Description: Marcus Jones reports on city-wide preparations for Nelson Mandela's visit. Jones report includes footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of city officials raising the flag of the African National Congress (ANC) on City Hall Plaza and footage of preparations for a rally on the Esplanade. Jones interviews Maurice Lewis (Public Affairs Director, WBCN radio) and a senior from the Jeremiah Burke High School about Mandela's visit. Jones reports that more than 4,000 people are expected to take part in a Walk For Freedom from Roxbury to the Esplanade. Jones notes that students from the Trotter Elementary School will perform for Mandela at a reception. Jones interviews Trotter Elementary School students about Mandela. Jones' report includes footage of Trotter school students rehearsing a musical piece. Students make posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Jones notes that vendors are selling souvenir merchandise with images of Mandela. Jones interviews Jacob Abdul Khllaq (General Manager, A Nubian Notion) about the books, T-shirts and posters sold at his store. Jones interviews Lisa Grant (resident) about Mandela. Jones' report includes footage of an African American man and boy talking about Mandela and footage from Mandela's visit to New York City.
1:00:07: Visual: Footage of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and a group of city officials unfurling a flag of the African National Congress (ANC). The group of city officials with Flynn include Boston City Councillors Charles Yancey, Bruce Bolling, and David Scondras. Shots of the media assembled on City Hall Plaza; of the ANC flag being raised on a flag pole. Marcus Jones reports that there is much excitement surrounding the preparations for the arrival of Nelson Mandela (ANC leader) in Boston. V: Footage of Flynn addressing a gathered crowd. Flynn says that the people of Boston and the United Way will give Mandela a big welcome tomorrow. Shot of preparations being made on the Esplanade for Mandela's visit; of preparations at the Hatch Shell. Jones reports that Mandela's visit is as important as the visit by Pope John Paul II in the 1980s. V: Footage of Maurice Lewis (Public Affairs Director, WBCN radio) being interviewed. Lewis says that the whole city is pulling together to prepare for Mandela's visit; that the city of Boston is rising to the occasion. Shots of a group of people of diverse races walking along a street. Jones reports that more than 4,000 people are expected to take part in a Walk for Freedom tomorrow morning; that the walk will begin in Roxbury and end at the Esplanade. V: Footage of Loraine Sterling (senior, Jeremiah Burke High School) being interviewed. Sterling says that the organizers of the walk wanted to show their support for Mandela. Jones reports that students from the William Trotter Elementary School are rehearsing a prayer for Mandela; that the work was composed two years before. Jones reports that the students will perform for Mandela at a private reception tomorrow evening at the Copley Plaza Hotel. V: Shots of students rehearsing at the Trotter School. Shots of students rehearsing on stage; of a teacher watching the students; of students playing music on water glasses; of students playing percussion instruments; of students on stage. Footage of Priscilla Purvis (fifth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed. Purvis says that Mandela helps people; that not everyone helps people. Footage of Molly Costello (fourth grader, William Trotter School) being interviewed by Jones. Costello says that Mandela fights for freedom; that he does not give up. Shots of students making posters in preparation for Mandela's visit. Shot of a sign reading, "Mandela, Roxbury loves you." Jones reports that Mandela's name and image appear on souvenir merchandise being sold across the city; that proceeds support Mandela's mission in South Africa. V: Shot of books about Mandela; of a woman putting pamphlets about Mandela on a rack; of T-shirts with Mandela's face; of buttons with Mandela's image. Shot of a worker in the store A Nubian Notion. The worker folds a Mandela T-shirt and puts it in a bag. Footage of Jacob Abdul Khllaq (General Manager, A Nubian Notion) being interviewed in the store. Khllaq says that people recognize the impact that Mandela has had on the world; that people want a piece of history. Footage of an African American man and a small boy standing in front of a poster of Mandela. The man tells the boy that Mandela is a great leader. Footage of Lisa Grant (resident) being interviewed. Grant says that Mandela has sacrificed twenty-seven years of his life. Grant says that Mandela is a hero. Shot of Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) in New York City with David Dinkins (mayor of New York City). This news story is accompanied by intermittent music.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/22/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Princess Zenani Dlamini, daughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and her husband Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, son of the late King of Swaziland, will attend Boston University. The couple has expressed a desire to abstain from politics while attending the university. Press conference where Zenani Dlamini answers questions about her parents. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of events in South Africa and by footage of Nelson Mandela. BU President John Silber stirred up controversy when he awarded an honorary degree to Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, the South African Zulu Chief, instead of Nelson Mandela. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) must improve the reading skills of its students
0:59:58: Visual: Footage of Princess Zenani Dlamini saying that she has come to Boston to be a student. Footage of Princess Zenani and Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini exiting a building and walking on the campus of Boston University. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Princess Zenani is the daughter of Nelson Mandela (black South African leader ); that Prince Thumbumuzi is the son of the late king of Swaziland; that the couple will be attending Boston University on full scholarship. V: Shot of Princess Zenani at a statue commemorating Martin Luther King (American civil rights leader) on the campus of Boston University. Footage of Zenani at a press conference, saying that she has come here to fulfill her dream and her parents' dream. Zenani quotes Martin Luther King, saying that people should not be judged by the color of their skin. Shots of the press at Princess Zenani's press conference; of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani speaking. Vaillancourt reports that neither Prince Thumbumuzi nor Princess Zenani discussed US policy in South Africa; that Princess Zenani answered questions about her mother and father. V: Shot of Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela). Black and white footage of Nelson Mandela speaking. Footage of Princess Zenani saying that she first met her father when she visited him in prison at age 16. Princess Zenani describes the experience of visiting her father in prison. Princess Zenani says that she first hugged her father in December, 1977. Shots of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani at the press conference. Footage of Princess Zenani saying that she will focus on her education. Prince Thumbumuzi says that they will react to important events in their homeland, but will try to focus on their schoolwork. Vaillancourt says that Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani will try to abstain from political discussions; that Boston University is associated with the politics of John Silber (President, Boston University). V: Footage of Silber conferring an honorary degree on Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi (South African Zulu Chief) in November, 1986. Student protesters carrying signs walk out of the auditorium. Vaillancourt reports that protesters believe that Silber honored Buthelezi because he is a more conservative leader than Nelson Mandela. V: Footage of Princess Zenani at the press conference, saying that her father has no objections to her attending Boston University. Vaillancourt reports that there is controversy surrounding a "mansion" being built by Winnie Mandela in Soweto. V: Shot of a newspaper headline reading that the Mandela house is "fit for a queen." Footage of Winnie Mandela with black South African children. Footage of Prince Thumbumuzi at the press conference, saying that the controversy surrounding the house has been blown out of proportion; that Winnie Mandela has adopted many children who will live in the house with Winnie and her relatives. Princess Zenani talks about Winnie Mandela's strength and courage. Shots of soldiers in armored vehicles and gunfire in the streets of South Africa. Shots of Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani walking on the campus of Boston University. Shots of young black children in South Africa; of a shantytown in South Africa; of children on the street in South Africa. Vaillancourt reports that it will not be easy for Prince Thumbumuzi and Princess Zenani to separate themselves from the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/13/1987
Description: David Boeri reports on Project Mattapan, which is a community-based prenatal care program aimed at reducing the infant mortality rate in Boston. Boeri notes that the infant mortality rate is very high in the city of Boston. He adds that the infant mortality rate in the African American community is 2.5 times the rate in the white community. Boeri interviews June Cooper (Community Health Associate) and John Ramsey (Boston Foundation) about the program. Boeri reports that Project Mattapan is a yearlong project funded by the Boston Foundation. Boeri notes that the program will provide outreach to poor and uneducated women in an effort to combat premature births and low-birth weights. Boeri's report is accompanied by footage of women and health care workers at a health care center, by footage of infants at a hospital nursery, and by footage of children at an urban playground.
1:00:03: Visual; Shot of children playing at an urban playground. Shot of a woman standing at the window of an apartment, holding a baby. David Boeri reports that Boston is the medical capital of the world; that the infant mortality rate in some African American neighborhoods is as high as the infant mortality rate in third-world nations. Boeri notes that the infant mortality rate for African Americans is 2.5 times the infant mortality rate for white Americans. V: Shot of an urban landscape from the window of a health care clinic. Shot of an African-American infant hooked up to breathing equipment. Shot of a white health care worker tending to an infant. The infant is hooked up to breathing equipment. Footage of June Cooper (Community Health Associate) being interviewed. Cooper says that people need to know that prenatal care is important. Cooper says that more prenatal care could result in a decrease of the infant mortality rate. Boeri reports that Cooper is one of the founders of Project Mattapan; that Project Mattapan has launched a community-based campaign against low birth weights and premature births. V: Shot of a poster which reads, "Give your baby a healthy start." Shot of a black and white photo of an infant in a medical brochure. Footage of John Ramsey (Boston Foundation) being interviewed. Ramsey says that Project Mattapan has the cooperation of eight agencies; that Project Mattapan deals with housing, mental health, education, and other issues along with health care. Ramsey says that Project Mattapan promotes stable families. Boeri reports that Project Mattapan is a year-long project; that the Boston Foundation has funded the $100,000 project. Boeri reports that Project Mattapan will help local health care centers to reach out to poor and uneducated women. Boeri notes that these women are in need because federal programs have been cut. V: Shots of a pregnant African American woman being examined; of an African American health care worker filling out a medical chart. Shot of a health care worker and a patient in a medical examination room. Footage of Cooper being interviewed. Cooper says that outreach efforts are nonexistent in many agencies. Cooper says that the project will attempt to provide outreach and services to women. Boeri reports that the founders of Project Mattapan believe that infant mortality and low-weight births can be prevented. V: Shot of a health care worker placing a teddy bear on top of an incubator containing an infant. Shot of an African American infant hooked up to breathing equipment. Shot of a health care worker wheeling an incubator through the nursery of a health clinic.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/10/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports on an exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum celebrating Black History Month. Jones notes that the exhibit features photographs of prominent people in Boston's African American community. Jones interviews Marie Cosindas (photographer) about the photographs. Jones' report includes shots of the photographs. Jones reports that the exhibit also includes documents, books and artworks representing the African American artistic, cultural and political traditions. Jones interviews Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) about the exhibit. Richardson talks about a display of census documents and artworks by Edmonia Lewis (sculptor) and Allan Crite (artist). Jones' report includes footage of artworks in the exhibit.
1:00:07: Visual: Shots of color photographs of African Americans in Boston. Shot of a group photograph of Ruth Batson (community activist) and three others. Shot of a photograph of Hugh Morgan Hill (storyteller), also known as Brother Blue. The photographs are displayed at the Boston Athenaeum. Footage of Marie Cosindas (photographer) talking about the photographs. Cosindas says that the photographs were made with commercial cameras and Polaroid film. Marcus Jones reports that Cosindas made portraits of prominent African Americans in Boston; that her photographs are part of a Black History Month exhibit at the Boston Athenaeum. V: Shots of the portraits, including portraits of Elma Lewis (Roxbury community leader); of Mel King (community activist) and Joyce King (wife of Mel King); of Byron Rushing (State Representative). Shot of a portrait of Tanya Hart (WBZ television personality), Philip Hart (professor, University of Massachusetts), and a young woman. Footage of Cosindas saying that she is glad to have had the opportunity to meet these people; that she was able to learn about each person's character and personality. Shot of a portrait of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council), Royal Bolling, Sr. (state senator), and Royal Bolling, Jr. (former state representative). Footage of Marilyn Richardson (exhibit advisor and MIT professor) talking to Jones about the exhibit. Richardson says that the exhibit includes one of the earliest census documents of the city of Boston; that the 1765 census includes blacks and Indians. Shot of the census document. Jones reports that Richardson helped to organize the 118-piece exhibit about African Americans in Boston. V: Shots of a display of books; of a painting; of a piece of sculpture. Footage of Richardson talking about a bust of Robert Gould Shaw. Richardson says that Shaw was the white captain of the Massachusetts 54th regiments, which was comprised of African American soldiers. Shot of a painting depicting the Massachusetts 54th regiment in battle. Footage of Richardson saying that the sculpure of Shaw was made by Edmonia Lewis (nineteenth-century sculptor); that Lewis was the first African American to gain an international reputation as a sculptor. Shots of photographs of Lewis; of an 1930s ink drawing. Footage of Richardson talking about the india ink drawings from the 1930s. Richardson says that Allan Crite (artist) portrayed black angels, black saints and a black Christ in his work from the 1930s. Shots of religious drawings by Crite; of a group of sculptures. Shots of a display of books. Footage of Richardson saying that the exhibit organizers have tried to gather rare and unusual documents to demonstrate the complexity and strength of the African American artistic and political traditions. Shots of a museum-goer looking at the exhibit; of a display of books; of paintings included in the exhibit. Jones reports that the exhibit will be on display until April.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/29/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Sadiki Kambon (community activist) and others have accused police of using excessive violence when pursuing African American crime suspects. He notes that Donald Johnson (shooting victim) was shot dead this evening by police while he was driving a stolen bus. Jones' report includes footage of the bus and the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Jones notes that police have shot and killed five suspects of non-violent crimes this year; he adds that four of those five suspects were African American. Jones interviews Kambon. Kambon blames police for Johnson's death, saying that police officers would not have fired on Johnson if he were white. Kambon says that he fears for his life when interacting with police because he is an African American male. Jones reviews the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim), who was shot by police while fleeing a stolen car. Jones adds that African American communities across the nation are concerned about police behavior toward African Americans. Jones' report features footage from various sources of African Americans interacting with police and footage of race riots in Miami. Following the edited story is b-roll of the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Police and EMTs on the scene.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage from WNEV-TV of police running after a bus on a crowded street in Jamaica Plain. Footage of police and paramedics in Jamaica Plain transporting an injured Donald Johnson (shooting victim) on a stretcher. The footage is from January 31, 1988. Marcus Jones reports that Donald Johnson was shot dead by police while driving a stolen bus in Jamaica Plain. Jones reports that some members of the African American community say that police used excessive violence against Johnson. V: Footage of Sadiki Kambon (community activist) saying that Johnson would still be alive if police had reacted properly to the situation. Shots of Johnson being put into an ambulance by police and paramedics. Jones reports that police say that they fired at Johnson because he posed a threat to their safety and the safety of others. V: Footage of Kambon saying that every issue revolves around race; that situations are seen in terms of "us and them." Jones asks Kambon if he thinks the police would have fired on Johnson if he had been white. Jones says that Kambon would not have been shot if he were white; that police knew an African American man was driving the bus. Jones reports that Johnson's shooting marks the fifth time that police have shot and killed suspects of non-violent crimes. Jones reports that four of the five shootings involved teenagers; that one of the shootings involved a case of mistaken identity; that only one of the five shooting victims was white. V: Shots of police officers and residents standing near a cordoned-off crime scene. On-screen text details statistics of police shootings. Footage of Kambon saying that he fears for his life when he interacts with police because he is an African male. Kambon describes the behavior of police officers when they stop African American males for speeding violations. Jones reports on the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim). Jones says that Hart was shot by police while fleeing from a stolen car. Jones reports that African American communities across the nation are concerned over police behavior toward African Americans. Jones notes that a police shooting touched of riots in Miami recently. Jones adds that an African American man was searched during a church service in Broward County, Florida; that churchgoers thought his afro pick was a gun. V: Shots of a photo of Hart; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Hart case will go to grand jury." Footage from Say Brother of an African American man fleeing from police. Footage from NBC of race riots in Miami. Footage from Fox television of police searching an African American man in the back of a church. Police pull an afro pick from the man's coat. Shot of an ambulance on a Boston street. Jones reports that the Boston Police Department will not comment on the shooting of Johnson or on any other shootings. Jones notes that the matter is under investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports on current events regarding racism against Asian immigrants to the Boston area. He reports the delay of the trial of Scott Arsenault and John Febbi, charging them with manslaughter for beating and killing Bun Vong, a Cambodian immigrant. Jones interviews Elaine Song, from Asians for Justice, on the hate crimes against Asians in the Boston area. Jones reports on the Revere school system's attempts to encourage racial harmony through education about Cambodian culture to promote more understanding between white and Cambodian students. Jones interviews history teacher Nunzio Benevento about this program and the status of all immigrant communities when they first arrive in America. Jones also interviews white and Asian students about how they get along with each other.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/03/1986
Description: The film Common Ground is based on a book about the history of school desegregation in Boston. Christy George reports that a group of people who were involved in school desegregation in Boston watched the film together last night. Afterwards, they hold a discussion of the film. Former Mayor Kevin White says that the film provoked strong reactions in everyone. City Councilor James Kelly and Former School Committee Member Elvira "Pixie" Palladino speak out against busing. George Walker, a member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground, speaks out against "closed communities." Jim Conway, a Charlestown resident, says that the film promotes a negative image of Charlestown. Lisa McGoff, a member of the McGoff family portrayed in Common Ground, and Cassandra Twymon, a member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground, also speak at the meeting. McGoff says that the film concentrates on the negative events of the busing crisis. Twymon says that the film gives an accurate portrayal of her experiences as an African American student in a white school. George's report includes footage from the film. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jan von Mehren talks to students about school desegregation and race relations
1:00:03: Visual: Footage from the opening credits of the film, Common Ground from CBS/WHDH and Lorimar. Audio of Kevin White (former Mayor of Boston) saying that the film represents a piece of history; that no one should regret looking at piece of history. Christy George reports that the film, Common Ground, looks at the history of court-ordered school desegregation in Boston. George notes that a group of people who were involved in school desegregation in Boston watched the film together last night. V: Footage of White saying that everyone felt strong emotions after watching the film. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. V: Footage of James Kelly (Boston City Council) addressing the gathering at the screening on March 19, 1990. Kelly says that there was something sacred about Boston's neighborhoods. Kelly says that busing for school desegregation "was not worth it." Footage of Cassandra Twymon (from the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. Twymon says that she is sorry that some people are "embarrassed" about what they did to Boston's schoolchildren. V: Footage from the film Common Ground. V: Footage of Elvira "Pixie" Palladino (former Boston School Committee member) addressing the gathering at the screening. Palladino says that forced busing always has been wrong and always will be wrong. Footage of George Walker (member of the Twymon family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. Walker says that people need to realize that "closed communities" do not work. Walker addresses Palladino by name. V: Footage from the film Common Ground. V: Footage of Jim Conway (Charlestown resident) addressing the gathering at the screening. Conway says that men did not walk around Charlestown with open cans of beer while the mothers were demonstrating against busing. Conway says that the producers' image of Charlestown is not accurate; that the nation will see that image in the film. Footage of Lisa McGoff (member of the McGoff family portrayed in Common Ground) addressing the gathering at the screening. McGoff says that she did not attend any anti-busing meetings in barrooms; that the meetings did happen. McGoff says that bad things did go on in Charlestown. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that Common Ground is a risky series for network television to air; that CBS is devoting four hours of prime time to the series. George reports that the movie is based on a book that tells the story of Boston's busing crisis through the experiences of three families. George reports that the book focuses on the experiences of Rachel Twymon, a widow who believed in the importance of education for her children. George reports that the book also focuses on the experiences of Alice McGoff, who believed in the importance of neighborhood communities. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that the book also focuses on the adolescent experiences of Cassandra Twymon and Lisa McGoff. V: Footage of McGoff addressing the gathering at the screening. McGoff says that she and Twymon were kids who were trying to understand the situation as it happened. McGoff says that the film only shows the negative events during the busing crisis. McGoff says that the students were "guinea pigs"; that the success or failure of school desegregation has little to do with them. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. V: Footage of Twymon addressing the gathering at the screening. Twymon says that people acted like the African American students were going to take over the school. Twymon says that she only wanted "to do her time" in school and return home. Twymon says that she did not want to deal with the added stress put on her by the busing crisis. Twymon says that she is glad the movie will air; that the movie gives an accurate portrayal of her experience. V: Footage from the film, Common Ground. George reports that the movie ends on a note of hope; that the argument at the screening continued after the film ended. V: Footage of Palladino addressing the gathering at the screening. Palladino says that now is not the time for this film. Footage of Walker saying that minorities are always told that the present is not the right time. Walker asks when the right time will come. Footage from the film, Common Ground.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/20/1990
Description: Christy George reports that shifts in the state's population have forced the Massachusetts House of Representatives to draw up a redistricting plan for the state's legislative districts. State Rep. Jim Brett has been charged with drafting a redistricting plan. Interview with Brett on his plan. Boston and Cambridge will each lose one seat while the South Shore and Cape Cod will each gain a seat. George notes that the Republican Party and minorities are protective of their legislative districts and that both groups seem to be happy with the plan. Interviews with State Rep. Peter Forman and Byron Rushing. Brett and Peter Vellucci will lose their districts and be forced to run against other incumbent legislators. Interviews with State Rep. Vellucci and Paul White. The legislature has voted in favor of the plan. Speaker of the House George Keverian presides over the proceedings in the House chambers.
1:00:00: Visual: Footage of Jim Brett (Massachusetts House of Representatives) and another lawmaker discussing the Massachusetts House of Representatives' redistricting plan for the state of Massachusetts. Brett and the other lawmaker look at a map of the districts. Shots of Brett and the other lawmaker walking into Brett's office; of Brett sitting down behind his desk. Christy George reports that Brett is the architect of the House redistricting plan; that the job of redistricting is difficult; that Brett's colleagues are eager to have input on the borders of their districts. George reports that Brett appears to have done an excellent job in drafting the redistricting plan. V: Footage of Brett and the other lawmaker looking at the map in Brett's office. Brett gives the map to the other lawmaker, saying that he is tired of looking at the map. The other lawmaker exits Brett's office. George notes that Brett has done a heroic job in performing a thankless task. V: Footage of Brett saying that he was told that the redistricting job was a "losing proposition." Brett says that he thinks that he has managed to please all of the people involved. George reports that Brett's task was to keep all 160 state representatives secure in their districts while making shifts in almost all legislative districts. George notes that a shift in the state's population forced the redistricting of the state. [Shot of Brett explaining the redistricting proposal. Brett stands in front of a map of the districts. George notes that the most recent state census shows that Massachusetts' cities have shrank while suburbs have grown. V: Shot of the districts near Boston shown on Brett's map. George notes that Boston and Cambridge are each losing a seat in the legislature; that two new legislative seats will be created on the South Shore and Cape Cod. V: Shots of Brett pointing to the map; of the audience members. Footage of Brett joking that he might need a security fence around his house after the redistricting plan is filed. Shots of audience members listening to Brett. George reports that minority voters and Republican voters want to protect their districts; that the redistricting may allow Republicans to win one of the new seats on the South Shore. V: Footage of Peter Forman (State Representative from Plymouth) saying that he is very happy with the plan because there are two new districts in suburban areas. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that Brett asks representatives in neighboring districts to come to him with group proposals for redistricting; that Brett's efforts to take those proposals into account have led to acceptance of the plan. Shot of Brett entering the House Chambers with another lawmaker. George reports that it is difficult to combine districts; that the act of combining districts pits two incumbent lawmakers against one another. V: Shot from above of Harvard Square in Cambridge. George notes that the shrinking population in Cambridge forced the combinations of three districts into two districts. George reports that Peter Vellucci (State Representative from Cambridge) voted for the redistricting plan; that Vellucci will lose his Cambridge district and be forced to run in Somerville. V: Footage of Vellucci saying that he does not believe that the plan was drawn up according to the wishes of Charles Flaherty (Majority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives). Vellucci says that Flaherty and Saundra Graham (State Representative) have always had districts in Cambridge. George notes that Brett's own district in Dorchester was combined with the district of Paul White (State Representative); that White is expected to run for Senate next year. V: Shots of a residential street in Dorchester. Footage of White saying that Brett will have a long political career ahead of him; that Dorchester voters will have a chance to vote for him and Brett in the future. Shot of an electronic board indicating the results of the vote in the House Chambers; of George Keverian (Speaker of the House) presiding proceedings in the House Chambers. George stands outside of the House Chambers. George reports that the vote was 151 to 1 in favor of the proposal. George notes that Keverian picked Brett to draw up the redistricting plan; that Keverian himself was in charge of a previous redistricting plan years ago.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/13/1987
Description: Sharon Felzer reports that four groups filed suit against the 1987 redistricting plan for the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Felzer notes that the plaintiffs complain that the plan violates the one-person, one-vote clause of the Constitution and that it does not provide fair minority representation. Felzer adds that the 1987 plan was designed by James Brett (State Representative). Felzer's report includes footage of Brett defending his latest plan in the chambers of the House of Representatives. Felzer interviews Alan Jay Rom (attorney, who criticizes Brett's latest plan. Felzer reports that Rom has drafted his own redistricting plan. Felzer compares the redistricting plans of Brett and Rom. Felzer's report includes footage of African Americans at a polling station and footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) in the House chambers.
1:00:12: Visual: Footage of James Brett (State Representative) in the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Brett says that the plan was not put together to please incumbents; that the plan was put together to please the US Federal District Court. Shot of House leadership including George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) in the House chambers. Maps of the districts are displayed at the front of the House chambers. Sharon Felzer reports that four groups filed suit against last year's House redistricting plan. Felzer reports that the groups complained that the plan violated the one-person, one-vote requirement of the Consitution; that the plan did not provide fair minority representation. Felzer notes that Brett's latest redistricting plan was recently unveiled. V: Shot of an African American man at a polling station; of an African American female poll worker. Footage of Alan Jay Rom (attorney) saying that Brett ignored the principles of the US Constitution when drafting his latest redistricting plan. Felzer reports that the groups who filed the suit want one-third of Boston's seventeen House districts open to minority representation. V: Shots of African Americans walking on a street in Roxbury; of an African American woman waiting for a bus. Felzer reports that Rom has drafted his own redistricting plan for Boston's House districts. Felzer reports that Rom's plan cuts minority representation in the Roxbury district to 80%; that Brett's plan leaves minority representation in the Roxbury district at 96%. V: Shot of a Rom's map of Boston House districts. On-screen text compares details of Rom's proposal with details of Brett's proposal. Footage of Rom saying that Brett's plan violates the Voting Rights Act and the one-person, one-vote principle. Footage of Brett saying that his plan does not disregard minority representation in Boston. Shot of Keverian and House leadership at the front of the House chambers. Felzer reports that five of the state's 160 districts would be either over-represented or under-represented in Brett's plan. Felzer notes that Republicans oppose Brett's plan because it violates the one-peson, one-vote clause. V: Footage of Steven Pierce (State Representative) saying that the federal court will impose a new plan if the House does not draft its own new plan. Shot of Keverian. Felzer stands outside of the House chambers. Felzer reports that Republicans are concerned about the court-imposed injuction on the distribution of nominating papers for House seats; that challengers will not have enough time to circulate their nominating papers before the election deadlines. Felzer reports that the House defeated a Republican amendment to extend the filing of nomination papers. V: Footage of William Galvin (State Representative) saying that signatures are easily obtained for nomination papers. Shots of Keverian at the front of the House chambers; of the roll call board in the House chambers. Felzer reports that the bill now goes to the State Senate; that Rom will request approval of the bill at a court hearing tomorrow. V: Shot of Rom and Felzer looking at Rom's redistricting plan for Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/14/1988
Description: Christy George reports on the final redistricting plan for legislative districts of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. State Rep. James Brett drew up an original plan that was challenged by the Massachusetts Republican Party and by the Black Political Task Force. Both groups are fighting for more representation in the legislature. Interviews with State Rep. Byron Rushing and Lloyd King of the Black Political Task Force. Rushing claims a victory for the Black Political Task Force. George discusses whether the new redistricting plan will result in a greater number of Republican and African American representatives. George reports that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in new districts. Interview with State House Minority Leader Stephen Pierce. Interview with Rep. Brett, who talks about the redistricting plan. Footage from House chambers, including Brett explaining the new plan to his colleagues and Speaker of the House George Keverian, who addresses the House and says, "The law is an ass."
1:00:21: Visual: Shots of traffic on a city street; of scuba divers on a beach. Christy George reports that the population of Boston has been shrinking; that the suburbs south of the city have an increasing population. George reports that James Brett (State Representative) was in charge of a redistricting plan for the Massachusetts House of Representatives; that Dorchester lost a representative while Cape Cod gained one. V: Shots of Brett standing in front of a map detailing the new districts; of a street in Dorchester; of Carver Square in Carver, MA; of a ship passing through the Cape Cod Canal. George reports that Brett's redistricting plan won 159 of 160 votes in the House of Representatives; that all of the African American and Republican representatives voted for the plan. V: Shot of a roll call board of the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Shot of Brett entering the chambers of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. George reports that the Republican State Committee and the Black Political Task Force each wanted more seats for their constituents. George notes that both groups had called Brett's original plan unconstitutional because the districts were of uneven size. George adds that Brett's new plan passed easily. V: Shot of African American teenagers standing at the entrance to a building. Shot of Brett in his office, rolling up a map of the new districts. Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) saying that the Black Political Task Force scored a major victory; that race should be factored into redistricting plans. George reports from the Massachusetts State House. George speculates as to whether the redistricting plan will result in a greater number of African American and Republican representatives. V: Footage of George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is political. Shot of Brett and another lawmaker examining the maps of the new districts. George reports that the original plan protected incumbents and gave Republicans a good chance at winning two new seats. George reports that the new plan still allows Republicans a good chance in those two districts. George notes that the Republican Party is worried that Republican challengers will not have enough time to plot campaigns in the new districts. V: Shot of representatives at the entrance to the House Chambers. Footage of Steven Pierce (Minority Leader, Massachusetts House of Representatives) saying that the redistricting process is working to the advantage of incumbents; that Republican challengers are at a disadvantage. Footage of Lloyd King (Black Political Task Force) saying that he would have liked to have seen the creation of two additional districts for people of color; that he is happy that the redistricting has created one district for people of color. George reports that the redistricting plan divides some communities. George reports that Brett says that the new plan leaves some communities underrepresented. V: Footage of Brett saying that the court did not take into account the number of communities in the state. Brett says that the court ruled that the districts must be equal, according to the number of inhabitants in the state. Footage of Keverian in the House Chambers. Keverian says that "the law is an ass." George reports that the redistricting plan had been tying up legislation in the House; that the House is likely to vote on the transportation bond issue next.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/31/1988