Description: Deborah Wang reports on a labor dispute concerning the Boston Harbor Cleanup project. Wang notes that labor have signed an agreement with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), in which the unions have promised not to strike if the MWRA agrees to hire only union workers for the project. Interview with John Cruz of J.B. Cruz Construction, who says that many minority businesses would like to bid on the project. Cruz can afford union wages but cannot afford union rules. He says that his business is more efficient because his workers are not unionized. Interview with Richard Fox of the MWRA), who says that the MWRA wants to avoid a work stoppage during the project. Interview with Joe Nigro of the Building Trades Council, who says that unions give workers good healthcare and pensions. Wang reports that Cruz and other non-union contractors may challenge the agreement in court. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of construction workers and construction sites.
1:00:08: Visual: Shots of two African American men moving a heavy object from the basement of a building; of a truck belonging to the J.B. Cruz Company; of rowhouses being renovated in Roxbury. Deborah Wang reports that the J.B. Cruz Company has been building and renovating homes in Roxbury since 1948. V: Shots of two African American men lifting a heavy object onto the back of a truck. Wang reports that the J.B. Cruz Company hopes to bid on the Boston Harbor Cleanup project; that the Boston Harbor Cleanup project is the largest public works project to date. V: Shot of an African American man working on the wiring of a home. Footage of John Cruz (J.B. Cruz Construction) being interviewed by Wang. Cruz says that he hopes the project will have a 30% minority set-aside; that minority businesses see the program as a great opportunity. Shots of an African American man operating a tractor; of rubble being transported out of a building on a conveyor belt. Wang reports that the J.B. Cruz Company may not be able to bid on work for the Harbor Cleanup project because the J.B. Cruz Company runs an "open shop" using non-union labor. Wang reports that the city's unions do not want non-union workers to participate in the project. V: Shots of two African American construction workers examining a document; of a construction worker measuring a pipe. Footage of Cruz saying that the union policy is discriminatory. Cruz says that he has been fighting discrimination all of his life. Shots of a construction worker operating a backhoe; of a construction worker using a welding torch. Wang reports that the unions are in control of the Boston Harbor Cleanup project; that the unions have signed a labor agreement with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Wang notes that the unions have promised not to strike during the ten-year project. Wang adds that the unions consider the no-strike clause as a major concession. V: Shots of a construction site; of a worker descending stairs on a piece of scaffolding; of a construction worker using a mallot. Footage of Richard Fox (MWRA) saying that a work stoppage during the project could cost millions of dollars. Fox says that the MWRA wanted an agreement which guaranteed good relations with labor and construction workers. Shot of two construction workers walking on a job site; of a construction worker working in a subterranean structure; of a construction worker operating a backhoe. Wang reports that the unions fought for a clause stating that all workers on the project must be union members. Wang notes that Cruz must enroll all of his workers in a union if he wants to bid on the Harbor Cleanup Project. Wang reports that Cruz says that he can afford union wages but cannot afford union rules. V: Shots of construction workers working at a construction site; of Cruz being interviewed by Wang. Shots of a gravel truck at a construction site; of the driver of the gravel truck. Footage of Cruz saying that his business runs more efficiently because his business is not subject to union work restrictions. Shots of workers shoveling rocks down a chute into a building. Footage of Joe Nigro (Building Trades Council) saying that unions try to give workers good healthcare and a healthy pension. Nigro says that Cruz pays his workers low wages; that Cruz does not offer health and welfare benefits. Wang stands at a construction site. Wang reports that unions have a highly skilled work force; that unions get most of the jobs on big construction projects. Wang notes that unions can often dictate the labor terms on big construction projects. V: Footage of Cruz being interviewed by Wang. Cruz says that the unions are threatened by open-shop contractors because they are more efficient. Shots of a construction site near Boston Harbor. A worker climbs on a half-built structure. Another worker stands on a large piece of equipment. Wang reports that other non-union contractors are unhappy about the labor agreement for the Boston Harbor Cleanup project. Wang notes that a trade group may challenge the agreement in court; that the lawsuit could signal further delays for the Harbor Cleanup Project. V: Shots of construction workers at a site near Boston Harbor; of the Boston skyline; of large equipment operating in the harbor.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/26/1989
Description: Callie Crossley reports on three local recipients of the prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowships. Crossley notes that mathematician David Mumford, community organizer Muriel Snowden, and MIT professor Eric Lander are three of the thirty-two national winners of the Fellowships. Interview with Mumford about his work in mathematics. Crossley reviews Snowden's community activism. Interview with Snowden about her community work and her future plans. Crossley's interview includes photos of Snowden and footage of Snowden with colleagues. Interview with Lander about his work. mapping the generic patterns of certain hereditary diseases. Crossley's report includes footage of Lander and MIT graduate students in his laboratory.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of David Mumford (mathematician) solving a problem on a blackboard in a classroom. Callie Crossley reports that Mumford uses mathematics and computers to explain vision. V: Footage of Mumford being interviewed by Crossley in his office. Mumford talks about the complex calculations which underly vision. Mumford says that computers can be used to advance scientific understanding of the role of these calculations. Shot of a print of an abstract design, held of Mumford's lap; of Mumford speaking to Crossley. Crossley reports that Mumford is one of 32 national and 3 local winners of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship; that recipients s are chosen by an anonymous committee. V: Shot of another print of an abstract design held by Mumford. Footage of Mumford saying that he received the news of the Fellowship on his birthday. Footage of Mumford sitting in front of a computer. He talks about the abstract design which is taking shape on the screen. Shot of the design on screen. Crossley reports that MacArthur Fellows receive a monetary grant over a five-year period; that Mumford won $305,000. V: Footage of Mumford saying that the money from the Fellowship will allow him the flexibility to explore new areas in his work. Footage of Muriel Snowden (community organizer) talking about her work with young people. Snowden sits at a table with a small group. Crossley reports that Snowden has been a community organizer in Boston for 35 years. V: Footage of Snowden saying that she does not like to think of herself as retired; that the money from the MacArthur award will give her a "new beginning." Shots of black and white photos of Muriel and Otto Snowden; of Muriel Snowden with city officials; of Snowden with John F. Kennedy (former US President). Crossley reports that Muriel Snowden founded Freedom House in Roxbury with her husband Otto in 1949; that Snowden has advocated city programs to eradicate racial bias; that Snowden has pushed for greater educational opportunities for minority youth. V: Footage of Snowden saying that her husband and colleagues share much of the credit for her work; that she wants those people to share in the honor of being awarded the MacArthur Fellowship. Shots of Snowden sitting at a table with a small group of people. Crossley reports that Snowden will use her $375,000 award to travel and to write a book about desegregation in Boston. Crossley reports that there was an air of subdued excitement at the Whitehead Institute at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); that Eric Lander (MIT) is the fourth Whitehead Institute employee to win a MacArthur Fellowship. Crossley notes that Lander and his team of MIT graduate students have created a computer program to map the genetic patterns of certain hereditary diseases. V: Shot of the Whitehead Institute; of Eric Lander in his laboratory; of two MIT graduate students who work with Lander. Footage of Lander working in the laboratory. Lander takes fluid from a bottle with a pipette. Crossley notes that Lander is a mathematician and an assistant professor at the Harvard Business School. V: Footage of Lander being interviewed by Crossley. Lander talks about studying families with genetic diseases to track down the causes of these diseases. Lander says that he has strayed from the study of mathematics in recent years. Lander talks about trying to track down and analyze data about genetic diseases. Crossley notes that Lander will put his award of $205,000 in the bank for future use. V: Shot of Lander talking to a graduate student. Crossley notes that MacArthur Fellowships have been called "genius awards." V: Footage of Lander saying that the awards should not be called "genius awards."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/16/1987
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports on black South African leader Nelson Mandela's visit to Madison Park High School. Vaillancourt reports that a large crowd waited in the hot gymnasium for Mandela to arrive. She adds that Madison Park High School was one of many stops on Mandela's itinerary during his visit to Boston. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of the crowd in the gymnasium and footage of a musical group performing traditional African music. Vaillancourt reports that the crowd erupted in ecstatic cheers when Mandela arrived. Vaillancourt's report also includes footage of Mandela's arrival at the high school. Members of the crowd are on their feet as they cheer. Mandela talks about the importance of education to today's youth. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela also spoke of the struggle against apartheid and the importance of sanctions. Vaillancourt notes that many people in the crowd consider Mandela to be a hero. Vaillancourt's report includes shots of Mandela with Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) and his entourage on stage at the high school.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of a crowd filling the bleachers of a gymnasium at Madison Park High School on June 23, 1990. The crowd claps and applauds. Shots of crowd members on the bleachers. Meg Vaillancourt reports that many Roxbury residents waited at Madison Park High School for an opportunity to see Nelson Mandela (black South African leader). Vaillancourt notes that Mandela is a hero to many people of color; that the Roxbury community used the Mandela visit as an opportunity to showcase its strenghts. V: Footage of Roxbury community members performing for the audience. A musical group in African dress plays on African instruments. African-American girls perform a dance in front of the audience. A man plays a rhythm on a drum strung around his neck. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela's plane arrived late at Logan Airport; that a luncheon at the John F. Kennedy Library ran long. Vaillancourt reports that every stop on Mandela's itinerary ran long; that a faithful crowd at Madison Park High School waited while chanting his name. V: Shots of the crowd standing on the bleachers. The crowd sings, claps and chants. Many crowd members hold up signs welcoming Mandela. Vaillancourt reports that the gymnasium was sweltering; that the crowd stayed to wait for Mandela. Vaillancourt notes that the crowd erupted in cheers when Mandela arrived. V: Shots of members of the crowd; of people fanning themselves. Footage of Mandela approaching the stage as the crowd cheers. Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) wave at the crowd. Mandela raises his clenched fist. Mandela is accompanied by an entourage including Charles Yancey (Boston City Council). Vaillancourt reports that the crowd's ovation for Mandela lasted five minutes. V: Shots of the crowd on its feet. The crowd cheers for Mandela. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela spoke of the struggle against apartheid and the importance of sanctions. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela says that he and others are concerned by the high drop-out rate among schoolchildren in Boston. Mandela says that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Shots of the crowd. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela emphasized education. Vaillancourt notes that the drop-out rate in Boston Public Schools is nearly 40%. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela says that many students leave school because of poverty and frustration. Mandela urges students to stay in school. Shots of the crowd. Many members of the crowd fan themselves. Vaillancourt reports that Mandela spoke briefly; that Mandela's visit to Madison Park High School was the high point of Mandela's visit for many Roxbury residents. V: Footage of Mandela addressing the crowd. Mandela tells the crowd that he loves them. The crowd cheers. Mandela greets community leaders who are on stage with him, including Shirley Owens Hicks (State Representative), Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) and Byron Rushing (State Representative). Themba Vilakazi (South African exile) and Louis Elisa (NAACP) are on stage with Mandela.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/25/1990
Description: Preview of ICA exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs with curator commenting on pictures. Close-ups of many photos, including nudes and controversial images. Discussion focuses on the XYZ portfolio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/31/1990
Description: WCVB disputes rights of exclusive marathon coverage purchased by WBZ from the Boston Athletic Association (BAA). Boston Marathon Credential Committee working. Runners and TV cameras filming. Interview with James Coppersmith of WCVB on why the station is suing for coverage rights, since the Boston Marathon is a public news event. Quote from WBZ news director Stan Hopkins. Interviews with runners. Discussion of the changes in the Boston Marathon over the last ten years.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/13/1990
Description: David Boeri reports that midwives at Boston City Hospital have been locked out by the hospital administration in a dispute over hospital policy. Boeri notes that the lockout is probably a reaction to the mass resignation by the midwives two weeks ago. Dr. Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, Boston City Hospital) has restricted midwives to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies. The midwives accuse Edelin of restricting midwifery practice at the hospital and abandoning their commitment to poor women. A protest gathering of nurse midwives and expectant mothers outside of the hospital. Anna Fernandez (mother), Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother), Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife), Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife), and Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) address the gathering. Interview with Rorie who defends the safety record of nurse midwives and Laz who criticizes the hospital policy. Interview with Edelin, who responds to the accusations of the midwives and to charges that many obstetricians have resigned in response to his leadership style. Boeri notes that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George reports on a discrimination suit filed against the Boston Housing Authority
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of women and their babies gathered outside of Boston City Hospital. David Boeri reports that 20% of the women who deliver their babies at Boston City Hospital (BCH) are attended by midwives; that midwives are an integral part of the city's plan to provide quality care to poor women. Boeri reports that women gathered at BCH today to support midwives. V: Footage of Anna Fernandez (mother) addressing the crowd of women and children. Fernandez says that midwives deserve support. Shots of women and babies at the gathering. Boeri reports that midwives were locked out of the hospital on Monday; that expectant mothers will not be attended by their midwives during the lockout. V: Footage of Lisa Nesbitt (expectant mother) addressing the gathering. Nesbitt is crying as she says that she was promised a midwife for her delivery. Boeri reports that midwives say that the lockout is a vindictive reaction to their mass resignation of two weeks ago. Boeri notes that the midwives were protesting hospital policies; that the midwives accuse Kenneth Edelin (Chief of Obstetrics, BCH) of abandoning poor women. V: Shots of midwives gathered outside of the hospital entrance; of midwives studying a document as they stand outside of the hospital; of a woman hugging Nesbitt as she finishes speaking. Footage of Virginia Taylor (BCH nurse midwife) saying that BCH physicians have tried to restrict midwifery practice at the hospital; that hospital policy limits womens' choice of midwives. Footage of Edelin saying that neither he nor any of the physicians on staff are against midwives. Edelin says that the midwives must practice within the scope of hospital protocol and the laws of Massachusetts. Boeri reports that Edelin says that nurse midwives are limited to the delivery of uncomplicated pregnancies; that nurse midwives are practicing outside of the law. V: Shots of a nurse midwife walking into an examination room; of a nurse midwife talking to an African American patient. Boeri reports that midwives say that they are operating within the law and with a great safety record. V: Footage of Joanna Rorie (nurse midwife, Dimock Community Health Center) addressing the gathering. Rorie says that doctors consider labor as a potential disaster instead of as a natural process. Shot of Dr. Louis Laz (former Director of Obstetrics, BCH) addressing the gathering. Boeri notes that half of the obstetricians at BCH have resigned in protest of Edelin's leadership. V: Footage of Laz saying that the obstetricians who have resigned are united in their support of the midwives. Laz says that the BCH is no longer pursuing its goal of providing model care to inner city women. Footage of Edelin saying that the obstetricians resigned because he refused to turn his conference room into offices for the obstetricians. Edelin says that he does not want to respond to the obstetricians and midwives who say that they resigned over his leadership. Shot of a sign for BCH. Boeri reports that Edelin is confident that he will be able to replace the obstetricians and midwives who have resigned; that the crisis at BCH will pass. Boeri notes that Edelin says that he is committed to providing quality care. V: Shot of an ambulance with its sirens blaring; of the midwives and mothers gathered outside of BCH.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/17/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that the city of Boston's minority set-aside program is facing a court challenge. This program allows minority-owned businesses to break into their industries by inviting them to participate in municipal projects. Interview with Robert McCoy pf McCoy Landscaping, who says that his business could not have survived without the program. The Consortium of Minority Business Enterprises has been formed to protect set-aside laws in Massachusetts. Interview with Walter Williams of the Contractors' Association of Boston, about the set-aside programs. The Consortium gave a hostile reception to Sen. John Kerry at a recent meeting, where he says that public opinion is not in favor of set-aside programs. Wang notes that Consortium members seem to be united in support of set-aside programs. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Press conference to celebrate the positive findings of a study on the state's Healthy Start Program
1:00:08: Visual: Footage of construction workers digging holes for the construction of a new park in Roxbury. Deborah Wang reports that the new Roxbury park is a $400,000 project which has been funded by the city of Boston. Wang reports that the work is being done by McCoy Landscapers; that McCoy Landscapers may not have had an opportunity to do the job five years ago. V: Footage of Robert McCoy (McCoy Landscaping) being interviewed by Wang at the park site. McCoy says that the minority set-aside program has allowed him to build his business; that he could not have survived without the program. Wang reports that McCoy says that minority firms often have a hard time getting their bids accepted by contractors. V: Shots of construction workers digging holes at the Roxbury park site. Footage of McCoy saying that most contractors want to work with firms with which they are familiar. McCoy says that the minority set-aside program has allowed his company to break into the business. Wang reports that the minority set-aside program has been threatened by a Supreme Court decision; that Boston's set-aside program is facing a court challenge. Wang reports that minority business owners say that their businesses will be devastated if the program is shut down. V: Shot of workers digging and measuring holes at the Roxbury site. Footage of a meeting held by the Consortium of Minority Business Enterprises. Shot of a banner for the Contractors' Association of Boston, which hangs on a wall of the meeting room. Shots of the media and audience members at the meeting. Wang reports that the Consortium of Minority Business Enterprises has been formed to protect set-aside laws in Massachusetts. V: Footage of Walter Williams (Contractors' Association of Boston) being interviewed by Wang. Williams says that minority-owned businesses will be fighting with white-owned businesses for opportunities. Wang reports that members of the Consortium of Minority Business Enterprises gave a hostile reception to John Kerry (US Senator). Wang notes that Kerry has been a long-time supporter of set-aside programs. Wang reports that Kerry told the Consortium that public opinion is against them. V: Footage of Kerry at the Consortium meeting. Kerry says that Irish immigrants, Italian immigrants, and immigrants of other nationalities struggled to succeed without affirmative action programs when they arrived in the US. A Consortium member tells Kerry that he does not care if the Consortium offends other groups. Kerry tells the Consortium that he is trying to describe the feelings of other groups toward affirmative action programs; that the Consortium needs to decide whether or not to take these feelings into account. Kerry says that there will be trouble if the Consortium does not care about the feelings of other groups. Shots of Consortium members attending the meeting, including Deval Patrick (attorney). Wang reports that the Consortium needs to decide whether it will compromise; that members took a hard line at today's meeting. V: Footage of McCoy being interviewed by Wang at the Roxbury park site. saying that the Consortium will probably offend some groups with its actions; that the civil rights movement offended some people. McCoy says that the Consortium will not change its position.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that a group of minority developers will work with Mayor Ray Flynn and the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to develop a multi-million dollar complex including office, retail, and residential space in downtown Boston. The complex will replace a downtown parking garage. Jones reports that Flynn's "parcel to parcel linkage program" will link downtown development to development in minority neighborhoods. Jones adds that this project will be linked to a parcel of land in Roxbury. Flynn and the developers, called the Columbia Plaza Associates, hold a press conference to announce plans for the development. Interviews with President of City Council Bruce Bolling and Davis Woo of the Chinese Investment Group about the need for development in minority neighborhoods. Interview with Stephen Coyle, the BRA Commissioner, about opportunities for minority involvement in development. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Community leaders talk about the significance of the African Meeting House and Renovation of the African Meeting House
1:00:30: Visual: Shots of downtown Boston; of construction in downtown Boston. Marcus Jones reports that $7 billion has been invested in construction in dowtown Boston over the past nine years. V: Shot of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of minority developers. Jones reports that a group of minority developers are working with Flynn through his "parcel to parcel linkage program"; that the developers will work with the Flynn administraton on a multi-million dollar development which will replace a downtown parking garage. V: Shot of the downtown parking garage. Footage of Flynn saying that a united partnership has been created with members of the Asian, African American, and Hispanic communities. Jones reports that the developers have called themselves the Columbia Plaza Associates; that the developers have raised $2.5 million of their $5.7 million goal. V: Shot of an African American developer standing among the group. Jones notes that the developers represent an important part of Flynn's plan to link downtown development to development in minority neighborhoods such as Chinatown and Roxbury. V: Footage of Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) saying that "those who have been factored out will now be factored in." Footage of Davis Woo (Chinese Investment Group) saying that the developers will work toward buiding new housing in Chinatown; that there is not enough housing in Chinatown. Jones reports that city officials expect to see a development with office, retail, and housing space built to replace the parking garage; that the project is valued at $400 million; that $100 million is earmarked for the minority developers who have won the right to co-develop the project. V: Shot of the parking garage; of a relief of the seal of the city of Boston set into the wall of the garage. Footage of Stephen Coyle (Commissioner, Boston Redevelopment Authority) saying that the minority developers have the "inside track" to develop the project; that this project marks the beginning of a "new era" in the city. Jones reports that up to $15 million spent to purchase the land from the city will be spent by the minority developers to create jobs and to build offices, stores and housing on a 5-acre parcel of land near the Ruggles MBTA Station in Roxbury. V: Overhead shot of the parcel of land in Roxbury. Footage of Coyle saying that the Boston economy will remain strong for the next decade; that teams of minority developers will be able to take advantage of new economic opportunities. Footage of Bolling saying that the work of minority developers will ensure future minority participation in the city. Jones reports that city officials will designate a formal development team for the linkage project in the winter; that construction is slated to start in the spring of 1988. V: Shot of the parking garage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1986
Description: Christy George reports that Ernie Branch teaches karate to urban kids. Interview with Branch, who talks about the value of karate. Branch says that hard work, dedication, and concentration are all important in karate. Branch holds a class with a group of kids. Interviews with the children in Branch's class about why they like karate and about what they would like to be when they grow up. Interviews with parents Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow about the benefits of the karate classes. Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA).
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of minority youth in a karate class. Shots of individual youth as they perform their exercises. Shot of Ernie Branch (karate instructor). Christy George reports that Branch is a volunteer; that Branch is also a father and a former marine. V: Footage of Branch counting out loud as the youth do their exercises. Shots of individual youth in the class. Branch circulates among the class members. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that young kids have not yet decided if they want to be "good guys" or "bad guys." Branch says that the "good guys" do not offer any incentives; that the "bad guys" do offer incentives. Branch says that kids must learn that short term greed does not pay off in the end. Branch says that he tries to teach kids that hard work, dedication, and concentration will pay off. Branch says that kids need to learn how to think. George reports that Branch teaches karate to kids; that karate is a form of self-defense; that karate teaches confidence, structure, and self-respect. V: Branch instructs the members of the class to sit down. They sit down. Shots of individual members of the class. A young African American boy performs exercises in front of the class. Footage of Branch being interviewed. Branch says that major sports like basketball and football do not appeal to all kids. Branch says that some kids who fail in other sports find success in karate. Branch says that there is no failure in karate; that kids can progress at their own rate of speed; that kids receive individual attention. Footage of the members of the class being interviewed by George. George asks what karate teaches them about not fighting. King Branch (age eleven) says that karate has taught him that people will make trouble for you if you make trouble for them. King Branch says that he does not want to be the one who starts a fight; that he might be the one who gets beat up. Footage of Nathaniel Pomales (age eleven) says that it is important to remember hand blocks so that others cannot hit you. George remarks that karate requires a lot of concentration. Pomales says that he keeps it all in his head. Footage of Camille Langelow (age nine) saying that she has learned discipline and how to stand up for herself. Footage of James Haley (age nine) saying that karate has taught him to avoid bad behavior; that he usually has bad behavior. Footage of Andrew Cherry (age ten) saying that karate has taught him to avoid fights; that karate has taught him to ignore what others say about him. George reports that two of the children in Branch's class have special needs; that they are overactive and have trouble concentrating. George notes that these students have no problem in Branch's class. V: Shot of Branch instructing the members of the class as they do their exercises. Footage of Haroldine Haley (mother of James Haley) sitting with James Haley. Haroldine Haley says that she used to have trouble getting James Haley to do his homework. Haroldine Haley says that she told James Haley that he could not go to karate if his homework is not finished. Haroldine Haley says that James Haley always has his homework done before karate now. George reports that Haroldine Haley and Michael Langelow (father of Camille Langelow) think that parents need to be more involved with their children. Footage of Michael Langelow sitting with Camille Langelow. Michael Langelow says that kids are being destroyed by drugs, gangs, and violence. Michael Langelow says that parents need to be responsible for their children. Shots of two members of the class performing exercises in front of the others. George reports that Branch's karate classes are funded by the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA); that the MHFA finances low-interest mortgages for low-income housing. George reports that the MHFA has found that the best way to protect its real estate is to protect the tenants. George notes that the MHFA conducts classes and counseling in areas including substance abuse, single parenting, suicide prevention, and karate. V: Shot of Branch demonstrating hand movements for the class. Footage of Pomales saying that he wants to be a scientist and an astronaut when he grows up; of Cherry saying that he would like to be a basketball player. Footage of a young girl in the class saying that she would like to be a doctor. Footage of Camille Langelow saying that she would like to be a runner or another kind of athlete. Footage of King Branch saying that he would like to be a US Marine sergeant. Shots of the students in karate class. George says that not all kids have someone who cares about them. V: Footage of Ernie Branch being interviewed. Branch says that he cares about youth because they represent the future. Shots of the students performing exercises in unison. Branch corrects one of the girls in class.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/26/1990
Description: David Boeri reports on the Bank of Boston's new mortgage program for low- and moderate-income city residents. President of Bank of Boston Ira Stepanian and Robert Mahoney announcing the new program to the media at a press conference at a Roxbury branch of the Bank of Boston. Boeri reviews the terms of the program. He notes that many houses in the area are not eligible for the program because their sale prices are too high. Interview with Roxbury resident Diana Strother, who says that many residents do not make enough money to take advantage of the program. Interview with Leon Wilson from the Bank of Boston about the terms of mortgages under the program. Boeri notes that the units in the Fort Hill condominium complex are too expensive to qualify for the Bank of Boston program. Interview with Boston resident Alvin Wilkins and realtor Eve Moss about housing prices in the area. Interview with Bruce Marks from the Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union. Marks calls the Bank of Boston program a "public relations scam" if it does not truly help low-income residents with followup steps.
1:00:03: Visual: Footage of Ira Stepanian (President, Bank of Boston) speaking to the media at a Roxbury branch of the Bank of Boston. Stepanian says that the Bank of Boston would like to help to solve some of the city's problems. Shots of media and audience members listening to Stepanian. David Boeri reports that Stepanian talked about the Bank of Boston's new mortgage program for city residents. Boeri notes that the new program is called First Step With Rate Advantage. Boeri describes the terms of the mortgages offered under the program. Boeri reports that the first year's rate is 8.65%; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $140,000 for a single unit; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $185,000 for a two-family home; that the maximum purchase price cannot exceed $225,000 for a three-family home. Boeri notes that individuals making $35,000 or less are eligible for the program; that families making $45,000 or less are eligible. V: On-screen text details the terms of the mortgages offered under the program. Footage of Robert Mahoney (Bank of Boston) addressing the audience at the Roxbury branch of the bank. Mahoney says that the program serves the needs of a certain segment of the population. Shots of African American women in the audience. Boeri notes that some Roxbury residents say that the program is out of reach for them. V: Footage of Diana Strother (Roxbury resident) saying that Roxbury residents pay the highest rents in the city; that the average income in Roxbury is $15,000. Strothers says that most Roxbury residents do not make enough to take advantage of the program. Footage of Leon Wilson (Bank of Boston) being interviewed by Boeri. Boeri notes that it is difficult to find a house for $140,000 in this neighborhood. Boeri asks about monthly mortgage payment on a $140,000 house. Wilson says that residents would pay $1,100 per month if they made a downpayment of $14,000. Boeri reports that it is hard to find houses which meet the eligibility requirements of the program. V: Shot of a condominium complex in Fort Hill with units for sale. Shot of Boeri talking to a small group of people on the front porch of one of the Fort Hill condominium buildings. Boeri notes that condominium units in a Fort Hill development are selling between $149,000 and $165,000. Boeri notes that the condominiums do not meet the eligibility requirements of the Bank of Boston program; that the condominiums are not affordable for many residents. V: Shot of homes on a residential street. Footage of Alvin Wilkins (Boston resident) being interviewed by Boeri. Boeri asks Wilkins if it is possible to find homes for $140,000 in the area. Wilkins says that homes selling at $140,000 need a lot of repair. Wilkins says that it is impossible to find a home which is ready to move in to at that price. Footage of Eve Moss (realtor) saying that the average mortgage payment for one of the Fort Hill condominiums is $1,200. Moss says that it is difficult to make those mortgage payments on a salary of $45,000 or less. Footage of Wilson saying that the Bank of Boston is trying to provide an opportunity for some people to own a home. Footage of Bruce Marks (Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union) says that the Bank of Boston is pulling a public relations scam if they are trying to bill the program as an example of a low- and moderate-income home ownership program. Marks says that he would like to see a program which is truly aimed at low- and moderate-income people. Footage of Mahoney addressing the audience at a Roxbury branch of Bank of Boston. Boeri reports that many hope the program's next step will be a bigger one.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/10/1989