Description: Sen. Lois Pines' proposed cigarette tax increase fails because of pressure by tobacco lobbyists. Sens. Linda Melconian, William MacLean. Inside Senate chamber. Anti- smoking PSAs,Japanese cigarette ads.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1990
Description: City councilor Dapper O'Neil addresses City Council about the seven photos he thinks should be removed from Mapplethorpe exhibit. City councilor David Scondras defends freedom of expression. Boston City Council votes against censoring the exhibition. City councilor James Kelly compares his idea of art with his idea of pornography. Kelly proposed a rent hike on city leases, such as for Institute of Contemporary Art building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/08/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that members of the Citywide Parents Council have criticized the Boston School Committee's decision to release superintendent Laval Wilson from his contract. Press conference with Council members Jackie van Leeuwen and Glenola Mitchell. Van Leeuwen says that School Committee members acted unethically and unfairly in firing Wilson. Mitchell says that she believes that race played a role in Wilson's firing. School Committee members were critical of Wilson's communication skills, but rated him as fair or better in all other categories. School Committee members deny that race played a role in the firing. Parents are demanding a voice in the selection of Wilson's successor. Vaillancourt adds that the School Committee has been forced to cut back on spending and that money will be tight for the next year. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of a Boston School Committee meeting and footage of Wilson speaking to the media.
1:00:06: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) speaking to the media on February 14, 1990. Wilson says that he is Boston's first African American superintendent of schools; that he has been a successful superintendent who has worked hard for all groups. Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston School Committee voted to replace Wilson last week. Wilson notes that Wilson has had problems in the past with the Citywide Parents Council; that the organization spoke out in support of Wilson today. V: Footage of Jackie van Leeuwen (Citywide Parents Council) at a press conference. Van Leeuwen says that members of the Boston School Committee acted unethically and unfairly in firing Wilson; that Wilson should have been provided an opportunity to discuss his evaluation. Vaillancourt reports that the School Committee evaluation rated Wilson as fair or better in all categories; that members were critical of his communication skills. V: Shot of John O'Bryant (Boston School Committee) speaking to members of the School Committee during a break in a meeting in February of 1989. Wilson looks on. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson's supporters believe that his professionalism is more important than his personality; that Wilson's supporters question the professionalism of the School Committee. V: Shots of a white female teacher teaching students in a classroom. Shots of individual white and African American students. Footage of Glenola Mitchell (Citywide Parents Council) at the press conference. Mitchell questions how the School Committee found the money to buy out Wilson's contract. Mitchell says that the School Committee could not find any money for crucial programs or teacher contracts. Footage of Von Leeuwen saying that the School Committee is supposed to represent the interests of parents and schoolchildren. Von Leeuwen says that the School Committee has shown no regard for the opinions of parents and students. Shot of members of the media in the audience. Vaillancourt asks Mitchell if race played a role in the School Committee's vote against Wilson. Mitchell says that the pattern of the vote shows that race did play a role for some members. Footage from a School Committee meeting in February of 1989. Shots of the members of the School Committee seated at the front of the School Committee chambers; of audience members crowded into the School Committee chambers. Shot of Wilson standing alone as he drinks from a cup. Shots of School Committee members Daniel Burke, Peggy Davis-Mullen, Kitty Bowman, and Robert Cappucci conferring during a break in the meeting. Vaillancourt reports that white members of the School Committee deny that race played a part in the decision; that Wilson declined comment on camera today. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson is being considered for superintendent's post in Florida. V: Shot of the audience at the press conference of the members of the Citywide Parents Council. Vaillancourt notes that the Miami Herald has quoted Davis-Mullen as saying that Wilson is a "rigid, inflexible centralist." Vaillancourt notes that the Miami Herald quoted Davis-Mullen as saying that Wilson is unable to take criticism or move with the flow. V: Shot of Davis-Mullen speaking at a School Committee meeting. The quote by Davis-Mullen appears written in text on-screen. Vaillancourt reports that parents have demanded to meet with the School Committee; that parents want a voice in the selection of Wilson's replacement. V: Shots of attendees at the Citywide Parents Council press conference. Shot of Julio Henriquez (aide to School Committee member Daniel Burke) standing at the rear of the room. Footage of Mitchell saying that she is concerned about the members who do not have children in the school system; that those members are not users of the system. Vaillancourt reports that the School Committee's decison to fire Wilson comes at a bad time; that the state budget crunch has forced the School Committee to cut back on spending. Vaillancourt notes that the Boston City Council has not come up with funding for next year's teacher contracts; that a new student-assignment plan was scheduled to go into effect in the fall. Vaillancourt adds that Wilson will have to meet those challenges as "a lame-duck superintendent."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/20/1990
Description: Interview with Boston artist Conger Metcalf. Meltcalf teaches a master drawing class at the Boston Athenaeum. Discussion of his individual works, his life, his career, his influences, and his techniques. Tour of his apartment: living room, studio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/03/1990
Description: Construction workers drive their heavy equipment to State House to rally for gasoline tax hike to boost their industry. Cement mixer. Truck horns blaring. sound effects.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/02/1990
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews Vice President Dan Quayle. Quayle talks about his visit to Mission Hill Elementary School and the Carol Stuart murder case. He says that respect among people will bring racial harmony. Quayle talks about his upcoming visit to Latin America and US foreign policy in Panama. He also talks about the Republican Party's position on abortion. Following the edited story is additional footage of the interview, mostly the second camera view of the same content in the edited story.
1:00:04: Footage of Dan Quayle (US Vice President) being interviewed by Christopher Lydon. Quayle describes his visit to Mission Hill Elementary School. Quayle says that the kids were involved; that the parents were committed to education; that the teachers were respected by the students. Lydon asks who came up with the idea for a visit to Mission Hill Elementary School. Quayle says that his staff asked Bernard Cardinal Law (Archbishop of Boston) for suggestions about which school to visit; that Law recommended Mission Hill Elementary School. Lydon asks Quayle about the Stuart murder case. Quayle says that he talked about the Stuart murder case in a private meeting with parents, administrators, and teachers at the school. Quayle says that people must respect one another. Quayle says that respect will bring racial harmony. Lydon asks about Quayle's upcoming visit to Latin America. Lydon mentions the US invasion of Panama. Quayle says that some Latin American leaders have expressed concerns about the US invasion of Panama. Quayle says that he will meet with Carlos Andres Perez (President of Venezuela); that he will ask Perez and other leaders to help build a democracy in Panama. Quayle says that the public statements of some Latin American leaders do not represent their private sentiments. Quayle says that there is strong support for the US invasion in Panama and across Latin America. Lydon asks if the US should assume some responsibility for the rise of Manuel Noriega (leader of Panama). Quayle says that the US should assume no responsibility for Noriega. Quayle says that Noriega declared war on the US; that Noriega's forces killed and wounded an innocent US marine soldier; that Noriega's forces sexually harassed US women. Quayle says that the US should not assume responsibility for the stolen election in Panama. Lydon asks Quayle about the Republican Party's position on abortion. Quayle says that the party platform advocates the protection of the unborn. Quayle says that many party members disagree with the platform; that the Republican Party is inclusive. Quayle says that people are welcome to disagree with the platform. Quayle says that abortion is a divisive issue. Quayle accuses the Democratic Party of becoming a one-issue party. Quayle says that pro-life supporters are not welcome in the Democratic Party. Quayle says that he does not want pro-choice Republicans to abandon the party.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/22/1990
Description: Dapper O'Neil visits Mapplethorpe exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art, to judge for himself if photos are obscene. David Ross, the museum director, greets him. Dapper takes notes on the pictures, is disgusted, threatens city council action. Interview with Dappy and an argument between Ross and Dapper over whether the city council has authority to censor ICA exhibit, since ICA is owned by BRA. B-roll follows of exteriors of ICA, police and crowds waiting for entrance, opening of the exhibit, chanting, free speech protest outside museum.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/01/1990
Description: Profile of a good 15 year old Hispanic student Thomy Grullon, and his mother who is devoted to education. Maverick Station, blue line train. Exterior, classroom Boston Latin Academy.Crowds of students.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/13/1990
Description: Northeastern student James DeRosa was murdered in South End. University sponsors walk to benefit victims of violence. Office of NU police. Students lounge outside Ell Center in summer clothes.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1990
Description: Michael Dukakis press conference on possible energy crisis from Iraq Kuwait conflict. Urges diversification in alternative sources and reduced dependence on foreign oil. Opposes Georges Bank drilling.Kuwait supporters march at State House
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/13/1990