the plans are a form of "social engineering." Lydon notes that Robinson believes the proposal to be "insidiously racist." V: Footage of Hubie Jones (member, Adolescent Issues Task Force) saying that the proposal has nothing to do with race. Footage of Casper saying that the proposal targets inner city students; that there are no proposals to distribute birth control among white suburban students. Casper says that "something is afoot." Footage of Jones saying that it is genocidal to allow large numbers of African American teenage girls to become pregnant. Lydon reports that Jones sees the proposal as a "regrettable necessity," needed to combat the incidence of pregnancy in young girls. V: Shots of teenage students in a study hall. Footage of Prothow-Stith saying that the Task Force is concerned about the increase of pregnancies among girls aged ten to fourteen. Footage of a young African American male student saying that a lot of teenage girls are pregnant; of a young Hispanic male student saying that he knows a girl in ninth-grade with a child. Footage of another African American male student saying that he knows a thirteen-year old girl who became pregnant; that the girl has dropped out of school. Footage of a white female student saying that she knows eighth grade girls who are pregnant; that it is wrong for young girls to be pregnant. Shots of students outside of a school. Lydon says that everyone seems to agree that young girls should not be pregnant.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1986
Description: Copley Square environs on a rainy day. John Hancock tower, Old Hancock Building, Trinity Church, and other buildings. Pedestrians and cars go by. Puddles on the sidewalk. Pidgeons.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/18/1984
Description: Interview with jazz pianist and band leader Count Basie at the Berklee Performance Center. He talks about his long career and current musicians.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/25/1982
Description: Press conference after Suffolk County Courthouse bombing; decision to close building for safety. Talk of increased security at entrances. Also, press conference with Michael Dukakis, Frank Bellotti, Kevin White, Tom McGee, and Kevin Harrington pledging to commit all necessary resources to investigate and prosecute violent crime.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1976
Description: Interview with Helen Cowen on the treatment of older people by business owners, mainly that they charged older people more.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1968