Description: Columbia Point tenants have been offered money to leave to ease BHA's burden of transferring them to new Harbor Point. Disabled fear being separated from families;elderly not allowed to move with their pets.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/25/1988
Description: Regina Maris ship. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg unveils JFK sculpture model. Michael Dukakis and William Bulger pose for picture with the statue. Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubynin give speech at Kennedy Library on nuclear weapons control; Jerome Wiesner, McGeorge Bundy, Ted Sorenson, Edward Kennedy. Christian Science Twitchells story. Steven Pierce on revenue in the State House chambers. Massachusetts National Guard building. Illegal immigrant raid at Suffolk Downs. Justice Department seal. Excerpts from Charles Stark Draper films, including lecture, "Theory of Inertial Guidance" from 1961, "The Airplane at Play" from 1931, with audio from a 1976 lecture, and 1976 dedication ceremony in Technology Square.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/01/1988
Description: Nuns who ran Project Care & Concern ministry at Columbia Point to distribute food and clothing to low income residents will be replaced by a social service agency. Harbor Point buildings.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/20/1988