Description: Shirley Caesar is a gospel singer and pastor, also active in community and political affairs in Durham, NC. She visits Harvard to sing with a choir in Memorial Church. Fields notes that Caesar is an evangelist and a Grammy award-winning singer. Fields adds that Caesar has recently entered local politics in Durham, North Carolina. Fields interviews Caesar, who talks about her music and her outreach ministry. She also discusses her recent entry into politics. Caesar says that she sees herself as a humanitarian. Fields' report includes footage of Caesar performing with a choir in front of an audience at Memorial Church.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Shirley Caesar (gospel singer and evangelist) performing at Memorial Church at Harvard University on October 5, 1989. A gospel choir stands behind her. Shots of members of the audience listening to Caesar. Carmen Fields reports that Caesar has won five grammy awards; that Caesar has three gold albums. Fields reports that Caesar also runs a church and an outreach mission; that Caesar has recently been elected to the City Council of Durham, North Carolina. V: Footage of Caesar being interviewed by Fields. Caesar says that she is a "down-to-earth singer"; that she is a "concerned citizen." Caesar says that she sees herself as a humanitarian. Caesar talks about her outreach ministry. Caesar says that she puts 50% of her earnings back into the community. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church; of audience members listening. Footage of Caesar saying that everyone has suffered at one time or another; that she tries to send a message of love through her music. Fields notes that Caesar offers unconditional encouragement to all through her music. V: Footage of Caesar talking about Jim Baker (evangelist). Caesar says that Baker should be forced to pay back the money he owes; that Baker should not be sent to jail. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. She speculates as to whether anyone has ever danced in the aisles of Memorial Church. The crowd applauds. Caesar says that she will "christen the aisles." Shots of audience members seated in pews and on the floor. Fields reports that Caesar will soon turn fifty years old. V: Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. The audience members stand and clap their hands. Footage of Caesar being interviewed by Fields. Caesar says that she is "a traditional singer with a contemporary flavor." Caesar talks about her roots in music. Footage of Caesar saying that she would like to learn more about the workings of city government; that she may run for mayor someday. Footage of Caesar performing at Memorial Church. The audience is on its feet.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/06/1989
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Michael Jackson has never played a concert at Sullivan Stadium. Jones notes that the Foxboro Board of Selectmen denied a request by Jackson to play two concerts at Sullivan Stadium in 1984. Jones reports that the permit was denied because of security and traffic concerns. Jones adds that former State Senator Royal Bolling, Sr. and others believe that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones' reports includes footage from a meeting of the Foxboro Board of Selectmen and footage of Bolling addressing a legislative hearing. Jones reports that Andrew Gala, the Foxboro town administrator and Michael Coppola, a Foxboro Selectman, deny that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones notes that Gala says that the Jackson tour denied the terms offered to them by Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that there are bad feelings between the town of Foxboro and Chuck Sullivan, the organizer of Jackson's tour. Jones reports that big concerts bring in money to Foxboro. He notes that Jackson's most recent tour did not stop in Massachusetts. Jones' report is accompanied by concert footage of Michael Jackson, the Rolling Stones at Sullivan Stadium, and other musical acts. Following the edited story is additional silent b-roll of Sullivan Stadium. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jan von Mehren reports that the city of Boston and the NAACP signed a $3 million settlement to end litigation about the city's formerly discriminatory public housing policy
1:00:15: Visual: Footage from WNEV of a Rolling Stones' concert at Sullivan Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The Rolling Stones play, "Start Me Up." Marcus Jones reports that approximately 150,000 people went to see the Rolling Stones (rock band) play three concerts at Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that many popular rock performers have played at Sullivan Stadium in the past few years. V: Shots of Madonna in concert at Sullivan Stadium; of a keyboard player on stage; of a female fan in the audience; of Roger Daltry of the Who singing on stage at Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that Michael Jackson (pop singer) has not played a concert at Sullivan Stadium. V: Footage of Jackson in concert. Footage of a meeting of Foxboro Selectman in June of 1984. The selectmen vote. A selectman declares that the license is denied. The audience applauds. Jones stands in the parking lot of Sullivan Stadium. A sign for the stadium is visible behind him. Jones reports that Foxboro Selectman denied a request by Jackson and his brothers in June of 1984; that Jackson had requested to play two concerts at Sullivan Stadium. Jones notes that the Selectmen denied the request because of security and traffic concerns. Jones notes that the Rolling Stones just played three sold-out shows at the stadium; that the Rolling Stones probably attracted more people than the Jacksons would have. Jones adds that security was heavy at the stadium; that traffic was also heavy. Jones reports that Foxboro is now welcoming big rock acts to the stadium. Jones reports that Royal Bolling, Sr. (former state senator) called a press conference in the summer of 1984 in order to pressure the Foxboro Selectmen to change their minds about Jackson. Jones notes that Bolling and others believe that the Foxboro Selectmen denied the permit on racial grounds. V: Shot of Bolling speaking at a congressional hearing at the Massachusetts State House. Shot of Bolling speaking during an interview. Footage of the Jacksons in concert. Jones reports that the Jacksons' 1984 tour was handled by Chuck Sullivan (member of the family for which Sullivan Stadium was named). V: Shot of a black and white drawing of Sullivan. Shots of the exterior of Sullivan Stadium. Jones reports that Andrew Gala (Foxboro town administrator) and Michael Coppola (Foxboro Selectman) spoke to him over the telephone. Jones reports that Gala says that the permit was denied because of bad feelings between Sullivan and the town of Foxboro. Jones notes that Gala denies that the permit was denied on racial grounds. Jones reports that Gala says that the Selectmen were willing to license three Jackson shows on non-consecutive nights. Jones reports that Gala says that Sullivan refused those terms. V: Footage from a Pepsi commercial of the Jacksons in concert. Shots of the Foxboro Selectmen's meeting from June of 1984; of a member of the audience dressed up like Michael Jackson. Jones reports that the three Rolling Stones shows were on non-consecutive nights. V: Footage from WNEV of the Rolling Stones in concert. Jones reports that Coppola says that big concerts are good for Foxboro businesses. Jones notes that the three Rolling Stones shows contributed over $100,000 to the town treasury. V: Shots of the interior of Sullivan Stadium. Trucks are parked in the interior as a stage is being put up or taken down. Footage of Michael Jackson in concert. Jones reports that Michael Jackson's most recent tour did not stop in Massachusetts. Jones notes that Gala says that Jackson would be welcomed at Foxboro stadium today. Jones adds Gala says that Foxboro "could use the revenue." V: Shots of the exterior of Sullivan Stadium. Gala's quote appears written on-screen in text. Footage of Jackson in concert.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/04/1989
Description: Hope Kelly reports on the Madison Park High School Choir's tribute to Roland Hayes, who was the first African American singer to achieve recognition on the classical stage. Interviews with members of the choir about Hayes' legacy. Footage of the choir's performance. Kelly reviews Hayes's career, accompanied by photos and footage of Hayes. The Roland Hayes Music Center is based at Madison Park High School. Interviews with Elma Lewis, Robert Winfrey, who is the Director, of the Music Center, Anthony Walker, who is a graduate of the Music Center, and Afrika Hayes, the daughter of Roland Hayes. They discuss Hayes's music and legacy.
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of an African American male member of the Madison Park High School Choir talking about the determination of Roland Hayes (African American classical singer); of an African American female member of the choir also talking about Hayes' determination to succeed; of a white female member of the choir talking about how Hayes's music breaks down barriers between the races. Footage of the Madison Park High School Choir singing "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory." Hope Kelly reports that the Madison Park High School Choir paid tribute to Hayes, who was the first African American man to be accepted on the classical stage. V: Black and white footage of Hayes singing. Shot of black and white photos of Hayes. Audio of Hayes singing accompanies the photos. Footage of Elma Lewis (African American community leader) saying that Hayes sang traditional spirituals; that Hayes's voice was pure, emotional, and spiritual. Footage of Robert Winfrey (Director, Roland Hayes Music Center) talking about the experience of learning from Hayes. Kelly notes that the Roland Hayes Music Center is based at Madison Park High School. V: Footage of two graduates of the Roland Hayes Music Center standing at the front of the Madison Park High School Choir. The two singers sing solo pieces. Shot of the audience. Footage of Anthony Walker (graduate of the Roland Hayes Music Center) saying that Hayes's music is performed in the same way as classical music or opera; that Hayes' music is "a black form of music," meant to be performed with dignity. Shot of a portrait of Hayes. Shots of the Madison Park High School Choir. Kelly reports that Hayes legitimized the performance of black spirituals on stage. V: Footage of Afrika Hayes (daughter of Roland Hayes) saying that her father was not an "activist"; that he quietly set about achieving his goals. Footage of the performance of the Madison Park High School choir. Footage of Afrika Hayes noting that her father's music is being performed by a mixed race choir from Madison Park High School; that people of all races are embracing his music. Afrika Hayes says that she wishes her father could be here today to see the choir. Footage of the choir's performance.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1987
Description: Profile of cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Interview with Ma on his childhood playing. Ma plays a piece in his Cambridge living room. Ma talks about being a cello soloist and the small amount of music written for the cello. Interview with Benjamin Zander on working with Ma. Ma rehearses Brahms Trio and jokes around with violinist Lynn Chang and pianist Richard Kogan. Ma talks about his technique. Ma, Chang and Kogan play at a benefit for Cambodian refugees at Sanders Theater. Christopher Lydon introduces and ends report. He notes that Yo-Yo Ma is having surgery on his spine.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/21/1980