Description: Nantucket shore sunset. Several takes of reporter standup. Reporter interviews John Clay, engineering officer who was working on the Argo Merchant oil spill. Clay points out the effects of the oil spill on the major fishing areas off the coast of Massachusetts, including the Georges Bank. Nantucket shore with ice and snow, seagulls.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/22/1976
Description: Interiors of airplane on runway. Passing airplanes on runway; taking off, landing. Aerial view of Suffolk Downs, Revere Beach, Nahant, Seabrook, New Hampshire. Ocean, houses near beach, serpentine inlets, rough terrain, dense treetops, construction site.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 06/13/1977
Description: African American beachgoers are escorted onto Carson Beach in South Boston by Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) police officers. Officers are posted on the beach, forming a ring around the African American beachgoers. Police officers station themselves at the edge of the water as children play. Police officers line up near the recreation building, observing the action on the beach. Three MDC police boats patrol the water. Three white males are escorted from the beach. White beachgoers stand around, observing the scene.
0:00:26: Visual: Four Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) police officers escort a small group of African American youth on to Carson Beach in South Boston. There are white swimmers and sunbathers on the beach. The Boston skyline is visible in the distance. A group of older white men sit under a shelter near the road. Cars pass by slowly on the road. Groups of white people sit under the shelters or sunbathe on the sand. 0:01:50: V: A larger group of African Americans walk on to the beach, accompanied by police officers. The group of African Americans ranges in age from young kids to adults. The group walks along the beach, heading toward the recreation building. Young African American children play in the water along the shore. Police officers stand casually on the beach as the African American beachgoers get settled . An older white man greets some of the African American youth. White beachgoers are seated near the African American beachgoers. Many whites stare at the African Americans. MDC police officers are lined up near the recreation building, observing the scene on the beach. 0:06:25: V: White residents and beachgoers are standing up, watching the African American beachgoers and the police on the beach. Police officers walk among the crowd. A police officer escorts a white man from the beach. A large line of MDC police officers circles approaches the recreation building to join the other group of officers. Approximately 50 police officers stand in front of the recreation building. Two helmeted police officers escort another white man from the beach. Another group of police officers walks toward the beach. A group of 20 more African Americans are escorted onto the beach by a police officer. 0:09:31: V: An older white man with a walkie talkie walks down the beach toward the crowd. Police officers stand at the edge of the water while African American children play. A few white beachgoers mill about near the police officers. Most white beachgoers sit separately from the African American beachgoers. Other white beachgoers observe the scene from further up the beach. A group of police officers stands in front of the recreation building. A group of five African American adults walk down the beach toward the African American beachgoers. They are followed by a police officer. 0:12:05: V: African American beachgoers are seated in small groups on the beach. A line of police officers forms a ring around them. A group of white beachgoers stands nearby. Shot of a young white boy sitting by himself on the beach. African American children play in the water. MDC police officers stand at the edge of the water. White beachgoers stand near the police officers, watching the African American children. The African American beachgoers enjoy themselves. Police stand by. The media record the scene. White beachgoers stand around in groups. Two MDC Police boats patrol the water. 0:15:33: V: A line of MDC police officers with riot helmets stands in front of the recreation building. MDC police officers observe the action on the beach from the MDC boats in the water. A line of police cordons off the African American beachgoers from the white beachgoers. Members of the media and white bystanders stand near the African American beachgoers. White beachgoers sit and stand apart from the African American beachgoers. Two police officers escort a young white man from the beach. A group of African American beachgoers heads toward the recreation building.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/03/1977
Description: Woman gives seafaring lecture to a crowd of children and adults on a Cape Cod beach. People in sailors uniforms pull beach cart along the sand, with help from audience members pushing form behind. Man continues lecture on top of a dune. Sailors perform a rescue drill.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/01/1983
Description: Brown sharks sighted of the coast of Nantasket Beach. Reporter Marcus Jones is on Shark Alert. He interviews MDC Police patrol, who takes the camera crew out on the water. Local are trying to spot sharks. Interviews with locals. Press conference at the New England Aquarium, who say there's nothing to fear. Editor's note: The b-roll following this edited story on the tape was entire comprised of third party footage, and so has been edited out.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/12/1986