Description: Day 3 after blizzard, traffic around Charles Circle at base of Beacon Hill. People walking on Charles Street. Car drive on unplowed roads. Pigeons search sidewalk for food.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/07/1982
Description: Commentary on the African Meeting House on Joy Street during its renovation. Michael Haynes (Twelfth Baptist Church), Steven Spaulding (TLT Construction Company), J. Marcus Mitchell (Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity), Henry Hampton (Museum of Afro American History), and Ruth Batson (Museum of Afro American History) talk about the renovations and the historical significance of the Meeting House. The report includes shots of the Meeting House and photographs and drawings of historical figures with connections to the meeting house. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Marcus Jones reports on the participation of minority developers in downtown construction Minority developers plan downtown development
1:00:13: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the African Meeting House on Joy Street. Footage of Reverend Michael Haynes (Twelfth Baptist Church) talking about bringing 85 schoolchildren from Roxbury to the Meeting House. Haynes says that the schoolchildren rubbed the bricks after being told that the bricks had been made by the early African Americans who built the Meeting House. Shots of the old bricks inside the Meeting House. Footage of Steven Spaulding (TLT Construction Company) talking about the interior of the Meeting House. Shot of a black and white image of the Meeting House. Shot of a black and white photo of a sign with a Star of David hanging on the Meeting House. Footage of J. Marcus Mitchell (Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity) saying that the Meeting House was being used as a Jewish synagogue when he first saw it. Mitchell refers to a stone honoring Cato Gardner. Shot of the stone which reads, "A gift to Cato Gardner, first promoter of this building, 1806. Shots of the exterior of the meeting house. Footage of Henry Hampton (Museum of Afro American History) saying that the Meeting House is the oldest standing African American church building in the country; that the New England Abolitionist Society was organized at the Meeting House; that the Meeting House was the site of the first African American school; that the black regiments which fought in the Civil War were organized at the Meeting House. Hampton says that the Meeting House served as the center for African American political, religious, and educational leadership for half of the nineteenth century. Shots of a black and white drawing of a meeting of the New England Abolitionist Society; of a black and white photo of girl standing outside of the Meeting House; of a flyer urging African Americans to fight in the Civil War; of a black and white photo of a black Civil War regiment. Shots of black and white drawings of historical figures. Shots of the interior of the Meeting House. Scaffolding has been constructed in the building. Footage of Spaulding explaining that little remains of the interior of the building; that there was a fire in the building in 1973. Footage of Ruth Batson (Museum of Afro American History) saying that you can hear the voices of Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison in the building. Shots of black and white images of Douglass and Garrison. Batson says that there are "good vibes" in the building. Footage of Hampton saying that the building represents the dreams of the African American community 180 years ago. Hampton says that the African American citizens of that time wanted to leave the segregated balconies of white churches and create their own space. Shot of the balcony of a colonial-era church. Shots of the exterior of the Meeting House.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/19/1986
Description: Carmen Fields reports on the restoration of the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. The Meeting House is the oldest African American church in the nation and it was gutted by fire in 1973. Interview with Philip Hart (Board of Directors, African Meeting House) and Ruth Batson (Director, African Meeting House). Hart talks about the significance of the Meeting House. Batson talks about plans for music, scholarly debate, and religious services at the Meeting House. Fields notes that a series of rededication programs will begin soon. Footage of construction workers and staff at the Meeting House and photographs documenting the history of African Americans in Boston.
1:00:01: Visual: Footage of woodworkers and construction workers doing restoration work at the African Meeting House on Beacon Hill. Carmen Fields reports that the African Meeting House is being restored; that the African Meeting House is the oldest African American church in the nation. V: Shots of the exterior of the Meeting House; of a commemorative stone reading, "A gift to Cato Gardner. First promoter of this building, 1806." Footage of Fields interviewing Philip Hart (Board of Directors, African Meeting House). Hart says that Frederick Douglass (abolitionist) spoke at the Meeting House; that the Meeting House was important to the Underground Railroad. Hart talks about the history of the Meeting House. Hart says that the Meeting House hosted notable figures and the average citizens. Shots black and white images of Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison (abolitionist). Fields reports that the Meeting House was gutted by fire in 1973; that a series of rededication programs begin on Sunday. V: Shots of the interior of the Meeting House with scaffolding; of white and African American workers involved in the rededication programs. Shots of Ruth Batson (Director, African Meeting House); of a black and white image of the Meeting House; of a 19th century photograph of a group of African Americans. Footage of Batson saying that she would like to have music, scholarly debate, and special religious services in the Meeting House. Batson says that the building will serve multiple purposes; that she hopes it will unite the people of Boston. Shots of photographs by Hamilton Smith, documenting the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century African American community. Fields notes that photographs by Hamilton Smith will be part of a permanent exhibit at the Meeting House. Field adds that the nineteenth-century African American community was centered on the north slope of Beacon Hill. V: Shot of a black and white photo of three African American women; of a black and white image of the Meeting House. Footage of Batson saying that the African American community began on Beacon Hill; that the African American community must celebrate their heritage. Footage of Hart saying that the building is a reminder of the role of the African American community in the history of Boston. Shots of black and white images of African Americans in the nineteenth century. Shot of the exterior of the Meeting House. Footage of Batson saying that she can hear the voices of past generations when she stands in the building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/09/1987
Description: British building silent air color :40 sound on film magnetic color 3:45
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/04/1969
Description: silent 1:00 sound on film 2:30 sound on film silent cuts
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/04/1969
Description: sof 1/31/67 Hearing at Statehouse (Howe, Connolly, Quinlan)
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/31/1967
Description: Traffic congestion and examples of bad driving etiquette at bottom of Beacon Hill and on Charles Street. Police pull over cars to write tickets for violations.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/20/1983
Description: Civil engineers talk about solidity of Boston roads, bridges, high-rise buildings in event of earthquake, and the need to retrofit older structures. Boston skyline on cloudy day. Storrow Drive traffic. Beacon Hill.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/19/1989
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/23/1983
Description: David Boeri reports that the state of Massachusetts has lost a seat in the US House of Representatives because of a decline in the population according to the 1990 census. Mayor Ray Flynn and others are calling for a recount because they believe that the census undercounts urban residents. Footage of census workers going from door to door. Boeri reports on speculation that Congressman Joe Early may retire and on speculation that a redistricting plan would force Congressmen Chester Atkins and Barney Frank to run against one another. Governor William Weld has proposed a redistricting plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. Interview with State Rep. Peter Forman, who says that suburban areas are unfairly represented and that the city of Boston would represent a "minority seat." Interview with State Rep. Jim Brett, who discusses options for possible redistricting plans. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one Congressional seat will probably fail.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage from a campaign debate between Barney Frank (US Representative) and Margaret Heckler (US Representative) sponsored by the League of Women Voters in October of 1982. Shots of the panel at the debate. David Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost a Congressional seat in 1980; that the Democratic Party forced Heckler, the Republican incumbent) to run against Frank. Boeri reports that the state must reduce its eleven congressmen to ten as a result of the 1990 census. V: Shot of shoppers at Downtown Crossing. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is calling for a recount; that Flynn and others say that the census undercounts the cities. V: Shot of Flynn; of the front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that Massachusetts lost its seat by only a narrow margin. V: Footage of James Brett (state representative) being interviewed. Brett says that he doubts if the numbers will change significantly in a census recount. Shot of an African American female census worker knocking on the door of a building. Boeri reports that the US Census Bureau says that the census counts are subject to possible correction until January 15. V: Shot of another African American female census worker knocking on the door of an apartment. Boeri reports that there has never been a successful appeal of a lost congressional seat. V: Shot of a third African American female census worker knocking on the door of an a building. Boeri says that some people are speculating that Joe Early (US Representative) may retire. Boeri notes that Early could keep up to $142,000 worth of campaign funds if he quits before 1992. Boeri adds that Early says that he is planning to run for reelection. V: Shot of representatives in the Congressional chambers. Shot of a black and white photo of Early. Boeri reports that there are rumors of a redistricting plan which would force Frank to run against Chester Atkins (US Representative). V: Shot of Atkins at a campaign event for John Kerry (US Senate); of Frank speaking to the media as he walks through a corridor of a building. Boeri reports that Atkins and Frank are supposed to be the two most unpopular congressmen on Beacon Hill. Boeri reports that Frank, Atkins and Joe Kennedy (US Representative) represent the western suburbs of Boston. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that there is a cluster of US Representatives in the suburbs west of Boston. Boeri reports that Brett chairs the legislative redistricting committee. Boeri reports that Brett says that the US congressional districts will be redrawn. V: Footage of Peter Forman (State Representative and prospective House Minority Leader) being interviewed. Forman says that suburban areas are not fairly represented in the current districts; that the current districts are unfair to the Republican Party. Boeri reports that William Weld (governor of Massachusetts) has proposed a plan under which the city of Boston is represented by one congressman. V: Shot of Weld greeting two older men at an event. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the state of Massachusetts should probably have a "minority seat." Footage of Brett being interviewed by Boeri. Brett says that Weld's plan sets up the Republican Party to gain seats in the suburbs by limiting the number of seats in Boston. Footage of Forman being interviewed. Forman says that the Democratic Party would like to limit gains by Republicans. Boeri reports that the Republican Party has more say on the issues than in 1980. Boeri notes that Weld is a Republican governor; that there are enough Republican senators to sustain a veto by Weld. V: Shot of Weld speaking at a campaign event in 1990. Boeri reports that Brett wants the redistricting plan to be fair. V: Footage of Brett being interviewed. Brett says that the redistricting plan could end up in federal court. Brett says that the legislative redistricting committee wants to avoid any special deals or the appearance of any improprieties. Boeri stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. Boeri reports that the proposal to limit Boston to one congressional seat will most likely fail. Boeri reports that no money has yet been appropriated for the redistricting process; that the battle has already begun.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/27/1990