Description: Federal Reserve Bank, Keystone building, Travelers building, First National Bank, Shawmut Bank, Post Office Square, Custom House, Sixty State Street, back of City Hall, financial district. pans, various views.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/13/1979
Description: Bars in Dudley Square. Noise of the elevated train in background (not seen). Patio Lounge, Giant Liquors, other package stores on Washington Street. Street signs at the corner of Zeigler and Washington. Highland Tap. Men loiter on corner. Pedestrians and cars.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1976
Description: Michael Dukakis speaks at State House after upset defeat by Edward King in gubernatorial primary. Kitty, Frank Keefe, Barbara Ackermann, Evelyn Murphy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/20/1978
Description: Camera operator leaves camera rolling next to news van. Michael Dukakis in his office at the Kennedy School. B-roll of him working, making phone calls. Editor's note: Although there is accompanying audio for this video, it was recorded with the understanding that it would be used as silent b-roll. For that reason, the audio has been edited out of this version.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/16/1981
Description: Governor Michael Dukakis press conference on the high costs of health care delivery and the Medicaid budget. He discusses the tight budget for the next fiscal year.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/18/1976
Description: Interview with East Boston resident and community activist on the caucus the next day to vote for people to go to the convention. She talks about her support of Michael Dukakis and the cooperation between Dukakis supporters and Thomas O'Neill supporters. She favors primary elections over the caucus practice. Closeup on teacup and saucer. They shoot cutaways (no audio). East Boston environs, houses, cars, Eastern Airlines sign. Editor's note: Content given off the record was edited out of this footage.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/05/1982
Description: East Boston High School exterior. Students congregate in street. Security officer tries to corral them onto sidewalk. Police on motorcycles. White students interviewed about their boycott ,which is because of previous day's racially motivated stabbing. They make racist comments about the black students in their school. They demand metal detectors. Student leaders stand on platform asking students if they want scanners, organizing their position to present to the school administration. Several takes of reporter standup. Security officer talks informally to students about safety. Interview with senior Gary Gosselin on mood inside school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/18/1979
Description: Federal Aviation Administration. East Boston residents sing a song protesting incursion of airport into their neighborhood (Neptune Rd. East Boston). David Davis, Tom O'Neill, Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation Fred Salvucci all seen. Interview with a woman about plane noise and eminent domain. She feels that the people in the neighborhood are being uprooted. Interview with a man on noise abatement and eminent domain for Logan expansion. Residents would like to prevent the destruction of their neighborhood. Interview with other longtime residents complaining about Massport.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/22/1977
Description: Exteriors of Haverhill City Hall. Environs of East Woburn neighborhood thought to be affected by hazardous waste contamination from nearby dumps. Sign on building for Housing for the Elderly. Washington Block building. Red ranch house of Anderson family. Children in summer clothes and dogs on residential street. Anderson boy on bicycle.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/17/1981
Description: Edward F. King (not to be confused with Edward J. King) holds a press conference to announce his Republican gubernatorial candidacy at Park Plaza Hotel. Otto Walrab, former Chairman of the Republican State Committee, introduces King. King talks about his past experience and Massachusetts economic policy. He talks about cutting across traditional party lines, especially in Massachusetts, a heavily Democratic state. He criticizes Michael Dukakis for tax plan and for his judicial appointments, including Robert Bonin and Margaret Burnham. King takes questions from the press. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1978