Description: Inside Walpole State Prison. Guards walk back and forth in corridor, check paperwork. Prisoners play bumper pool in recreation room. Guard unlocks barred door, goes through, relocks behind him. Inmates walk past bars (shot from waist down).
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1978
Description: Inside Walpole State Prison. Guards in corridor seen through bars. Prisoner's hand sticks out through bars of cell. Gauzy high shot of group of prisoners around table in open area. Long shot of cell block tiers. Guard operates cell locks by remote switches. Clothing draped over railing. Guard pats down denim clad inmate while cell is searched.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/22/1978
Description: Interview with inmate at Walpole prison about lock-up of B section (maximum security). Filthy interiors of cell block, dirty showers, debris from meals accumulated on floor. Inmates hold mirrors out through bars to show reflection of their faces to camera. Swearing and commotion are heard in background; prisoners complain about conditions.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/04/1978