Description: Lincoln Park environs. Arcade interior. Amusements, arcade games, skee ball, ‘Ms. Pacman,’ ferris wheel, ‘Scrambler', large slide, brightly colored rides.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/18/1982
Description: Lincoln Park. Children on merry-go-round. Carousel, Monster Ride, Pirates Den, Jet flyer, roller coaster, children's train ride. First aid sign, Humpty Dumpty, Chocolate Dip ice cream stand.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/18/1982
Description: Carmen Fields interviews Lindiwe Mabuza of the African National Congress about apartheid in South Africa. Mabuza says that F.W. de Klerk, the President of South Africa, is not committed to fundamental changes in the regime. She adds that the ANC is struggling for a united, democratic, and non-racial South Africa. Fields reports that black South Africans are celebrating the recent release of eight political prisoners. Mabuza talks about the release of the prisoners and the role of the ANC. Mabuza discusses the possibility of negotiations with the South African government. She reviews the conditions under which black South Africans could negotiate with the South African government. Mabuza talks about her support for sanctions on the South African government. Fields' report is accompanied by footage of de Klerk, footage of black South Africans celebrating the release of prisoners and footage of a large demonstration by black South Africans.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Lindiwe Mabuza (African National Congress Representative to the US) being interviewed by Carmen Fields. Mabuza says that there will be little difference between the administrations of P.W. Botha (former president of South Africa) and F.W. de Klerk (president of South Africa). Mabuza says that de Klerk is not committed to fundamental changes in the apartheid policy of the South African government. Fields reports that de Klerk was elected by the small minority of white South Africans; that de Klerk does not support the one person, one vote concept. Fields reports that the African National Congress (ANC) does not agree with de Klerk's vision of a post-apartheid nation. V: Shots of de Klerk and white South African government officials in a governmental chamber. Footage of Mabuza saying that the ANC is struggling for a united, democratic ,and non-racial South Africa. Mabuza says that South Africa is currently divided by apartheid. Mabuza says that de Klerk believes that there are many groups and nations within South Africa; that de Klerk wants to divide the black South Africans into groups; that these divisions are a continuation of apartheid. Fields reports that black South Africans are celebrating the recent release of eight political prisoners; that seven of the eight released prisoners are high-ranking ANC officials. Fields reports that the released prisoners met in Soweto today to plan for an ANC rally. V: Shots of black South Africans singing together as they celebrate the release of the prisoners; of white South African military police. Shots of the released prisoners outside of the prison; of the released prisoners walking in a group; of a released prisoner greeting a friend. Footage of Mabuza being interviewed by Fields. Mabuza says that the released ANC officials should re-assume their leadership roles. Mabuza says that the leaders have been released without restrictions; that the leaders should address the problems of black South Africans. Mabuza says that de Klerk cannot afford to put the leaders in prison again; that de Klerk has publicized the release of the prisoners in order to make the South African government look good. Fields asks about negotiations with the South African government to end apartheid. Mabuza says that the South African government must lift the state of emergency; that the government must withdraw troops from civilian areas; that the government must release thousands of political prisoners including Nelson Mandela (jailed South African leader). Mabuza says that the government must lift its ban on the ANC; that the government must lift restrictions on other organizations and banned individuals. Mabuza says that the government must make these changes in order to negotiate in good faith with black South Africans. Fields reports that Mabuza does not believe that sanctions hurt black South Africans. V: Shot of a man putting up a poster with a newspaper headline reading, "Unity on SA blown apart by Thatcher." Footage of Mabuza saying that millions of blacks are out of work and suffering because of apartheid; that black South Africans are willing to make sacrifices to end apartheid. Mabuza says that black South Africans want change in South Africa. Shots of a large demonstration by black South Africans. Many are holding signs and banners.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/23/1989
Description: In this story on linkage, Christy George gives history of Boston development boom and affordable housing decline. She describes proposed linkage between the two in the form of taxes on new development, the proceeds of which would go toward affordable housing. Kevin White press conference. Interview with Bruce Bolling on his proposed linkage law. Interview with housing advocate Robert McKay, who is also on the committee reviewing the linkage law. There is a discussion of how exactly linkage will work. Kevin White, Ray Flynn, Larry DiCara, and Dave Finnegan all weigh in on linkage as a mayoral campaign issue.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/16/1983
Description: People buying lobsters at Bay State Lobster. Lobsters removed from tank, placed on scale, put in paper bags, some crated. Displays of seafood for sale. Newly caught lobsters, tightly packed, claws banded, move around in crate. Interview with proprietor on falling prices and fluctuation of supply and demand. Boston is principal lobster distribution point.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/07/1979
Description: Simulation of pilot flying airplane and airport procedures. Sounds goes in and out. Close up on gauges. Woman and man soldering wires. formerly 1418 [can no.?]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 04/22/1970
Description: Passengers in ticket lines in international terminal at Logan. Distinctive Braniff planes painted bright colors. Luggage. Taxiing TWA and American Airlines jets. Reporter explains Braniff's trademark - brightly colored planes, leather seats, flying routes other airlines do not. Braniff plans to use Boston as its gateway to European air travel.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/30/1979
Description: Longshoremen's hiring hall. Men crowd around window for work assignments. Interview with union worker, who says job shortage due to progress and automation. He has not been paid under contract guaranty because of loopholes. He predicts October 1 strike against Boston Shipping Association. Containerization calls for fewer workers, from about 1,200 men to about 400 men, though tonnage of port has remained stable. Man hours have decreased, some men have left the industry, others try to collect their guaranty. A man being interviewed says that the men are very angry.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/24/1976
Description: Marcus Jones interviews Louis Elisa, from the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. Elisa and Jones walk through Roxbury and Franklin Park while they talk. Elisa talks about the need for the environmental movement to open up to minorities. Elisa notes that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa talks about his efforts to improve his own neighborhood. Elisa notes that he is trying to prevent the dumping of garbage on a nearby vacant lot. Jones and Elisa discuss the rehabilitation of Franklin Park in Roxbury. Elisa says that the Franklin Park Coalition sought corporate funding to clean up the park, leading to a public/private partnership. Elisa talks about the need to give young people access to the outdoors. He adds that access to the outdoors and recreational activities might decrease violence in the city. Following the edited story is additional footage of Elisa and Jones walking through the city as they discuss environmental issues.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Saltonstall Building on Cambridge Street in Boston; of Louis Elisa (State Office of Environmental Affairs) and Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter) exiting the building. Marcus Jones reports that Elisa works in the Saltonstall Building for the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones on the street. Elisa says that the environmental movement is often associated with rural and suburban areas; that many urban residents are concerned about the environment. Jones notes that Elisa is an African American urban resident; that the environmental movement has not done enough to reach minority and urban constituents. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones. Elisa says that the environmental movement has been shortsighted; that many people see a great divide between rural and urban areas. Elisa says that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa says that the environmental movement does not understand that African Americans use and enjoy parks and open spaces. Elisa says that the environmental movement needs to open up to minorities. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking down a Roxbury street. Jones reports that problems with crime and violence take precedence over environmental issues in Roxbury; that a group of environmentalists in Roxbury are trying to make a difference. Jones notes that Elisa and his neighbors have been trying to get a lot near his apartment building cleaned off. V: Shots of Jones and Elisa walking through an abandoned lot. Audio of Elisa saying that the lot is an eyesore; that the lot is an affront to the residents of the community. Elisa says that he called the city of Boston to complain about garbage being dumped on the lot. Elisa says that the city told him that the owner of the lot could do what he wanted with the lot. Elisa says that the neighboring houses are looked after carefully. Jones reports that Franklin Park is an example of an environmental success story in Roxbury. V: Shot of a golfer hitting a golf ball at Franklin Park. Footage of Elisa saying that a group of Roxbury residents including Elma Lewis got together to advocate for Franklin Field Park; that the advocates began to clean up the park. Elisa says that the park was created by Frederick Law Olmsted (landscape architect); that the park is an asset for the city. Elisa says that the advocates found corporate funding to clean up the park. Elisa says that the rehabilitation of the park is an example of a public-private partnership. Shots of golfers walking across the fairway at the golf course at Franklin Park; of the golf course. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking along a path in Franklin Park. Audio of Elisa saying that it is important for young people to have access to parks, campgrounds, ice skating rinks and coastal areas. Elisa says that more access to the outdoors might decrease violence in the inner city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/18/1990
Description: Steve Curwood interviews Louise Day Hicks about her vote in favor of a curfew proposal for the city of Boston. Hicks thinks that the curfew could reduce unrest on the streets in the evenings. She says that she will vote to rescind the curfew if police are shown to use it as a means to harass residents. Hicks notes that the senior citizens and fire fighters support the curfew proposal. They shoot cutaways.
0:58:32: Visual: Steve Curwood interviews Louis Day Hicks in her office. Curwood asks Hicks why she is in favor of a curfew proposal for Boston. Hicks says that senior citizens and fire fighters have requested the curfew; that a curfew could mean greater safety in the evening. Curwood comments that police have called the curfew proposal unenforceable. Hicks says that the city should try the curfew to test its effectiveness; that she voted for it to show solidarity with the senior citizens and fire fighters. Curwood points out the expense involved in a curfew ordinance; that the county may have to pay for private lawyers to defend violators because of the heavy workload of the public defenders. Hicks says that the curfew does not place undue burden on minors, who can move about with a note from their parents; that the curfew can be rescinded if it proves to be unworkable. Hicks says that the curfew could be enforced arbitrarily as a means of harassment; that she will vote to rescind the curfew if this proves to be true. Hicks says that the law could be used to bolster parental authority; that she hopes most parents have authority over their children even without the curfew. Hicks says that she does not know if the mayor will veto the curfew. Curwood thanks Hicks. The crew takes cutaway shots of Curwood and Hicks. Curwood and Hicks speak informally. Hicks talks about her constituents' support for the curfew.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/06/1976