Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/28/1984
Description: Christy George interviews Maria LeBron about her experiences as a tenant in Boston's public housing, specifically in the Mission Hill Housing Project. George notes that LeBron is one of 370 tenants who have been compensated for the discriminatory policies of the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and a federal court found the BHA policies to be discriminatory. The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights filed a lawsuit on behalf on tenants. LeBron talks about how she was placed on a waiting list for an apartment even though there were empty apartments in housing projects in South Boston and Charlestown. She talks about the discriminatory policies of the BHA. LeBron says that it is very difficult to be homeless. She adds that people of color should not be afraid to challenge government agencies. George reports that nearly 1,000 people are eligible for settlement money from the BHA.
1:00:11: Visual: Footage of Maria LeBron (public housing tenant) calling to her children in the courtyard of the Mission Hill Housing Project. LeBron takes one of her children by the hand. She walks with along with them toward one of the buildings in the development. Christy George reports that the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) placed LeBron in the Mission Hill Public Housing Project three years ago. George notes that LeBron is Puerto Rican; that LeBron's neighbors are Puerto Rican and African American. George reports that the BHA used to assign tenants by race; that LeBron was forced to wait for a long time to be placed in an apartment. George adds that LeBron signed up for public housing after the city condemned the building in which she was living; that LeBron was six months pregnant. V: Footage of LeBron sitting in her apartment with her two sons. LeBron says that she wondered why the BHA took so long to place her in an apartment. LeBron says that she knew that there were empty apartments. LeBron says that she waited three months before being placed in an apartment. Shots of LeBron working in the kitchen of her apartment. George reports that LeBron spent three months shuttling between a homeless shelter and the Milner Hotel. George notes that BHA apartments in Charlestown and South Boston sat empty while LeBron waited for an apartment. V: Shot of one of LeBron's sons sitting on the floor of the apartment. A toy car is in the foreground of the shot. George reports that LeBron was assigned to an apartment in Mission Hill two weeks before her baby was born. V: Shot of LeBron's two sons in the kitchen with her while she works. Footage of LeBron being interviewed by George. LeBron says that she noticed that there were no white families in the housing project where she was placed. LeBron says that a neighbor told her that the BHA only places white families in Charlestown and South Boston; that there are no white people outside of those two areas. LeBron says that she thinks that is wrong. Shots of LeBron in the kitchen with her sons. LeBron gets some chocolate milk for one of her sons. Shot of the boy drinking from a small bottle of chocolate milk. George reports that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and a federal court ruled that the BHA housing policies were discriminatory. George reports that the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights filed suit on behalf of the NAACP and tenants. V: Shots of Lebron giving her other son a cup of milk. Shot of an $500 invoice made out to LeBron from the BHA. George reports that LeBron received $500 from the BHA yesterday; that LeBron will receive a total of three checks as compensation for the discriminatory practices of the BHA. George notes that she will receive two more checks for $250. V: Shot of LeBron and her two sons on the couch. Footage of LeBron being interviewed by George. LeBron says that the BHA learned an expensive lesson. LeBron says that there are many people who do not have homes. LeBron says that it is hard to be homeless; that homeless people do not know where they will go for their next meal or for shelter. LeBron says that she wanted a home. Shot of the housing development from a window in LeBron's apartment. George reports that LeBron is one of 370 people who have been compensated for the BHA's discriminatory policies. George notes that nearly 1,000 more people are eligible for settlement money. George notes that these people will be hard to find; that some do not speak English; that others may be afraid to collect. V: Shot of three people standing at the entrance to one of the development buildings. Footage of LeBron being interviewed by George. LeBron says that many people of color are intimidated by large government bureaucracies like the BHA. LeBron says that people should not be intimidated, especially if they are in the right. Shot of LeBron handing each of her sons a coin. LeBron stands near a bureau. George reports that LeBron will use her first check to bring her sons to Puerto Rico for a visit to their grandparents. George notes that LeBron would like to attend college in the future to study law. George adds that LeBron has already won her first case. V: Shot of LeBron following her sons out of a room in the apartment.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/02/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) has undertaken extensive renovations and repairs on the Mission Extension Housing Project and the Bromley Heath Housing Project. Mayor Ray Flynn and City Councilor Bruce Bolling attend a groundbreaking for the construction projects. Five buildings in the Mission Hill Housing Project have lain empty for a year, and the tenants have be relocated. Interview with Doris Bunte of the BRA., who talks about the need to renovate the buildings. Bunte notes that there is a waiting list for public housing. Interview with public housing tenants Lance Ross, Anna Cole, Matilda Drayton, and Shirleen Steed about the conditions at the project and about the renovations. Following the edited story is additional b-roll footage of the housing projects.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of city officials, including Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) and Bruce Bolling (President, Boston City Council) at a groundbreaking ceremony for renovations on the Bromley Heath and Mission Hill housing projects. Shots of the projects; of a sign on a building reading, "Mission Hill Health Project." Meg Vaillancourt reports that construction work will not start on the housing projects until next month; that the buildings will be renovated and repaired; that tenants will be able to move into the projects by 1990. V: Footage of Doris Bunte (Boston Housing Authority) saying that it is scandalous to have units boarded up while there is a waiting list for housing. Shots of people walking among the empty project buildings. Vaillancourt reports that five buildings in the Mission Hill Housing Project have stood empty for almost one year; that 14,000 families are on the waiting list for public housing. Vaillancourt notes that the Mission Hill Extension Projects were built in 1952; that plumbing, lighting, and security problems caused many tenants to move out. V: Shot of a project building with a broken street lamp. Footage of Vaillancourt interviewing a group of African American project tenants. Footage of Lance Ross (19-year resident of the Mission Hill Housing Project) talking about the "deplorable" conditions in the project. Ross says that the area was not safe for children. Shots of the empty project buildings. Vaillancourt walks among the project buildings. Vaillancourt reports that the tenants talked about a sense of community in the project; that the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) relocated tenants to projects across the city when redevelopment began. V: Footage of Ross saying that some tenants were forced to move three or four times; that the community has been broken up. Shot from a moving car of the project buildings. Vaillancourt reports that Ross and several other former tenants attended the groundbreaking celebration; that the renovations will cost $35 million. Vaillancourt notes that the renovations include trees and play areas for children. V: Shots of the project buildings; of the area near the housing project; of a child walking near a dumpster in the paved area around a project building. Footage of Ross and the former tenants talking about the renovations as they walk through the project. Vaillancourt reports that 300 families will move into Bromley Heath and the Mission Hill Extension within eighteen months. V: Footage of the former tenants talking about the renovation project. Anna Cole (Mission Hill Extension tenant) says that she had been afraid of being forced out of the neighborhood. Matilda Drayton (Mission Hill Extension tenant) says that she hopes to have a good home in the Mission Hill Extension one day. Shirleen Steed (Mission Hill Extension tenant) says that the project is her home. Shot of a young African American girl walking among the empty project buildings.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/15/1987
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews in-studio guests Howie Carr (columnist, The Boston Herald) and Byron Rushing (State Representative) about the murder of Carol Stuart in Mission Hill. Carr talks about criticism received by the Boston Herald for running a brutal photograph of the murder. Rushing and Carr talk about how to solve the problem of violence on the streets. Rushing accuses city officials of making policy "based on frustration." He adds that the government must focus on the root of the problem. Rushing and Carr talk about class and race issues surrounding media response to the murder. Rushing says that education and community development will help to stop violence on the streets.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/25/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart, who was murdered. The foundation will fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood and activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. DiMaiti family members hold a press conference. Carol's father Giusto DiMaiti talks about his daughter. Interview with Carol's brother Carl DiMaiti, who is the president of the foundation. He talks about his sister and the activities of the foundation, saying that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their schools. DiMaiti says that the foundation and its advisory board will try to fund innovative programs to improve race relations in the city. DiMaiti says that more must be done to improve race relations. This tape also includes footage from WCVB news coverage of the Stuart murder case. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Giusto DiMaiti (father of Carol Stuart) at a press conference on January 25, 1990. DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a loving, caring person. Marcus Jones reports that the DiMaiti family has created a foundation to memorialize Carol Stuart; that they hope to fund scholarships for residents of the Mission Hill neighborhood; that they hope to fund activities to bolster race relations in the city of Boston. V: Shots of the members of the DiMaiti family at a press conference; of the media at the press conference. Shot of a color photo of Stuart wearing a bridal veil. Jones reports that the foundation has received over $260,000 worth of donations. Jones reports that Carl DiMaiti is the president of the foundation; that Carl DiMaiti hopes to begin granting scholarships in the fall. V: Footage of Carl DiMaiti being interviewed by Jones. Jones asks what kind of people will receive the scholarships. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to hard-working students who have achieved academically or who have contributed to their school. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to grant scholarships to students who want to give something back to society. Carl DiMaiti says that Carol Stuart was a tax attorney; that Stuart volunteered her time at a Latino community center in Somerville; that Stuart helped people with their taxes during tax season. Jones asks about the foundation's goal of funding activities to improve race relations. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation would like to fund innovative programs that bring together people from different backgrounds. Carl DiMaiti talks about an city-wide basketball league or an exchange between suburban and inner-city schools. Carl DiMaiti says that the foundation will look to its advisory board for guidance. Carl DiMaiti says that more can be done to improve race relations in Boston. Jones asks Carl DiMaiti for his opinion on race relations in Boston. Carl DiMaiti says that race relations can be improved; that the Carol DiMaiti Stuart Foundation cannot improve race relations by itself. Carl DiMaiti says that some people have been surprised that the family started the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has derived many benefits from creating the foundation. Carl DiMaiti says that the family has begun to see how many good people live in the city of Boston.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1990
Description: DiMaiti family establishes foundation in memory of Carol Stuart to provide scholarships to Mission Hill residents. B+W still of Stuarts slumped wounded in car. Bridal photo of Carol.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/25/1990
Description: Charles Stuart's body is pulled from Mystic River, lending a new perspective to the murder of his wife. Press conferences with Newman Flanagan and Ray Flynn. Unusual views of Tobin Bridge. Footage of wrongly accused suspect, Willie Bennett. Interviews with black Mission Hill residents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/04/1990
Description: REEL 1 OF MICHAEL DUKAKIS PC ABOUT NEW HOUSING FOR MISSION HILL. Raymond Flynn, Kevin Fitzgerald, William Edgerly. Huntington Avenue.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1985
Description: Christopher Lydon interviews Vice President Dan Quayle. Quayle talks about his visit to Mission Hill Elementary School and the Carol Stuart murder case. He says that respect among people will bring racial harmony. Quayle talks about his upcoming visit to Latin America and US foreign policy in Panama. He also talks about the Republican Party's position on abortion. Following the edited story is additional footage of the interview, mostly the second camera view of the same content in the edited story.
1:00:04: Footage of Dan Quayle (US Vice President) being interviewed by Christopher Lydon. Quayle describes his visit to Mission Hill Elementary School. Quayle says that the kids were involved; that the parents were committed to education; that the teachers were respected by the students. Lydon asks who came up with the idea for a visit to Mission Hill Elementary School. Quayle says that his staff asked Bernard Cardinal Law (Archbishop of Boston) for suggestions about which school to visit; that Law recommended Mission Hill Elementary School. Lydon asks Quayle about the Stuart murder case. Quayle says that he talked about the Stuart murder case in a private meeting with parents, administrators, and teachers at the school. Quayle says that people must respect one another. Quayle says that respect will bring racial harmony. Lydon asks about Quayle's upcoming visit to Latin America. Lydon mentions the US invasion of Panama. Quayle says that some Latin American leaders have expressed concerns about the US invasion of Panama. Quayle says that he will meet with Carlos Andres Perez (President of Venezuela); that he will ask Perez and other leaders to help build a democracy in Panama. Quayle says that the public statements of some Latin American leaders do not represent their private sentiments. Quayle says that there is strong support for the US invasion in Panama and across Latin America. Lydon asks if the US should assume some responsibility for the rise of Manuel Noriega (leader of Panama). Quayle says that the US should assume no responsibility for Noriega. Quayle says that Noriega declared war on the US; that Noriega's forces killed and wounded an innocent US marine soldier; that Noriega's forces sexually harassed US women. Quayle says that the US should not assume responsibility for the stolen election in Panama. Lydon asks Quayle about the Republican Party's position on abortion. Quayle says that the party platform advocates the protection of the unborn. Quayle says that many party members disagree with the platform; that the Republican Party is inclusive. Quayle says that people are welcome to disagree with the platform. Quayle says that abortion is a divisive issue. Quayle accuses the Democratic Party of becoming a one-issue party. Quayle says that pro-life supporters are not welcome in the Democratic Party. Quayle says that he does not want pro-choice Republicans to abandon the party.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/22/1990
Description: Mayor Ray Flynn comments on the shooting in Mission Hill of Carol and Charles Stuart, and on gun control.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/24/1989