Description: Video sample of the some 60 murals in the Boston/Cambridge/Somerville area, the philosophy of the murals authors, and a context and history of the murals in the city.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/8/2004
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/14/1983
Description: Looking toward John Hancock glass tower over MIT dome from Main Street, Cambridge, at NECCO Candy factory. Then in Boston, close view of Hancock next to Trinity Church, which is also reflected in glass facade. Pan between building and fair weather clouds in blue sky. Grid of windows on monolith. Pan from busy intersection of Kenmore Square to Hancock.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1979
Description: Compilation of silent and sound footage about the presence of hippies in Cambridge and Boston. Harvard Square and Cambridge Common environs. Reporter standup on a police raid at a "hippie apartment" arresting members of a group called "the Diggers." Interviews with Police Sergeant Duncan O'Neill and Digger member Vernon Becker. Rock band plays to a crowd. Hippies playing music surrounded by people sitting on grass of the Cambridge Common. Interview with Dr. Faderman and Dr. Allen on the hippie lifestyle and societal reactions to the movement. Interviews with Ian Frankenstein, Lou Crampton, Sofia Gibbons, Patricia Keating and other commune members, who describe their communal accommodations and lifestyle on Fort Hill. Discussion of drug use in the hippie movement. Interview with Cambridge Mayor Daniel Hayes on his legal crackdown on hippie communities. They shoot the cutaways of the reporter Jim Pansullo reasking the questions.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967...1968
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1984
Description: [Secretary] Weaver inspects Boston apartment reconstruction :50 '67 -8 good conditions at Charlame Park '67-8 1:30 Capbridge apt bldgs sched for razing sil :45 south end 1/70 60' (apts in bad repair - allston '67-8 175' sil cuts) Cape + Sturbridge :45 Quincy 2:00 Concord 2:00 Roxbury 350 (also [unreadable])
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967 1968 1970
Description: demonstration for poor - marchers from Cambridge to Boston
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/31/1969
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/27/1985
Description: Charles Haughey, prime minister of Ireland, visits Boston and speaks at Kennedy School. Protesters outside Ritz-Carlton.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/22/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that anti-war activists protested across the nation to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf, including in downtown Boston. Jesse Jackson visited MIT to speak out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Jones notes that the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Interviews with MIT graduate students Corrie Lathan and Steve Penn, who oppose the war. Interview with Jesse Jackson, who says that the US and Iraq should negotiate because war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jones' report includes footage from Inside Edition of Jackson in Iraq. Following the edited story is additional b-roll of anti-war demonstrations and of Jackson at MIT talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
1:00:36: Visual: Footage of anti-war protesters on Winter Street in downtown Boston. The protesters carry signs protesting the Gulf War. They chant together, "We remember Vietnam. We won't go." Shot of two police officers standing in front of a building. Marcus Jones reports that a group of anti-war protesters demonstrated outside of the Army recruiting headquarters in Boston. V: Shot of a protesters carrying a sign reading, "U.S. Troops out of the Gulf." The protesters chant, "We won't fight for Texaco." Shot of a protester handing out leaflets. Jones reports that anti-war activists took to the streets across the country today; that the protesters are trying to rally public opinion against the use of force in the Persian Gulf. V: Shot of an older white woman wearing a sign around her neck. The sign reads, "Bring our troops home." Shot of two white children standing among the protesters. Jones reports that Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) visited MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) tonight; that the members of the MIT Initiative for Peace in the Middle East brought Jackson to the campus. Jones reports that Jackson spoke out against going to war in the Middle East on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights activist). V: Shots of Jackson greeting an MIT student; of Jackson greeting students as he walks to the podium. Shots of students in the audience. Footage of Jackson addressing the students. Jackson says that the US must not rush to war on January 15. Jackson says that efforts toward peace must be made on King's birthday. Footage of Corrie Lathan (MIT graduate student) being interviewed. Lathan says that she is opposed to the war; that the situation should be resolved in a non-violent manner. Footage of Steve Penn (MIT graduate student) being interviewed by Jones. Penn says that decision-makers in the US understand pressure; that the voice of the people must speak out against the war. Jones reports that Jackson's call for restraint may reflect a change in his thinking. Jones notes that Jackson met with Saddam Hussein (Iraqi leader) last year. Jones reports that Jackson said last year that war would be inevitable if talking proved impossible. V: Footage from Inside Edition of Jackson entering a building in Iraq; of Jackson speaking to Hussein. Jones questions whether Jackson has changed his position. V: Footage of Jackson speaking at MIT. Jones asks Jackson if he has changed his position. Jackson says that he has kept the same position. Jackson says that war is inevitable if talking is impossible. Jackson says that the US and Iraq should "talk"; that the two countries must choose negotiation over confrontation. The audience applauds for Jackson as he walks away from the podium.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/14/1991