Description: see birth control [113561] at Northeastern Univ. sil B&W (maybe the same Baird) [113695] sil color cuts Baird and family outside Roxbury Court [114078] 10/14/67 sof [114234] sil [114235]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/14/1967
Description: see birth control [113561] at Northeastern Univ. sil B&W (maybe the same Baird) [113695] sil color cuts Baird and family outside Roxbury Court [114078] 10/14/67 sof [114234] sil [114235]
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 10/14/1967
Description: assorted footage: -from hospital bed ( B&W mag sof), sof interview, 1000 ft, with wife Joan at side. - at Faneuil Hall with witnesses 1967? 125 ft, - Kennedy and Knowles, 7/25/7 200 ft, - June '67 with Robert on Roxbury tour (Bob footage removed and in Robert Kennedy files. 125 ft, - July 14, '67 air piece sof :50, - 7/18/7 coming out of hospital with baby and Joan Optical and Magnetic Audio Format, Color & B&W
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1964, 1967, 07/25/1967, 07/14/1967, 07/18/1967
Description: Compilation of stories and loose footage on the problem of racism in American and related issues. Bill Harrington 09/07/1967 air piece on the closing of two Roxbury schools, which resulted in the busing of students. Interviews with Massachusetts State Commissioner of Education Owen Kiernan and Boston Superintendent Ohrenberger. Cuts from unidentified panel discussion. Jim Pansullo 12/03/1967 air piece on anti-Semitism of Black Nationalists. He reports on a meeting of the American Jewish Congress, led by President Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld, who spoke on fighting poverty especially along racial lines. He also reports on Kenneth Clark's remarks on the tension. Series of interviews on 08/05/1967 with African American pedestrians on African American leaders and the Black Power movement, riots, and specifically Stokely Carmichael. More cuts from panel discussion. 12/14/1967 footage of Reverend James Groppi speaking at a church in Durham. N.H., on the current state of race relations in American. More cuts from panel discussion. Interview with a Richard Hatcher, the first African American mayor of Gary, Indiana, on metropolitan race relations.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 1967