Description: Evelyn Murphy addresses women political activists on abortion rights at a celebration of the 17th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. She pledges to uphold pro-choice stand. National Organization of Women (NOW) goes after Frank Bellotti for only recently switching to pro-choice position for political reasons. Interview with Murphy, and footage of Murphy at a campaign rally. B-roll follows of speakers and audience members at the anniversary celebration, and abortion rights picket line in front of Domino's Pizza in Cambridge.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/22/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) has announced that he will take a voluntary leave of absence from Harvard Law School until an African American female is granted tenure. Vaillancourt notes that Harvard Law School has only five tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors on staff. She adds that the student body is 25% minority and 40% female. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Bell speaking at a student demonstration. Bell makes his announcement. Bell adds that it is necessary to make sacrifices to advance one's beliefs. Students applaud Bell. Many students hold protest signs. Three students address the demonstrators. They talk about the lack of minority faculty. Vaillancourt's report also includes footage of Louis Kaplow (Associate Dean, Harvard Law School) speaking at a press conference. Kaplow defends the school's record of minority hiring. Vaillancourt notes that Bell does not know if his act of conscience will have any effect on the school administration. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from May 1988, of Harvard Law School students occupying the dean's office to protest the lack of minority faculty. Following the edited story is additional footage of the demonstration, including law student Barack Obama introducing Derrick Bell.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Harvard Law School students at a demonstration outside of Harvard Law School. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Harvard Law School counts fifteen Supreme Court Justices among its alumni; that tenure is granted only to the academic elite. Vaillancourt reports that Derrick Bell (Professor, Harvard Law School) is a tenured professor who has announced his departure. V: Shot of a student at the demonstration. Footage of Bell at the demonstration. Bell says that he will remove himself from the Harvard payroll as a "sacrificial financial fast." Bell says that he is not trying to coerce his colleagues; that he is trying to honor a commitment to those responsible for his presence at Harvard. The students applaud. Shots of the media and students at the demonstration. Vaillancourt reports that Bell was the first African American to be granted tenure at Harvard; that he was granted tenure in 1969. Vaillancourt reports that Bell has decided to take a leave of absence until an African American female is granted tenure. V: Footage of Bell saying that students have already enrolled in his classes; that he can ill afford to live for a year without his salary. Bell says that he he has urged students to take risks to further their beliefs; that he must do the same. Shots of students holding a sign reading, "Where are our tenured black women professors?" Shots of students applauding for Bell; of female students holding signs reading, "Come out of the ivory tower" and "No education without representation." Vaillancourt reports that approximately 500 students are supporting Bell's decision; that student are urging alumni to boycott Harvard's current fundraising drive. V: Footage of an African American female student addressing the crowd of demonstrators. She says that Robert Clark (Dean of Harvard Law School) has plans to improve the school by building a new library; that he should instead improve the school by making the faculty more diverse. The students applaud. A white male student holds a sign reading, "reflect reality." Footage of a Latina female student saying that Bell has set an example for all of the students. The student says that she has not role model at the school; that there are no Latino or Latina professors on the faculty. Footage of an African American female student addressing the demonstrators. The student says that people must make sacrifices to advance their cause. Shot of Bell outside of a Harvard Law School building, with chanting demonstrators. Vaillancourt reports that Bell is giving up a salary of more than $100,000 per year. Vaillancourt notes that students have staged sit-ins to protest the lack of minority faculty; that the issue has been contested for nearly twenty years. V: Footage from May, 1988 of a student sit-in at the dean's office in the administration building of Harvard Law School. Students study textbooks as they occupy the office. Vaillancourt stands on the campus of Harvard Law School. Vaillancourt reports that there are 1600 students at Harvard Law School; that nearly 25% are minority students; that nearly 40% are women. Vaillancourt notes that the Harvard Law School faculty has 5 tenured female professors and three tenured African American male professors. V: Footage of Louis Kaplow (Associate Dean, Harvard Law School) speaking at a press conference. Kaplow says that Harvard Law School only hires a few people each year; that some years they do not hire anyone. Kaplow says that positions at Harvard Law School are often permanent; that hiring decisions are made carefully and cautiously. Vaillancourt reports that Kaplow spoke at a press conference after Bell's announcement. Vaillancourt notes that Kaplow does not believe that Harvard Law School will make any significant changes to its hiring practices. V: Shots of student demonstrators in the audience of the press conference. The demonstrators stand together, raising linked arms. Some demonstrators hold protest signs. Footage of Kaplow saying that Harvard's hiring has been fully 50% minority and women over the past eight to ten years; that Harvard's job offers have been fully 50% minority and women over the past eight to ten years. Kaplow says that Harvard is making an effort; that Harvard has kept some positions empty in an effort to locate minority and women candidates. Shots of the students at the press conference. Shots of student demonstrators marching outside a Harvard Law School building. Vaillancourt reports that Bell does not know if his act of conscience will have any effect on the school's hiring record; that Harvard will have only two tenured African American professors if Bell leaves. V: Shots of student demonstrators with linked arms upraised. Footage of Bell addressing the demonstrators. Bell says that he hopes that student persistence will prevail for those minority candidates who deserve to be on the faculty. Bell says that hopes to be able to remain on staff if the students succeed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/24/1990