Description: An Evening Compass special broadcast three days before the opening of Boston schools for Phase I desegregation. In-studio operators take phone calls from parents with questions about bus routes and school opening times. Kevin White addresses city residents on busing and school safety. Pam Bullard reports on school desegregation and the implementation of the busing plan. Pam Bullard reports on an antibusing demonstration at City Hall Plaza. Her report includes footage of white marchers with protest signs. The footage shows an angry crowd jeering at Edward Kennedy (US Senator) and breaking a window at the JFK Federal Building. Bullard and Baumeister interview Paul Russell (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) about preparations by police for the opening of schools. Judy Stoia reports on the open house at English High School. The report features footage of Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) at the open house and interviews with John Kenney (Jamaica Plain parent) and his daughter, a white student who has been assigned to English High School. Bullard and Baumeister interview William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School) about student assignments in South Boston and Roxbury, and about preparations for opening day at South Boston High School. Baumeister interviews Tom Duffy, Dalton Baugh and Joe Glynn of the Youth Activity Commission about efforts to reach out to students who will be affected by school desegregation. Baumeister reports on efforts by local TV stations to cover the busing story in an unobtrusive and responsible manner. There is a cut in the middle of the video, and then it switches to B&W and then back to color.
1:21:39: Promotion for a WGBH special, The Pardon: A New Debate. A promotion for September in Boston. 1:22:06: Opening credits for A Compass Special: September in Boston. Ed Baumeister introduces the broadcast, which focuses on the opening of Boston schools under the court-ordered desegregation plan. Baumeister is in the studio with volunteers working the phones. He urges parents to call the studio for information regarding bus routes and the transportation of their children to and from school. Baumeister introduces a videotaped message from Kevin White (Mayor, City of Boston). 1:23:32: Kevin White sits at a desk, flanked by an American flag and a Massachusetts state flag. White says that court-ordered busing will begin on the first day of school in three days; that busing will be a challenge to all city residents; that busing was not imposed to advance the interests of any one group. White says that city residents must rise to this challenge in order to protect children and to preserve their pride in the city. White says that he has visited over 100 homes to meet with parents of school-aged children; that he has tried to listen to the concerns and fears of white and African American parents. He describes meeting with an African American mother in Mattapan, whose children will be bused across the city to two separate schools. He acknowledges that parents in Hyde Park are angry at losing a middle school; that parents in West Roxbury are reluctant to bus kindergarten students. White says that he has not sought the advice of suburbanites who applaud busing as long as it stays within the city limits. White refers to a "suburban siege mentality" in the suburbs and cites unsuccessful efforts to metropolitanize busing. White says that the sincerity and judgment of suburbanites cannot be trusted; that he has tried to consult with parents, students, and teachers throughout the city. White says that busing will not be easy; that it is a difficult time to be a senior in high school, the parent of a school-aged child or the mayor of the City of Boston. White reminds viewers that busing has been mandated by the federal court; that the city has spent over $250,000 on unsuccessful legal appeals; that busing will be a burden for some residents; that the law must be obeyed. White says that the city cannot afford to be polarized by race or paralyzed by fear. White says that the city draws its strength from its neighborhoods; that this strength must be channeled toward unity, the respect of differences, the preservation of ethnic identity, and a spirit of cooperation and trust. White urges cooperation and unity among neighborhoods and residents to make busing work. White reminds viewers that he is for integration but against forced busing. White says that opponents of busing have a legitimate right to speak out peacefully against it. He says that the city will take whatever measures are necessary to preserve public safety. White reminds citizens of their duty to preserve public safety and the safety of children. White says that the city will not tolerate violence or threats against schoolchildren; that those who violate the court order will be arrested and prosecuted. White reminds the antibusing opposition that compliance with the law does not mean acceptance of the law. He says that a boycott of the schools will only hurt the children who are denied an education; that a good education is essential for all children. White says that the Boston Public School System is the oldest in the nation; that its rich legacy must be upheld; that busing must not get in the way of good education in the schools. White reminds viewers that nothing can be achieved through racial conflict; that city and school officials have been working hard to implement the busing plan and to make it work efficiently. White describes efforts by the city and school department to ease the transition into busing: the organization of a 24-hour school information center to answer questions and to provide assistance to parents, students, and teachers; the organization of neighborhood teams to handle problems in the neighborhoods; the hiring of over 300 bus monitors to ride the buses with students; the hiring of over 125 additional school crossing guards; the placement of transitional aides in schools and volunteers at bus stops. White reminds viewers that overcrowding has been alleviated this year; that the start of school has been delayed to allow adequate preparation for the plan. White urges all parents to attend open houses at the schools before making any decisions to transfer students from the schools. White appeals to teachers, parents, and students to do their best to make busing work. He says that the critical challenge posed by busing must be met with compassion, dignity, and courage by all residents. 1:39:35: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio for information. Volunteers in the studio are answering phones. Pam Bullard reports on school desegregation in Boston. She reports that desegregation will be implemented through the state's racial balance plan; that outlying areas of the city, including East Boston, Charlestown, West Roxbury and South Boston's elementary schools, will be unaffected by the plan; that the plan focuses on schools in Roxbury and Dorchester. Bullard reports that 18,235 students will be bused under the plan; that 8,510 white students and 9,725 African American students will be bused. Visual: Still photo of students in front of a school bus, smiling at the camera. Bullard reports that 80 schools out of 204 will be affected by desegregation; that 60 schools will have students bused in; that 240 buses will be needed to transport students; that the majority of students will not travel more than 1.5 miles. Bullard reports that 23% of students were in integrated classrooms in 1973; that under the state plan, 71% of students will attend integrated schools in 1974. V: Still photo of African American high school students at the entrance to a school. Bullard reports that 30,000 Boston students were bused to schools last year; that only 3,000 students were bused for racial reasons last year. Bullard reports that the desegregation plan has brought a uniform grade structure to the Boston Public Schools; that previous grade structure systems resulted in segregated schools; that the new system mandates elementary schools as K - 5, middle schools as grades 6 - 8, and high schools as grades 9 - 12. Bullard reports that further desegregation orders are expected from the federal court after this year; that other cities such as San Francisco, Pasadena, and Denver have survived school desegregation in recent years. 1:42:54: Baumeister reminds parents that WGBH's in-studio operators have information on the bus routes. Judy Stoia tells viewers to call in with their child's street address and grade level; that operators can tell parents where the child has been assigned to school, when and where a bus will come to pick up the child, what time school begins and how to contact the school. Stoia reports that most callers so far have asked questions about bus routes and school opening times. 1:44:38: Bullard reports on today's antibusing demonstration at City Hall Plaza. Bullard reminds viewers that there have been frequent antibusing demonstrations in Boston over the past ten years; that today's demonstration takes place three days before busing begins; that demonstrators were angry. Bullard speculates as to whether today's demonstration will be the antibusing movement's last unified protest against busing. V: Footage of marchers gathering on City Hall Plaza. Bullard reports that politicians Dapper O'Neill (City Council), John Kerrigan (Boston School Committee) and Louise Day Hicks (City Council) were at the head of the march; that mothers, fathers and children from all over the city joined the march. V: Footage of white adults and children marching with protest signs. Shots of signs reading "Impeach Kennedy and Brooke" and "Swim for your lives, Kennedy is driving the bus." Bullard reports that protesters gathered outside of the JFK Federal Building; that the protesters wanted to express disapproval of the pro-busing positions of US Senators Edward Kennedy and Edward Brooke. Bullard reports that the protesters carried signs reading "Ted and Ed, wish you were dead"; that some marchers shouted remarks about Brooke's race and Kennedy's involvement in the Chappaquiddick scandal. Bullard reports that Judge W. Arthur Garrity was also the object of insults from the marchers; that many protesters carried teabags which were meant to symbolize the protesters of the Boston Tea Party. V: Footage of a woman unwrapping a tea bag. She carries a sign reading, "The City of Boston has no classroom for my child." Bullard reports that the marchers carried American flags; that some wore antibusing T-shirts. Bullard remarks that their was a note of desperation in the chants of the marchers. V: Shot of a T-shirt reading, "Hell No! Southie Won't Go!" Footage of marchers chanting "East Boston says no." Bullard notes that there were no African Americans present at the protest; that African Americans had been present at previous antibusing protests. Bullard reports that the white marchers made a display of patriotism; that they recited the pledge of allegiance and sang "God Bless America"; that marchers dressed as members of the Supreme Court exited a yellow school bus while a speaker accused the justices of selling America down the river. Bullard remarks that many of the protesters invoked the rights of white people; that racial rhetoric was not heard in previous demonstrations. Bullard says that the marchers displayed great concern for safety in schools; that the marchers were serious in their protest of the court order. V: Footage of white female protester saying that she has participated in every antibusing protest over the past nine years; that the demonstrations have become larger; that the marchers are angry because they have been ignored and "their backs are up against a wall"; that the marches are always peaceful. Bullard reports that Kennedy was met with outright hostility from the protesters when he tried to speak to the marchers. Bullard says that neither Kennedy nor other speakers could calm the crowd; that the crowd turned their back on Kennedy; that the crowd pelted Kennedy with tomatoes and newspapers as he walked back to the Federal Building. V: Footage of protesters booing Kennedy as he walks among them to a platform. Footage of Kennedy walking toward Federal Building; of a few objects being thrown as the crowd follows him to the entrance of the building; of a hostile crowd at the entrance of the building as they beat on the windows. The sound of shattering glass is heard. Shots of a broken window at the federal building; of an angry crowd outside. Bullard reports that the speakers did not try to dissuade the crowd from pursuing Kennedy into the building; that the speakers criticized Kennedy even after the incident; that few in the crowd expressed dismay at the incident; that some in the crowd flatly denied the incident. Bullard reports that one observer said that "Kennedy was the catalyst" for an incident that was bound to happen. Bullard says that Kennedy had condemned violence that morning; that many hope that the protester's feelings of anger do not turn into violence at the opening of schools. 1:50:42: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio for information about bus routes and schools. Volunteers in the studio are answering phones. Stoia introduces volunteer Shirley Campbell (Citywide Education Coalition). V: Video on tape cuts out. Brief clip of a caesar salad being prepared by Julia Child. 1:51:45: V: Black and white video. Paul Russell (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department) is interviewed in the studio by Baumeister and Bullard. Russell says that there is strong parental opposition to busing in some sections of the city; that some parents will not allow their children to be bused. Russell reports that some opponents of busing had been encouraging parents and senior citizens to occupy seats in the classrooms of their neighborhood schools; that antibusing sentiment is strongest in two sections of the city; that most residents seem concerned for the safety of schoolchildren. Russell says that the police do not get involved in enforcing school attendance; that school attendance requirements are enforced by the school department and school attendance supervisors. Russell says that he will not divulge the number of police officers to be deployed on the first day of school; that the police department will work to ensure the safety of schoolchildren. Russell says that he believes the police department has done all that it can to prepare for the opening of schools; that the police are drawing on their experience in controlling crowds during periods of campus unrest in Boston in the 1960s and 1970s. Russell says that the Boston Police Department has received visits from representatives of police departments in Prince George's County in Maryland, Seattle, Rochester, NY and Pontiac MI; that each of these areas has also undergone school desegregation; that it is hard to compare these areas because they are all so different. V: Shot of volunteers answering phones. Russell admits that some police officers have strong feelings against busing; that their families may be involved in the antibusing movement. Russell is confident that Boston police officers will subordinate their personal feelings to their professional duties. V: Color video returns. Russell says that the police will stay on alert through the weekend and into next week; that they will assess the events of each passing day before changing tactics. Russell says that there is a communications center at City Hall to ensure good communication between the police department, the school department, the fire department, the MDC police department, and other organizations. Russell says that district police officers have been trying to identify and establish contact with youth through the city's Youth Activity Commission staff; that police are trying to reach out to students and the community. Russell says that police officers may patrol the perimeters of the schools; that police officers will not be stationed inside the schools. Baumeister asks about police presence at South Boston High School. Russell says that the police are taking a low visibility approach; that they will rely on their community service officers and their juvenile officers; that the juvenile officers know the students and can easily identify troublemakers. Baumeister thanks Russell. 1:57:56: Baumeister introduces Stoia's report on open houses at the Boston schools. Stoia reports that John Kenney (Jamaica Plain resident) is white and strongly supports school integration; that Kenney is not upset about his daughter's assignment to English High School. V: Footage of the Kenney family cleaning their backyard pool. Kenney says that he attended integrated schools; that the schools will be integrated peacefully if parents do not incite their children to violence. Stoia reports that Kenney attended an open house at English High School with his daughter, Paula; that Paula has no problems with the integration process; that she is apprehensive about attending a new school. V: Footage of John, Paula and Paula's sister approaching the entrance of English High School. Audio of Paula saying that she was disappointed to be assigned to the English High School because she would be separated from her friends; that she thinks she will do well at English High School because it is a good school. Shots of the Kenneys on an escalator in the school; of a poster reminding students to get an eye exam. Footage of the school nurse talking to students and parents, including the Kenneys. Audio of Paula saying that she will be nervous about eating in the cafeteria if she does not know anyone; that she is confident that she will make friends. Shot of the pool at English High School. Footage of Robert Peterkin (Headmaster, English High School) greeting parents and students. Shot of Paula and her father listening to Peterkin. Stoia reports that many white parents will ignore the boycott; that many white students will be present on the opening day of school. 2:01:10: School opening times are listed on the screen over a shot of in-studio volunteers. High schools: 8:00 - 2:00; English High School: 8:40 - 2:40; middle schools: 8:40 - 2:40; elementary schools: 9:30 - 3:30. 2:01:21: Baumeister urges parents to call the studio. Baumeister and Bullard interview William Reid (Headmaster, South Boston High School). Bullard comments that South Boston is the most complex school district in the city. She asks Reid to explain school assignments in South Boston. Reid says that the South Boston High School building will have South Boston seniors and all of the sophomores from the combined Roxbury-South Boston area; that Girls High School on Greenville Avenue (Roxbury High School) will have juniors and some seniors from the Roxbury area; that the annexes will be located at the L Street Bathhouse, the Hart School and the Dean School; that the projected enrollment for grade 9 is 1300 students. Reid says that there will be 1300 or 1400 students at South Boston High School; that Roxbury High School will have 900-1000 students; that there is an approximate total of 4000 students. Reid says that the student population will be 37% African American; that his staff has sent letters to all students listing school assignments and transportation information. Baumeister comments that Reid was quoted in the Boston Globe as saying that students who didn't want to come to school "could be my guest at the beach." Reid says that he would prefer truant students to be at the beach instead of in front of the high school. Reid says that the faculty and staff are well prepared; that preparations have been made to ensure the safety of students. Baumeister comments that the student body at South Boston High School had been homogeneous before this year. He asks if the staff is ready to deal with students who are more unruly than usual, or "able to play football with the New England Patriots." Reid says that two-thirds of the students in South Boston High School will be from South Boston; that the staff knows the South Boston senior class very well and can communicate effectively with them. Reid says that there will be faculty members who are familiar with the Roxbury students. Reid says that student leaders were invited to a task force meeting over the summer; that student leaders suggested holding a student information night; that the student information night was held last week. Reid says that he has been trying to communicate with the Roxbury community; that Roxbury students will be treated fairly at South Boston High School. Bullard comments that attendance was low at South Boston High School's open house. Reid says that he thinks that Roxbury students will attend school. Reid says that there may be low attendance among South Boston students; that South Boston students are upset about school integration; that "youngsters are the pawns in this situation." Reid adds that many students want to attend school; that students are being taken advantage of in this situation. Reid says that students should obey their parents as to whether or not to attend school. Baumeister asks if students should boycott school if their parents tell them to do so. Reid says yes. Reid says that patience will resolve this situation; that some students will use integration as an excuse to drop out of school. 2:10:00: Baumeister reminds parents to call the studio for bus route information. Stoia introduces Cindy Berman (volunteer). Berman says that most of the phone calls concern school assignments and transportation; that some parents are concerned about young children walking long distances. Berman says that many parents have called with questions; that she does not know how much information parents have received; that some parents did not receive information if they changed addresses over the summer. Stoia introduces Ann Damon. Damon says that she has received many calls about bus routes; that many parents already know their child's school assignment; that parents did not seem upset about the situation. 2:12:08: Baumeister interviews Tom Duffy, Dalton Baugh and Joe Glynn, who represent the city's Youth Activity Commission. Duffy and Glynn are white and Baugh is African American. Baumeister asks them about the role of the Youth Activity Commission. Glynn says that the commission has a mandate from the mayor to assure the safety of Boston students. Duffy talks about the Student Involvement Program. He says that the commission has tried to reach out to students attending certain schools. Baugh says that students he works with in Mattapan and north Dorchester are anxious to return to school; that students are more concerned about school facilities and programs than about integration. Baugh adds that he works with African American and Hispanic students; that these students seem less apprehensive than adults about school integration. Duffy says that he works with white students in Roslindale; that some of these students see integration as an infringement upon their school; that the majority of these students seem willing to help make integration work. Duffy says that the commission is working on a leadership development program; that African American and white student leaders were charged with developing activities and programs for the schools. Baugh says that the student leaders helped develop programs involving white and African American students at targeted schools; that the students were paid as consultants. Baumeister asks what the role of the commission will be on the first day of school. Baugh says that the commission's youth advocates will be in the schools and at bus stops; that the youth advocates will work to minimize conflict and to make contact with the students. Glynn comments that the youth advocates will be working in racially integrated pairs. Duffy says that the commission has made an effort over the summer to identify student leaders at various schools. Baumeister thanks them and closes the interview. 2:17:54: Baumeister reports that Boston's TV stations do not want their coverage of busing to "become part of the story." Baumeister adds that the media are aware that the presence of news cameras can inspire action instead of recording it. Baumeister reports that electronic media learned in the 1960s that they could be used by demonstrators looking for publicity. Baumeister quotes Mel Bernstein of WNAC-TV and Bill Wheatley of WBZ-TV on their efforts at making busing coverage unobtrusive. Baumeister reports that Jim Thistle of WCVB-TV has instructed camera crews to maintain a low profile; that there will be no live coverage at the schools on opening day; that Channel 5 has chosen not to use its live camera at the schools because it is too "large and visible." Baumeister reports that most coverage will be within regularly scheduled newscasts; that TV stations will maintain flexibility for special programming; that TV stations will have cameras at City Hall for live reports from officials. Baumeister runs down the schedule of reports on WGBH. Baumeister closes the show. Credits roll over shots of in-studio operators.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1974
Description: Evening Compass special features updates and information on the court-ordered busing for integration of Boston schools. Opens with footage of Racial Harmony Now Committee in WGBH studio. Ed Baumeister introduces news topics and gives a brief history of civil rights in Boston and segregation facts. Racial Harmony Now Committee holds an in-studio meeting to discuss community involvement in busing, school integration and education. Roy Covell (Boston Police Department) reports on police efforts to ensure the safety of students. John Kerrigan discusses his opposition to busing in Boston. John Kerrigan (Chairman, Boston School Committee) and Kathleen Sullivan (Boston School Committee) discuss the court order by Judge Garrity and the implementation of the state plan to integrate Boston schools in September. Greg Pilkington reports on the on-going hearings to determine a long-term remedy for integrating Boston schools. Eric Van Loon (lawyer for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan) comments on the court ruling and the on-going hearings. Judy Stoia reports on MBTA proposals to cover busing needs. Members of the Citywide Education Coalition are in the studio to answer calls from parents and give information on neighborhood groups working with schools on the transition to the state racial balance plan.
0:45:53: Visual: Introduction to Compass Weekly: September in July, a special broadcast on the court-ordered plan to achieve racial balance in Boston schools. Parents and concerned citizens are in the studio to talk about how parents can get involved in the schools. Ed Baumeister explains that the show will give an update on the court order, report on reaction to the order and provide information on neighborhood groups working with schools on the transition to the court-ordered plan. Volunteers from the Citywide Education Coalition are in the studio to answer phone calls from parents, and to give them information on groups in their neighborhoods. 0:48:33: Baumeister gives a brief history of civil rights in Boston. Baumeister says that Boston was a center in the movements for racial justice and public education in the nineteenth century; that Boston had a reputation as a "liberal" city with a good civil rights record in the twentieth century. V: Shots of Post Office Square; of the old Public Latin School; of a local park; of mixed race schoolchildren. Baumeister says that African Americans have played a significant role in the history of Boston and the nation; that Boston was found to have been segregating its schools in the 1960s. Baumeister reports that African Americans live in the city of Boston while the suburbs of Boston are primarily white. Baumeister notes that a federal court declared in 1974 that the city's schools were deliberately segregated. Baumeister notes that the Boston School Committee has been fighting the state's Racial Imbalance Act since 1965; that the decision by Judge Garrity was delivered 15 months after the start of the Morgan v. Hennigan trial. V: Shots of gravestones in historic cemetery; of a plaque commemorating Boston Massacre; of the Robert Gould Shaw memorial). Panoramic shots of the Boston skyline. 0:53:41: V: Judy Stoia sits in the studio with the Education Committee from Racial Harmony Now, a Dorchester group working to ease the transition into the racial balance plan. She is quiet while they hold a meeting: one member mentions the efforts of Chuck Williams (teacher at South Boston High School) to further communication between students at South Boston High School and Girls' High School; another member talks about expanding efforts to go door-to-door in Dorchester to talk about the advantages of school integration; another member talks about the need to focus on education instead of race; the group's Youth Committee has made efforts to bring African American and white students together; the second member suggests that the group sponsor a gathering of parents at the YMCA; another member makes additional suggestions to ease the transition for students who will be bused to new schools. 0:59:54: V: Stoia talks to Roy Covell (Boston Police Department) about the police department's efforts to work with community groups and to create a community task force. He says that the police department's top priority is the safe transport of students to and from the schools. A member of the Racial Harmony Now group asks Covell about traffic patterns around the schools and crosswalks for schoolchildren. 1:04:09: V: Ed Baumeister interviews Kathleen Sullivan (Boston School Committee) and John Kerrigan (Chairman, Boston School Committee). Baumeister asks Kerrigan about the Committee's efforts to appeal the federal court decision. Kerrigan talks about his visit to Senators Kennedy and Brooke in Washington D.C.; he says that the decision places an "unfair burden" on the city of Boston. Sullivan advocates a metropolitan plan to integrate schools in the city and the suburbs. Bullard asks about an alternative busing plan presented by the School Committee to the court. Sullivan and Kerrigan defend the School Committee's record on school integration. Bullard asks them about the Lee School District and feeder patterns to Boston High Schools. Kerrigan talks about the problems of "white flight" and crime at English High School. Baumeister asks if School Committee will assume a leadership role in the coming school year; Kerrigan responds that the School Committee will assume leadership on safety issues but that he will not encourage parents to allow their children to be bused under the state plan. 1:22:30: V: Members of Racial Harmony Now discuss negative media coverage of the school integration issue. One member suggests organizing gatherings of white and black families whose children will be attending school together. Another member suggests that the gatherings focus on how to improve the schools. Several members mention interracial gatherings between Roxbury and South Boston parents at Freedom House. 1:27:34: V: Baumeister encourages parents to call the studio to find out about neighborhood groups working with schools on the transition to the racial balance plan. Shots of phone operators and the members of Racial Harmony Now in the studio. 1:28:50: V: Greg Pilkington reports on latest hearings held by Judge Garrity in Federal Court to determine a long-term integration remedy for the Boston schools: Garrity admitted the Boston Teachers' Union and the Administrators' Union as parties to the suit with limited participation; the Home and School Association was refused as a party to the suit, but might appear later as a friend of the court; Judge Garrity refused the Boston School Committee's attempts to have the City of Boston named as co-defendant in the case. 1:31:38: V: Baumeister encourages parents to call the studio. Baumeister talks to Eric Van Loon (attorney for plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan). Van Loon says that a metropolitan busing plan is impossible until the Supreme Court decides the Detroit school desegregation case (Milliken v. Bradley). Baumeister asks if the plaintiffs would support a metropolitan integration plan in Boston. Pilkington asks Van Loon about the court hearings for a long-term integration remedy: Van Loon advocates the recruiting of African American teachers and administrators; Van Loon says the plaintiffs would support modification of the state plan, or a new plan, if the result were a greater number of integrated schools in Boston. 1:40:26: V: Stoia reports on new bus routes for Boston schoolchildren under the state Racial Balance plan: school opening times will be staggered so that the MBTA can use buses on more than one route; MBTA general manager Joseph Kelly says that there is little time to arrange for busing by private contractors; the state pays transportation costs for students bused over 1.5 miles; the city pays for students bused under 1.5 miles; exact bus routes are not yet available. 1:42:09: V: Baumeister sits in the studio with Racial Harmony Now. He encourages parents to contact the Citywide Education Coalition. Baumeister signs off and the credits roll.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 07/09/1974
Description: As follow-up to Stuart murder, James Shannon condemns Boston police practice of stop and search. Don Murray of Patrolman's Association ridicules proposed civilian review board. Bruce Bolling at a press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1990
Description: Brown sharks sighted of the coast of Nantasket Beach. Reporter Marcus Jones is on Shark Alert. He interviews MDC Police patrol, who takes the camera crew out on the water. Local are trying to spot sharks. Interviews with locals. Press conference at the New England Aquarium, who say there's nothing to fear. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/12/1986
Description: Shirley Caesar is a gospel singer and pastor, also active in community and political affairs in Durham, NC. She visits Harvard to sing with a choir in Memorial Church. Fields notes that Caesar is an evangelist and a Grammy award-winning singer. Fields adds that Caesar has recently entered local politics in Durham, North Carolina. Fields interviews Caesar, who talks about her music and her outreach ministry. She also discusses her recent entry into politics. Caesar says that she sees herself as a humanitarian. Fields' report includes footage of Caesar performing with a choir in front of an audience at Memorial Church.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Shirley Caesar (gospel singer and evangelist) performing at Memorial Church at Harvard University on October 5, 1989. A gospel choir stands behind her. Shots of members of the audience listening to Caesar. Carmen Fields reports that Caesar has won five grammy awards; that Caesar has three gold albums. Fields reports that Caesar also runs a church and an outreach mission; that Caesar has recently been elected to the City Council of Durham, North Carolina. V: Footage of Caesar being interviewed by Fields. Caesar says that she is a "down-to-earth singer"; that she is a "concerned citizen." Caesar says that she sees herself as a humanitarian. Caesar talks about her outreach ministry. Caesar says that she puts 50% of her earnings back into the community. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church; of audience members listening. Footage of Caesar saying that everyone has suffered at one time or another; that she tries to send a message of love through her music. Fields notes that Caesar offers unconditional encouragement to all through her music. V: Footage of Caesar talking about Jim Baker (evangelist). Caesar says that Baker should be forced to pay back the money he owes; that Baker should not be sent to jail. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. She speculates as to whether anyone has ever danced in the aisles of Memorial Church. The crowd applauds. Caesar says that she will "christen the aisles." Shots of audience members seated in pews and on the floor. Fields reports that Caesar will soon turn fifty years old. V: Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. The audience members stand and clap their hands. Footage of Caesar being interviewed by Fields. Caesar says that she is "a traditional singer with a contemporary flavor." Caesar talks about her roots in music. Footage of Caesar saying that she would like to learn more about the workings of city government; that she may run for mayor someday. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. The audience is on its feet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1989
Description: David Boeri reports on protests against US foreign policy during a visit by Secretaries of State George Shultz and Defense Casper Weinberger to the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University. Boeri notes that demonstrators protested against apartheid and US policies in South Africa, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Boeri's report includes footage of protesters and footage of Shultz and Weinberger entering the museum. Boeri notes that some of the demonstrators were Harvard alumni advocating Harvard's divestment from South Africa. Boeri interviews Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) about Harvard's refusal to divest from South Africa. Boeri reports that security has been tightened all over campus. This protest takes place during the celebration of Harvard's 350th anniversary. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Mario Valdes reports on the book Blood Royal, which covers the ancestry of the British Royal Family
1:00:10: Visual: Shots of a large police contingent outside of the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University; of police officers marching in formation in front of the museum; of police officers stationed on the roof of a Harvard building. Shots of individual police officers. Shots of officials entering the museum. Footage of apartheid protesters marching with signs and banners outside of Harvard Yard. The protesters carry signs and a banner reading, "Harvard must divest." Shot of George Shultz (US Secretary of State) exiting a car and being escorted toward the museum. Shots of protesters demonstrating behind a cordon of police officers. The protesters chant, "Shultz go home". Shots of signs reading, "Harvard honors destructive engagement and Shultz" and "Biko lives." Boeri reports that Schultz visited Harvard University today; that demonstrators gathered to protest his presence at Harvard. Boeri notes that protesters began to gather outside Harvard Yard in the morning; that demonstrators were protesting several issues. V: Footage of protesters marching as they chant, "George Shultz end the war. Stop the killing in El Salvador." Shot of a protester wearing a white death mask. Another protester carries a sign and wears a bloodied shirt. Footage of protesters chanting, "No Contra aid." Footage of protesters demonstrating against apartheid in South Africa. Shots of a sign reading, "End Harvard support for apartheid" and "Divest now." Boeri reports that some of the demonstrators were alumni and alumnae pushing for Harvard to divest from South Africa. V: Footage of Boone Schirmer (Harvard alumnus) saying that Harvard's refusal to divest is disgraceful; that Harvard's slogan is "Veritas," which means truth; that Harvard is supporting a South African government which is based on the lie of white supremacy. Shot of a quotation written in stone above an entrance to Harvard Yard. The quotation reads, "Open ye the gates. . . ." Boeri reports that the gates to Harvard Yard were locked today to keep out the protesters. V: Shot of a security officer locking the gates. Shot of a protester standing outside the gates with a sign reading, "End support of apartheid." A small child stands at the gates, looking into Harvard Yard. Boeri reports that alumni and alumnae were turned away from the gates. V: Shot of a Harvard alumnus turning away from a locked gate. Boeri reports that Shultz had lunch at the Fogg Art Museum after giving a speech; that Schultz had no comment on today's hijacking of a Panam jet in Pakistan; that Shultz only caught a brief glimpse of the protesters. V: Shots of Shultz entering the museum. Boeri notes that Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) also attended the lunch at the museum; that Weinberger had no comments for the media. V: Footage of Weinberger exiting his car and being escorted into the museum with other officials. Boeri reports that the protests outside of Harvard Yard were uneventful.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/05/1986
Description: Marcus Jones reports that artist Robert Guillemin, also known as "Sidewalk Sam," is working with elementary-school students to create a mural to celebrate Boston's ethnic diversity. The mural will be two stories tall, made up of 30,000 personal drawings by children and student, and it will hang in the Grand Concourse of South Station. Guillemin talks to students about the mural and works with them in the classroom. Students sit together as they work on drawings for the mural. Jones interviews a fourth grade student from Hurley School, who talks about her drawing for the mural. Mayor Ray Flynn has endorsed the mural project, and he visits the classroom and talks to individual students about their drawings. Interview with Flynn, who says that the mural promotes peace and unity in the city. Jones reports that volunteers at Roxbury Community College are putting the mural together, and it will be unveiled to the public tomorrow. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of Guillemin and students working on the mural and footage of volunteers at Roxbury Community College putting together the mural.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1990
Description: B-roll of technicians working in a lab at the Sidney Farber Cancer Institue. Lab equipment used includes: microscopes, Petri dishes, Geiger counter, fume hood. Exteriors of the Sidney Farber Cancer Institute building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/30/1982
Description: Christy George reports on a controversy within the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. She notes that Democratic candidate for governor John Silber compared the party's "15-percent rule" to the rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the South. Party delegates reacted strongly to Silber's comments. Democratic State Committee members Margaret Xifaris, James Roosevelt, Raymond Jordan, Virginia Lee, and Alex Rodriguez respond at a press conference, and defend the committee. George reports that the rule in question requires a candidate to have the support of 15% of the delegates in order to be listed on the ballot for the primary election. George notes that Silber has the support of only 8% of the delegates. George's report includes footage of Silber and candidate Evelyn Murphy appearing on WBZ-TV. Silber insists that he did not call the state party racist. Murphy condemns Silber's comments. Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, Chester Atkins, and Chairman of the National Democratic Party, Ron Brown, issued a statement in which they called Silber's comment "outrageous." George speculates that Silber's comment may alienate delegates but may also result in an increase in voter support.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Margaret Xifaris (Democratic State Committee) speaking at a press conference. Members of the Democratic State Committee stand behind her. Xifaris says that John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) has "blown it." Shot of an African American female member of the Committee. Christy George reports that some members of the Massachusetts Democratic Party "went ballistic" today. George reports that Silber criticized the party in The Boston Herald newpaper today; that Silber compared the party's "15 percent rule" to rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the south. V: Shots of James Roosevelt (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt holds up a copy of The Boston Herald with a headline reading, "Silber: Dem rules a sham." Shots of members of the Democratic Party at the press conference, including Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee). George reports that Silber says that he was criticizing the rule; that members of the Committee have responded as if they had been called racist. V: Footage of Representative Raymond Jordan (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Jordan says that a number of members of the Committee have been working hard to improve the process. Jordan says that Silber's comments are "outrageous." George reports that Silber repeated his criticism during an interview on WBZ this evening. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) being interviewed. Silber says that he did not call the Democratic State Committee racist. Silber says that the Democratic State Committee wants to be inclusionary. Silber says that there should be a parallel between what the Democratic voters want and what the Democratic delegates want. Murphy tells Silber that he has suggested that the Massachusetts Democratic Party is racist. Murphy tells Silber that he should apologize to the party. Silber says that Murphy's comments are "trivial and absurd." Silber says that the Massachusetts Democratic Party has instituted a rule which was once used by racists to be exclusionary. George reports that polls show Silber with the support of 8% of the delegates to the state convention; that Silber needs the support of 15% of delegates to get on the ballot for the primary elections. George reports that the Democratic State Committee believes that their rules make the party more open to all. V: Footage of Roosevelt speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt says that the party's rules force candidates to communicate with delegates and voters. Roosevelt says that the party's rules discourage candidates from channeling all of their energy toward fundraisers and advertising. Footage of Virginia Lee (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Lee says that immigrants and new citizens have no trouble understanding how the caucuses work; that Silber should be able to understand how they work. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Murphy being interviewed. Silber says that Democratic State Party should make changes; that the voters should be able to speak at the state convention. George reports that Chester Atkins (Chairman, Massachusetts Democratic Party) has agreed that Silber should be on the ballot. George reports that Atkins had offered to help Silber win the support of 15% of the delegates. George notes that Atkins and Ron Brown (Chairman, National Democratic Party) have issued a statement which calls Silber's comments "outrageous." George quotes a statement from Brown and Atkins: "It is to be expected that some candidates who are ahead or behind in delegate polls will try to "spin" the preconvention story their way. . . but this is going too far." V: The quote from Brown and Atkins appears written in text on-screen. The quote is accompanied by photos of Atkins and Brown. Footage of Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Rodriguez says that Silber's comments are "unconscionable." Rodriguez says that Silber needs to receive the support of 15% of the delegates. George reports that Silber is either very clever or "self-destructive." George reports that Silber's comments have alienated the delegates who may have supported him. George notes that Silber's outrageous comments often result in an increase in voter support in polls. George adds that Silber claims that his poll numbers will help him win the support of 15% of the delegates.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990