Description: High default rate impedes progress at Dorchester District Court; one third of defendants fail to appear. Building facade and courtroom. Judge James Dolan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/10/1989
Description: Veterans Affairs Secretary will reconsider extending benefits to Vietnam veterans suffering cancer and other diseases from exposure to Agent Orange. John Kerry. Dorchester Veterans Memorial.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/15/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) provides a safe haven from street violence for young people in the area. Jones reports that some young people at the DYC have formed their own music groups and write their own songs. Jones interviews Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) and his friends. Bostic says that he is using rap music to send a positive message. Jones also interviews Al McClain (DYC counselor), who talks about the impact of the DYC on the lives of the neighborhood teenagers. Jones reports that the DYC-member group One Nation has released an album. Jones interviews DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and other members of the group One Nation. Jones also interviews Todd Maxell (16-year old Roxbury resident), who says that teenagers will listen to anti-violence messages from their peers. The report includes footage of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB-TV) and R.D. Sahl (WNEV-TV) reporting on crime in Roxbury. The report also features footage of teenagers at the DYC, footage of the members of One Nation performing on stage and footage from a video produced by teenagers at the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. This tape includes additional footage of DYC members and a music video called "Stand Back From Crack" filmed inside Back Bay Station.
1:00:29: Visual: Footage of the members of the group One Nation dancing and performing on stage. Footage from WNEV of R.D. Sahl (WNEV reporter) reporting on gang violence in Roxbury. Footage from WCVB of Natalie Jacobson (WCVB reporter) reporting on shootings in Roxbury. Shots of paramedics wheeling an injured African American woman out of a building; of police vehicles and an ambulance on a street in Roxbury; of paramedics tending to an injured African American patient inside of an ambulance. Marcus Jones reports that a group of Roxbury youngsters are not surrenduring to the violence in Roxbury. V: Footage of Robert Bostic (15-year old Roxbury resident) sitting with a group of his friends. Bostic says that he wants to set a good example for young people; that young people should avoid violence. Bostic says that he and his friends are using rap to send a positive message. Jones reports that Bostic and his friends are members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC). V: Shots of Bostic and other members of the Youth Collaborative; of a sign for the Youth Collaborative. Shots of African American youth entering the Youth Collaborative building. Footage of Al McClain (Counselor, Dorchester Youth Collaborative) saying that the Youth Collaborative has had a great impact; that some of the members of the Youth Collaborative used to be in gangs. Shots of members of the youth collaborative dancing to rap music; of Jones sitting with the members of the youth collaborative. Jones reports that some of the members of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative have formed groups to make music. Jones notes that some of the youth write their own music; that the DYC member group One Nation has released an album about AIDS. V: Shot of the cover of an album by the group One Nation. Footage of One Nation members performing a rap song about street violence. Footage of Jones interviewing DeMaul Golson (DYC member) and two other African American male DYC members. Jones asks the boys if they are scared by the street violence. The boys say yes. Golson says that his cousin was shot in the back; that his cousin is dead. Footage of One Nation members performing on stage. Jones reports that the DYC members are determined to rise above the violence. Jones notes that members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club are also doing their best to fight the violence. V: Footage of a video produced by members of the Roxbury Boys and Girls Club. Footage of Bostic saying that most kids are not going to listen to their parents' advice; that kids are influenced by the people on the streets who are making money from drugs. Footage of Todd Maxwell (16-year old Roxbury resident) saying that kids might listen to their peers if their peers tell them not to do drugs. Shots of an African American man being led into a police station by police officers; of police standing near a cordoned-off crime scene.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/01/1989
Description: Questions are posed about the origin of financing of a new Irish bar, Cuchulainns, in Dorchester. Suspicions about connection between owner and IRA.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/20/1989
Description: David Boeri reports on a legislative hearing about urban issues in the Roxbury neighborhood, where city and state officials addressed the panel. Mayor Ray Flynn, District Attorney Newman Flanagan, and Judge Julian Houston of the Roxbury District Court address the panel. Boeri reports that the congressmen were interested in the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC) program. Emmit Folgert of the DYC, along with Dorchester teens Lawrence McKinley and Andrew Young address the panel. They talk about gang activity in the neighborhood. Boeri reports that many teen counselors believe that drug education and prevention should focus on the after-school hours. DYC offers entertainment, music, sports, and a safe place for teenagers. Interview with Al McClain of DYC, and Dorchester teens William Woods, Abigail Santana, and Mickey McBride about the DYC. The teens dance and hang out at DYC. Boeri reports that the congressmen are being urged to fund community centers like the DYC. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Carmen Fields interviews Shirley Caesar
1:00:13: Visual: Footage of speakers addressing a congressional hearing in Roxbury. The congressional panel includes Congressman Joseph Moakley and Charles Rangel. Shots of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) addressing the panel; of Newman Flanagan (District Attorney) addressing the panel; of Julian Houston (judge, Roxbury District Court). Shots of the panel. Shot of William Celester (Deputy Superintendent, Boston Police Department). David Boeri reports that legislators on the panel at the congressional hearing wanted to hear from residents of Roxbury and Dorchester; that the panel first heard from Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts), Flynn and other officials. V: Shots of African American attendees at the meeting. Shot of Georgette Watson (Roxbury resident) at the hearing. Audio of Emmet Folgert (Dorchester Youth Collaborative). Folgert says that the US has given up on poor urban teens; that poor urban teens have given up on America. Shots of audience members. Footage of Lawrence McKinney (Dorchester teen) describing the gang culture in his neighborhood. Footage of Andrew Young (Dorchester teen) talking about dangerous gang members in his neighborhood. Shots of the exterior of the Dorchester Youth Collaborative (DYC); of a sign for the DYC. Shots of teenagers entering the DYC. Boeri reports that the DYC is a safe haven for many teens; that Congressman are interested in the DYC program. V: Shots of a white girl and an African American girl dancing to music in a room at the DYC; of other teens in the room with the girls. Boeri reports that drug activity takes place after school. Boeri notes that counselors think that drug education and prevention should be focused on after-school hours. V: Footage of Al McClain (DYC) being interviewed by Boeri at the DYC. Boeri asks McClain what the teens would be doing if they were not at the DYC. McClain says that the teens would probably be out on the streets; that they might get into drugs. Footage of William Woods (Dorchester teen) saying that he does not want to get into trouble. Boeri reports that the DYC offers entertainment, music, and sports; that some kids go to the DYC to do their homework. V: Shots of teens at the DYC; of a two boys dancing to music in a room at the DYC. Footage of Abigail Santana (Dorchester teen) and Mickey McBride (Dorchester teen) being interviewed by Boeri at the DYC. Boeri asks about the activity on the streets. Santana says that people are drinking alcohol on the streets. McBride says that people are selling drugs and shooting each other. McBride says that she likes being at the DYC. Boeri stands outside of the entrance to the DYC. Boeri reports that DYC counselors complain that President George Bush's drug program directs funding to jails, schools, and treatment centers; that the drug program does not fund community centers like the DYC. V: Footage of McClain saying that the teens at the DYC are like a big family; that the teens try to reach out to others who are on the streets. Shots of two boys dancing to music at the DYC. The boys are wearing WGBH T-shirts. Boeri reports that Congressmen are being urged to take a closer look at DYC. V: Footage of Emmet Folgert (DYC) speaking at the congressional hearing. Folgert says that community centers should be funded; that community centers provide positive adult role models. Shot of the two boys dancing at the DYC.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1989
Description: Dorchester rooming house will provide 12 units of affordable housing to residents of Shattuck Shelter. Boarding house, lodging, SRO, single room occupancy.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/16/1989
Description: Dorchester family is faced with enrolling son in new high school because of school closings. Exterior of Jeremiah Burke High.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/09/1989
Description: Michael Dukakis, Susan Tucker, David Scondras all urge gun control measures to protect teens. Street violence at night. Shooting victims wheeled to ambulance. Police firing range, target practice. Black youths play basketball. Dudley Street at night. Dorchester business district, storefronts.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1989