Description: A pageant of Kennedy family members (including matriarch Rose and Jackie Onassis) assembles at Faneuil Hall to hear Sen. Edward Kennedy announce his presidential candidacy. Ted appears but the tape does not include the announcement itself.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1979
Description: Governor Edward King's first press conference in office. Lieutenant Governor Thomas O'Neill sits next to King throughout. King talks about the Cabinet meeting he just had about the administration's future plans. He takes questions from the press, mostly focused on the budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1979
Description: Video and audio drop out in the beginning. Governor Ed King enters room, sits at desk. Press takes pictures. King makes a statement on the Tax Cap bill. He signs the bill, with President of the Senate William Bulger and Speaker of the House Thomas McGee at his side, and hands out the pens. He holds up the signed bill. He ends the press conference. Press packs up their gear. Thomas McGee talks to a group of people. Reporter from another station does standup off camera and then asks McGee for his statement on the bill, which WGBH camera operator also tapes. Other reporters, including WGBH's Janet Wu, taking notes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1979
Description: Edward King gives victory speech at Park Plaza Hotel after winning gubernatorial election. He thanks the community and introduces his family.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/07/1978
Description: Ed Markey walking down the streets in Medford. He walks into campaign office. Interiors of the campaign office. Markey talks and jokes with campaign workers, while shooting environmental. Janet Wu interviews Congressman Markey about incumbency campaigns and the changes in the way the Congressional system works. Markey discusses the views of his district while they shoot cutaways. Markey exits campaign office and walks down the sidewalk and crosses the street. He stops to shake hands and talk to constituents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/02/1982
Description: B-roll of campaign workers holding campaign signs and handing out flyers for mayoral candidates Ray Flynn and Mel King, and other political candidates. Poll workers check in voters at polling stations. Voters stand in line to vote. A poll worker holds a stack of absentee ballots. Exteriors of the Mel King for Mayor headquarters. Campaign staff members work and make telephone calls at the campaign headquarters of Flynn and King. A Flynn worker telephones voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. Campaign workers for King and Flynn are gathered outside of a polling station in the evening. Some campaign workers approach voters. One campaign worker remarks on the cold weather. Voters stand in line and vote at a polling station. Shot of a voting booth.
1:00:00: Visual: Shot of a street corner posted with campaign signs for Mel King (candidate for mayor of Boston) and Craig Lankhorst (candidate for Boston School Committee). Footage of campaign workers holding signs for Mark Roosevelt (candidate for Boston City Council), King, Lankhorst, and Abby Browne (candidate for Boston School Committee). The workers give out flyers to people as they enter a building. Shot of poll workers sitting at a table. Voters are lined up in front of the table. 1:00:48: V: Shots of campaign workers in front of a building, holding signs for Roosevelt, King, Browne, Ray Flynn (candidate for mayor of Boston), and others. Shots of the interior of a a polling station. Poll workers are seated at a table. Two women confer on one side of the room. One of the women examines a stack of absentee ballots, which she holds in her hands. Shot of a voter list being examined by a poll worker. Shots of poll workers at the table with the voter lists. Shot of the stack of absentee ballots on the poll workers' table; of the cover of the "City of Boston List of Registered Voters" for 1983. 1:04:17: V: Shots of the headquarters for the King mayoral campaign. King campaign signs are posted in the window. A man is heard speaking into a bullhorn, urging voters to vote for King. Shots of the crowded interior of the King headquarters. Several campaign workers are present. One campaign worker is organizing a ride to the polls for a voter. Shot of a sign for the Rainbow Coalition. 1:05:57: V: Shots of the interior of the Flynn campaign headquarters. Campaign workers are telephoning voters to remind them to vote for Flynn. 1:06:47: V: Shot of two campaign workers standing in front of a building, holding Flynn campaign signs. In the background is a King supporter with a King campaign sign. People are gathered in front of the building. Shot of the white King supporter talking to an African American man. Shots of the people gathered in front of the building; of two men walking away from the building. 1:08:18: V: Footage of a woman entering a polling station in the evening. She refuses the flyers offered to her by campaign workers. The campaign workers joke about how cold it is outside. The campaign workers hand out more flyers to voters as they enter the polling station. Shot of campaign signs covering a pole on the sidewalk of a busy street. 1:09:48: V: Footage of the interior of a polling station. Poll workers sit behind a table as they check in voters. A white voter is shown to a polling booth. Poll workers continue to check in voters. 1:12:00: V: Footage of an African American male voter checking in with the poll workers. Voters stand in line to enter the polling booths. Shot of a ballot on a voting machine with levers. Shot of voters feet as they stand in the voting booths.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/05/1983
Description: Press conference with Ella Fitzgerald after receiving the Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Award. She answers questions from reporters. Sharon Stevens does several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1982
Description: Elliot Richardson holds press conference to announce that he will not run for Senate. Discusses his predictions on the 1980 presidential election.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/16/1979
Description: Video starts with them talking over the color bars. End of an interview with Elma Lewis about the endurance of the African American community. She talks about the relationship between young and older African Americans, and the problems the older people suffered through to provide better opportunities for the younger generation. They talk informally while they shoot cutaways. Sound cuts out in the middle of cutaways. B-roll of the dancers rehearsing at the Elma Lewis School. Closeups on young boys drumming and dance instructor. Signs for the National Center of Afro-American Artists and the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts. Closeups on pieces of African American art. Several takes of reporter standup.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/24/1980
Description: Several takes of reporter standup in empty Boston Garden. Bruins banners hang over ice rink. Long circular pan of unoccupied seats.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/18/1978