Description: Exterior South Boston High, first day of school on staggered opening schedule. Police on steps. Tilt up facade. White students walk up to school. Jerome Wynegar out front. Boston Police bus pulls up. Wynegar comments on insufficient buses to bring black students from distant neighborhoods because of contract dispute and the disruption of the staggered opening schedule. Press photographers. Person on the street interview with white mother, Evelyn Gorhan, who waited with daughter for bus that never came. Black mother, Edna Calhoun from Roxbury says she will not send her son to school until buses are available. Calhoun and another black woman, Frankie MacDonald, report rocks and expletives hurled at them. Shots of the children. “Nigers suck” graffiti on brick housing project.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/07/1977
Description: South Boston environs. Graffiti written in large white letters on G Street reads, "Go home, Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) African American and white members of a girls' softball team stand on the steps outside of South Boston High School. A few school officials, police officers and others, including Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan), are gathered on the steps of the school. Police are stationed along G Street as school buses pull up in front of the school. African American students exit the school and board the buses. The softball team boards a bus parked in front of the steps to the school. The buses depart.
0:00:31: Visual: Shots of East 6th Street in South Boston. Boston harbor is visible in the distance. Boston Police Department trucks are parked on G Street in front of South Boston High School. Graffiti in large white letters on the pavement of G Street reads, "Go home Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) Police are gathered in groups along G Street. 0:02:28: V: A police cruiser with flashing lights leads two yellow school buses up East 6th Street. The buses head toward the high school, directed by a police officer. African American and white members of a girls softball team are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers, other students and school officials are also on the steps. Eric Van Loon (attorney for the plaintiffs, Morgan v. Hennigan) stands on the steps, talking to an African American woman and two African American men. 0:04:01: V: A bus is parked in front of the steps of the high school. The softball players board the bus. A group of African American students exit the school and walk toward the school buses parked in front of the school. Two police officers seated on their motorcycles observe the scene. African American students continue to board the buses. A few white students are gathered on the steps of the high school. Police officers direct the school buses in front of the school to depart. The buses travel down G Street, followed by a police motorcycle. Members of the media record the departure of the buses. The bus carrying the softball team departs. The girls wave goodbye. 0:07:01: V: Two police officers confer in the school yard of the high school. Massachusetts State Police officers board a Massachusetts State Police bus in the school yard.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1977
Description: White students exit South Boston High. About 25 Massachusetts uniformed state troopers board Massachusetts State Police bus. Massachusetts State Police Cruiser exits school parking lot. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in the school yard and talks to students.
1:00:08: Visual: White students exit South Boston High School in small groups. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in front of the school, talking to passersby. The students walk down G Street, away from the school . Snow blankets the ground. A Massachusetts State Police bus is parked in front of the school. About 25 state police officers file onto the bus. A state police car pulls out from the front of the school, into the street. Small groups of students, police, and officials remain in front of the school.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1977
Description: The sound goes in and out at the beginning of this video. Exteriors of South Boston High School and South Boston environs. African American students board buses at South Boston High School. Boston Police officers are stationed near the school. Police cruisers escort buses to and from the school. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in the school yard. White students exit the school after the buses depart. A passerby tells the camera crew that their presence causes a disturbance.
1:00:09: Visual: Exterior of South Boston High School. A Boston Police cruiser is parked in the courtyard of the school, to the right of the steps. Shots of exterior of the school. A Massachusetts State Police cruiser is parked to left of the steps. A group of three white students exits the school. Shots of G Street; of rowhouses in front of the school on G Street; of the high school; of a "Wallace for President" sticker on a street sign. Two white students exit the school. 1:06:14: V: Shot of East 6th Street. The street is snowy. A Boston Police station wagon is parked in front of the high school. An officer exits the station wagon and walks toward the school. A small green and white bus maneuvers in the courtyard of the school. Shot of students walking down G Street, away from the school. A student closes the window on the second floor of the school. Shot of the exterior of the school. The green and white bus is idling in front of the school entrance. Shot of house on the corner of G Street and Thomas Park. A Boston Police station wagon pulls away from the school. A Boston Police cruiser pulls into the school yard. Two officers exit the car. Shot of one of the Boston Police cruisers in school yard; the cruiser is labeled "Tactical Patrol Force." 1:10:02: V: A police cruiser with flashing lights escorts a line of yellow school buses up G Street. The school buses pull up in front of the school. A few police officers station themselves along G Street. Small groups of minority students exit the school. One student stops to wave at the camera. African American students make their way toward the buses. There are a few Hispanic students among those boarding the buses. Audio of students talking to the camera crew. Students peer out of the windows of the buses. The buses pull away in single file. The small green and white bus pulls out of the school yard, into the street. One remaining school bus pulls away, followed by a Boston Police station wagon with its lights flashing. 1:17:34: V: Pan of houses on G Street. A lone African American male student waits in front of the school. White students slowly exit the school. Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School) stands in the school yard, talking to officials and passersby. A few police officers remain in the school yard. Students file out of the school yard. An African American teacher confers with Wynegar. Audio of a voice speaking to the camera crew, "Do you realize that you're being here creates more of a disturbance than when you're not here?" A crew member responds. Bits of an ensuing conversation can be heard. A few white students linger on the steps of the school. Wynegar remains in the school yard. Students continue to exit the building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/15/1977
Description: Police officers and members of the media are gathered on G Street in front of South Boston High School. Graffiti written in large white letters on the pavement of G Street reads, "Go home, Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School headmaster Jerome Wynegar.) Police are stationed along G Street. A small crowd on the steps of a house jeers at police. News crews with ENG cameras and microphones approach. The crowd refuses to disperse. Police officers in riot helmets assemble in front of the house. Four women and two men are put into police vans. Two of the women struggle with the police, and one man is dragged into the van. The crowd retreats into the house on G Street. James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) talks to a woman about the conflict between the crowd and police. Joseph Jordan (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) confers with police officials outside of South Boston High School.
0:00:24: Visual: Exterior of South Boston High School. Shots of the front of the building; of the school name carved into the stone at the top of the building. Police officers and media are gathered on the sidewalk in front of the school. A fading green shamrock is painted on the pavement of the school yard. Police officers confer about logistics. Boston Police Department vehicles are parked in the school yard. A Boston Police Department truck pulls in front of the of the high school. 0:02:23: V: Police officers are stationed along G Street. Close-up shot of the Boston Police Department insignia on a police officer's uniform. A crowd of white residents is gathered on the on the steps of a house on G Street, not far from the school. White teenagers are gathered outside of the Hill Stop Delicatessen on G Street, near the school. A police officer directs traffic along G Street. A group of police officers are gathered on G Street, near the crowd on the steps of the house. A police officer exits a car parked in the school yard of the high school. A Boston Police Department truck passes by the high school with its lights flashing. The truck pulls to the side of G Street, near the house where the crowd has gathered. Members of the media follow the truck down the street. A police officer gestures to the truck to pull up closer. A woman sits on the hood of a car, surrounded by police officers. 0:05:15: V: The crowd gathered on the steps of the house yells and makes gestures at the police officers. The woman sitting on the car speaks angrily to the police officers. She refuses to move from the car and says that she is not creating a scene. Police officers try to disperse the crowd of media gathered on the street. The crowd on the steps of the house is heard jeering at police. Graffiti written in large white letters on the pavement in the middle of G Street reads, "Go home Jerome. You failed." (Graffiti refers to South Boston High School Headmaster, Jerome Wynegar.) A crowd of onlookers gathers outside of the delicatessen, across the street from the crowd. Police and the media remain in the street. The crowd on the steps of the house begins to sing. 0:06:48: V: A second Boston Police Department truck exits the school yard of South Boston High School and pulls up behind the first truck on G Street. A group of helmeted police officers walks down G Street from the school. The police officers spread out across the street as they walk toward the house where the crowd has gathered. The police instruct onlookers to move down the street, away from the scene. Police officers and officials watch as the helmeted officers disperse the crowd of onlookers. Police officers stand in front of the small crowd assembled on the steps of the house. The police put the woman who had been sitting on the hood of the car into the police truck. The crowd cheers for the woman. One man yells, "Where is the civil rights commission?" A woman runs from the crowd to stop police from putting a second woman into the police truck. Police force both women into the truck, and hold the doors closed. The women inside the truck beat on the doors from the inside. The crowd jeers at police. A young man yells, "Three girls!" 0:10:11: V: A police officer walks down G Street from the high school. Other police officers remain in front of the crowd on the steps of the house. The crowd and the police exchange remarks. The crowd refuses to go indoors. A man is led by police into the second police truck. Police drag a second man from the crowd into the police truck. A police officer pushes the crowd from the steps into the house as another woman is led to the truck by police officers. The woman says, "This is a violation of civil rights." 0:12:11: V: Most of the crowd on the steps has disappeared into the house on G Street. Members of the crowd look out of the window at the action on the street. James Kelly (South Boston Information Center) stands on the steps of the house, listening to a woman describe the conflict between the crowd and the police. The police truck drives slowly down G Street. Police line the sides of the street. A group of police officers confers in the middle of G Street. The media observes the police and the dwindling crowd from the sidewalks. There are still a few people gathered on the steps of the house on G Street. Shot of a quiet side street. Residents sit outside of their houses, enjoying the sun. 0:14:19: V: Joseph Jordan (Police Commissioner, City of Boston) confers with officers outside of South Boston High School. Shot of the exterior of South Boston High School. A few youth are gathered on the steps.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1977