Description: 6/29/8 Democratic City Commitee, sound on film cuts at Faneuil Hall 300 ft, 6/23/8 Republican party, Mrs. Pat Nixon and David Eisenhower present, air piece 1:00, 7/2/8 East Boston democratic meeting, K.White attending, air silent :30, sound on film :30 and cuts, 7/11/8 State Rep. Irving Fishman on McCarthy supporters plan to keep open convention sound on film 1:30 and cuts 300 ft 7/14/8 Lowenstein on open convention air 2 pieces 2:00 each and sound of film cuts 350 ft
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 06/29/1968, 06/23/1968, 07/02/1968, 07/11/1968, 07/14/1968
Description: Boston, airport and Sheraton hotel cuts 3:30/ shots of Mrs. Rockefeller, Area Governors, Volpe, Sargent, Saltonstall
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 05/1968
Description: in Boston arr logan - at Constitution - Parkman bandstand some pcs [pieces] removed for other news shows [card reads 10/8/8]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/08/1968
Description: cuts - visit to Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common, Logan airport, Navy yard and at USS constitution
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/02/1968