Description: Hope Kelly reports on a celebration at the Museum of Afro-American History marking the arrival of the first African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly notes that the first African Americans arrived as immigrants, not as slaves. Kelly's report features footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman, Museum of Afro-American History) addressing the gathering. Kelly reviews the history of African Americans in Massachusetts. Kelly's report is accompanied by historical photos and drawings related to African American history in Massachusetts.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of a group of African American singers performing a song. Hope Kelly reports that a gathering at the Museum of Afro-American History celebrated the anniversary of the arrival of black immigrants in Massachusetts; that the first black immigrants arrived in Massachusetts on February 26, 1638. V: Shot of a black and white image of black immigrants and early white settlers; of a ship in a harbor; of a black man addressing a crowd. Footage of Henry Hampton (Chairman of the Board, Museum of Afro-American History) saying that the most important history is found in the lives of individual people; that people form the families and cultures which are important to history. Kelly reports that the first black immigrants arrived in a boat from the West Indies; that the first black immigrants were not slaves; that many worked as servants and laborers and in factories; that skilled professions were off limits to the first black immigrants. V: Shots of a black and white image of early black immigrants in the hold of a boat; of a poster for a slave auction. Shots of black and white images of the early black immigrants working as servants. Shot of a color image of black men working as dock laborers. Shots of a black and white image of black immigrant women working in a factory. Shot of a black and white image of black men and women waiting at a dock as sailing ships approach. Shot of a black and white image of a slave auction. Kelly reports that the experience of black immigrants in the north was different from that of black slaves in the South. V: Shot of a black and white image of two black children and a white school master. Shots of black and white photos of African Americans in Boston in the nineteenth century. Footage of Henry Hampton addressing an audience. Hampton says that the study of history must include the stories of all people. Footage of a group of African American singers singing "Amazing Grace."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/26/1988
Description: Marcus Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) spoke at Faneuil Hall during a ceremony to commemorate the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader). Jones notes that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s. Jones' report includes footage of Farmer addressing the audience at Faneuil Hall. Jones interviews Farmer about progress on civil rights issues in the US. Jones reports that Charles Yancey read a proclamation honoring King during the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. Jones' report is accompanied by footage of Yancey reading a proclamation at the ceremony and by footage of schoolchildren performing at the ceremony. Jones' report also includes footage of King during the civil rights movement. This tape includes additional footage from the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following item: Jesse Jackson (Democratic candidate for US President) has released position papers, detailing his stance on domestic issues
1:00:04: Visual: Black and white footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader) delivering a speech. Black and white footage of a white man announcing the death of King to a group of students. Marcus Jones reports that today is the twentieth anniversary of King's death. Jones reports that James Farmer (civil rights leader) talked to an audience at a ceremony commemorating King's death at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Farmer addressing an audience at Fanueil Hall. Farmer talks about King's vision for the nation. Shots of the audience. Jones reports that Farmer was the head of the Congress for Racial Equality in the 1950s; that Farmer is now a visiting professor at Mary Washington College in Virginia. Jones says that Farmer believes that minorities have made great strides in the past twenty years. V: Footage of Farmer being interviewed by Jones at Faneuil Hall. Farmer says that there are plenty of things that need to change in the US; that some progress has been made by minorities. Jones reports that Charles Yancey (Boston City Council) read a city proclamation honoring King at the ceremony at Faneuil Hall. V: Footage of Yancey addressing the audience. Yancey says that King was once refused admittance to the Patrick T. Campbell Junior High School in Boston; that the school is now named for King. Jones reports that students from the Martin Luther King Middle School performed a song in honor of King. V: Footage of students from the King Middle School performing at Faneuil Hall. The audience applauds.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/04/1988
Description: Christy George reports that Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to divest its pension funds from South Africa five years ago. She adds that apartheid opponents are backing a selective purchasing bill that would bar the state from buying goods and services from companies who do business in South Africa. Ric Murphy, State Purchasing Agent, testifies in support of the bill in front of state legislators. Joseph Hermann, Chairman of State Administration Committee, wants the state to stop doing business with all countries with repressive governments. Hermann testifies before state legislators. Governor Michael Dukakis supports the bill. The bill will probably not be passed in time to help his presidential campaign. Former State Senator Jack Backman speaks in support of Dukakis. Georges' report is also accompanied by footage of scenes from apartheid South Africa and by footage of IBM workers and laborers in South Africa.
1:00:09: Visual: Footage of Themba Vilakazi (Director, Fund for a Free South Africa) speaking to an audience of apartheid opponents. Audience members applaud Vilakazi. Audience members hold signs protesting apartheid. Shot of two audience members holding signs reading, "Free South Africa." Christy George reports that Massachusetts was the first state in the nation to divest its pension funds from South Africa five years ago. George adds that apartheid opponents want the state to stop buying goods and services from companies who do business in South Africa. V: Footage from WGBX of Ric Murphy (State Purchasing Agent) addressing a legislative hearing at the State House. Murphy says that the state should not condone businesses who support apartheid. George stands in front of the Massachusetts State House. George reports that legislators wonder if divestment is the best way to help black South Africans. V: Shots of South African police officers beating protesters on a street in May of 1986; of protesters fleeing from a park in South Africa; of South African police officers. George reports that proponents of divestment say that the Massachusetts government buys goods and services from companies which pay taxes to support the South African government. Opponents of divestment says that American companies offer jobs and training to South African blacks. V: Shots of the exterior of the IBM headquarters in South Africa; of a black man in a business suit in front of the IBM building; of a factory in South Africa; of a white worker working in an automobile factory. George reports that Joseph Hermann (Chairman, State Administration Committee) wants the state to stop doing business with South Africa and other countries with repressive governments. V: Footage of Hermann saying that the state needs to reflect on the repression occurring in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Liberia. George reports that Michael Dukakis (Governor of Massachusetts) campaigns against apartheid; that Dukakis supports the proposed selective purchasing bill. V: Shot of Dukakis addressing a crowd. State leaders including George Keverian (Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) stand behind him. Footage of Jack Backman (former State Senator) saying that Dukakis should be elected president as a candidate with no ties to South Africa. Shot of Royal Bolling, Sr. at the legislative hearing. George reports that the bill will probably not be passed in time to help Dukakis' presidential campaign.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/25/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law students occupied the Dean's office overnight to protest the lack of minority faculty at the school. The students held a rally for their cause this morning. Charles Ogletree, a visiting Ppofessor at Harvard Law School, addresses a rally of students outside of the school. The sit-in is over for now and that student leaders met with James Vorenberg, the Dean of Harvard Law School) to discuss their demands for an increase in minority faculty members. Interview with Robert Wilkins, of the Harvard Black Law Students Association, about the meeting with the Dean. Boeri reads a quote from Vorenberg about the meeting. The students and the administration disagree about some of the students demands. The school faculty will need to vote on the students demands in the fall.
1:00:04: Visual: Shots of Harvard Law students studying their textbooks as they occupy the administration building of Harvard Law School. Most of the students are African American. David Boeri reports that a group of Harvard Law School students occupied the office of the Dean overnight; that the students are demanding that twenty minority professors be hired over the next four years; that an African American female professor be hired by fall. Boeri reports that the students held a rally today outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri notes that the faculty of the school has only two tenured African Americans and five tenured white women. V: Shots of the student rally outside of Harvard Law School; of a protest sign reading, "Black female on Harvard Law School faculty now." Footage of Charles Ogletree (Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School) addressing the students at the rally. Ogletree says that he is proud of the students; that the students have picked up where the civil rights movement left off twenty years ago. Ogletree leads the students in chanting, "Enough is enough." The students applaud for Ogletree. Boeri reports that student leaders met this morning with the Dean of Harvard Law School. V: Footage of Robert Wilkins (Harvard Black Law Students Association) saying that the sit-in is over for now. Wilkins says that the dean has agreed to seven of the student's twelve demands. Shot of a protest sign reading, "Stop H.L.S. Racism now." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that the students say that the Dean agreed to a fellowship program to train minority students to become law professors; that the students says that the Dean agreed to student participation in a minority search committee. Boeri quotes James Vorenberg (Dean, Harvard Law School) as saying this evening, "I just wouldn't put it that way. . . I don't know where you draw the line between agreeing to look into something and agreeing to do it." V: Vorenberg's quote appears written on-screen. Shot of a student at the rally holding a sign reading, "The fire this time." Shots of the students at the rally. Boeri reports that there is major disagreement between the Dean and the students on five of the students' demands. Boeri quotes a statement from the school administration as saying that the school will give priority to minority hiring but will not guarantee that specific numbers of minorities will be hired in a given time period. V: The quote from the administration's statement is written out in text on-screen. Boeri stands outside of Harvard Law School. Boeri reports that the students' demands will require faculty approval; that student leaders predict that a vote will take place in the fall. Boeri notes that the students are threatening to take action against faculty members who vote against them.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/11/1988
Description: South Boston residents pack St. Monica's Church to hear City Councilors James Kelly and Albert "Dapper" O'Neil and Rev. Earl W. Jackson, Sr. oppose mayor's public housing desegregation plan.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/12/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that E.W. Jackson is the manager of WLVG radio station in Cambridge and the pastor of the New Corner Baptist Church in Roxbury. Jackson addressed a community meeting in South Boston last night about the city's public housing desegregation plan. He attacked atheism, school busing, and seat belt laws in his speech, and called the city's housing desegregation plan a form of "social engineering." Interview with Jackson in the studios of WLVG. He discusses public housing integration and says that "freedom of choice" is more important than integrated developments. Boeri reports that Boston City Councilors James Kelly and Dapper O'Neil are leading the fight against the desegregation plan, but that interest in the issue is waning among South Boston residents. Interview with Neil Sullivan, policy advisor to mayor Ray Flynn, who helped develop the housing desegregation plan. Sullivan says that elements of choice have been preserved in the city's new public housing policy.
1:00:13: Visual: Shots of a light outside of the studio door at WLVG radio station; of a record by Amy Grant spinning on a turntable inside of the studio. Music plays on the soundtrack. David Boeri reports that E.W. Jackson is the manager of WLVG, a gospel radio station in Cambridge. V: Shots of Jackson in the offices of WLVG. Shots of a record spinning on a turntable; of the WLVG logo on a piece of paper. Audio of Jackson talking to a disc jockey about the playlist. Shot of Jackson in the studio. Boeri reports that Jackson is also the pastor of the New Corner Baptist Church in Roxbury; that Jackson visited a community meeting in South Boston last night; that 350 white residents attended the meeting. V: Shot of Jackson addressing a community meeting in South Boston on July 12, 1988. Members of the audience stand to applaud for him. Footage of Jackson ad dressing the meeting. Jackson says that South Boston residents have been "dumped on" by city leaders. Footage of Jackson sitting behind a desk, being interviewed by Boeri. Jackson chuckles when Boeri asks him if he had ever imagined bringing an audience of South Boston residents to their feet. Shots of Jackson addressing the community meeting. Boeri reports that Jackson attacked atheism, school busing, and seat belt laws in his speech at the meeting in South Boston. Boeri says that Jackson called the city's plan to desegregate public housing is an example of "social engineering." V: Shots of audience members at the community meeting. Footage of Jackson addressing the meeting. Jackson says that he can understand why the people of South Boston do not want bureaucrats telling them how to live their lives. The audience applauds. Boeri reports that James Kelly (Boston City Council) and Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council) are leading the fight against the city's desegregation plan for public housing; that interest in the struggle may be waning among South Boston residents. V: Shot of Jackson addressing the meeting. O'Neil sits beside the podium. Kelly is visible behind Jackson. Shot of empty seats at the back of the room. Footage of Boeri asking Jackson if he thinks he might have been "used" by Kelly and O'Neil. Jackson quotes the Bible as saying that it is good to be used for a good cause. Footage of Neil Sullivan (Policy Advisor to Mayor Ray Flynn) being interviewed by Boeri. Sullivan says that the attending the community meeting is a good way to get on television. Boeri reports that Sullivan says that Jackson has confused the issues. V: Footage of Jackson saying that tenants must be able to choose where they want to live; that freedom of choice is more important than integrated developments. Footage of Sullivan saying that the city's plan tries to preserve elements of choice in the new housing plan. Footage of Jackson saying that affordable and adequate housing is needed in every neighborhood. Footage of Sullivan saying that the city of Boston is working harder than any other major city on the issue of affordable housing. Footage of Jackson leaving the stage at the community meeting. Jackson shakes hands with several attendees of the meeting. Boeri reports that Jackson may have forged a new alliance with South Boston residents.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/13/1988
Description: Christy George reports from Atlanta on African American residents' views of the Democratic presidential ticket and the Democratic National Convention. George notes that Michael Dukakis needs to show African American voters that he wants their support. Interviews with employees and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack. The interviewees support Jesse Jackson and hope that Jackson will be named as Dukakis's running mate. George notes that both Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen have good records on civil rights and that Jackson's supporters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. Interviews with African Americans in Atlanta about Jackson and Dukakis. Many interviewees are skeptical about Dukakis. George's report also features footage of Jackson speaking to an audience and footage of Dukakis addressing the Democratic National Convention.
1:00:21: Visual: Footage of James Wyatt (Atlanta resident) driving his cab in Atlanta. Wyatt talks about how life has changed in Atlanta since the civil rights movement. Christy George reports that Wyatt is 84 years old; that he has been driving a cab for 52 years. V: Footage of Wyatt talking about how is mother used to work in the cafeteria of a white school. Wyatt says that she would bring the leftovers home to him. Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American leader) addressing an audience. Jackson talks about how his mother could not prepare a Thanksgiving meal for his family. Jackson say that his mother was busy serving another family's meal. Footage of Wyatt saying that he would have liked to have seen Jackson as the Democratic nominee or as the running mate of Michael Dukakis (Democratic nominee for US President). Christy George stands in front of the Auburn Rib Shack in Atlanta. George reports that Dukakis needs to ask African American voters what they want. V: Footage of an African American female working behind a counter in a restaurant. The woman says that some voters may vote for the Republican ticket if they are disappointed in the Democratic ticket. Footage of an African American male saying that many voters will be upset if Jackson is left off of the Democratic ticket. Shot of an African American man working in the kitchen of the Auburn Rib Shack. George reports that workers and customers at the Auburn Rib Shack are hoping that Jackson will named to the Democratic ticket. V: Footage of an African American man saying that many African Americans registered to vote in order to vote for Jackson. Footage of Dukakis speaking from a podium at the Democratic National Convention. Jackson and Lloyd Bentsen (US Senator) stand on each side of Dukakis. Dukakis says that he wants Jackson and his supporters to play a major role in the presidential campaign. George reports that Dukakis and Bentsen both have good civil rights records. George notes that African American voters may be waiting for Jackson to throw his support behind Dukakis. V: Footage of an African American woman in the driver's seat of a car. The woman says that Jackson deserves a chance. Footage of an African American woman saying that it is time for a change; that the US is ready for an African American candidate. Footage of two women wearing T-shirts which read, "Jesse Walk Out." The women say that Dukakis should go back to Massachusetts. Footage of Wyatt talking about Dukakis. Wyatt says that he has not heard much about Dukakis; that the Democratic Party needs a good leader. Shot of Wyatt's cab turning a corner.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/18/1988
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jesse Jackson gave a speech at Sanders Theatre at Harvard University as part of his effort to support the presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis. Jackson attacked George Bush and the Republican Party on issues of race, and defended the term "liberal" from Republican attacks. Additional footage of Jackson and Dukakis at the 1988 Democratic Convention. Independent presidential candidate Lenora Fulani also visited Boston today. Fulani is the African American progressive candidate of the New Alliance Party. Interview with Fulani, who says that progressive voters need to vote against Dukakis. She adds that the Democratic Party needs to differentiate itself from the Republican Party in order to win the votes of progressives. Vaillancourt notes that Fulani is a Jackson supporter. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani will probably not be a threat to Dukakis in the 1988 election. She adds that a future Jackson candidacy could threaten the Democratic Party by attracting disenchanted progressive voters from the Democratic Party.
1:00:14: Visual: Footage of Jesse Jackson (African American political leader) addressing an audience at Sanders Theatre at Harvard University. Jackson talks about the civil rights movement. Shots of the audience. Meg Vaillancourt reports that Jackson attacked the Republican Party in his speech at Saunder Theatre today; that Jackson accused the Republicans of misusing the term "liberal" in the presidential campaign. V: Footage of Jackson at Sanders Theatre. Jackson accuses George Bush (Republican US presidential nominee) of attacking civil liberties as "subversive." Jackson riffs on the term "liberal." Shots of the audience applauding for Jackson. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson was campaigning for Michael Dukakis (Democratic US presidential nominee); that Jackson attacked Bush on issues of race. V: Footage of Jackson accusing Bush of buying a property labeled "caucasians only" in Houston. Footage from CNN of Dukakis, Kitty Dukakis (wife of Dukakis), Jackson, Jaqueline Jackson (wife of Jackson), and other Democratic Party leaders on stage at the 1988 Democratic Convention. Vaillancourt notes that Jackson appears frequently with Dukakis; that Jackson defended Dukakis's campaign style in his speech today. V: Footage of Jackson saying that "passion is a new extra-constitutional requirement" for the presidency. Vaillancourt stands outside of Memorial Hall at Harvard University. Vaillancourt reports that Lenora Fulani (Independent candidate for US President) was in Boston today; that Fulani is an African American progressive candidate for the presidency. V: Footage of Fulani being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Fulani says that voters should not vote for Dukakis; that the Democratic Party needs to learn not to take African American and white progressive voters for granted. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani is the candidate of the New Alliance Party. Vaillancourt adds that Fulani describes the New Alliance Party as a progressive party which is mindful of gay and minority voters. V: Footage of Jackson shaking hands with supporters after his speech. Jackson holds up a young white girl. He gives the thumbs-up sign to the crowd. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani is a Jackson supporter; that Fulani is running against Dukakis. V: Footage of Fulani being interviewed by Vaillancourt. Fulani says that progressive voters need to vote according to their own self-interests; she urges progressive voters to vote against Dukakis. Vaillancourt asks if progressive voters should vote for Fulani and risk having a Republican president. Fulani says that the Democratic Party is responsible for the Republican victories of Ronald Reagan (US President) and Richard Nixon (former US President). Fulani says that the Democratic Party needs to differentiate itself from the Republican Party. Fulani says that Dukakis is now paying attention to progressive voters because he is down in the polls. Vaillancourt reports that Fulani will probably not be a threat to Dukakis; that her criticism may signal a future problem for the party. V: Shot of Jackson on stage at the end of his speech. Vaillancourt reports that the Democratic Party would be threatened if a candidate like Jackson decided to run as an independent candidate; that his candidacy would attract disenchanted Democratic voters. Vaillancourt reports that Jackson is still campaigning strongly for Dukakis; that Jackson's campaign efforts make him a force within the Democratic Party.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 10/24/1988
Description: Deborah Wang reports that notes that Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) was the keynote speaker at a gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund gathered in Boston this evening. Wang notes that many members of the Legal Defense Fund are skeptical of President George Bush's commitment to civil rights; she adds that civil rights advocates are worried about Bush making conservative appointments to the judiciary. Wang interviews Young about Bush's presidency and his possible judicial appointments. Young says that Bush did not exhibit fairness and decency during the presidential campaign. Wang interviews Tom Franklin and Rona Kiley of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Franklin and Kiley say that Bush is beholden to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Wang reports that there will be several openings in lower courts and a possible opening on the Supreme Court during Bush's term in office. Wang's report is accompanied by footage of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund gathering, by footage of Bush giving a speech and by footage of Ronald Reagan standing by as a judge is sworn in.
1:00:09: Visual: Shots of a gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Attendees of the gathering are socializing in a large room. Footage of Tom Franklin (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) saying that his colleagues do not have a high regard for George Bush (US President-elect). Franklin says that he hopes that Bush will show more character and leadership than he has shown so far. Franklin says that he does not have high expectations for the Bush presidency. Footage of Bush addressing the Coalition of Black Republicans on August 11, 1988. Bush announces the formation of the Black Americans for Bush Committee. Wang reports that many members of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund are skeptical of Bush's commitment to civil rights. Wang notes that Andrew Young (Mayor of Atlanta) was the keynote speaker at tonight's gathering of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. V: Footage of Young being interviewed by Wang. Young says that he wants to believe that Bush is not as bad as his campaign was. Young says that Bush could be counted on for decency and fairness in the past; that Bush did not exhibit decency and fairness during the presidential campaign. Footage of Franklin saying that Bush is beholden to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Franklin says that Bush will talk about civil rights; that he will not take any action on civil rights issues. Wang reports that civil rights advocates are worried about Bush making conservative appointments to the judiciary. V: Shots of the exterior of the Supreme Court Building; of Reagan standing by as a federal judge is sworn in. Shot of Reagan standing behind an official at a press conference. Wang notes that there may be openings on the Supreme Court; that there will be numerous openings in lower courts. V: Footage of Young being interviewed by Wang. Young says that Bush needs to decide which wing of the Republican Party to represent. Young says that the "Eastern establishment" wing of the Republican Party has generally made wise judicial appointments. Footage of Rona Kiley (NAACP Legal Defense Fund) being interviewed by Wang. Kiley says that Bush has been playing to the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Kiley says that she hopes that Bush will not adopt Ronald Reagan's "litmus test" for making judicial appointments. Shots of the members of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund as they socialize.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 11/15/1988