Description: Gail Harris and Meg Vaillancourt host a Ten O'Clock News broadcast. Harris reads the headlines. Eileen Jones reports that Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has announced to the Boston School Committee that $1.2 million must be cut from the school budget. Jones notes that school administrators and staff will be affected by the cuts. Jones adds that the Boston School Committee has voted in favor of appointing a school official to oversee negotiations with the school bus drivers' union, with the goal of signing a contract before the beginning of school. Jones' report includes footage of Jim Barrett (President, Bus Drivers Union) and footage of Wilson and school committee members at a school committee meeting. Harris reports that Grace Romero (Boston School Committee) has been indicted for violating state election laws. The report includes footage of Romero speaking to the media. Vaillancourt reports on opposition by the Boston Police Detectives Union to a decision by Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) to reassign thirty detectives to street patrol duty. Vaillancourt's report includes footage from interviews with Michael Muse (attorney, Boston Police Detectives Union) and Dan Mahoney (President, Boston Police Detectives Union). James Robbins reports that the Reverend Allan Boesak (South African anti-apartheid leader) was detained by South African security forces after giving a speech at Capetown University. Robbins notes that Boesak had planned to lead a march on Pollsmoor Prison the next day. Vaillancourt reports that the US State Department has lodged a protest concerning the arrest of Boesak. Vaillancourt's report is accompanied by footage of Charles Redman (Spokesman for the US State Department) at a press conference. Tug Yourgrau interviews Janet Levine (South African journalist) about Nelson Mandela (jailed ANC leader). Levine talks about Mandela's arrest, his leadership, his opposition to apartheid and his wife, Winnie Mandela. The interview is accompanied by still photographs and footage of Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Vaillancourt reports on an army coup in Nigeria. Her report is accompanied by footage of Muhammadu Buhari (leader of Nigeria) delivering a speech. Harris reports that British Airways has grounded several jets due to possible engine problems. Her report is accompanied by footage of an exploded jet on a runway in Manchester, England. Vaillancourt reports that the Pentagon has canceled the production of an airgun designed to hit Soviet helicopters because it did not work properly. Her report is accompanied by shots of military weaponry and footage of Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) at a press conference. Harris reports on a decline in the US poverty rate and on a fine imposed on Crocker National Bank in San Francisco for a failure to report currency transactions. Vaillancourt reports on the racketeering trial of Gennaro Angiulo (alleged Mafia boss). The report is accompanied by court drawings of the trial. Harris reports on the ground-breaking ceremony for Roxbury Community College. The report includes footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) speaking at the ceremony. Harris interviews in-studio guest Brunetta Wolfman (President, Roxbury Community College) about the college. Wolfman talks about the new campus and the need to provide education and training to urban populations. Wolfman talks about a divide between the educated and uneducated populations in Massachusetts
1:00:06: Meg Vaillancourt introduces The Ten O'Clock News. 1:02:11: WGBH promotion for the evening newscast. The logos of The Ten O'Clock News underwriters Shawmut Bank, New England Telephone, and The Nimrod Press are displayed. Gail Harris introduces the show. Harris talks about an upcoming story about the groundbreaking for Roxbury Community College. 1:03:20: Meg Vaillancourt reads the headlines. Vaillancourt reports that the Reverend Allan Boesak (black South African leader) has been placed under house arrest by the South African government. Vaillancourt reports that Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) has canceled a new air defense gun because the weapon is not worth the cost of development. 1:03:38: Harris reads the headlines. Harris reports that the US poverty rate declined last year for the first time in ten years; that the auto insurance industry in Massachusetts wants to increase rates next year by at least 12%. Harris reports that the Boston School Committee has been forced to cut its budget by $1 million; that the Committee has cut two dozen administrative jobs; that the Committee has not cut any teaching jobs. Harris introduces a report by Eileen Jones. 1:04:06: Eileen Jones reports that tenured teachers and programs were spared by the Boston School Committee; that administrators and staff were subject to budget cuts by the committee. Visual: Shot of a white female teacher in a classroom with elementary school students. Jones reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) announced that $1.2 million must be cut from the school budget; that that school administrators and staff will be hit hard by the cuts. V: Shots of Wilson, and School Committee members Kevin McCluskey and John Nucci at a Boston School Committee meeting; of a cameraman at the meeting; of the members of the School Committee at the front of the School Committee chambers. Jones reports that the jobs of thirteen administrators and seven members of the technical support staff will be eliminated. Jones reports that administration will be cut by 20% on the School Site Management Project; that the jobs of two members of the support staff for the School Site Management Project will be cut; that consultants will be eliminated from the School Site Management Project. V: On-screen text details the specific budget cuts. Jones reports that the mayor and the Boston City Council have forced the school budget cuts; that the Boston School Department will receive $5 to $7 million dollars less than they asked for in their initial budget. V: Shots of audience members at a School Committee meeting; of an audience member taking notes; of a stenographer's hands as she transcribes the meeting; of School Committee members Jean McGuire and John O'Bryant at the meeting; of Wilson at the meeting; of the members of the media at the meeting. Jones reports that Wilson and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) made an agreement; that Wilson has agreed to eliminate $1.2 million from the budget; that Flynn has agreed to ask for $2.5 million in additional money for the schools. V: Shots of Shirley Owens Hicks (Boston School Committee); of Joseph Casper (Boston School Committee). Footage of John Grady (Boston School Committee) speaking at the meeting. Grady says that Flynn may not fight hard for additional money for the schools; that the City Council may not grant additional money. Grady says that Flynn should not determine the school budget. Footage of Wilson speaking at the meeting. Wilson says that he and Flynn made an agreement; that they will both do their best to stand by the agreement. Jones reports that the School Committee must also sign a contract with their bus drivers; that the contract needs to be signed before school begins in eight days. V: Shots of yellow school buses lined up on a street. Footage of Jim Barrett (President, Bus Drivers Union) speaking at a meeting. Barrett says that Wilson needs to appoint an overseer to negotiations with the bus company. Footage of Casper speaking at a meeting. Casper says that someone needs to take the lead on this issue. Casper says that Wilson should appoint a top official in the School Department to oversee contract negotiations with National Bus Service, Transcom, the Bus Drivers Union, and the Boston School Department. Casper says that an agreement must be reached before school starts. Jones reports that the School Committee voted in favor of cutting $1.2 million from the budget; that the Committee voted in favor of appointing a school official to oversee negotiations with the bus drivers. V: Shot of School Committee members at a meeting. Jones stands in front of the Boston School Committee headquarters. Jones reports that some administrators and staff may be bumped down to teaching positions instead of losing their jobs; that previsionary teachers will lose their jobs instead. Jones reports that the bus drivers are pleased to have a school official involved in negotiations; that the bus drivers want the school official to be able to give immediate approval of an agreement. 1:07:19: Harris reports that Grace Romero (Boston School Committee) has been indicted on four counts of violating state election laws; that Romero has been accused of perjury and filing false nomination papers; that Romero will appear in Suffolk Superior Court on Thursday. V: Footage of Romero speaking to the media. Romero says that she did not ask for a birth certificate or drivers license when asking voters to sign her nomination papers; that her volunteers only ask people if they are registered voters. She says that she filed the papers properly. Harris says that Romero could be sentenced to a year in prison or a $1,000 fine if found guilty of filing false nomination papers; that Romero could be sentenced to up to twenty years in prison and a $1,000 fine if found guilty of perjury. Harris notes that Romero's name will remain on the ballot in September. 1:08:18: Vaillancourt reports that Francis "Mickey" Roache (Commissioner, Boston Police Department) has recently decided to reassign city detectives to neighborhood patrol work; that members of the Boston Police Detectives Union have called the decision unfair and illegal. V: Shots of members of the Boston Police Detectives Union outside of their headquarters. Vaillancourt reports that the members of the union oppose the reassignment of thirty detectives. V: Footage of Michael Muse (attorney, Boston Police Detectives Union) being interviewed outside of the union headquarters. Muse says that the union will ask the State Labor Relations Commission to rule on the issue. Muse says that the city has violated the state's collective bargaining law by refusing to meet and confer with the union before transferring the detectives. Vaillancourt reports that 30 plainclothes investigators have been assigned to uniformed patrol duty. V: Shots of detective union members entering their headquarters; of a uniformed police officer walking down a street. Footage of Dan Mahoney (President, Boston Police Detectives Union) being interviewed. Mahoney says that the union was not consulted before the detectives were transferred. Vaillancourt reports that the union believes that the transfer is an unfair labor practice. V: Shot of union members outside of union headquarters. Footage of Mahoney saying that morale has never been worse. Vaillancourt reports that Roache transferred the detectives in order to increase police visibility and to decrease crime. V: Shot of Roache standing at a podium. Vaillancourt reports that the union believes that the transfers will have the opposite effect. V: Footage of Muse being interviewed. Muse says that visibility does not reduce crime; that successful investigations deter crime. Muse says that patrolling officers cannot deter crime. Shots of union members outside of union headquarters. Vaillancourt reports that Roache says that he is willing to discuss the issue. Vaillancourt reports that the State Labor Relations Board is expected to rule on the case within a few days. 1:10:23: Winning lottery numbers for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island are displayed. 1:10:39: Harris reports that the South African government announced that it will suspend trade in krugerrands for a month; that the South African government is trying to stop the flight of capital from the country. Harris notes that the value of one krugerrand has decreased to thirty-five cents; that one krugerrand was valued at one dollar a three years ago. Harris reports that a march to Pollsmoor Prison is planned for tomorrow by apartheid opponents in South Africa. Harris notes that Nelson Mandela (black South African leader) has been held at the prison for over twenty years. Harris notes that Reverend Allan Boesak (black South African leader) will not lead the march as planned. Harris reports that Boesak was detained by South African Security Forces after giving a speech today. 1:11:30: James Robbins reports that Boesak was arrested after giving a speech to students at the University of Capetown. V: Shots of students outside of a building at the University of Capetown; of a sign advertising a mass meeting with Boesak as speaker. Shot of a banner reading, "Stop the call-up." Shot of Boesak walking on a campus. Robbins reports that Boesak is involved in an effort to mobilize 20,000 people; that Boesak had planned to lead the people in a march on Pollsmoor prison tomorrow. Robbins notes that the march is a plea for the release of Mandela. V: Footage of Boesak addressing an audience. Boesak talks about his vision for the future. Shot of Boesak leaving a mass meeting. Robbins reports that Boesak's car was stopped at a roadblock after leaving the university. Robbins notes that Boesak had time to tell a companion that he had been arrested under Section 29 of the Internal Security Act. V: Shots of Boesak walking with members of the media. Shot of Boesak speaking to another man as he walks. Robbins notes that the act allows for indefinite detention without trial; that Boesak's wife does not know where he is being held. V: Shot of Dorothy Boesak (wife of Allan Boesak). Robbins reports that South African police raided another university where Boesak was due to speak; that twenty-one students were arrested. Robbins notes that these arrests are an attempt to thwart the march on Pollsmoor Prison. V: Shots of a group of black South Africans watching police activity in the distance; of a broken door at a university; of a student attempting to repair a broken door. Robbins reports that P.W. Botha (South African President) has warned that his government has greater powers in reserve. V: Shot of a military vehicle. Shot of Botha exiting a vehicle. Footage of Botha at a press conference. Botha says that the South African government has not yet used all of the forces at its disposal to fight opponents. Botha says that he will take further steps if necessary. Robbins notes that the marchers had planned to assemble at the Athlone Stadium; that the government has closed all access routes to the stadium. V: Shots of armed South African Security Force members; of the exterior of the Athlone Stadium. 1:13:10: Vaillancourt reports that Ronald Reagan called the South African government "reformist" earlier this week. Vaillancourt notes that Reagan says that the South African government has eliminated segregation in hotels and restaurants. Vaillancourt reports that the US State Department has lodged a protest concerning the arrest of Boesak. V: Footage of Charles Redman (Spokesman, US State Department) speaking at a press conference. Redman says that the US State Department has formally protested the arrest of Boesak; that the detention of Boesak and others will exacerbate the current situation in South Africa. 1:13:40: Harris reports that Mandela is the head of the African National Congress (ANC); that the ANC is the largest black national organization. Harris notes that Mandela has been in jail since 1964; that Mandela is still present in the minds of black and white South Africans. 1:14:04: Janet Levine (South African journalist and opposition politician) is interviewed by Tug Yourgrau. Levine says that Mandela was jailed in 1964 for being the leader of the ANC; that Mandela has been waiting in prison for the unrest which is enveloping South Africa at the present. Yourgrau asks Levine about Mandela's past. V: Shots of a black and white photo of Mandela as a young man; of a young Nelson Mandela speaking into a microphone. Levine says that Mandela was a practicing lawyer in Johannesburg; that Mandela was a lieutenant of Chief Albert Luthuli (Nobel Peace Prize winner). Levine says that Mandela is an articulate, charismatic man. Levine says that Mandela was arrested in a white suburb of Johannesburg called Rivonia; that Mandela was put on trial for treason. V: Black and white footage from the South African Embassy. The footage shows South Africans gathered outside of a government building. Levine says that Mandela conducted his own defense; that he gave a stirring speech. Levine says that Mandela's speech marks the point when the ANC turned from nonviolence to violence. Levine says that Mandela said in the speech that passive resistance and nonviolent struggle was no longer an option. V: Shot of a newspaper articles with a photo of Mandela. The headline reads, "Mandela's Defence." Black and white footage from South African Essay. Shots of a crowd gathered in South Africa. Shots of members of the South African Security Forces. Shot of an African-American man standing at the front of a crowd. The man makes gestures with his hands. Yourgrau asks how Mandela is seen by different groups in South Africa. Levine says that Mandela represents "black terror" to the Afrikaaners. Levine says that black South Africans across the political spectrum see Mandela as their greatest leader. V: Shot of a black and white photo of black South Africans demonstrating for Mandela's release. Yourgrau remarks that Mandela recently said that he would prefer communism to apartheid; that Mandela recently said that he will not renounce violence as a means to fight against apartheid. Yourgrau says that these comments could undermine Mandela's support in the US. Levine says that apartheid is linked with capitalism in the minds of many black South Africans. Levine says that it is absurd for the South African government to make nonviolence a condition of Mandela's release. Levine says that the South African government has created the violent atmosphere within the country. Yourgrau asks about Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela) and the "Mandela legend." Levine says that the "Mandela legend" is strong in South Africa. Levine says that Winnie Mandela is strikingly beautiful; that she is committed to Nelson Mandela and to the ANC. Levine says that there is a mystique surrounding the Mandela family. V: Shot of a black and white photo of Nelson and Winnie Mandela on their wedding day. Black and white footage of Winnie Mandela speaking. Color footage of Winnie Mandela giving an interview. Levine says that Zinzi Mandela (daughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela) is a leader of the anti-apartheid movement; that people stop Zinzi Mandela on the street to talk to her about her father. Yourgrau comments that Winnie Mandela has said that it may be too late to negotiate the release of Nelson Mandela. Levine says that the tide has turned in favor of black South Africans; that the government must now negotiate with Nelson Mandela about the future of the country. 1:17:58: Vaillancourt reads the international headlines. Vaillancourt reports that there was an army coup in Nigeria today; that the government of Muhammadu Buhari (leader of Nigeria) was overthrown by army officers. Vaillancourt notes that Buhari was accused of abusing power and failing to revive the economy. V: Shots of soldiers on a street in Nigeria; of Buhari making a speech. Shots of Nigerians at a street market. Vaillancourt reports that Nigeria has now had six coups since declaring independence from Great Britain in 1960. Vaillancourt notes that the US State Department says that there is no indication of danger to Americans in Nigeria. 1:18:22: Stock report: the Dow Jones is listed at 1322.47 and the volume is listed at 82,140,000. 1:19:49: Harris reports that British aviation officials have ordered the grounding of several jets due to possible engine problems; that the jets have engines similar to the one which blew up in Manchester, England, last week. Harris notes that the explosion killed 54 people. Harris reports that British Airways found extensive cracking in the precautionary checks of the engines of the grounded jets. V: Shots of firefighters surrounding the remains of an exploded jet on a runway in Manchester, England. Harris reports that planes owned by four other airlines are being investigated; that some have been ordered to fly back to Great Britain with no passengers on board. V: Shot of a jet airliner in the sky. Harris reports that the Jose Napoleon Duarte (El Salvadoran president) says that arrests have been made for the murders of four marines and two American businessmen in June; that three guerillas have been arrested and a fourth is dead. Harris notes that the six Americans were killed in a cafe massacre in San Salvador; that a rebel group claimed responsibility for the attack. 1:20:34: Vaillancourt reports that the Pentagon canceled an air gun designed to hit Soviet helicopters because the weapon did not work properly. Vaillancourt reports that the weapon is called "The Sergeant York System;" that the weapon has been in production since 1981; that the weapon has cost the army $1.8 billion dollars. Vaillancourt reports that the targeting mechanism is inaccurate; that the gun mistakenly aimed at the exhaust fan of a latrine during a test. V: Shots of military weapons. Shot of a targeting system on a military weapon. Shot of a helicopter caught in the crosshairs of a weapon. Vaillancourt reports that the army had hoped to acquire 618 Sergeant York guns at a cost of $3 billion. V: Footage of Casper Weinberger (US Secretary of Defense) at a press conference. Weinberger says that the army needs air defense capability; that the army had invested time and money in the weapon. Weinberger says that the weapon will not perform as needed; that he has canceled the weapon. 1:21:41: Harris reports that the US poverty rate declined last year for the first time in ten years. Harris says that Ronald Reagan (US President) credits a low inflation rate and an economic recovery for the decline. Harris notes that the US Conference of Mayors says that the poverty rate remains high. Harris reports that the Crocker National Bank of San Francisco has agreed to pay a $2.25 million fine for a failure to report currency transactions. Harris notes that the Bank of Boston paid $500,000 for the same transgression earlier this year. Harris reports that the violations were uncovered during a routine audit of Crocker National Bank; that the bank did not intentionally launder money. Harris notes that $4 billion in unreported funds may have come from drug transactions. 1:22:38: Vaillancourt reports that Gennaro Angiulo (alleged Mafia boss) and his three brothers are on trial for racketeering; that government attorneys asked permission to present testimony from an FBI expert on the Mafia. Vaillancourt reports that defense attorneys objected to the testimony. Vaillancourt notes that defense attorneys say that there can be no expert on an organization which does not exist. Vaillancourt reports that David Nelson (federal judge) allowed the testimony; that Nelson will not allow the jury to hear testimony until the expert is questioned by attorneys in order to test his knowledge. Vaillancourt reports that today's trial session was cut short; that one juror complained of family problems. Vaillancourt notes that another juror was dismissed and replaced by an alternate. V: Shots of court room drawings of the Angiulo trial by Betty Wiberg (artist). 1:23:31: Vaillancourt reports on the weather. 1:24:41: Harris reports that there was a large crowd at the groundbreaking for Roxbury Community College today. Harris reports that Roxbury Community College was established in 1973; that money for the construction of a campus has been elusive. V: Shots of people gathered for the groundbreaking ceremony at Roxbury Community College. Shots of architectural drawings of the new campus. Harris reports that the Southwest Corridor of Roxbury will house a four-building college; that the construction of the campus will cost $40 million; that the project is expected to be completed by the fall of 1987. Harris reports that 1500 students are expected to enroll. V: Footage of the groundbreaking ceremony. Shots of Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) and Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) seated next to one another in the audience. Shot of Mel King (community leader) in the audience. Footage of Bruce Bolling (Boston City Council) addressing the audience at the ceremony. Bolling says that Roxbury Community College now has a permanent home. Bolling says that a home for the school was needed; that the students at the college will need homes in Roxbury. Bolling says that Roxbury Community College will no longer be a "dream deferred." Shots of the audience; of Shirley Owens Hicks (State Representative) in the audience. Bolling says that he wants to make sure that Roxbury residents can afford to continue living in Roxbury. A banner with the seal of Roxbury Community College hangs from the podium where Bolling speaks. 1:26:12: Harris introduces Brunetta Wolfman (President, Roxbury Community College) as the in-studio guest. Harris notes that Wolfman was appointed in 1983; that the college is presently located on Huntington Avenue. Harris asks Wolfman if the new campus is the deliverance on a promise made fifteen years ago. Harris asks if the new campus is really needed. Wolfman says that people began pushing for a campus for Roxbury Community College twenty years ago. Wolfman notes that funds for a campus were approved by the State legislature in 1980. Wolfman says that there were groundbreakings with no commitment of funds in the 1970s. Wolfman says that the funds have been allocated and the contractor selected for this site. Wolfman says that construction is ready to begin. Wolfman says that the idea of open admission in higher education is a new one in Massachusetts; that there are a lot of private colleges in Massachusetts. Wolfman says that open-admission community colleges have a longer history in California and New York City. Harris asks why it took so long for Roxbury Community College to find a permanent home. Harris asks if politics or racism played a role. Wolfman says that both politics and racism played into the issue. Wolfman says that there is a lack of recognition of the need to provide higher education to the urban population. Wolfman says that there are a lot of poor people in Boston; that poor people need education and training in order to enter the mainstream workforce. Wolfman says that one out of every four adults in Boston is illiterate. Wolfman says that the needs of these people need to be addressed through illiteracy programs, GED programs and college-level programs. Wolfman says that Bostonians like to think of themselves as highly educated. Wolfman says that the population is split between highly educated people and uneducated people. Wolfman says that this split is economically and socially dangerous. Harris notes that some community colleges are having a hard time attracting students; that Bunker Hill Community College is running television advertisements. Wolfman says that Roxbury Community College has not had trouble filling seats at its Huntington Avenue location; that the college is stable and easily accessible. Wolfman says that poor people are reluctant to take out student loans. Wolfman notes that funding for higher education has moved from grants to loans. Wolfman says that the debt incurred by students is a problem for many. Harris closes the interview. 1:30:53: Report on baseball scores. The Red Sox beat Cleveland, 6 - 2. 1:31:10: Vaillancourt and Harris close the newscast. End credits roll. The logos of The Ten O'Clock News</i . underwriters Shawmut Bank, New England Telephone, and The Nimrod Press are displayed.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/27/1985