Description: Interview with a man on the latest innovation in office furniture. The desk discuss incorporates electronic components, including a television screen. Botched take of reporter voiceover.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Marcus Jones reports on the civil rights documentary series, Eyes on the Prize. Jones notes that Eyes on the Prize is a six-part series documenting the first decade of the civil rights movement, using historical footage and first-hand accounts to tell the story. Jones interviews Henry Hampton (documentary filmmaker). Jones notes that Hampton's production company, Blackside Incorporated, produced the series. Hampton says that the civil rights movement is often overshadowed by the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. Hampton says that Eyes on the Prize attempts to tell the stories of lesser-known civil rights activists. Hampton adds that the series is a testament to the power of ordinary people to effect great changes. Jones's report is accompanied by footage from Eyes on the Prize.
1:00:12: Visual: Black and white footage of A. Philip Randolph (civil rights leader) introducing Martin Luther King (civil rights leader) at the March on Washington in 1963. Shots of the crowd on the National Mall; of King standing before the crowd. Black and white footage of King being arrested by police; of King in prison with another African American civil rights protester. Shot of white people standing in the bed of a pickup truck. The Confederate flag is draped over the side of the truck; of two white boys making racist comments while waving a small Confederate flag. Marcus Jones talks about the legacy of King. Jones notes that King was a martyr for civil rights; that he was taunted by white racists. V: Black and white footage of John Patterson (Governor of Alabama) saying that King should leave Alabama because he is a "menace." Shot of King marching peacefully with other protesters. Jones reports that King was mocked by Black Power advocates; that student leaders second guessed his plans. V: Footage of H. Rap Brown (Black Power advocate) saying that the civil rights movement is dead. Footage of Stokely Carmichael (black student leader) saying that white leaders do not know what is good for black America. Footage of King preaching against violence. Audio of a gunshot. Jones reports that King embodies the civil rights movement for many; that King's memory sometimes overshadows the civil rights movement. V: Shot of King lying in his casket. Footage of King and civil rights supporters in January, 1956. King talks about the right of African Americans to protest. Footage of Henry Hampton (documentary filmmaker) saying that King would want to be seen as a small part of the civil rights movement; that Martin Luther King Day should be a testament to King as well as the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. Jones says that Hampton wants to set the record straight about the civil rights movement; that the civil rights movement was America's "second revolution;" that the civil rights movement is most often recounted through the life of King. V: Footage of civil rights demonstrators marching. One of the black demonstrators is being interviewed by a white journalist. Shots of the feet of the marching demonstrators. Jones notes that the experiences of the lesser-known demonstrators are important. V: Footage of the animated opening to the Eyes on the Prize series. Footage of Hampton saying that the series is a testament to the power of ordinary people to effect great changes. Excerpt from Eyes on the Prize, showing civil rights supporters picketing lunch counters in the South. Jones reports that Eyes on the Prize was produced by Hampton's company, Blackside Incorporated; that Eyes on the Prize recalls the first decade of the civil rights movement. Jones notes that the series is comprised of six parts; that the series will air on PBS. V: Shots of signs for "colored lunch counters" and "colored waiting rooms." Shots of King; of Lyndon B. Johnson (US President) signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Footage from Eyes on the Prize of African American students entering Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Melba Pattillo Beals (Central High School Junior) talks about her experiences as an African American student integrating the school. Jones says that the series uses first-hand accounts and historical footage to tell the story of the civil rights movement. V: Footage of a group of white men pushing an African American man down a street; of King reciting the "I have a dream" speech. Audio of Hampton saying that King was only a small part of a very large civil rights movement. Footage of Reverend C.T. Vivian (civil rights leader) confronting Sheriff Jim Clark in Selma, Alabama. Footage of Hampton saying that the stories of lesser-known civil rights activists have not been told. Hampton talks about the efforts of Diane Nash (civil rights acitivist) in Nashville. Shots of civil rights demonstrators in Nashville. Footage of Nash saying that she asked the Ben West (Mayor of Nashville) if segregation was wrong. Footage of West saying that Nash made him realize that segregation was morally wrong. Shots of Nash; of King. Jones says that many Americans remember the civil rights movements through the memory of King; that the civil rights movement was made up of many dreamers like King. V: Footage of King at the March on Washington. Shots of marchers at the March on Washington; of civil rights demonstrators being arrested by police; of civil rights demonstrators chanting and clapping.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/19/1987
Description: Sound dropout in the beginning of the video. Boston City Council meeting on the Boston School budget. City Councilor reads communications from Mayor White to the City Council. Boston schools superintendent Marion Fahey testifies to City Council about school budget deficit. Accompanying Fahey are Paul Kennedy, Associate Superintendant in charge of personnel and John McGran, member of the superintendent's office on budgetary matters. Councilors Louise Day Hicks, Albert "Dapper" O'Neil, Larry DiCara are among those on the panel questioning Fahey. Mayor White and Superintendent Fahey both address the effect of Judge Arthur Garrity's 1975 court order on the Boston School Department budget. Video goes black in the middle for a few second, but audio continues.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/20/1976
Description: B-roll footage of shoppers and employees at a Family Foodland supermarket. A butcher puts out packages of meat at the meat counter, while shoppers inspect the meat. A female shopper chooses lemons and limes from the fruit display. An employee straightens the magazine rack near the check out counter. Other employees ring up sales and provide customer service to customers. Customers enter and exit the store, move through various aisles as they shop and wait in the check out line. Exteriors of the store.
1:00:07: Visual: A butcher puts out packages of meat at the meat counter of Family Foodland. Shots of packages of meat. An African American shoppers inspect the meat at the counter. An African American female shopper chooses lemons and limes from the fruit display at the supermarket. The camera crew instructs the shopper to choose two lemons at a time. Shots of the shopper's hands as she chooses the fruit. Close-up shot of the shopper's face. 1:03:42: V: The camera crew sets up a shot. An African American worker in a suit and tie neatens the magazine rack near the check-out counter. An African American female employee helps a customer at the customer service desk. An African American female employee rings up the purchases of a shopper. The employee counts the money given by the shopper, and returns change and a receipt. A member of the camera crew helps a worker arrange a display of rice packages. 1:06:30: V: African American shoppers and employees pass through the front aisle of the supermarket. An African American female employee rings up the purchases of an African American male shopper. An African American man and woman shop in the canned foods aisle. An African American employee rings up the purchases of an African American family. Shot of the cash register. The employee rings up the purchases of a young African American woman. 1:10:22: V: A shopper hands money over to an African American female employee who works the cash register. African American shoppers wait in line at the cash registers. Shot of the canned food aisle. Shoppers continue to stand in line at the cash register. African American female shoppers push shopping carts down the canned food aisle. 1:13:01: V: Shot of the exterior of the Family Foodland Supermarket; of the sign on the building. A small number of African American men stand in front of the supermarket. Shoppers enter and exit the supermarket.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1984
Description: Front and back exterior views of Faneuil Hall on gray day, showing it nestled among modern buildings. Pedestrians around building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/18/1982
Description: Mounted Boston police officer near Quincy Market. Crowds of children pet horse. Street performer. Angled view of upper facade of Faneuil Hall juxtaposed with Sixty State Street high rise. Quincy Market plaque. Grasshopper weather vane. Sign for “Where's Boston?”
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/15/1978
Description: Sidney Farber press conference at Anthony's Pier. Silent footage of Farber is talking. Farber shaking hands with folks. Farber at the podium taking questions about funding for cancer research and talks about great progress in the past 20 year and about progress in chemotherapy and molecular biology. He says the country has never been in this good of a position before in terms of labs to do research. Another man talks at the podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969
Description: Parents of abused children speak out about the damage done to their children and families by Gerald Amirault, as part of the Fells Acres sexual abuse trial. Lawyers also make pleas for a life sentence. Amirault, his nephew and his wife makes passionate pleas for his innocence. The defense lawyer asks for a lesser sentence. Judge Dolan gives her sentence.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/21/1986
Description: Update on the Fells Acres sexual assault trial. Testimony of Gerald Amirault, who insists upon his innocence. Protected testimony of the nine children who testified against him. Court room scenes, and explanation of the unusual procedure required for the children's privacy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/26/1986
Description: Closing argument presented by defense and the state in the Fells Acres sexual abuse trial. Gerald Amirault awaits the jury's verdict. Examples of the children's testimony and arguments over whether it can be trusted.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/07/1986