Description: Interview at Logan Airport about air traffic control conflict alert system in which radar scope shows planes flying too close in airspace. Also about runway 22L approach.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/26/1978
Description: East Boston street signs at intersection of Saratoga and Bennington. Signs for Route 145 and ‘Entering Winthrop’ with Celtics sticker. Deer Island truck route via Elliot Street and Tafts Avenue. Long shot of Deer Island prison. MDC sign for sewage treatment plant (water pollution control facility). Stencilled sign for Suffolk County House of Correction. Pan water, skyline. Plane lands. Logan air traffic tower.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/15/1978
Description: Cockpit of Federal Express plane at Logan Airport. FedEx van. Close-up on jet engine. Cargo hatch closes. Pan lear and prop jets at Eastern terminal. Man wearing ear protection waves yellow wands to direct FedEx plane to taxi. Plane makes U-turn on ground, passes Eastern hangar.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/30/1978
Description: Logan air traffic control tower. Controller Bill crosses concrete walkway into tower structure. Low shot looking up to top of tower. Bill at work in dark radar room. Concentrates on scope showing relative positions of numerous planes in Boston air space. Gives altitude, speed, descent and approach instructions to several flights via headset. reel 1 of 4
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1978
Description: Air traffic controllers at Logan tower. Line of controllers seated in dark room in front of radar scopes. Interview with Bill about how he became a controller, starting in military; what attributes are necessary to do the job well. reel 2 of 4
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1978
Description: Air traffic control tower at Logan. Controller Bill works in departure control readying flights for takeoff, giving runway instructions via headset. Pilot acknowledgement audible. He surveys expanse of runways from window of tower in daylight. TWA plane takes off. Controllers work standing. Cam tilts between radar scope and window onto runways. Bill and female controller seen head on through outside of window (shot from catwalk). reel 3 of 4
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1978
Description: Air traffic controller Bill in Logan tower, seen through window (shot from catwalk). High shot of wide area surrounding airport. Cars driving to airport, past Eastern hangar and terminal. View across harbor to financial district skyline with Custom House and beyond to Citgo sign in extreme distance. Flight approach instructions given over headset; pilot acknowledgement audible. British Airways plane taxis on runway, gathers speed, nose points up, lifts off, landing gear retracts. reel 4 of 4
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/03/1978
Description: Demonstration of midair collision avoidance system on radar screen at Logan air traffic control tower. Simulated flight numbers flash “CA” for conflict alert when the plane positions are too close.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/26/1978
Description: Three-story wood-frame house from Neptune Road in East Boston being moved slowly on giant tractor trailer on Frankfort Street. (Many houses were relocated from area because of Logan runway noise.)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/16/1978
Description: Interview with residents at Orient Heights housing project about prejudice among residents, and outside groups, including white supremacy groups, coming in causing trouble. Two white boys say “the white kids don't want to live with the blacks or the spics [sic].” Interview with woman from Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights about unresponsiveness of city officials to racial violence, following fire bombing of Guatemalan family by 200 whites. Interview with man from an advocacy group on the history of similar racially motivated attacks in East Boston and the lack of response from the community and officials. He mentions that violence in housing projects, specifically, is not given enough attention by the police. He also describes lawsuits brought by minorities who have been discriminated against. Exteriors of Orient Heights project, many windows boarded up. Black and white kids play. Mural of JFK and Big Bird.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/27/1978