Description: Marcus Jones reports that superintendent Laval Wilson is frustrated because the Boston School Committee has twice rejected his proposal to consolidate Boston high schools. Interviews with School Committee members John Nucci, Joseph Casper and John O'Bryant. Nucci says that Wilson is frustrated by a lack of support from some members of the Committee. Casper accuses the minority members of the School Committee of causing trouble for Wilson. O'Bryant resents Casper's accusations that the minority members of the Committee vote in a bloc. Jones notes that some critics accuse the committee of focusing too much on the daily operations of the schools and not enough on educational policy. Interview with City Councilor Michael McCormack. O'Bryant and Casper differ on how much parental participation they think should be encouraged by Wilson and the School Committee. A spokesperson for Wilson says that Wilson has no intention of leaving his post. Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting.
1:00:08: Marcus Jones reports that school officials are are concerned that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) may leave the Boston Public Schools. Jones notes that Wilson was frustrated after the Boston School Committee's second rejection of his plan to consolidate Boston high schools. Visual: Shots of Wilson and members of the School Committee at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson is committed to the Boston Public Schools; that Wilson is frustrated by a lack of support from certain members of the School Committee; that this lack of support needs to be addressed. Jones reports that Wilson's consolidation plan for Boston Latin Academy, Boston Technical High School and Madison Park High School initially won council approval by a margin of 5 to 4; that the four minority votes were abstentions. Jones notes that School Committee members Jean McGuire and John O'Bryant voted against the plan on a second vote. V: Shots of a plaque reading "Boston Latin Academy"; of the sign reading "Boston Technical High School," hanging above the door to the school; of the exterior of Madison Park High School. Shots of McGuire and O'Bryant at a School Committee meeting. Shots of Wilson. Jones notes that the proposal was defeated; that Wilson suggested that the School Committee should begin looking for another superintendent. V: Footage of Joe Casper (member, Boston School Committee) saying that the superintendent is getting "nailed" by the minority members of the School Committee; that the white members of the school committee are not causing trouble for Wilson. Footage of John O'Bryant (member, Boston School Committee) saying that the votes of the minority members of the School Committee are often split; that no one ever accuses white members of the School Committee of voting in a bloc. Jones reports that Wilson has won more battles with the School Committee than he has lost. V: Shots of Wilson and the School Committee members in a meeting. Shots of School Committee members John Grady, Kevin McCluskey, Casper and Thomas O'Reilly. Jones says that some critics see flaws in the ways that the School Committee is administering to the schools. V: Footage of Michael McCormack (Boston City Council) saying that the School Committee needs to focus on educational policy; that the operations of the schools should be left up to the superintendent. Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson does not consult parents on issues affecting the schools. O'Bryant says that parental participation in the school system should be encouraged. Footage of Casper saying that parents are being encouraged to attend the meetings to push for their special interests; that Wilson cannot be expected to cater to parents while running the schools effectively. Jones stands outside the offices of the Boston School Committee. Jones quotes a spokesman for Wilson as saying that Wilson has no intention of leaving his post. Jones notes that Wilson will have another encounter with the School Committee at next month's meeting. V: Shot of Nucci.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1987
Description: Lawrence Maid Footwear, division of W.R. Grace. Workers, including many older women, exit shoe factory at end of shift. Lawrence Maid Footwear employs approximately 750 people, decreased from 2,200 in 1969. The reporter explains the decline of the shoe industry in the US. Inside, women stitch shoe parts rapidly on old sewing machines. Punch clock and time cards on wall. Great expanse of factory space, rows of fluorescent lights. Unused machines covered in plastic. Large spools of thread on shelves.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/07/1977
Description: This tape includes footage of the aftermath of race riots in Lawrence in August of 1984. Residents stand on the street; some of the buildings are damaged. Two men inspect a burnt-out house. A man repairs a broken window. A group of people stands outside of a liquor store. The sign for the liquor store is damaged; debris is visible on the floor of the liquor store. A group of men move boxes from the store onto a truck. A police cruiser moves down a blockaded street. Police direct traffic in front of the liquor store. Footage from the McNeil-Lehrer Newshour. Robert McNeil reports on race riots in the Tower Hill section of Lawrence. McNeil notes that gangs of Latino youth and gangs of white youth were throwing molotov cocktails and that police were called in to restore order. McNeil’s report includes night footage of the riots in Lawrence.
1:00:04: Visual: Shot of a residential street in Lawrence. Two white men in business suits stand on the lot of a burnt out house. A few people are gathered outside of a house on a residential street in Lawrence. Shot of a liquor store with bars over the windows. Two white women stand outside of a damaged building on a streetcorner. A motorcycle is parked in front of the building. A white man peers out of a broken window in the building. A white man looks out of a window of a house. 1:01:26: V: A group of white adults and kids stand outside of a liquor store in Lawrence. A few people walk up a residential street toward the liquor store. The street is strewn with debris. Shot of the damaged liquor store sign. Shots of a pick-up truck; of a man closing the back of a U-haul moving truck. A man repairs the broken window of a building on a street corner in Lawrence. Close-up shots of other broken windows. The U-haul moving truck pulls up to the front of the liquor store. Shot of the damaged liquor store sign. White men move alcohol from the store into the moving truck. Shot of debris on the floor of the liquor store; of the interior of the moving truck; of the front of the liquor store. 1:03:14: V: Shot of hand-lettered sign reading, "Keep out." A group of white men are gathered in front of a burnt-out house. Shots of the charred remains of the house. A police cruiser travels down a street. The street is blockaded with "Do not enter" signs. The cruiser travels toward the liquor store and moving van. Long shot of the blockaded street with the liquor store. Video cuts out briefly at the end of this segment. Street noise is audible. 1:04:50: V: Two white police officers stand in the middle of a residential street. A crowd of all ages mills about. The crowd includes whites, Hispanics and African Americans. A crowd is gathered near the liquor store. A police officer directs a car as it maneuvers in the crowded street. 1:05:34: News brief from the McNeil-Lehrer Newshour. Robert McNeil reads news headlines. McNeil reports on violence in the Tower Hill section of Lawrence. McNeil reports that gangs of youth threw molotov cocktails; that one gang was Spanish-speaking; that the other gang included French-Canadian, Irish and Italian youth. V: Footage of youth gang members in the dark. The youth carry sticks. Molotov cocktails are thrown by the youth. The molotov cocktails explode on the pavement. McNeil reports that four people were arrested and twenty people were injured; that police used tear gas to restore order at 2:00 am. V: Footage of youth armed with sticks; of police marching among small fires burning on the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/09/1984
Description: Emerson College will be moving from downtown Boston to Lawrence in 1992. Interview with a representative of Emerson on the reasons for the move. Interview with Lawrence Mayor Kevin Sullivan on the urban renewal project that will help improve the city. Sullivan, Gov. Dukakis, and Sen. Patricia McGovern speak at a ceremony held at the site along the Merrimack River. Construction in progress on site. Interview with William Callaghee, publisher of the Lawrence News, who speaks against the project. Interviews with Lawrence residents on the benefits they predict will come from the relocation of Emerson into their city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/27/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Lee Atwater, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, visited Massachusetts for a Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater is optimistic about the Massachusetts Republican Party and has been making efforts to recruit minorities to the Republican Party. Students at Howard University protest Atwater's trusteeship at Howard University. Critics accuse the Republican Party of racist politics. David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan wizard, at a press conference. Vaillancourt notes that Atwater denies exploiting racial issues in 1988 presidential campaign advertisements. Vaillancourt's report features footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater predicts that the next governor of Massachusetts will be a Republican. Atwater defends the Willie Horton campaign advertisements and condemns David Duke. Atwater shakes hands with Herman Wheeler, the President of the MBTA Police Officers Association, who recently switched his allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson addresses students at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Lee Atwater (Chairman, Republican National Committee) speaking at a Republican fundraiser in Watertown, Massachusetts. Atwater says that Massachusetts will see no real progress until the state elects a Republican governor. Shots of audience members listening to Atwater. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Atwater visited Massachusetts for a fundraiser; that he was not afraid to attack former rival Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts). V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the press conference. Atwater says that he can "smell" a Republican victory in the Massachusetts air. Shot of Atwater shaking hands with attendees of the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has had a few setbacks recently. Vaillancourt reports that one of Atwater's goals is to increase minority membership in the Republican Party; that Atwater was recently forced to resign from the Board of Trustees of Howard University when African American students staged a three-day protest. V: Footage of student protests at Howard University on February 8, 1989. Vaillancourt reports that students were angry over the Republican Party's exploitation of race in the presidential campaign. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Willie Horton (furloughed convict). Vaillancourt reports that Atwater denies that the Republican Party exploited race in the Willie Horton campaign advertisements. V: Footage of Atwater speaking at the fundraiser. Atwater says that the Republican Party was opposed to Dukakis's criminal furlough program. Vaillancourt reports that critics say that racist politics resulted in the election of David Duke (former wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) as the Republican candidate for governor of Lousiana. V: Footage of Duke at a press conference; of a Duke campaign sticker. Footage of Atwater at the fundraiser. Atwater says that Duke is a racist "charlatan"; that Duke has no place in the Republican Party. Atwater says that the Democrats should focus on Reverend Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam leader). Shots of attendees at the fundraiser. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater highlighted the efforts of the Massachusetts Republican Party to attract African American voters; that Atwater welcomed a president of an MBTA patrolmen's union. Vaillancourt notes that the president of the patrolmen's union has switched parties. V: Footage of Atwater shaking the hand of Herman Wheeler (President, MBTA Police Officers Association). Atwater tells Wheeler that it takes courage to switch parties; that the Republican Party needs courageous members. Shot of audience members, including Ron Kaufman (Republican National Committee). Vaillancourt reports from the Republican Party fundraiser. Vaillancourt says that Atwater's speech to the Massachusetts Republican Party was optimistic. Vaillancourt notes that the Republican Party has recently lost two special Congressional elections; that there is another special Congressional election in Wyoming tomorrow. Vaillancourt reports that some are wondering why Atwater is not in Wyoming today. V: Footage of Atwater saying that he would risk being called an "outsider" if he went to Wyoming to campaign. Atwater says that he hopes the Party will win the election in Wyoming; that "all is not lost" if the Party loses the election. Atwater says that special elections do not portend the results of the next election cycle. Shots of attendees at the fundraiser; of Atwater greeting attendees. Vaillancourt reports that Atwater has a lot of work ahead of him.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1989
Description: Interiors of Legal Sea Food. People eating at tables, waitresses delivering food. Wideshot of dining room with long communal tables. Man shucking clams. Raw clams on half shell. Exteriors of Legal Sea Food, including sign outside restaurant.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/12/1978
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson gave a speech at Sanders Theatre at Harvard University as part of his effort to support the presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis. Jackson attacked George Bush and the Republican Party on issues of race, and defended the term "liberal" from Republican attacks. Additional footage of Jackson and Dukakis at the 1988 Democratic Convention. Independent presidential candidate Lenora Fulani also visited Boston today. Fulani is the African American progressive candidate of the New Alliance Party. Interview with Fulani, who says that progressive voters need to vote against Dukakis. She adds that the Democratic Party needs to differentiate itself from the Republican Party in order to win the votes of progressives. Vaillancourt notes that Fulani is a Jackson supporter. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani will probably not be a threat to Dukakis in the 1988 election. She adds that a future Jackson candidacy could threaten the Democratic Party by attracting disenchanted progressive voters from the Democratic Party.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) addressing an audience at Sanders Theatre at Harvard University. Jackson talks about the civil rights movement. Shots of the audience. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson attacked the Republican Party in his speech at Saunder Theatre today; that Jackson accused the Republicans of misusing the term "liberal" in the presidential campaign. V: Footage of Jackson at Sanders Theatre. Jackson accuses George Bush (Republican US presidential nominee) of attacking civil liberties as "subversive." Jackson riffs on the term "liberal." Shots of the audience applauding for Jackson. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson was campaigning for Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee); that Jackson attacked Bush on issues of race. V: Footage of Jackson accusing Bush of buying a property labeled "caucasians only" in Houston. Footage from CNN of Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis), Jackson, Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson), and other Democratic Party leaders on stage at the 1988 Democratic Convention. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson appears frequently with Dukakis; that Jackson defended Dukakis's campaign style in his speech today. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "passion is a new extra-constitutional requirement" for the presidency. Vaillancourt stands outside of Memorial Hall at Harvard University. Vaillancourt reports that Lenora Fulani (Independent candidate for US President) was in Boston today; that Fulani is an African American progressive candidate for the presidency. V: Footage of Fulani being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Fulani says that voters should not vote for Dukakis; that the Democratic Party needs to learn not to take African American and white progressive voters for granted. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani is the candidate of the New Alliance Party. Vaillancourt adds that Fulani describes the New Alliance Party as a progressive party which is mindful of gay and minority voters. V: Footage of Jackson shaking hands with supporters after his speech. Jackson holds up a young white girl. He gives the thumbs-up sign to the crowd. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani is a Jackson supporter; that Fulani is running against Dukakis. V: Footage of Fulani being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Fulani says that progressive voters need to vote according to their own self-interests; she urges progressive voters to vote against Dukakis. Vaillancourt asks if progressive voters should vote for Fulani and risk having a Republican president. Fulani says that the Democratic Party is responsible for the Republican victories of Ronald Reagan (US President) and Richard Nixon (former US President). Fulani says that the Democratic Party needs to differentiate itself from the Republican Party. Fulani says that Dukakis is now paying attention to progressive voters because he is down in the polls. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani will probably not be a threat to Dukakis; that her criticism may signal a future problem for the party. V: Shot of Jackson on stage at the end of his speech. Vaillancourt reports that the Democratic Party would be threatened if a candidate like Jackson decided to run as an independent candidate; that his candidacy would attract disenchanted Democratic voters. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is still campaigning strongly for Dukakis; that Jackson's campaign efforts make him a force within the Democratic Party.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/24/1988
Description: Carmen Fields reports that the play Les Blancs, by playwright Lorraine Hansberry will be produced by the Huntington Theater Company. The play is set in a fictitious African nation struggling for independence. Interview with Hansberry's ex-husband Robert Nemiroff, who is overseeing the production of the play. He talks about Hansberry and her work. Nemiroff says that Hansberry's play foreshadows the revolutionary changes that would take place in Africa in the 1960s. He says that much of her work revolved around the relationship between the oppressed and their oppressors. Fields reviews Hansberry's career. She notes that Nemiroff is gathering materials for a Hansberry Library Collection. Fields report includes footage from the WNET production of Les Blancs and footage from the 1961 film A Raisin in the Sun. Fields report includes footage and photographs of Hansberry and shots of advertisements for Hansberry's plays. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: African American school committee members criticize Flynn's school choice plan
1:00:13: Visual: Footage from the Huntington Theatre production of the play, Les Blancs. Carmen Fields reports that Les Blancs is set in a fictitious African country; that Les Blancs was written by Lorraine Hansberry (playwright). V: Black and white shot of Hansberry. Shot of a black and white photo of Hansberry. Footage of Robert Nemiroff (production advisor) saying that Hansberry foresaw the revolutionary changes which took place in Africa in the 1960s. Shot of a black and white photo of Hansberry. Shot of the cover of a book of plays by Hansberry. Fields reports that Hansberry wrote Les Blancs in 1960; that only a few African nations were independent in 1960. Fields notes that Hansberry plays often deal with the changing relationships between the oppressors and the oppressed. Fields adds that Al Freeman Jr. (actor) and Roy Scheider (actor) starred in the Broadway production of Les Blancs. V: Footage from WNET of Les Blancs. Footage of Nemiroff being interviewed by Fields. Nemiroff says that Hansberry did not believe that race issues were the ultimate source of world conflict. Nemiroff says that Hansberry believed that the ultimate struggle was between the oppressed and the oppressors. Footage from the 1961 film, A Raisin in the Sun. Shot of an advertisement for A Raisin in the Sun. The advertisement notes that A Raisin in the Sun won Best Play of the year from the Drama Critics' Circle in 1959. Fields reports that the Hansberry's work often revolves around the choices made by ordinary people; that Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun and The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window. V: Shot of a poster for The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window. Fields reports that Hansberry died in 1965 at age 34. V: Shot of Hansberry. Shot of a black and white photo of Hansberry and Nemiroff. Fields reports that Nemiroff was married to Hansberry when she died; that Nemiroff is advising the production of Les Blancs at the Huntington Theatre. Fields notes that Nemiroff is gathering materials for a Hansberry Library Collection. V: Footage of the Huntington Theatre production of Les Blancs. Shot of a room with Hansberry's writing materials. Footage of Nemiroff saying that there are no villains in Hansberry's plays; that each character in a Hansberry play has his or her own motives. Nemiroff says that Hansberry had great respect for the potential of every human being. Fields reports that Hansberry described her work as "dramatic realism." V: Black and white footage of Hansberry. Hansberry talks about realism in her work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/16/1989
Description: Richard Boddie is seeking the Libertarian nomination for the 1992 presidential election. Interview with Boddie about the Libertarian Party and his position on the issues. He says that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties. He talks about the need for government to remove itself from the private lives and economic lives of the citizenry. Boddie calls for reform of the criminal justice system. He says that he will work to empower all people. He accuses other African American politicians of trying to redistribute wealth. Boddie says that the only legitimate function of government is to protect citizens from violations of their rights. Fields notes that the Libertarian nomination is also being sought by Andre Marrou, accompanied by a shot of a photograph of him. Sounds cuts out at the very end of the story. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Charles McKenney interviewed by Marcus Jones and African American officials in white suburbs
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Richard Boddie (Libertarian candidate for US President) being interviewed. Boddie says that people who have no values have no regard for human life. Boddie says that the criminal justice system does not force people to take responsibility for their actions. Boddie says that the criminal justice system lets people avoid responsibility for their actions by placing blame on society. Boddie says that government must not outlaw guns in order to fight crime; that the people must get government out of their lives. Carmen Fields reports that Boddie is fifty-two years old; that Boddie is the son of a minister from Rochester, NY. Fields reports that Boddie does not believe that gun control is the answer to urban crime; that Boddie is seeking the Libertarian nomination for president. Fields notes that the Libertarian Party does not support government involvement in the lives of citizens. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that the government needs to remove itself from the private lives and economic lives of its citizens. Boddie says that the nation would become more productive and competitive with less government; that there would be more opportunities for all with less government. Boddie says that the government protects the class structure. Boddie says that the government is the "elitist power-monger." Boddie says that the government does not follow through on its promises. Fields reports that Boddie has tried bipartisanship; that he was a Democrat for ten years. Fields reports that Boddie was an activist law student at Syracuse University; that Boddie became a Republican shortly after graduating from law school. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that he wanted to build his law practice; that he became a Republican. Boddie says that he spent ten years as a Democrat and ten years as a Republican; that there is no difference between the two parties. Fields reports that Boddie was a "political agnostic" until he discovered the Libertarian Party in 1983. V: Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie says that the Libertarian Party found him. Fields reports that Boddie has been considering entering politics since the early 1980s; that Boddie promises to be a different kind of African American politician if he wins the Libertarian nomination. Fields notes that the nomination is also being sought by Andre Marrou (Libertarian candidate for US President). V: Shot of a black and white photo of Marrou. Footage of Boddie being interviewed by Fields. Boddie mentions some African American politicians including Jesse Jackson and Douglas Wilder. Boddie says that most African American politicians want to redistribute wealth. Boddie says that he wants people to empower themselves. Boddie says that the role of government should be reduced to defending the rights of citizens when those rights are violated. Boddie says that this is the only legitimate function of government.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1991
Description: A minute of footage of a marching band performance at the beginning. Then footage from a story on a limousine service. Man entering limo and being driven around. Interview with limo service owner in the back of a limo, where he talks about his business and clients.
Collection: WHDH