Description: Silent and sounds footage from a story on Ralph Abernathy and the Boston segment of the Poor People March in Washington, including an Abernathy making an address at Northeastern University and a speech at Boston Common. Additional footage includesSouthern Christian Leadership Conference members marching. People gathering supplies and boarding buses for Poor Peoples March. Man puts "I have a dream" bumper sticker on car. Interview with Mr. Frederick on the cost of Poor Peoples March. Two men fight on the street. Reporter standup. Footage of the march. Silent interviews with people on the street. Crowds boarding Greyhound buses to Resurrection city.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/09/1968
Description: common and public gardens, snow on ground- warm day, 52 degrees, candid shots
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1968
Description: 5/23/68 500' sof cuts Hector Army Base and Common 5/20/8 Arlighton St. Church draft resistance sof 350' and some sil, 75' 1967 draft card tear up-- huge card 35' 6/23/8 Wellesley awol cuts sof 250' 6/25/8 sil cuts 300' Wellesley church draft dodger 6/23/8 Wellesley awol air 3:00 6/23/8 Wellesley draft :30 air ditto air sof 1:30 ditto sil cuts 75'
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/23/1968, 05/20/1968, 1967, 06/23/1968, 06/25/1968
Description: 5/15/68 Cambridge hegroes march on city hall 5/9/8 air clip :45 in front of State House 5/28/68 in front of State House opn wages, etc. 100' 6/22/8 French Embassy air & cuts 3:00 sof & sil MacMillan 6/27/8 Fine Arts Theatre demolition air sil 1:00 cuts 200' sof0sil [7/9/8 Roxbury disturbance after Fiedler concert- night, broken windows, Goodrich sof Regan F. Francis sil cuts of Washington St. damage, Div. 10 broken windows. shots of BCH at night and security patrol] - Now in security patrol can 278 1967? in front of Police Hq, signs get police out of ghettos 2:30 sil cuts. 7/14/8 Boston Common, Bridge of Friends program on guns, turning in of guns. MacMillan sof air 4:00 250' sil & sof cuts showing Karate demonstration. 7/29/8 Boston Common, Biafra rally air piece 2:00 Cushing sof
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/15/1968, 05/09/1968, 05/28/1968, 06/22/1968, 06/27/1968, 07/09/1968, 1967, 07/14/1968, 07/29/1968
Description: A hearing with a panel of men ask another man questions about drug use, specifically speed, heroin, and LSD in the hippie movement. They ask another man questions about his personal drug use and dealing. He calls marijuana a harmless drug. They ask questions about drug trafficking in the hippie movement on the Boston Common. The man tells a story about young suburban kids coming to aggravate the hippies living on the Common, and start fights.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1968
Description: Compilation of stories on the hippie movement in Boston. 06/21/1968 air piece by John Henning describing the surge of the hippie movement in Boston and the psychologist, Dr. Stanley Klein, appointed by Mayor White to study the problems arising between hippies and other members of the Boston community. B-roll following story includes footage of Klein meeting with groups of hippies and others. Interview with Klein about the progress made in the meetings. Another man also comments. Cutaways of John Henning for edited piece. Outtakes of reporter standup. 06/23/1968 interview with Mr. Griswold on an unauthorized rock concert held by hippies on the Boston Common. Shots of groups of hippies on the Boston Common. Boston Common sign. Hippies cleaning up the common. 06/25/1968 interview with barber on the problems the hippie movement has caused for his business. 06/26/1968 Andy MacMillan interviews Judge Elijah Adlow on the hippie movement. 06/27/1968 footage of Boston City Council hearings on hippies. Barney Frank, in his capacity as Mayor White's administrative aide, reads a statement from Kevin White to the City Council. City Councilor Christopher Iannella addresses the City Council on the dangers of the hippies taking over the Common. Hippies watch the hearing from the balcony. Governor John Volpe makes a press statement on hippies.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/1968
Description: kids sentiment at school re: segregation 125 ft, negro man's statement- school committee meeting 50 ft Gibson School 500 ft cops and people at BRA site, south end SDS on common 1st 900 ft NBC reel [card reads fall '68]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/1968...11/1968
Description: cuts - visit to Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common, Logan airport, Navy yard and at USS constitution
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/02/1968