Description: Police officers and US Marshals are present outside of Charlestown High School on the first day of school during the third year of court-ordered busing in Boston. The media is gathered across the street from the school, at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Robert DiGrazia (Boston Police Commissioner) confers with police and surveys the scene outside of the school. A group of buses with a police motorcycle escort pulls up to the school. African American students exit the buses and enter the school. A crowd of white youth gathers near the school. Dennis Kearney (State Representative) and Robert Murphy (Headmaster, Charlestown High School) talk to the crowd of youths. DiGrazia and Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) confer near the crowd
0:00:05: Visual: Members of the media pass two police officers as they enter the enclosure surrounding the Bunker Hill Monument in Monument Square. Shot of three US Marshals walking toward Charlestown High School. An MDC Police officer exits a police vehicle parked near the high school. Shot of the exterior of Charlestown High School. A few police officers stand in front of the high school. Two US Marshals confer near the high school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Buses with a police motorcycle escort pull up outside of Charlestown High School at the end of the first day of school. Police presence in front of the school is heavy. Members of the media watch from across the street as African American students and a few white students board buses. The buses pull away from the school, escorted by police motorcycles. White students wait to be released at the front doors of the school.
0:58:50: Visual: Buses pull up in front of Charlestown High School. Graffiti on front of school is painted over. Police line the sidewalk in front of the school. Police officers on motorcycles pull up alongside buses. Members of the press watch the buses pull up from across the street. 0:59:51: V: Long shot of large crowd making its way around opposite side of Monument Square. Media is gathered at the foot of the Bunker Hill Monument. Buses wait in front of the school as as a line of police officers assembles in the street. 1:01:43: V: A group of white students boards the first bus. African American students are directed towards buses. African American students board buses. Shot of Charlestown High School exterior. A lone African American student makes his way toward his bus. School officials and US Marshals gather outside of the school and in the street. Shots of students through the windows of the buses. Bus monitors board one of the buses. A police officer signals the buses to leave. The buses pull away from the school, accompanied by police officers on motorcycles. Traveling shot of bus passing through Monument Square. 1:06:56: V: White students wait at the doors of the school to be released. School officials are gathered in front of the school. Police officers march up the street away from the school. A group of US Marshals stands near the sidewalk in front of the school.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/08/1975
Description: Protest of moving Old Ironsides by the B.R.A. [Boston Redevelopment Authority] 1 SIL 1 SOF
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 11/15/1969
Description: Interview on redevelopment of Charlestown Navy Yard. Environs of dry dock and old structures of yard. Mast of USS Constitution (Old Ironsides). Bulldozer clearing construction site. Several camera moves inside building 42. Glimpses of waterfront, Bunker Hill Monument, tug boat and container ship in harbor, buildings around Navy Yard, Mystic River (Tobin) Bridge. Construction sign “Charlestown Shipyard Park.” Old wharf building made of big granite blocks. Large wooden industrial building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/22/1978
Description: Gangland Style
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 02/11/1970
Description: Police, including Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) disperse a crowd in Monument Square in Charlestown after an anti-busing demonstration. A crowd is gathered in front of Bunker Hill Housing Project. Police and US Marshals are stationed across the street from the crowd. The police maneuver in the street. The crowd jeers at police and at least one bottle is thrown. The crowd retreats into the housing project. Police move up Bunker Hill Street. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) is present.
0:58:19: Visual: A large crowd of mostly students is gathered along a street in Monument Square. Police are stationed in the street, monitoring the crowd. Captain Bill MacDonald (Boston Police Department) addresses the crowd through a bullhorn, telling them to go home. Crowd begins to disperse, chanting periodically. An MDC Police vehicle is visible. 1:01:02: V: A Boston Police truck with officers seated in back drives past Charlestown High School and stops. MacDonald issues instructions to them through a bullhorn. Police officers exit from the back of the truck and gather in front of the high school. MacDonald issues more instructions through a bullhorn. Robert DiGrazia (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) confers with an officer across from the school. 1:02:37: V: The crowd disperses, moving along Bunker Hill Street. Shot of Concord Street and the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street. Residents watch the action on the street from their windows. Graffiti on Concord Street marks a boundary of 100 yards from the high school: "100 yds. - Freedom Ends Here." Shot up Concord Street to High School. 1:03:45: V: Police are assembled at the intersection of Concord and Bunker Hill Streets. A crowd is gathered outside of the Bunker Hill Housing Project on Bunker Hill Street. Shots of crowd outside housing project; of police assembled in street. 1:05:25: V: The crowd cheers as police march back up Concord Street toward the high school. Members of the press, including Gary Griffith (reporter), follow the police up Concord Street. The crowd in front of the housing project moves into the street. A voice yells into a bullhorn, "Ok kids, it's your neighborhood." The crowd mills about in front of housing project. 1:07:08: V: A few police officers walk down Concord Street toward the housing project. A large crowd is still gathered in front of the housing project. A group of US Marshals walk down Concord Street. DiGrazia surveys the scene from the top of Concord Street. Voices can be heard taunting the police. DiGrazia walks down Concord Street toward the housing project. A woman walks her father back to his house, so that he won't get hurt "when the bottles start." 1:09:06: V: The large crowd in front of the housing project cheers loudly. Shot of a US Marshal walking away from the crowd. Noise of a bottle breaking against the pavement. Police on Concord Street watch the crowd in front of the housing project. The noise of a helicopter is audible. MacDonald shouts instructions through a bullhorn to police. Two US Marshals in riot helmets walk down Concord Street. A group of police march in formation from Monument Square down Concord Street. DiGrazia stands with a group of officers at the end of Concord Street, across from the housing project. A helicopter circles overhead. The crowd thins as people move into the housing project. MacDonald advances toward a crowd of youth, turning the corner onto Bunker Hill Street. DiGrazia and a group of officers and US Marshals follow MacDonald. MacDonald shouts into the bullhorn. A group of police officers exit the housing project and take a right as they continue to walk up Bunker Hill Street. Cars pass slowly on Bunker Hill Street. Small groups of people are gathered on the sidewalks. Police officers and the media walk in the street. 1:13:49: V: Three US Marshals in riot helmets confer on Bunker Hill Street. Police officers walk up the street. The media are gathered on a street corner. Two officers stand at the side of the street. One officer adjusts his riot helmet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/08/1976
Description: Children from Charlestown learn to sail on Boston Harbor. boats.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/29/1988
Description: Archeologists dig in Charlestown, searching for colonial artifacts before depression of Central Artery erases any trace of past. They find crockery and demolition rubble from 19th century building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/10/1988
Description: No audio at the very beginning. Paul deGive interviews Jim Cooney (Charlestown resident) about the Bunker Hill Housing Project near Bunker Hill Street in Charlestown. Cooney says that young people in the project are often blamed for problems caused by outsiders. DeGive interviews Father William Joy (St. Mary's Parish) about urban renewal in Charlestown, the construction of the Mystic-Tobin Bridge and conditions in the Bunker Hill Housing Project. Joy says that Charlestown has been torn apart by urban renewal; that many residents of the housing project are unemployed. DeGive interviews a teenage project resident who says that the bad reputation of the youth in the project is exaggerated and unfair. He says that anti-busing parents are fueling the emotions of the youth. Joy says that a great number of students from the projects are being bused out of Charlestown; that students from the wealthier parts of the neighborhood are enrolled in parochial schools. Joy faults the Catholic Church for being out of touch with the needs and problems of project residents, and proposes an increased presence of priests in the Boston city projects. Racist graffiti on some of the project buildings.
0:00:11: Visual: Shots of a street near Bunker Hill Housing Project in Charlestown. (Project is near Monument Street and Bunker Hill Street.) Paul deGive sets up interview with Father William Joy (St. Mary's Parish) about urban renewal in Charlestown. Shot of the Mystic-Tobin Bridge. DeGive talks to Joy and Jim Cooney (Charlestown resident) informally. Cooney is considering leaving Charlestown 0:02:13: V: DeGive asks Cooney about troubled youth in the housing project. Cooney says that there are difficult kids everywhere; that housing projects in Boston are poorly maintained and patrolled; that outsiders often cause problems in the project; that kids from the project are often blamed for crimes they did not commit. Cooney says that he had no problem living in the housing project; that outside agitators are creating trouble in the housing project. 0:06:05: V: Shots of Mystic-Tobin Bridge. DeGive interviews Joy. Joy says that the building of the Tobin Bridge had a negative effect on Charlestown; that homes were torn down for its construction; that Charlestown has been torn apart by urban renewal projects; that the Bunker Hill Housing Project was always controversial because homes were torn down to build it. Joy reports that there are 1140 units in the project; that it is one of the largest housing projects in New England. Joy walks away. Shot of overpass running across street. Shots of housing project. 0:09:37: V: DeGive interviews Joy near the expressway overpass. Children wander by occasionally. Joy says that there is a lot of unemployment in the projects; that some residents lost their jobs when the Charlestown Navy Yard closed; that other project residents work at other factories in Charlestown. Shot of expressway from underneath; of "no busing" graffiti on the walls of the project. 0:12:53: V: DeGive interviews a teenager, Danny Sullivan (project resident), in front of a wall with "no busing" and "IRA" graffiti. Danny says that there are only a few kids causing violence in the project; that the media isn't covering the housing project fairly; that a few kids start trouble and others are drawn in; that anti-busing parents make the situation worse by fueling the emotions of the kids; that kids in Charlestown don't deserve their bad reputation. Shots of young kids who have stopped to listen to the interview. 0:15:34: V: DeGive interviews Joy in a courtyard of the housing project. Joy says that there is a high percentage of students from the project being bused out of Charlestown; that there is a high percentage of students from the project enrolled in public school; that students from the wealthier parts of Charlestown are enrolled in parochial schools. Shot of broken glass on the pavement. Joy has an off-camera exchange with a young kid. Shots of the housing project from the outside; of "ROAR" graffiti. 0:17:48: V: DeGive interviews Joy near St. Catherine of Siena Church. Shots of church. "White power" graffiti is visible on a wall near the church. Joy says that the church and other institutions have failed the project by not being visible and accessible to the people; that the church is out of touch with the residents of Charlestown; that the church needs to make a stronger commitment to reach project residents; that the nuns are visible in the projects; that no priests live in any of the housing projects in Boston. Joy says that local priests have made an effort to reach out to the people during the busing crisis; that priests can provide support and direction.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/09/1975
Description: Smiling seniors in tuxedos and evening gowns go to the Charlestown High School prom. Satin, lace, sequins, high heels. Student proposes marriage to his girlfriend, carrying on a family tradition.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/30/1991