Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 5/22/2008
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 12/23/2008
Description: Cambridge Community Television One Kendall Square B-400 Cambridge, MA 02139 617-225-2500 Cambridge’s Own TV Station
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: Promo for Cambridge Hospital. Explores different services offered by hospital. Visuals of facility to narration.
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: Margaret Lazarus, Christopher Kenneally, Noel Buckner
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: Master Show Mary Kowalczuk 1st Show Pamela Berger 2nd Show Artist Foundation
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: With Susan Woll Producer Margaret Lazarus Approx 53 Minutes
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: With Catherine Russo Part 2
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008
Description: 1989
Collection: CCTV
Date Created: 4/18/2008