Description: Bicyclist toward and away from camera on crisp autumn day. Lone cyclist on paved path along Jamaica Pond. Cyclist wearing helmet and signaling to enter traffic on Washington Street in Brookline. Man removes bike from rack mounted on car hatchback. Child rides in rear seat of bicycle behind father on Memorial Drive. Sign for Dr. Paul Dudley White Bicycling Paths. Visual of bike map showing routes in Cambridge and Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/11/1977
Description: Ray Flynn's task force states goal of 500 units of housing for persons with AIDS by 1994. Amory Street housing development in Jamaica Plain provides group housing for PWAs.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/08/1991
Description: Olmstead Parks. Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Pond Fountain.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/23/1981
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Sadiki Kambon (community activist) and others have accused police of using excessive violence when pursuing African American crime suspects. He notes that Donald Johnson (shooting victim) was shot dead this evening by police while he was driving a stolen bus. Jones' report includes footage of the bus and the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Jones notes that police have shot and killed five suspects of non-violent crimes this year; he adds that four of those five suspects were African American. Jones interviews Kambon. Kambon blames police for Johnson's death, saying that police officers would not have fired on Johnson if he were white. Kambon says that he fears for his life when interacting with police because he is an African American male. Jones reviews the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim), who was shot by police while fleeing a stolen car. Jones adds that African American communities across the nation are concerned about police behavior toward African Americans. Jones' report features footage from various sources of African Americans interacting with police and footage of race riots in Miami. Following the edited story is b-roll of the aftermath of Johnson's shooting. Police and EMTs on the scene.
1:00:08: Visual: Footage from WNEV-TV of police running after a bus on a crowded street in Jamaica Plain. Footage of police and paramedics in Jamaica Plain transporting an injured Donald Johnson (shooting victim) on a stretcher. The footage is from January 31, 1988. Marcus Jones reports that Donald Johnson was shot dead by police while driving a stolen bus in Jamaica Plain. Jones reports that some members of the African American community say that police used excessive violence against Johnson. V: Footage of Sadiki Kambon (community activist) saying that Johnson would still be alive if police had reacted properly to the situation. Shots of Johnson being put into an ambulance by police and paramedics. Jones reports that police say that they fired at Johnson because he posed a threat to their safety and the safety of others. V: Footage of Kambon saying that every issue revolves around race; that situations are seen in terms of "us and them." Jones asks Kambon if he thinks the police would have fired on Johnson if he had been white. Jones says that Kambon would not have been shot if he were white; that police knew an African American man was driving the bus. Jones reports that Johnson's shooting marks the fifth time that police have shot and killed suspects of non-violent crimes. Jones reports that four of the five shootings involved teenagers; that one of the shootings involved a case of mistaken identity; that only one of the five shooting victims was white. V: Shots of police officers and residents standing near a cordoned-off crime scene. On-screen text details statistics of police shootings. Footage of Kambon saying that he fears for his life when he interacts with police because he is an African male. Kambon describes the behavior of police officers when they stop African American males for speeding violations. Jones reports on the case of Levi Hart (shooting victim). Jones says that Hart was shot by police while fleeing from a stolen car. Jones reports that African American communities across the nation are concerned over police behavior toward African Americans. Jones notes that a police shooting touched of riots in Miami recently. Jones adds that an African American man was searched during a church service in Broward County, Florida; that churchgoers thought his afro pick was a gun. V: Shots of a photo of Hart; of a newspaper article with a headline reading, "Hart case will go to grand jury." Footage from Say Brother of an African American man fleeing from police. Footage from NBC of race riots in Miami. Footage from Fox television of police searching an African American man in the back of a church. Police pull an afro pick from the man's coat. Shot of an ambulance on a Boston street. Jones reports that the Boston Police Department will not comment on the shooting of Johnson or on any other shootings. Jones notes that the matter is under investigation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/06/1989
Description: Ray Flynn inaugurates trash recycling in Boston by dumping bags of newspapers into collection truck. Others toss bottles. Recycling bins lined up along sidewalk in Jamaica Plain.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/12/1990
Description: Three interviews on southwest corridor mass transit and development project. Areas affected include the South End, Roxbury Crossing, and Jamaica Plain. Construction will create numerous jobs and have an affirmative action goal with a 30% minority set-aside. $391 million (80% federal funds) will be for orange line and railroad relocation; plus an arterial street, community college, housing, and industrial park will make for at least a half billion dollar project. Residents are concerned about impact of noise and disruption in the adjacent neighborhoods, equitable employment opportunities, and environmental issues. Community groups want to be sure the new road and transit routes do not split the surrounding areas along socioeconomic lines.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/15/1976
Description: Brief on state senators making hateful comments about gays. Mayor White's liaison to gay community releases report on discrimination against gays. Mental health commissioner James Callahan on opening of group home in Jamaica Plain for deinstitutionalized patients. Brief on Wang Labs computer system for businesses to store records electronically, replacing paper documents. Profile of “liberal” Boston - part two of “Five Bostons” series looking at ethnic and political divisions of the city. Interview with Dennis Kearney, candidate for Boston mayor. Anchors Lydon and Harris.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1983
Description: Review of the first few years of court ordered desgregation, including explosion of racism and violence, and the heavy police patrol required to keep things under control. Garrity is still in charge of the Boston schools. Although things are more quiet, and certain programs are working , like magnet schools, a high percentage of Boston students are still significantly under the national average. The Boston school system is also still overwhelmingly made up of minority students. Black parents propose ‘freedom of choice’ plan. Interviews with Robert Peterkin, Robert Spillane, and other officials. Classroom scenes of the current school system,highlighting Mildred Reed and her daughter Kim. They are Jamaica Plain residents, and Kim is bused to Brighton High School. Interview with Kim, where she talks about the benefits of being bused. Scenes of Kim getting on the bus, the bus ride, and in school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/11/1984