Description: Air piece on a festival held in honor of Marcus Garvey a black separatist. Reporter standup. Music and dancing. Speech by a black preacher on the importance of Marcus Garvey as an inspiration to civil rights leaders. Park dedicated to Garvey by the Boston Black United Front.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/16/1970
Description: Massachusetts State Representatives speak pro and con on gay rights anti-discrimination bill. Reps. Salvatore Dimasi, Roger Goyette, Susan Schur, Philip Travis, Eleanor Myerson, James Miceli, Francis Woodward, Thomas Vallely, Willian Robinson. The debate focuses mainly on discrimination against gay people in the workplace, but also touches on AIDS and gay foster care rights.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: Gay bars in South End. South End environs. Exteriors of 520 Tremont. Henry Vara, nightclub operator, will be fifty percent owner of jazz room Lulu White's if the licensing board approves. Interview with spokesman for gay community on concerns about the Vara Brother's reputation for exploiting the neighborhoods, and the types of gay bars they would prefer. He encourages community involvement with neighborhood associations to ensure safe spaces for gay people. They shoot cutaways. Exteriors of South End residences. Exteriors of Lulu White's. Interview with White's owner, Mario Carnavale, who explains that they are having to close Lulu's because jazz isn't supported by the Boston community. He defends himself and Lulu's co-owner Dennis Palmisciano, against the controversy people are trying to make of their selling the club.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1981
Description: Gay rights supporters shout, clap, chant outside Senate chambers of President of the Senate William Bulger, urging a vote on gay rights bill. Footage of police with sitting protester whom has handcuffed himself to the Senate balcony. Courtroom officer stomps on stomach of demonstrator laying on floor. Protestors give opinions on protest and gay rights bill. Footage of demonstrators holding hands, chanting. Reporter mentions Governor Michael Dukakis as a long-time proponent of the bill. Interview with Sen. Royal Bolling Sr., who gives input on bill. Police officers wearing gloves to protect from AIDS. Clips of Senate sign above door to chamber in which bill is being discussed. Story is followed by b-roll of protesters chanting; obstructing door to chambers. Police and Senate officials interact with protesters.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1988
Description: Story on the lack of openly gay republican, focusing on Michael Duffy, a gay Republican running for state representative. Duffy at his house talking to his partner. Interview with Duffy on his position on gay political issues. Duffy holds a candidates night. Interviews with Republicans Steven Pierce, Paul Cronin, and William Weld on their views on gay rights legislation. Weld and Duffy shake hands.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1990
Description: Gays endorse Evelyn Murphy for governor because she is the liberal candidate. Comments on Murphy's progressive liberalism, especially her support of gay rights. "Outing" activist claims Murphy is gay. Interviews with Murphy, and Murphy supporters. Discussion of political and voting strategy in 3-way race between Silber, Bellotti, and Murphy. Story followed by footage of June 9th, 1990 Gay Pride March.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/11/1990
Description: Former CIA director George H. W. Bush speaks on national security and foreign affairs. In regards to relations with South American countries, Bush explains his belief that one should not use 1977 morals to pass judgment on events that happened in the past. Denies allegations that the CIA used the African Swine Fever Virus in Cuba to "destabilize". Also denies that he ever authorized any use of chemical or biological warfare agents. He touches briefly on his potential candidacy for presidency.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1977
Description: George McGovern visits Boston to raise funds among liberals for his 1980 Senate reelection campaign in South Dakota. He doubts that there will ever be a senate race run purely on funds contributed within the border of the state. He thinks that campaigns should be financed publicly. Speaks about his nomination for presidency in 1972. Additional footage includes McGovern meeting and speaking with liberal Massachusetts politicians at a gathering.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/20/1979
Description: Steve Nevas interviews George Wallace about his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Nevas asks Wallace if he expects to do well with anti-busing voters in Massachusetts. Wallace comments on his chances in the Massachusetts primary, his relationship with the Democratic Party establishment and his role at the Democratic convention. He describes his feelings towards other Democratic perspective candidates Hubert Humphrey and Edward Kennedy. Wallace says that he has never campaigned much in Massachusetts; that he is happy to have the opportunity to present his ideas to the Massachusetts voters. Wallace denounces the "expansion" of the federal government, and calls busing a social experiment. Wallace gives his opinions on the political positions of Ralph Nader (consumer advocate) and Ronald Reagan (Governor of California). He talks about his previous campaigns for the presidential nomination.
15:33:22: Visual: Steve Nevas sets up an interview with George Wallace (Governor, State of Alabama) on his campaign for the presidency of the United States. Wallace is seated in a wheelchair. Nevas asks Wallace to comment on predictions that he will win the Massachusetts primary; that voters who are against busing will vote for him. Wallace says that he would be surprised if he won the Massachusetts primary. He says that too much time and money has been spent on busing in Boston; that busing is a "social experiment"; that the government needs to focus on unemployment and inflation. Wallace says that he did not campaign in Massachusetts in 1972; that he has not had a lot of contact with Massachusetts voters. Nevas again brings up the predictions that Wallace will win the state. Wallace says that his ideas have been distorted through propoganda; that many voters in Massachusetts have misunderstood his ideas. Wallace says that winning the Massachusetts primary would be a great victory for him. Nevas asks Wallace about the candidacy of Ronald Reagan (Governor, State of California). Wallace says that he is not familiar with the details of Reagan's plan to cut $90 billion from the federal budget; that he agrees with Reagan on increased state control over government spending; that the people of Massachusetts should have more control over how school money is spent. Nevas asks Wallace about Ralph Nader (consumer advocate) and his proposal that large corporations be chartered by the federal government. Wallace says that he does not support any idea giving the federal government more authority; that he believes in the enforcement of anti-trust laws. Wallace adds that the federal government already has too much authority; that the people of Massachusetts had no recourse when federal judges ordered forced busing; that state governments should have more authority in most matters. 15:38:25: V: Nevas remarks that a poll showed Wallace in second place after Sargent Shriver (presidential candidate) in Massachusetts. Wallace says again that he does not expect to do well in Massachusetts. Wallace adds that government attention has been focused on busing; that busing is a "social experiment"; that the voters of Massachusetts are concerned about other issues. Wallace says that he is campaigning in Massachusetts because it has an early primary election; that voters in the northeast have been unfamiliar with his ideas until now. Nevas asks Wallace if he would support Hubert Humphrey (US Senator) or Edward Kennedy (US Senator) as the Democratic nominee for president. Wallace says that Kennedy has never declared his candidacy; that Humphrey is not campaigning. Wallace notes that the national Democratic Party does not support his candidacy for president; that the Democratic Party is organizing a strategy to defeat his candidacy; that the Democratic Party is out of touch with working people. Wallace adds that there is a conspiracy against him in the Democratic Party. Nevas asks about the possibility of Wallace running for president as a third party candidate. Wallace says that many Democratic nominees are adopting his positions against busing and big government; that his positions are compatible with the platform of the national Democratic Party. Wallace says that he will work to ensure that his positions are represented at the Democratic convention in New York City over the summer. Wallace notes that many leaders are paying attention to his positions; that his ideas represent those of the working people of the nation. Wallace says that he is not at all interested in the vice-presidency. He adds that the other candidates have already stated that they will not offer him the vice-presidential nomination. 15:45:25: V: Nevas asks him if he would disclose his full medical report if the other candidates did so. Wallace responds that a medical writer for the New York Times has examined his medical report and given him a clean bill of health; that his confinement to a wheelchair does not affect his ability to be president. Nevas asks Wallace to comment on the movement for an uncommitted slate of delegates within the Democratic Party. Wallace says that some of the uncommitted delegates could pledge their votes to him. Nevas asks Wallace if he is in favor of streamlining the presidential campaign process. Wallace says that the state primaries could be consolidated into regional primaries. Nevas states that Wallace has run for president more than once. Wallace responds that he ran for president once in 1968; that he ran in three primaries in 1964 in order to make a statement against the left-wing politics of the other Democratic candidates; that he was shot in 1972 and did not finish the campaign. Nevas asks Wallace why he is seeking the presidency. Wallace says that he wants the working people of the nation to be represented in the government. Wallace notes that he has been warning people about the expanding reach of the federal government; that the people of Massachusetts experienced this kind of intrusive governmental intervention during the busing crisis. Nevas says that many people see him as a segregationist. Wallace says that he is not against people of color; that African Americans in Alabama have voted for him overwhelmingly; that he is against big government, not people. Wallace says that he grew up during a time when the segregation of races was accepted as the best solution; that segregation was sanctioned by the courts back then. Wallace adds that segregation is illegal now and it is no longer an issue. Nevas closes the interview. The camera crew takes cutaway shots of Nevas questioning Wallace. Wallace asks Nevas if he would be surprised if Wallace did well in the Massachusetts primary election. Nevas says that he would not be surprised if Wallace did well. Wallace says that he has not conducted any polls of Massachusetts voters. Wallace says that he expects to do well in Michigan and Pennsylvania; that it is hard to predict how voters will react to him. Wallace notes that people in Massachusetts made fun of his ideas years ago; that now Massachusetts voters take him seriously.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/27/1976
Description: Hope Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony at the Massachusetts State House to honor Robert Gould Shaw and the soldiers of the 54th regiment. Kelly reviews the history of Shaw and the African American soldiers of the 54th regiment in the Civil War. Kelly reports that the 1989 film Glory tells the story of the 54th regiment. Kelly's report includes clips from the film. Bill Owens addresses the ceremony. Part of the ceremony takes place in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Michael Dukakis and Ray Flynn are part of the ceremony proclaiming Glory Day in Massachusetts. Marilyn Richardson, the curator of the Museum of Afro-American History, addresses at audience at the African Meeting House.
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of a re-enactment of civil war soldiers marching in front of the Massachusetts State House. Footage from the 1989 film Glory. Hope Kelly reports that Glory took four years to make. Kelly notes that the film is about African American soldiers in the Civil War. V: Footage of Bill Owens (State Senator) reading a proclamation. The proclamation makes reference to John Andrews (former Governor of Massachusetts) who issued a call to arms for African Americans and to Robert Gould Shaw (US Army colonel) who commanded the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. V: Footage from the film Glory. Kelly reports that the Massachusetts 54th Regiment became the first African American fighting unit in the nation's history; that the Regiment was led by Gould; that Gould was a an upper-class white man from Boston. Kelly reports that army officials at the time did not think that African Americans could be competent soldiers. Kelly notes that the Regiment proved army officials wrong. V: Footage from the film, Glory. Kelly reports that city and state officials held a ceremony outside of the Massachusetts State House; that Thursday has been proclaimed Glory day in Massachusetts. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston), Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), and other leaders at the ceremony. The leaders stand quietly in front of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial as a trumpeter plays "Taps." Shot of the media at the ceremony. Shot of the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial. Kelly reports that the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial has stood on Boston Common for ninety-three years. V: Shot of the face of a soldier carved into the Shaw Memorial. Shot of a group of female singers singing a gospel song. Men in military uniform stand behind them holding flags. Kelly reports that the Shaw Memorial shows Shaw on horseback and the soldiers on foot. Kelly notes that Shaw was on horseback and the soldiers on foot when they charged Fort Wagner in South Carolina in July of 1863. Kelly reports that Shaw and 32 African American and white soldiers were killed in the attack; that Shaw and the soldiers were all buried together. V: Shot of the Shaw Memorial. Footage from the film, Glory. Shot of the re-enactment march in Boston. Kelly reports that today's ceremony started at the Memorial; that the ceremony moved to the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Kelly notes that the African Meeting House served as a recruitment center for local African Americans during the Civil War. V: Shot of an African American man in military dress holding an American flag; of a group of African Americans in military dress at the ceremony. Footage from the film Glory. Footage of Marilyn Richardson (Curator, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing an audience in the African Meeting House. Richardson says that society must honor the principles for which the soldiers fought. Footage from the ceremony at the State House. An African American man sings "Glory Hallelujah." A crowd of media and attendees is gathered. V: Footage from the film Glory.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/08/1990