Description: Interview about illegal chemical waste disposal at The Liquidator, Inc. in Dorchester. Lot of Liquidator enclosed by chain link fence around trailer, shipping containers, scrap metal and tire heaps, corroded barrels. Closure posting from Boston Board of Health. “Hazardous building” sign.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/28/1979
Description: David Boeri reports that Mayor Ray Flynn is considering a curfew for teenagers in the city of Boston, in the wake of the murder of Kimberly Ray Harbor on Franklin Field. Review of the details of Harbor's murder and scenes of the murder suspects entering a courtroom. Boeri notes that the curfew would prohibit teenagers from being on the streets after 11:00 pm on weeknights and after 12:00 am on weekends. Interview with a group of pre-adolescent African American boys about the curfew. The boys are playing basketball on an outdoor court. They discuss gang activity and violence in their neighborhood, and say that the curfew is a good idea because it will protect people from violence on the streets. Boeri notes that many teenagers declined to be interviewed for the report.
1:00:11: Visual: Shots of a color photo of Kimberly Ray Harbor (murder victim); of a group of police and city officials gathered on Franklin Field. Shot of a Boston Herald newspaper with a headline reading, "Eight teens charged in brutal 'wilding' murder." David Boeri reports that Kimberly Ray Harbor was murdered on Franklin Field in Dorchester on the evening of October 31, 1990. Boeri notes that Harbor was robbed, raped, cut, and stabbed over 100 times. Boeri reports that the suspects are teenagers and gang members; that five of them are under the age of sixteen. V: Shot of three teenagers entering a courtroom. Shot of a group of teenagers playing street hockey outside of a housing development. Boeri reports that Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) is considering a curfew for teenagers in Boston. Boeri reports that the curfew would prohibit teenagers from being on the streets after 11:00 pm on weeknights and after 12:00 am on weekends. V: Shots of a group of African American kids playing basketball on an outdoor court near the Franklin Field Housing Project. Boeri notes that many teenagers declined to be interviewed for this report. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing a group of pre-adolescent African American kids. Boeri asks them about the problems in their neighborhood. The kids answer as a group. They talk about fights between gangs, vandalism, and violence. Boeri reports that the kids are afraid of gang members; that the kids go home early each night. V: Footage of Boeri interviewing the kids. Boeri asks how many teenagers in the neighborhood are gang members. The kids answer as a group. The kids says that most of the teenagers belong to gangs. Boeri reports that the kids told him that teenagers are asked to join gangs at age sixteen; that gangs sometimes recruit teenagers under the age of sixteen. Boeri reports that the kids he spoke to were around the age of thirteen. Boeri notes that the group of kids liked the idea of a curfew. V: Footage of Boeri talking to the kids. One of the boys says that a curfew is a good idea. Boeri asks if people get into trouble if the stay out too late. The boy says yes. Another boy says that gang members will shoot you for no reason if you walk by them at night. The boy says that the gang members will think that you belong to another gang. Boeri asks them if they will obey the curfew in three or four years. One of the boys says yes. Another boy says that he will be out playing basketball; that he and his friends will mind their own business. Shots of the boys playing basketball. Boeri notes that it is a short distance from the basketball court to the street corner; that it is a short distance from safety to trouble. Boeri reports that proponents of the curfew are trying to protect younger children from the violence of the streets.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/21/1990
Description: Campaigning in mayoral race: Joseph Timilty in Ashmont Hill, Dorchester. He speaks on displacement and discusses issues with local families. David Finnegan speaks to press at Boston harbor on returning harbor to its primacy. He explains the importance and efficiency of commuter transportation across the water during an energy crisis.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/02/1979
Description: Day after primary, Boston mayoral candidate Joseph Timilty campaigns on Adams Street in Dorchester. Speaks to press and gathered crowd. Pan of storefronts at Adams Corner. Tom Menino.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/26/1979
Description: Young children entering school. Buses pulls up and children exit buses and walk up stairs into school yard. Exteriors of the William Monroe Trotter School. Young, racially mixed students in Trotter School classroom. Teachers working with an individual student on a math word problem. Close ups on the decorations on the classroom walls.
Collection: Evening Compass, The
Date Created: 09/11/1975
Description: Wainwright Park in Dorchester. Boys play basketball. Ashmont red line T station. Interview with brothers James and Pat Hart and friend Terry Deady about racial conflict in the neighborhood. They accuse black youth from Codman Square of throwing bottles and trying to take over their basketball court. They talk about "rocking" (stoning) houses in retaliation.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/14/1979
Description: Truck terminal in Roxbury. Trucks constantly coming and going, backing up to loading docks of meat packing warehouses. Busy traffic around Columbia Road in Dorchester.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1977
Description: Alexandra Marks reports that Paul Tsongas addressed the members of the Organization for a New Equality (ONE) at a luncheon meeting. ONE is an organization committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. The members of ONE welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Tsongas criticized the policies of George Bush in his speech and has accused him of promoting a racially divisive agenda. Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Interview with Robert Reich (professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) about Tsongas' position on economic issues and education. Interview with Tsonga, who talks about the importance of education. Interviews with Dorchester residents Chico Joyner and Faries Odom about Tsongas.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Paul Tsongas (Democratic candidate for US President) at a luncheon for ONE (Organization for a New Equality). Tsongas walks to the podium as attendees applaud. Alexandra Marks reports that Tsongas is not known as a passionate speaker; that Tsongas showed his passion at a speech to ONE members. Marks reports that Tsongas spoke about the budget approved by the Massachusetts State Legislature. Marks notes that the State Legislature is controlled by Democrats. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that his generation will be the first to give less to their children than they got. Tsongas says that his generation should be uncomfortable with this state of affairs. Tsongas says that the legislators should not congratulate themselves for balancing the budget by ruining the schools. Shots of attendees at the luncheon. Marks reports that the attendees welcomed Tsongas' pro-business, liberal agenda. Marks reports that ONE is committed to opening up new economic opportunities for minorities. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that a politician needs to be "pro-business" in order to be "pro-jobs." Tsongas says that Democrats need to learn that it is hypocritical to be "pro-jobs" and "anti-business." Marks reports that Tsongas berated George Bush (US President) for championing ideology over common sense in supporting the previous day's Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Marks notes that the ruling upholds a federal regulation which forbids the mention of abortion in clinics where federal funds are used. V: Shots of Tsongas speaking; of attendees; of a cameraman at the conference. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for using the racially divisive Willie Horton advertisement in the 1988 presidential campaign. Marks reports that Tsongas chided Bush for vetoing the Civil Rights Bill and for sabotaging efforts to salvage the bill. V: Footage of Tsongas addressing the attendees. Tsongas says that Bush opposed the Civil Rights Bill because he wants race to be an issue in the 1992 campaign. Marks stands on Blue Hill Avenue. Marks says that Tsongas is calling for a combination of tax incentives and government spending to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. Marks says that Tsongas believes that government money is necessary to leverage private investment. Marks says that economists have mixed feelings about Tsongas' philosophy. V: Footage of Robert Reich (John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University) being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that the private sector in the US is globalizing quickly. Reich talks about the foreign activities of IBM and General Electric. Reich says that the government needs to be selective in its support of the private sector; that the government should not support companies who create jobs outside of the US. Marks reports that Reich believes that the key to economic development is to enhance the productive capabilities of individual Americans. V: Footage of Reich being interviewed by Marks. Reich says that education and infrastructure are important. Reich says that Tsongas emphasizes these things in his proposal. Footage of Tsongas being interviewed. Tsongas says that there is no future without education. Marks reports that some inner-city residents are supportive of Tsongas. V: Shots of Blue Hill Avenue. Footage of Chico Joyner (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Joyner says that most people will rebel against a tax increase. Joyner says that new businesses would help the community. Footage of Faries Odom (Dorchester resident) being interviewed. Odom says that community involvement is crucial to the success of any initiatives in the neighborhood. Footage of Tsongas addressing attendees at the ONE luncheon. Tsongas says that all people are connected to one another; that people's actions have an affect on themselves and others. Marks reports that Tsongas intends to send this message during his presidential campaign; that Tsongas wants to fight against the racially divisive agenda of the Bush administration. V: Shot of Tsongas riding down an escalator with attendees. An African American man shakes his hand and wishes him luck.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/24/1991
Description: Uphams Corner commercial district — intersection of Columbia Road and Dudley Street. Columbia Square building, Masonic Hall. Liggett Rexall drug store. Jehovah's Witnesses hold “Watchtower.” Little girl on miniature merry-go-round. White and black pedestrians. Shawmut Bank, Edward Everett Federal Savings, First National Bank. Latino market. Slush vendor, flavorings for shaved ice. Many signs for small shoe and clothing stores. Inside Latino food store clerk rings up purchases at old style cash register. Produce displayed in rustic bins. Man stocks shelf with Goya canned juice. Crucifix on wall. Proprietor says his customers are mostly Spanish speaking. Another businessman says area crime has decreased and there are no racial problems.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/04/1977
Description: Inspectional Services cites for code violations auto body repair garage suspected of taking parts from stolen, abandoned cars on Uphams Corner streets. Owner denies wrongdoing. Chop shop.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/18/1988