Description: Downtown the day after Thanksgiving, Also some Boston Commons lights, 40 ft sof only, 50 ft sof under
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/26/1971
Description: 9/23/71 mayors on tour [Mayor Kevin] White tours Boston in helicopter 11/27/68 [Mayor Kevin] White swearing in Fire Comm. Kelly 2/19/70 [Mayor Kevin] White announces service change to tax exempt institutions 4/5/8 [Mayor Kevin] White @ James Brown concert Boston Garden 3/18/71 [Mayor Kevin] White @ S West corridor tour 3/16/71 [Mayor Kevin] White at schools - new school constitution 5/20/69 Police Sargents sworn in 9/4/68 [Mayor Kevin] White @ Labor Convention 6/30/70 [Mayor Kevin] White announces housing cuts 1000 for elderly 1/8/68 MLK [Martin Luther King] dem @ City Hall, & march to common
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 01/08/1968, 04/05/1968, 09/04/1968, 11/27/1968, 05/20/1969, 02/19/1970, 06/30/1970, 03/16/1971, 03/18/1971, 09/23/1971,
Description: Compilation of footage concerning women's liberation. People parachuting. A ceremony honoring servicewomen. Auditorium full of people. Exteriors of Harvard building (888 Memorial Drive) taken over by women and renamed the "Boston Women's Center." Crowd of children outside the taken over building. People outside the door to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Gallery. Governor Frank Sargent outside of the State House, with women addressing crowd about women's liberation. Older people eating meals in a cafeteria. Friends of Louise Bryun Walk for Peace gathered at Copley Square and march through downtown Boston. Louis Bruyn is a woman who walked from her home in Newton, Mass. to Washington, D.C. to protest the Vietnam War in 1971. Exteriors of the Boston Public Library. People on benches at the Boston Common. Women, and a few men, at a banquet. Riverside community resident holds a press conference. Dormitory, possibly a women's prison. Press conference in front of "Boston Women's Center." Exteriors of Old Cambridge Baptist Church. Exteriors of Lyons Hall and other campus environs at Boston College. Women march out of "Boston Women's Center" with banners. Women wrapped in blankets guard the door. Closeups on the electric box outside the building. International Women's Day demonstration on Boston Common in front of the State House. Women speaking at an event.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 03/1971