Description: Marcus Jones reports on efforts to provide positive male role models for young African American boys through the Paul Robeson Institute for Positive Self-Development. Third and fourth grade boys attend the Institute every Saturday, and 25 men from diverse backgrounds assist the boys in developing their understanding of math, science and history. Interviews with Pamela Brodie and Delores Wilson, who are both teachers at the Holland Community School. Both teachers praise the program. Brodie talks about the need for positive male role models. Interview with Keith Motley, a member of the Paul Robeson Institute, about the program. Motley says that programs like this one can help to end the violence on the streets. Interviews with two African American boys who attend the Institute. Following the edited story is additional footage of Brodie and her students in class at the Holland School.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of students in a classroom at the Holland Community School in Dorchester. Shot of students are getting out their textbooks. The students are seated at their desks. Pamela Brodie (teacher, Holland Community School) stands at the front of the room. Shot of students raising their hands to be called on. Most of the students are non-white. Marcus Jones reports that the majority of students in public elementary schools in Boston are non-white. Jones reports that most of the teachers are female. Jones notes that male authority figures are limited; that African American male authority figures are virtually absent. V: Footage of Brodie being interviewed. Brodie says that most school systems have a lot of female teachers. Brodie says that it is important to have positive male role models for students; that some students do not have a male role model at home. Brodie says that schools need more male role models. Jones reports that elementary school students are in their formative years. Jones reports that a group called Concerned Black Men of Massachusetts visit the Holland School to help students make the right choices. V: Shots of students eating lunch at their desks. Shots of an African American boys walking around the classroom. Footage of Keith Motley (Paul Robeson Institute) being interviewed. Motley says that the group wants to fight against violence; that education is necessary to end violence. Footage from the Paul Robeson Institute. An African American man addresses a group of African American boys. The man speaks from a podium, while the boys sit in seats. The man encourages the boys to be the best people they can be. The man says that the future depends on them. Jones reports that the organized effort to provide positive role models is called The Paul Robeson Institute for Positive Self-Development. Jones reports that African American boys from the third and fourth grades in the Holland and Fifield Schools are involved in the program; that the boys visit the African American Institute at Northeastern University on Saturdays. Jones reports that 25 men from diverse backgrounds assist the boys in developing their understanding of math, science, and history. Jones says that the Institute focuses on African American history. V: Shot of an African American man speaking to a group of African American boys in a classroom. The boys are seated at desks. Shot of a sign for the African American Institute on the exterior of a building. Shot of an African American man standing at the front of a classroom. African American boys are seated at desks. A second African American man leans on a chalkboard as the other man teaches. Shot of a group of African American boys in orange T-shirts standing in a circle. The boys hold hands. An African American man stands in the center of the circle. African American men stand in a circle surrounding the boys. Footage of an African American boy being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks if the teachers at the institute are teaching him to be proud of himself. The boy says yes. Footage of another African American boy being interviewed by Jones. The boy says that the program has taught him that he can do something else besides sell drugs on the street. Shots of Brodie standing in her classroom; of an African American boy flipping through a textbook. Jones reports that the Robeson Institute has been operating for a year; that the Robeson Institute has earned praise from parents and teachers. V: Footage of Delores Wilson (teacher, Holland Community School) being interviewed. Wilson talks about one of her students who has behavior problems. Wilson says that the student's behavior has improved since attending the Robeson Institute. Wilson says that the student now helps other kids. Footage of Motley being interviewed. Motley says that programs like the Robeson Institute should be promoted and encouraged; that men and women should get involved. Shot of the African American boys at the Institute standing in a circle while holding hands. African American men form a circle around the boys. An African American man stands in the center.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/13/1990
Description: Rollins School is example of overburdened educational system in Lawrence. Interview with the principal of the school on all of the repairs that need to be made. The student population has dramatically increased without any changes to the building. Interview with mayor Kevin Sullivan on the dilemma of serving growing population. He talks about local aid provided by the state. Special needs classroom scenes. Following the edited story is b-roll of classrooms and school building, including Mayor Sullivan in front of the class talking to students.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/08/1990
Description: Carolyn Sawyer reports that a group of unemployed laborers are picketing the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square in Roxbury. The picketers are demanding that fifty percent of the laborers on the site be residents of the Roxbury community. Press conference held by the picketers at the site. Rev. Graylan Hagler from the Church of the United Community says that the men will not go away with "crumbs." Picketers Ivan Singleton, James Gun, and Ron Nelson also speak out at the press conference. Interview with Stephen Coyle of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, who is trying to mediate the dispute. Coyle says that the community is legitimately concerned about the high rate of unemployment among residents. He adds that he expects similar protests during upcoming construction projects. Sawyer reviews the agreement concerning minority participation in the construction project.
1:00:37: Visual: Footage of Graylan Ellis-Hagler (Church of the United Community) speaking at a press conference held at the construction site of the new Post Office in Dudley Square. A group of African American men stand behind Ellis-Hagler. Ellis-Hagler says that he and the men will not go away with "crumbs." Ellis-Hagler says that if his men do not work, then nobody works. Shots of the Post Office construction site in Dudley Square. Carolyn Sawyer reports that no one has worked at the Post Office construction site since last Friday. Sawyer reports that picketers have refused to be moved. V: Footage of Ivan Singleton (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Singleton says that he lives in the community; that laborers on the construction site are coming in from outside of the community. Singleton says that he wants to work on the site. Footage of James Gun (unemployed laborer) speaking at the press conference. Gun says that unemployed laborers in the community are not working on any of the construction jobs in the community. Shot of the Post Office construction site. Sawyer reports that the workers want the fifty percent of the laborers on the site to be residents of the Roxbury community. Sawyer notes that federal law requires minority participation to be ten percent. Sawyer reports that the Post Office has agreed to hire 30% of the work force from the community. V: Shot of a Post Office building in the city. Footage of Stephen Coyle (Boston Redevelopment Authority) being interviewed in his office. Coyle says that the Post Office has satisfied the law and made an agreement with the community. Coyle says that the community is not satisfied. Coyle says that the Post Office and the community appear to be on a collision course. Sawyer reports that Coyle is charged with keeping the project on schedule; that the project is due to be completed next August. Sawyer notes that Coyle met separately today with Suffolk Construction (general contractor of the construction site), with Post Office officials and with Roxbury residents. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that the community has legitimate concerns; that unemployment rates are high. Sawyer reports that he expects more of these kinds of disputes in the future. V: Footage of Coyle being interviewed by Sawyer. Coyle says that there will be more tension surrounding upcoming construction projects; that there are not enough jobs and contracts for everyone. Coyle says that he hopes the public sector will engage in more capital projects in the future; that an increase in capital projects would ease the tension. Sawyer reports that government budgets are tight; that more capital projects appear unlikely. V: Shots of the Post Office construction site; of an African American man at the press conference. Footage of Ron Nelson (unemployed carpenter) at the press conference. Nelson says that laborers are coming in from outside to take food from the mouths of community residents. Nelson says that money from the construction is not circulating in the community. Nelson says that the unemployed laborers will continue to picket until they are allowed to work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/21/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that State Rep. Byron Rushing and Republican candidate Mike Duffy are competing for the state representative seat in the ninth Suffolk District. Interviews with both Rushing and Duffy. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find issues on which to challenge him. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant and out of touch with his constituents. Duffy calls Rushing presumptuous for declaring himself "the lesbian and gay candidate." Duffy is openly gay in a district with a high percentage of gay and lesbian voters. Rushing has been endorsed by several gay and lesbian activists. He adds that lesbian and gay voters may decide the race. Jones reviews the candidates' positions on the issues. Jones notes that Rushing must prove himself to voters. He adds that there is hostility toward incumbents on the part of many voters during this election season. Jones report is accompanied by footage of both candidates campaigning and by footage of both candidates at their campaign headquarters. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Winnie Mandela speaks at the Twelfth Baptist Church
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of Byron Rushing (State Representative) campaigning in the street. Rushing speaks to an African American man and an African American woman who are seated on the front steps of a building. Shot of Rushing shaking hands with an African American man and a white woman on the street. Marcus Jones reports that Democrats outnumber Republicans ten to one in Rushing's district. Jones notes that Rushing is campaigning hard against Mike Duffy (Republican candidate for state representative) in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones notes that Duffy is a twenty-seven year old Republican. V: Shot of Duffy working at a desk. Duffy answers the telephone. Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that he is taking the campaign seriously. Rushing accuses Duffy of lying about Rushing's political record. Rushing says that Duffy is waging a "dirty campaign." Rushing says that Duffy does not deserve to get any votes. Footage of Rushing campaigning on the street. Rushing shakes hands with an African American woman on the street. A Rushing supporter stands nearby, holding a campaign sign. Rushing approaches a white woman on the street. He shakes her hand. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District includes parts of the South End, the Fenway, Back Bay, and lower Roxbury. Jones reports that the race may be decided by lesbian and gay voters in the district. Jones reports that Duffy has been going door-to-door in order to introduce himself to voters. Jones notes that Duffy has never denied his homosexuality. Jones reports that Duffy believes that his homosexuality may give him an advantage. Jones adds that the district has a high concentration of gays and lesbians. Jones reports that Duffy proposes to increase the government's role in the fight against AIDS. V: Footage of Duffy knocking on the door of a housing development building. Duffy enters the building and climbs the stairs. Duffy knocks on an apartment door. Footage of Duffy being interviewed. Duffy says that the state government needs to do more to fight AIDS. Jones reports that Rushing is not conceding the lesbian and gay vote to Duffy. Jones reports that Rushing is not gay; that Rushing has been endorsed by several lesbian and gay activists. V: Shot of Rushing in his office with a campaign worker. Shots of Rushing's campaign literature; of a campaign flyer which reads, "Rushing is the lesbian and gay candidate." Footage of Rushing being interviewed on the street. Rushing says that most of his lesbian and gay constituents support him. Rushing says that he wanted his campaign literature was prepared by lesbian and gay supporters. Rushing says that he wants his campaign literature to focus on his support in the gay and lesbian community. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that Rushing's campaign literature is offensive; that Rushing should not call himself the "gay and lesbian candidate." Duffy says that it is unthinkable for a candidate who is not African American to run as the African American candidate. Duffy says that Rushing is presumptuous; that Rushing's campaign is offensive and demeaning. Jones reports that the two candidates differ on issues of affordable housing, crime prevention, and the budget. Jones notes that both candidates oppose the tax-rollback petition. V: Shot of Duffy and a group of campaign workers folding campaign literature. Shot of a campaign sign opposing the tax rollback; of a campaign sign for William Weld (Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts) and Paul Cellucci (Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts). Jones reports that Duffy has accused Rushing of being out of touch with the people who have elected him. Jones notes that Rushing may be vulnerable to attacks on that issue. Jones adds that there seems to be hostility toward incumbents during this election season. V: Shot of Rushing waving to cars passing by on the street. Footage of Duffy being interviewed by Jones. Duffy says that voters harbor a great degree of resentment toward Rushing. Duffy says that Rushing is arrogant; that Rushing has not been there for his constituents. Footage of Rushing being interviewed. Rushing says that Duffy cannot find an issue on which to disagree with him. Rushing says that Duffy is now lying about Rushing's record. Jones stands on a street in the Ninth Suffolk District. Jones reports that the Ninth Suffolk District is evolving socially; that the district may be evolving politically. Jones notes that Rushing must prove to voters that he is still in touch with them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/22/1990
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews Sarah Small, who runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon and Small pray together before the interview. Small talks about her admiration for Martin Luther King, Jr. and her involvement in the civil rights movement. She says that she learned a lot about herself after spending time in jail for participation in the civil rights movement. Small talks about her commitment to helping those in need. She comments on the status of African Americans in US society. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Banks agree to improve access to banking services in low-income neighborhoods and Julian Bond at Harvard University
1:00:10: Visual: Footage of Sarah Small (United Campus Ministries) being interviewed by Christopher Lydon at Packard Manse in Roxbury. Lydon reports that Small runs the Protestant Ministry at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus. Lydon says that Small grew up in rural North Carolina; that Small is a devout Christian. Lydon reports that their interview began with a prayer. V: Footage of Small and Lydon praying together as they hold hands. Footage of Small saying that she has always had great faith in God. Small says that she has always seen great leaders as humans. Small tells a story about how she refused to stand up for Lyndon Johnson (former US President), saying that she only stands up for Jesus. Small talks about how much she loved and admired Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Small says that King was a leader who was led by the holy spirit. Small says that King knew he had a limited time to accomplish his goals. Lydon reports that Small found her political and spiritual direction when she was in jail in the 1960s. V: Footage of Smalls being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that she ended up in jail a lot; that jail became a restful haven for her. Small says that she is thankful for having gone to jail. Small says that she overcame many fears through going to jail and through her participation in the civil rights movement. Small says that she realized that she is free to do what she wants and to not do what she does not want. Lydon reports that Small often played music for the crowds before King's speeches. Lydon notes that Small's front door at the Packard Manse is always open. V: Shots of Small playing the piano and singing; of three children clapping along with the music. Footage of Small talking about helping the less fortunate. Small says that she feeds and shelters those in need. Small says that she is not afraid to keep her door open, despite the violence on the streets. Small says that she does not own anything that she would not give away to someone else. Lydon reports that Small believes that people need to realize the complexity of real equality. V: Footage of Small being interviewed by Lydon. Small says that African American children learn things twice. Small says that African American culture is different from white culture; that African American children need to learn both cultures. Small says that African American children are not given credit for learning both cultures. Small says that one group of people should not be able to determine cultural standards. Small compares American culture to a vegetable soup. Small says that African Americans are the untapped resource of the US.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1990
Description: As follow-up to Stuart murder, James Shannon condemns Boston police practice of stop and search. Don Murray of Patrolman's Association ridicules proposed civilian review board. Bruce Bolling at a press conference.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports that artist Robert Guillemin, also known as "Sidewalk Sam," is working with elementary-school students to create a mural to celebrate Boston's ethnic diversity. The mural will be two stories tall, made up of 30,000 personal drawings by children and student, and it will hang in the Grand Concourse of South Station. Guillemin talks to students about the mural and works with them in the classroom. Students sit together as they work on drawings for the mural. Jones interviews a fourth grade student from Hurley School, who talks about her drawing for the mural. Mayor Ray Flynn has endorsed the mural project, and he visits the classroom and talks to individual students about their drawings. Interview with Flynn, who says that the mural promotes peace and unity in the city. Jones reports that volunteers at Roxbury Community College are putting the mural together, and it will be unveiled to the public tomorrow. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of Guillemin and students working on the mural and footage of volunteers at Roxbury Community College putting together the mural.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1990
Description: Christy George reports on a controversy within the Massachusetts State Democratic Party. She notes that Democratic candidate for governor John Silber compared the party's "15-percent rule" to the rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the South. Party delegates reacted strongly to Silber's comments. Democratic State Committee members Margaret Xifaris, James Roosevelt, Raymond Jordan, Virginia Lee, and Alex Rodriguez respond at a press conference, and defend the committee. George reports that the rule in question requires a candidate to have the support of 15% of the delegates in order to be listed on the ballot for the primary election. George notes that Silber has the support of only 8% of the delegates. George's report includes footage of Silber and candidate Evelyn Murphy appearing on WBZ-TV. Silber insists that he did not call the state party racist. Murphy condemns Silber's comments. Chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, Chester Atkins, and Chairman of the National Democratic Party, Ron Brown, issued a statement in which they called Silber's comment "outrageous." George speculates that Silber's comment may alienate delegates but may also result in an increase in voter support.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Margaret Xifaris (Democratic State Committee) speaking at a press conference. Members of the Democratic State Committee stand behind her. Xifaris says that John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) has "blown it." Shot of an African American female member of the Committee. Christy George reports that some members of the Massachusetts Democratic Party "went ballistic" today. George reports that Silber criticized the party in The Boston Herald newpaper today; that Silber compared the party's "15 percent rule" to rules used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from voting in the south. V: Shots of James Roosevelt (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt holds up a copy of The Boston Herald with a headline reading, "Silber: Dem rules a sham." Shots of members of the Democratic Party at the press conference, including Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee). George reports that Silber says that he was criticizing the rule; that members of the Committee have responded as if they had been called racist. V: Footage of Representative Raymond Jordan (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Jordan says that a number of members of the Committee have been working hard to improve the process. Jordan says that Silber's comments are "outrageous." George reports that Silber repeated his criticism during an interview on WBZ this evening. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Evelyn Murphy (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) being interviewed. Silber says that he did not call the Democratic State Committee racist. Silber says that the Democratic State Committee wants to be inclusionary. Silber says that there should be a parallel between what the Democratic voters want and what the Democratic delegates want. Murphy tells Silber that he has suggested that the Massachusetts Democratic Party is racist. Murphy tells Silber that he should apologize to the party. Silber says that Murphy's comments are "trivial and absurd." Silber says that the Massachusetts Democratic Party has instituted a rule which was once used by racists to be exclusionary. George reports that polls show Silber with the support of 8% of the delegates to the state convention; that Silber needs the support of 15% of delegates to get on the ballot for the primary elections. George reports that the Democratic State Committee believes that their rules make the party more open to all. V: Footage of Roosevelt speaking at the press conference. Roosevelt says that the party's rules force candidates to communicate with delegates and voters. Roosevelt says that the party's rules discourage candidates from channeling all of their energy toward fundraisers and advertising. Footage of Virginia Lee (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Lee says that immigrants and new citizens have no trouble understanding how the caucuses work; that Silber should be able to understand how they work. V: Footage from WBZ of Silber and Murphy being interviewed. Silber says that Democratic State Party should make changes; that the voters should be able to speak at the state convention. George reports that Chester Atkins (Chairman, Massachusetts Democratic Party) has agreed that Silber should be on the ballot. George reports that Atkins had offered to help Silber win the support of 15% of the delegates. George notes that Atkins and Ron Brown (Chairman, National Democratic Party) have issued a statement which calls Silber's comments "outrageous." George quotes a statement from Brown and Atkins: "It is to be expected that some candidates who are ahead or behind in delegate polls will try to "spin" the preconvention story their way. . . but this is going too far." V: The quote from Brown and Atkins appears written in text on-screen. The quote is accompanied by photos of Atkins and Brown. Footage of Alex Rodriguez (Democratic State Committee) speaking at the press conference. Rodriguez says that Silber's comments are "unconscionable." Rodriguez says that Silber needs to receive the support of 15% of the delegates. George reports that Silber is either very clever or "self-destructive." George reports that Silber's comments have alienated the delegates who may have supported him. George notes that Silber's outrageous comments often result in an increase in voter support in polls. George adds that Silber claims that his poll numbers will help him win the support of 15% of the delegates.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today, trying to explain his comments during the previous evening's gubernatorial debate, in which he referred to the residents of Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan as "a group of drug addicts." Silber apologizes for hurting anyone's feelings. A group of African American community leaders stand behind him. Vaillancourt notes that Silber blamed the media for not attending his speech on crime control on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed tone when Silber got into a hostile argument with Roxbury resident Priscilla Flint Russell. Interviews with Roxbury residents about John Silber. City Councilor Bruce Bolling, State Rep. Gloria Fox, and other Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today at which they condemned Silber for his comments. Following the edited story is additional footage of the Roxbury community leader press conference. Segments of Bruce Bolling's statement. Additional footage of John Silber's press conference. Segments for City Councilor Charles Yanceys' statement at the Roxbury community leader press conference. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on negative media coverage of the Roxbury community
1:00:05: Visual: Footage of John Silber (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts) speaking at a press conference on the corner of Humboldt Avenue and Homestead Street in Roxbury. Bill Owens (State Senator) and other African American community leaders stand behind Silber. Silber says that there are upstanding, responsible citizens who fear for their lives in the Roxbury community. Silber says that he did not indict them in recent comments. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Silber held a press conference on a Roxbury street today. V: Shots of the press conference. Silber is surrounded by members of the media. A camera crew stands on top of a van to film Silber. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to explain his comments during a debate on the previous evening. Vaillancourt notes that a reporter at the debate asked Silber why he has not held any campaign events in the Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan areas of Boston, which is also known as Area B. V: Footage from a gubernatorial campaign debate on September 11, 1990. Silber says that it is useless to give a speech about crime control to "a group of drug addicts." Silber says that it is better for him to give a speech on the steps of the Massachusetts State House. Vaillancourt reports that Silber tried to clarify his remarks today. V: Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber says that he regrets the confusion; that he did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Vaillancourt notes that Silber's comments were not all apologetic. V: Shot of a member of a TV news crew at the press conference. Footage of Silber at the Roxbury press conference. Silber tells a reporter that he was not making an apology to the community. Vaillancourt reports that Silber held his press conference in the area where Darlene Tiffany Moore (Roxbury resident and murder victim) was killed two years ago. V: Shot of a 1988 Boston Herald newspaper article featuring a photo of Moore. Vaillancourt reports that Silber chose the spot for the press conference in order to remind people of his crime control proposals. Vaillancourt notes that Silber also tried to blame the media. V: Footage of Silber at the press conference. Silber says that this is not the place for a speech about law and order. Silber says that he will make the speech at this press conference. Silber says that he recently gave a speech on crime control on the steps of the State House; that no one attended. Vaillancourt reports that there are six days left before the gubernatorial primary election. Vaillancourt notes that Silber received a lot of media attention today. V: Shots of members of the media standing on top of a van at the press conference; of reporters surrounding Silber at the press conference. Vaillancourt reports that the press conference changed its tone when a Roxbury resident told Silber that he needs to acknowledge drugs as an equal opportunity problem. V: Footage of Silber and the media at the press conference. Priscilla Flint Russell (Roxbury resident) addresses Silber. She asks him how the drugs and guns are getting into Roxbury. Russell says that Roxbury teenagers are not bringing in the drugs and guns. Silber says that the high-level drug dealers must be prosecuted by the federal courts. Russell asks who will be prosecuted. Silber tells Russell to ask Francis Bellotti (Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts). Russell says that she wants an answer from Silber. Silber says that he is not a prosecuting attorney. Russell stands and yells at Silber. Russell points out that Silber is the one who came to the neighborhood to talk about drugs; that she is not a drug addict. Silber turns away from the microphone, saying that he has no time for "fanaticism." Russell tells Silber to get out of the neighborhood. Vaillancourt reports that neighborhood residents talked about Silber's comments after the press conference. V: Footage of a female neighborhood resident saying that Silber showed his ignorance by speaking of her community in that way. Footage of an African American man saying that he got out of the neighborhood and went to college. The man says that he is not offended by Silber's statements. Footage of an African American woman saying that Silber's comments were taken out of context; that people are afraid to walk the streets. Vaillancourt reports that Roxbury community leaders held a press conference today; that they refused to speak Silber's name. V: Shot of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the press conference. Footage of Gloria Fox (State Representative) speaking at the press conference. Fox says that Silber is a "wicked racist individual" who deserves no name. Fox says that Silber perpetuates the racist atmosphere which prevailed during the Carol Stuart murder case. Don Muhammad (Roxbury community leader) is among the leaders at the press conference. Vaillancourt stands on a street in Roxbury. Vaillancourt reports that Silber took a lot of heat from the Roxbury community today. Vaillancourt notes that the Roxbury community has not received much attention from Bellotti or from the Republican gubernatorial candidates. Vaillancourt reports that the Roxbury community felt snubbed by the 1988 presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis (governor of Massachusetts) because the campaign made no major stops in Roxbury. V: Footage of an African American man saying that politicians need to be more visible in Roxbury when there is no election going on. Footage of another African American man saying that he expects little from the next governor of Massachusetts; that the present governor has done little for the Roxbury community. Shot of two white police officers carefully watching an African American boy as he walks down the street.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/12/1990
Description: Jan von Mehren interviews Aggrey Mbere, a member of the African National Congress about apartheid in South Africa. Mbere left South Africa thirty-five years ago and currently teaches history at Roxbury Community College. He says that the South African government has realized that it must accommodate the opinions of black South Africans. Mbere talks about Nelson Mandela and his own desire to return to South Africa in the future. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Christy George interviews Gabu Tugwana by telephone
1:00:04: Visual: Shots of Aggrey Mbere (African National Congress) teaching a history class at Roxbury Community College. Shots of students in the class. Jan von Mehren reports that Mbere teaches world history at Roxbury Community College. Von Mehren reports that Mbere keeps up on events in his native South Africa. V: Footage of Mbere being interviewed by von Mehren. Mbere says that the structure of white supremacy is still intact in South Africa. Von Mehren reports that Mbere was born in Johannesberg; that Mbere joined the African National Congress (ANC) when he was 22 years old; that Mbere left the country a few years later. V: Footage of Mbere being interviewed by von Mehren. Mbere says that he has been away from South Africa for thirty-five years; that he becomes nostalgic for his country sometimes. Mbere says that he would like to return some day. Von Mehren notes that Mbere believes that the lifting of the ban on the ANC was inevitable. V: Footage of Mbere being interviewed by von Mehren. Mbere says that the South African government has realized that it must accomodate African opinion. Mbere speculates as to whether the situation in South Africa has been influenced by the democracy movement in Eastern Europe. Von Mehren reports that Mbere has been inspired by the example of Nelson Mandela (jailed ANC leader). V: Shot of a poster of Mandela on the wall. Footage of Mbere being interviewed by von Mehren. Mbere says that Mandela is indefatigable; that Mandela has fulfilled his mission as leader of a people. Footage of Mbere and his students in class at Roxbury Community College. Von Mehren reports that Mbere is fairly confident about returning to South Africa; that Mbere is apprehensive about his return. V: Shot of Mbere and Von Mehren walking in a corridor. Footage of Mbere being interviewed by von Mehren. Mbere says that he still has many strong feelings about South Africa; that he must come to a clear understanding about the situation before returning.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/02/1990