Description: U.S. Representative Edward Markey encounters Michael Dukakis on steps of the Capitol. They casually discuss nuclear freeze referendum. Reporters ask them questions. Exterior shots of Capitol building. Shot of Markey leaving Capitol. Interview with U.S. Representative Brian Donnelly on how Massachusetts produces great political leadership; and on attainment of elected office as a means of upward mobility by Irish and Italians. They have a more informal discussion while shooting cutaways. Editor's note: Content given off the record was edited out of this footage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/16/1982
Description: Marshfield Fair environs. High shots of carousel, Ferris wheel, and other rides. Horses pulling a cart. Band plays on a stage. People walking around the fair. Children on rides.
Collection: WHDH
Description: Janet Wu interviews two social service professionals, John York and Dr. Mary Jane England, on the high number of uncovered cases of child welfare. York states that the Department of Public Welfare and the Office of Social Services have always been understaffed. He explains that there are approximately 200 new social services positions in the budget for 1980. Dr. England speaks on the current state of the social services programs in the Commonwealth.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/03/1979
Description: Theater review by Kevin Kelly on James Kirkwood's Legends, starring Mary Martin and Carol Channing. Backstage interviews with both actresses on their careers, the play, and their friendship. Footage from the performance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/25/1986
Description: Charles Bennet interviews Massport executive director David Davis about the Massport board of directors and the enormous success of one-way tolls experiment on Tobin Bridge and harbor tunnels. They shoot cutaways. Shots of the Commonwealth Pier. Tanker passes by. Smaller boats tied up along waterfront. Traffic on fish pier. Massport Maritime Terminal. Dump trucks clearing ground for construction. Cranes hanging over pier.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/23/1983
Description: Exteriors of Maverick housing project in East Boston. White children play outside. Lone black girl sits on fence. Black Power and racist graffiti. Boarded up windows. East Boston environs shot from moving car.Sign for Police Station 7. Interview with a Maverick resident, Mrs. Baker, about vandalism and threats from youth, and destruction of her apartment and possessions and death of three dogs due to a fire of suspicious origin. Interview with a priest, Father Corrigan, who says 12 African American families moved out of project because of intimidation and harassment. Shot of Maverick St. sign. Interview with Maverick resident, Mrs. Porter, about the families who moved out, many of whom she knew, and why she's going to stay. They shoot cutaways.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1976
Description: Reel 1 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, and J. Jordan. DiCara, Finnegan, Flynn, and Kearney make their opening remarks. Robert Kiley begins his opening remarks.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Reel 2 of 1983 Boston Mayoral Debate, held at Simmons College. Candidates are Larry DiCara, Ray Flynn, Robert Kiley, Dennis Kearney, David Finnegan and Mel King. The moderator is professor Carroll Miles. Journalists on the panel are Andy Hiller, Michael Rezendes, William Robinson, J. Jordan. Robert Kiley finishes his opening remarks. Mel King, Fred Langone and Eloise Linger maker their opening remarks. Robert Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government and making the city government work efficiently. He talks about the need to eliminate corruption, the need to establish sound fiscal management and the need to reduce crime. Kiley says that the Boston Public School System must be reformed. Mel King discusses his professional experience and long history of work within the community. King talks about the importance of crime prevention and the need to work with community youth. King states his intention to change the climate of fear in the city. King mentions his proposals for addressing unemployment in the city, including the "Boston jobs for Boston people" program. Fred Langone talks about his years of service to the city and his experience in dealing with the city's finances. Langone condemns the fiscal mismanagement of the present administration. Linger addresses US government foreign policy, school desegregation and racism, women's rights and the anti-abortion referendum. Linger talks about the housing shortage and other social problems. She advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues.
0:59:20: Robert Kiley (candidate for mayor) speaks at a mayoral debate at Simmons College. Kiley talks about restoring the faith of residents in city government; about making city government work efficiently. Kiley says that corrupt practices must be eliminated from city government; that sound fiscal management must be established. Kiley notes that crime must be reduced; that the school system needs reform; that the Boston Public School System has the highest dropout rate and absentee rate of any urban school system in the nation. Kiley says that he has the background, skills and experience to govern the city; that he has proven experience in government; that he has tackled difficult problems in the city like school desegregation and reform of the MBTA. Kiley says that the next mayor must adopt a system of government based on merit and professionalism. Kiley proposes that all candidates make a voluntary pledge not to accept contributions from city or county employees. Kiley notes that he has made a financial disclosure statement. He proposes that all candidates do the same. Kiley adds that the city needs a mayor with a sense of integrity, decency and a commitment to justice. The audience applauds. 1:03:55: Carroll Miles (professor, Simmons College) introduces Mel King (candidate for mayor). King says that he has been working in the Boston community for thirty years; that he is currently teaching at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that he served as a state representative for ten years. King says that crime prevention is important; that he would put people on the streets to work with community youth; that he wants to change the climate of fear in the city. King says that he campaigned for mayor in 1979; that he advocated a "Boston jobs for Boston people program during that campaign; that the program guaranteed 50% of Boston jobs for Boston residents. King notes the high unemployment rates in East Boston, Charlestown, South Boston, Roxbury. King says that 85% of the jobs in Boston are now held by non-residents; that the Occupational Resource Center should serve as a training center for unskilled Boston workers; that this program would make a difference in the lives of city residents. The audience applauds. 1:08:55: Miles introduces Frederick Langone (candidate for mayor). Langone says that the present administration has had deficits exceeding $25 million per year; that the deficits persisted despite relief from the state government; that the state government has assumed welfare costs, half of the MBTA budget and the full costs of running the Suffolk County Court. Langone reminds voters that he was able to expose the fiscal mismanagement and extravagances of the present administration. Langone talks about his knowledge and experience in dealing with the city finances. Langone decries the sale of the Soren Water Commission. Langone talked about his involvement in resolving disputes about the Tregor Bill. Langone says that he was the first to speak out against the present proposal to defer tax breaks for real estate owners. Langone says that he has served the city for twenty years; that he has the courage to defend his positions. Langone notes that there is a movement to depress the Central Artery. He reminds voters that he made a suggestion to depress the Central Artery thirty years ago. Langone closes by saying that he has a strong record of service to the city. The audience applauds. Visual: Shot of Langone and Eloise Linger (mayoral candidate, Socialist Workers Party). 1:14:10: Miles introduces Linger. Linger says that she is familiar with the problems of working people; that she is a working mother employed as a stitcher in the garment industry; that she recently went off unemployment. Linger addresses US government foreign policy. She accuses the federal government of dragging the nation into a "new Vietnam" in Central America. She says that the "war machine" of the federal government puts a drain on resources; that these resources could be used to remedy social problems. Linger says that racism exists in Boston at the highest levels; that she is opposed to attempts to roll back gains made in school desegregation. Linger proposes to extend busing for school integration and to hire more teachers for the schools. Linger says that the present city administration has encouraged racist violence through its failure to publicly condemn the killers of William Atkinson. Linger says that there is growing opposition to women's rights at the highest levels; that she is opposed to the pending anti-abortion referendum; that opposition to women's rights at the highest levels encourages rapists and other violent attacks on women. Linger says that a government of working people could solve the problem of unemployment; that "the rich rule and rob Boston." Linger advocates less spending on defense and more spending on housing and other social issues. Linger advocates putting people to work to build affordable housing, public transportation, public health care clinics and new schools. Linger says that the elimination of the Pentagon budget could pay for needed programs. Linger says that banks, corporations and insurance companies in Boston enjoy huge tax breaks at the expense of working people; that the working people of the city have a right to know where the money is. Linger closes by urging everyone to attend the demonstration against US policy in Central American on May 14, and to attend her campaign rally on May 7 in Kenmore Square. Linger holds up a flyer for the campaign rally. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1983
Description: Eugene McCarthy arrives at an event. He addresses the audience, accusing Presidents Nixon and Johnson of being anti-civilization.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/22/1971
Description: Eugene McCarthy speaks at a podium.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/22/1971